2021-09-08 龟兔赛跑 38145

Vietnam's strange border with China


T dan
The feeling when standing at the border is indescribable. Vietnam and China are so close together, but why can't they treat each other as well as the US and Canada?


Yang Felix
We Chinese have no problem with Vietnam, I just cannot understand what are you talking about, it’s all because of the Covid, thus it’s just a temporary situation.


Sweet Dreamer33
"yea.. usa and canada.. what a joke"
Usa that imposed tarrifs on Canadian goods. And even with the new administration, the tarrifs still hasn't been lifted. My dear, no place is perfect ??

美国对加拿大商品征收关税。 即使有了总统换届,关税仍然没有取消。亲爱的,没有完美的地方。

zk X
LOL,Canada is America's pet dog

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Van Nguyen
I feel like I don't have to visit Vietnam anymore because of Chris's videos on tour of Northern Vietnam.
Naturally with my parents being from Haiphong, I'm a bit more curious about Northern Vietnam.
However, when I do go back for a visit I'm obviously going to try to a tour of all of Vietnam.
I have lots of friends and family down in the South too,
I'm just a bit more intrigued about the origins of the Northern regions, which was once upon a time all of Vietnam after the Vietnamese migrated down South departing what is now Gunangxi China.


camellia camellia
Nice experience, I’ve never been to Mong Cai though


Zip Zagger
I first set foot in China in 1975. I was in Nepal. We reached the Chinese border; it was across a small stream. I saw Chinese guards here and there along the opposite hill. It was during the time of the Mao inspired Cultural Revolution. It was a very dangerous time. I risked all and paddled across to say I'd stood in China. Crazy thing to do. A short time after I returned safely our tour guide appeared looking for us. His first words to me were 'I thought I'd find your dead body', ha ha. Hmm. My lucky day I guess.
About 15 years ago you could cross a bridge from Lao Cai in Vietnam and enter China for a stroll around the Chinese town on that side of the border. As a Westerner I found that Chinese border town to be a cold and unfriendly place. The Chinese looked down upon the Vietnamese.

大约 15 年前,你可以从越南的老街过一座桥,进入中国,在边境那一侧的中国小镇漫步。作为一个西方人,我发现那个中国边境小镇是一个冷漠和不友好的地方。中国人看不起越南人。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Anh Tran
Your northern accent is amazing bro


PTia PTia
VERY INTERESTING VIDEO. Thank You so much, guys, unbelievable you are right at China-Viet Nam's border. OH-MY-GOSH am just SO LOVE this video. Keep them coming please, thanks Max and Chris. Thank you so very MUCH!!!!!!


You say that the United States, Russia, Japan and Germany are strong. I admit that you can even say that India has great potential, but I think it's ridiculous for you to praise Vietnam.


I have been to Vietnam last year and I also know a few Vietnamese in China. They don’t plan to go back to Vietnam now and want their children to receive a better education. The hatred of the Chinese in Vietnam is still very serious and they regard the Chinese as enemies. It is written in history textbooks, and Vietnamese people admire European and American culture very much, and many people still feel that it would be great if Vietnam were still being colonized.


a man of gaming, memes and K-Pop culture
This is interesting actually. I usually wonder what does the border between Vietnam and China really look like. I never had a chance to go places like this since my income got screwed due to the pandemic. But shit, what do you know, YouTube recommended me this video and really put an end to my curiosity. Thank you for actually going there and record all these videos, seeing stuffs like this? It’s amazing, very surreal indeed. Seeing two different countries only separated by a river really makes me wanna know what’s on the other side though. While you’re reading this, i just silently push the subscribe button without you knowing it but hey, you deserve it mate. Cheers!

这个视频真的很有趣,我通常想知道越南和中国之间的边界究竟是什么样子。 我从来没有机会去这样的地方,因为我的收入因为新冠疫情而锐减。但是你知道吗,YouTube 向我推荐了这个视频,并真正满足了我的好奇心。谢谢你真的去那里录制所有这些视频,看到这样的东西?这真是太神奇了,确实非常超现实。 看到两个不同的国家只隔一条河真的让我想知道另一边是什么。你看到这段文字的时候,我只是在您不知情的情况下默默地按下订阅按钮,但是嘿,您值得拥有它。干杯!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Vietnam is visible to the naked eye. The basic path of development is agriculturalization, industrialization and informatization. It's not easy to have enough food anywhere, let alone spiritual life. Are you willing to live there for a long time, study, get married and have children? If you can't do it yourself, take it out as a point of view, it's really a double standard.


Chris Lewis
Glad you enjoyed the video and glad it helped your curiosity. After the pandemic when things calm down definitely go check it out yourself; it’s a surreal experience being there. China is a super interesting country too, worth a visit. Thanks for pushing the subscribe button, hope you won’t regret it!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

a man of gaming, memes and K-Pop culture
@Chris Lewis thank YOU for being able to reply and making video like this. Of course i will go there when i have the chance. Living a free life and be able to go anywhere it’s my dream man, a wild dream indeed. You only live once. I will visit China for once in my life, but only when the world forgets what happened recently though, because... well you know what i mean. I won’t regret pushing that subscribe button mate, cheers!


Hypothetically, if Chris swims cross the river to China and speaks vietnamese to the chinese border patrol, they would push him back to the river saying illegal immigrant from Vietnam. After crossing the river back to VN, he speaks chinese. Vietnamese custom patrol then pushs him back to the river saying he is an illegal Immigrant from China. Where would Chris be at this point?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The prerequisite for enjoying natural scenery is that you have a material foundation. Ancient Chinese natural scenery is also very beautiful, but I have never seen any ordinary people in the mood to appreciate it. Now we ordinary people can say which natural scenery is good. It's because I'm full. Only in the mood to appreciate.

欣赏自然风光的前提是你得有物质基础 中国古代自然风光也很美,但是也没见过哪个老百姓有心情去欣赏,现在咱们老百姓能说哪哪哪自然风光好。是因为吃饱了。才有心情去欣赏。

I also like small towns. The flowers and grasses, you can see the mountains at a glance. There are no motor vehicles on the road. You can go to the wild after riding a few streets. A straight road with wild grasses and flowers and small rivers that grow naturally on both sides, you can ride. Blowing natural wind with the battery car, it cannot be said that urbanization must be good.


U m
How did you get youtube in china, i thought the ccp block you, and will jail you for using vpn.

你是如何在中国看youtube 视频的,我以为中国会阻止你

gú ruru
@U m some vpn are approve by the chinese govs , you can use for working


Rural people envy the convenience and development in the city, and urban people envy the freshness and nature in the countryside. But if you really want urban people to live in the countryside, you probably have to think about coming back again. Not all towns and villages have such a complete infrastructure.


Yes, it’s okay to live in rural areas for a few days occasionally. After staying for a long time, I will miss the life in the city, such as convenient take-out, express delivery, extensive subway transportation, nearby business districts, medical care, and entertainment facilities. I can’t do without these.


Kim U.
I live in International Falls, Minnesota. Fort Frances, Canada is right across the river. I look out my break room window and there's the river and then there's Canada. COVID has shut the border down, which is so weird. We can't wait until the borders open back up because we miss our friends!!!

我住在明尼苏达州的国际瀑布城。 加拿大的弗朗西斯堡 (Fort Frances) 就在河对面。 我从休息室的窗户向外看,那里是河流,对面就是加拿大,因为疫情关闭了边境,这太奇怪了。 我们已经等不及到边界重新开放,因为我们想念我们的朋友!

There is nothing comparable. The Chinese border is so long, the Xinjiang orTibet border is basically in the mountains, and the climate is harsh. When you stand on the border between Tibet and Xinjiang and other countries, you have only one feeling, that is, desolation. Only the lonely guard stood by his duty. Special cases cannot be used as a representative to compare the development of the country. It’s good for everyone to think rationally.


When I worked in Hekou a few years ago, I was going to Vietnam to play, but I was busy and didn't stay in Hekou for a long time, so I didn't go. Now I think I still have a little regret. These people come to do hawker business. They speak Chinese very well and can't tell. It's busy at night. I don't remember the specific street. It's the street on the right at the beginning of your video. If you're not old, don't go there at night. Many people will enthusiastically pull you to sell Vietnamese girls. Don't ask me why I know. If my uncle hadn't yelled for me, I would be embarrassed to death. But it's been a few years. I don't know whether it has been rectified now.


can you try to order a delivery from some restaurant on the other side of the river?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Chris Lewis
I actually thought about it ??????


Ji Ju
Chào m?ng Chris t?i Móng Cái .

欢迎 Chris 来 芒街。

Have you seen the video of Vietnamese people coming to China rushing to work? it's so funny.


Antuan Le
Hardworking people should not be laughed at. Although our nationalities are different, don't we Chinese people do it down-to-earth with our hard-working hands? Our lives are hard to come by. We can have today's status as a major country and a prosperous and stable life. It is not that the first generation of Chinese Communists led our ancestors, who had suffered from the sufferings of several generations with one generation, and the blue ray of the road was the only way to achieve what we are today. Life? Industrious people should not be ridiculed, they should not steal or rob, they should be respected.


Hieu Nguyen
Chris, I live in Mong Cai, if you need any help, you can contact me, I know some good places to eat


World of Currency
The Chinese hate the Vietnamese


The city of the sky. 3
You are wrong. The Chinese never hate the Vietnamese. For thousands of years, Vietnam has been a vassal state of China. The Chinese do not and do not think that the Vietnamese have anything worthy of our hatred.

你错了。中国人从不讨厌越南人。几千年来,越南一直是中国的附庸国。 中国人没有也不认为越南人有任何值得我们憎恨的地方。

Chris there are many borders cities in North America that you look across and you see Canada or the U.S ,they are so beautiful as well.
I just loved your videos , this one was excellent.
The kids were so cute!
Do you ever do a live chat?
I would love to learn more about you, your just so interesting
Keep up the great work, I really appreciate and enjoy it!


Hang Nguyen
The life of the peoples in North Vietnam seem got more quiet than South Viet Nam


simone yahoo
Vietnam and China war several times in their long history and even recent. Nobody crossing there or cross over, unlike the US Mexico border. As long the economy ongoing, nobody wants to war.


Tegoz Vakes
not true, Vietnam and China can freely cross the border, unlike Mexico, because it is difficult for them to go to the US


In many areas, Vietnamese traders are allowed to cross into China daily and sell 8000 RMB of goods tax free. Workers can also cross to work daily.


Yang Felix
It’s just because of the Covid, temporary situation, the connection between China and Vietnam is definitely more tight than it between US and Mexico.


In comparison, there is definitely a lot more trade and cultural exchanges between Vietnam and China.


Thompson Nguyen
There is a pro and con of living in any country. Vietnam still need to improve a lot. We are still having many poor people and a lot of down side.

在任何国家生活都有利有弊。越南仍然需要改进很多。 我们仍然有很多穷人和很多不足。

In the past, this was an area with a high incidence of smuggling and smuggling. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, border controls are of course stricter than before. Many high walls have been built on the Chinese border to prevent smuggling. I don't know what you are strange for all day long.


AvuKy Ltd.
Where is this place? I wanna live there. Just get a VISA for China, then cross the border for Xiao Long Bao for lunch then come back to Vietnam for Pho.

这个地方在哪里? 我想住在那里。 只需获得中国的签证,然后过境吃小笼包吃午饭,然后回到越南吃河粉。

Mel eee
I have not received any hostility in Vietnam. Restaurants in some tourist areas have Chinese menus, and the service is not hot or cold. It is normal that it is expensive because of the Chinese. What feels bad is that the restaurants and tourist shops opened by the Chinese people are basically slaughtered, so don’t buy latex mattresses and agarwood cigarettes. The real specialty of Vietnam is rice, other jade, etc. Silk is not as good as domestic. I feel that the ordinary people in Vietnam are still very good. The waiters at the roadside stalls selling coconuts and small shops are very good. They are willing to talk a few words in Chinese and have been given gadgets. In particular, I have gone deep into the local community, and I can buy very cheap coffee in a small supermarket. In short, I have never met a cold eye once, and I have basically curious eyes.


China and Vietnam are not friendly at all. Everyone knows that among Southeast Asian countries, Vietnam and Indonesia are the least friendly to China.


AvuKy Ltd.
Curious what the borders like near Laos, and Cambodia.


Fancy Andrea
A foreigner speaks Chinese at the Chinese border? It's okay for Vietnamese children to live! The bicycle looks good.


Conan Grestarnu
I'm a proud Vietnamese citizen,my love for this country is no doubt 100%. I love everything about my country except for one thing is that we share a border with China. China was never/is not and never will be our neighbour. Sharing borderline with them is literally the worst I can imagine.

我是一名自豪的越南公民,我对这个国家的热爱毫无疑问是 100%。 我热爱我国家的一切,除了一件事是我们与中国接壤。中国从来没有,现在不是,也永远不会是我们的邻居。与他们分享边界实际上是我能想象的最糟糕的情况。

b Low
But China save Vietnam from becoming a colony??.


Conan Grestarnu
@b Low china did not saved us? They wanted to take over us and still attemp doing so.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@b Low The Chinese did it for their own interests just like Americans. Everyone wanted a piece of the pie so Vietnamese need to watch out for themselves.


很赞 3