I think for the northern and western European provinces (Hispania, Gaul, parts of Germania) they probably did, because they had less of a centralized cultural identity to begin with.
I think for the northern and western European provinces (Hispania, Gaul, parts of Germania) they probably did, because they had less of a centralized cultural identity to begin with.
I have a hard time believing though that Greeks, with all their history and culture would have ever identified as Roman over Greek. The same can be said for Egypt. I feel like they must have recognized that they were legally part of the Roman Empire, but only to the degree that for example Australia identifies as part of the British empire. Their identity would still rest entirely with their own country.
Any thoughts?
To this day the Greek word for Greeks living abroad is Romioi, Romans
To this day the Greek word for Greeks living abroad is Romioi, Romans
Not just them.
Merely two days ago, the globally famous Greek leftish composer and lyricist, Mikis Theodorakis passed away, a very prominent and beloved figure in Greece, passed away. To honour him, the Greek Prime Minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis made the following statement:
«μας αφήνει παρακαταθήκη τα τραγούδια του, την πολιτική του δράση, αλλά και την εθνική του προσφορά σε κρίσιμες στιγμές. Η Ρωμιοσύνη σήμερα κλαίει».
"he is leaving us as a legacy his songs, his political activities and his national contribution in crucial moments. Rhomiosene laments today"
"he is leaving us as a legacy his songs, his political activities and his national contribution in crucial moments. Rhomiosene laments today"
This Rhomiosene is nothing other than the Modern Romanitas, the political, cultural and even national collection of elements that compose the identity of the Romans. This comes from a direct and uniterrupted continuation from the Medi Period, the Rhomaikotita of the Medi Roman Greeks. For the Modern Greeks, Hellenesmos (the totality of Hellenic Culture, in other words Greekness) is a synonym and tautology of Rhomiosene, and they cannot be seen as separate concepts in any way possible.
Long before the collapse of the Second Triumvirate and the final conquest of Egypt, Egypt had already been colonized by the Greeks. Egyptian culture was in a terminal decline, probably long before Alexander the Great showed up, but basically, the Ptolemies were Greeks who played dress up as Pharaohs, even though their political base were the huge numbers of Greeks living in cities like Alexandria. When Octavian wiped out the forces of Antony and Cleopatra, he wasn't defeating Egyptians, he was beating an Eastern Mediterranean Greco-Roman alliance.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Long before the collapse of the Second Triumvirate and the final conquest of Egypt, Egypt had already been colonized by the Greeks. Egyptian culture was in a terminal decline, probably long before Alexander the Great showed up, but basically, the Ptolemies were Greeks who played dress up as Pharaohs, even though their political base were the huge numbers of Greeks living in cities like Alexandria. When Octavian wiped out the forces of Antony and Cleopatra, he wasn't defeating Egyptians, he was beating an Eastern Mediterranean Greco-Roman alliance.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
But the Egyptian people themselves did retain a separate identity, all through the Roman and Byzantine periods, and one that even during the Byzantine era lead to considerable strife between Constantinople and Alexandria, and probably was largely responsible for the Islamic conquest of Egypt; due to the liturgical and Christological differences between Coptic and Greek Orthodox Christianity. Coptic certainly remained the largest spoken language in Egypt well into the Middle Ages, so obviously there was a very strong Egyptian identity; surviving Greek, Roman and Islamic conquests, though now, the Copts are small minority in Egypt.
That doesn't really answer the question. People from from Puerto Rico are officially American citizens, but I'll bet most of them feel more like Puerto Ricanos then they do Americans.
I think that's what the person is asking. Did they consider themselves and behave like Romans or did they consider themselves and act like Greeks, who just happened to be "ruled" by Rome.
That doesn't really answer the question. People from from Puerto Rico are officially American citizens, but I'll bet most of them feel more like Puerto Ricanos then they do Americans.
I think that's what the person is asking. Did they consider themselves and behave like Romans or did they consider themselves and act like Greeks, who just happened to be "ruled" by Rome.
There were people in the Aegean islands who called themselves Romans until the 1900s the last holdouts of Roman Power.
There were people in the Aegean islands who called themselves Romans until the 1900s the last holdouts of Roman Power.
The word Ρωμιός (Roman) as a way to identify a Greek speaking person from Greece and Asia Minor is still used until today. It was very popular antil the 70’s, now it has faded in favor of the ethnonym Έλληνας (Hellene).
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
While Greek language ultimately retracted back into Greece itself, if you view Eastern Orthodoxy as an expression of Hellenic culture (Eastern Orthodox traditions and theology certainly are), I'd argue that the conversion of the Slavs and the view of the Slavic, and in particular the Russian church as the successor to Byzantium as a means by which aspects of Byzantine culture propagated eastward. And I agree that Latin culture in its way did persist, it also fragmented, and in the Germanic world (including England) was heavily intermixed with German culture in a similar way to the intermixing with Late Hellenic culture with Slavic culture. And for a good deal of time in eastern Europe they were in competition, as both Catholic and Orthodox missions raced to convert the Slavs, to the point that Eastern Orthodox bishops viewed Catholic incursions among people like the Poles as a kind of warfare, laying the groundwork for the east-west clashes we see over a thousand years later.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
While Greek language ultimately retracted back into Greece itself, if you view Eastern Orthodoxy as an expression of Hellenic culture (Eastern Orthodox traditions and theology certainly are), I'd argue that the conversion of the Slavs and the view of the Slavic, and in particular the Russian church as the successor to Byzantium as a means by which aspects of Byzantine culture propagated eastward. And I agree that Latin culture in its way did persist, it also fragmented, and in the Germanic world (including England) was heavily intermixed with German culture in a similar way to the intermixing with Late Hellenic culture with Slavic culture. And for a good deal of time in eastern Europe they were in competition, as both Catholic and Orthodox missions raced to convert the Slavs, to the point that Eastern Orthodox bishops viewed Catholic incursions among people like the Poles as a kind of warfare, laying the groundwork for the east-west clashes we see over a thousand years later.
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Do Texans think of themselves as US citizens?
Not a perfect example of course - but I think there are some obvious parallels.
Do Texans think of themselves as US citizens?
Not a perfect example of course - but I think there are some obvious parallels.
Northern Europe definitely did not “feel like romans”.
Northern Europe definitely did not “feel like romans”.
Well the Greeks called themselves "Romanioi" or "Romans" until the 1800s while being ruled by the Ottoman Empire, so if they didn't at first they readily accepted Romanisation and Roman identity.
Can't speak for Egypt though
希腊人虽然被奥斯曼帝国统治,但一直到十九世纪都称自己为“Romanioi”或 “罗马人”,所以就算他们一开始没有,但终究还是很乐意接受罗马化和罗马人的身份的。
Well the Greeks called themselves "Romanioi" or "Romans" until the 1800s while being ruled by the Ottoman Empire, so if they didn't at first they readily accepted Romanisation and Roman identity.
Can't speak for Egypt though
希腊人虽然被奥斯曼帝国统治,但一直到十九世纪都称自己为“Romanioi”或 “罗马人”,所以就算他们一开始没有,但终究还是很乐意接受罗马化和罗马人的身份的。
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