2021-09-10 程奇奇 34246


Joydip Choudhury
Originally Answered: Why is "made in China" still dominating the whole world? Why can't stuff be made in other countries?
Thanks for the A2A
There's got to be many factors, like political stability, cheap labor, economic reforms in the direction of making the regulatory environment less burdensome, identifying productive sectors and boosting manufacturing, crackdown on corruption (the type that stifles productivity), good transportation facilities, huge investment in research and development and reverse engineering the technology of other countries, less taxes and duties, an obedient work culture that is accustomed to collectively working hard and performing massive tasks in a short period of time (Mao Zedongs people's commune) and a political system that can facilitate some long term planning.
But pretty sure that a combination of many of the above things (or even better stuff) can be found in lots of other countries (for instance cheap labor can also be found in Mexico, Brazil, India etc). So it's a big conundrum as to why ONLY China is dominating, while others can't. One plausible reason could be geopolitical, see this
This is US banker David Rockefeller meeting with then Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai.
In order to contain US Cold War adversary Soviet unx, the US took advantage of the Sino Soviet split and performed an act of “kiss and make up” with the CCP in 1972. This was followed by the visit of US corporate interests in 1973 (as seen in the pic), folks who saw an opportunity for squeezing unlimited profits in the monopolistic, one party system (via reduced labor costs and other things mentioned above) and also a huge market for their finished products, offshoring their manufacturing infrastructure in China. Also, after establishment of formal diplomatic relations in 1979 and a brief period of lull, a massive splurge of US investments into China followed, stuff that alongside exports, had a huge contribution to the miraculous Chinese growth story. Here's the chart,
And a related graph
Also, US investment into China formed a huge chunk of the total investments into China (almost 85 pct in 2019).
So apart from some good Chinese internal policies and programmes, it's the US geopolitical/corporate interests that has and continues to fuel Chinese economic growth (while also getting insanely rich themselves). Also, one cannot ignore the leverage that China, being the competing global hegemon, can NOW have in various related negotiations and trade deals, stuff that other countries can't.
U.S. direct investments in China 2000-2019 | Statista
Through the decades: The Rockefeller family and China


为了遏制美国在冷战中的对手苏联,美国利用中苏分裂的机会,在1972年与中供进行了一次“言归于好(kiss and make up)”的行动,紧接着是1973年美国企业集团的来访(如图所示)。在垄断/一党制(可以降低劳动力以及许多其他成本)/巨大的制成品市场上,人们看到了将他们的制造业基础设施转移到中国并榨取无限利润的机会。此外,在1979年中美建立正式外交关系及短暂的停顿期之后,美国对中国的大规模投资随之而来,这些投资与出口一起,为中国奇迹般的经济增长故事做出了巨大贡献。这是图表,



Adrian Lee Magill, Video Company President/Artist BA SFU, VFS (diploma), Author,Lives in Amagasaki, Japan
Originally Answered: Why is "made in China" still dominating the whole world? Why can't stuff be made in other countries?
Original question: Why is "made in China" still dominating the whole world? Why can't stuff be made in other countries?
Thanks for the A2A.
Is it? I don't think so.
I go into the supermarket. I see stickers from. Australia, the Phillipines, Canada and New Zealand. Not much is made in China.
The hardware store has plenty of “made in Japan”. and “made in USA" stickers. Not many “made in China” if at all.
Raw materials? Nope. Back to Australia and Canada.
In fact, the only place “made in China” dominates is in the bargain stores where the cheapest stuff is.
The answer to your next question is yes. Countries can manufacture their own products and many do. Buy local where possible, and you'll see what I mean. Sometimes it just takes a little research.
I hope this helps. Stay safe.


Corey Tournet, Have lived and done business in China for 10+ years,Lives in Austin, TX
That’s a fairly blanket statement, reality is more complex. “Compete” is also not a simple issue. In some markets “compete” means to create the best product with little regard to cost. Like high fashion or life saving medical devices or services. In other markets “compete” is just about whoever has the lowest price. “Compete” in some cases has nothing to do with talent but rather whoever has lower labor costs. I have some friends in China that used to sell a lot of motorcycles around the world but then lost the business to competitors in India who had 1/4 the labor costs. They were telling me the quality in India was really bad before but once it became similar it was game over.
There are even factors such as government regulations that effectively prohibit many countries from competing. For example only China makes mini full automatic washing machines, because in other countries, they have regulations that force manufacturers to make larger units due to energy and water use requirements. If you want to know the situation it’s best to look at an individual class of product.


We’re beating a dead horse with this “why make stuff in China and not other places “ questions … my goodness it’s been asked and answered quite feverishly for decades now.
First is to understand how manufacturing works, and to a greater extent, how different economies work.
Then, Look at the strengths and weaknesses of China’s manufacturing shill and then look at the strengths and weaknesses of the other countries manufacturing game.
It is a lot more than cheap costs.
If you still don’t get it, then there’s no hope for you.


Shing Chan, BSc Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (1988),Lives in The United Kingdom1974–present
Originally Answered: Why is "made in China" still dominating the whole world? Why can't stuff be made in other countries?
The made in China label is actually a misnomer.
An Iphone has components and software made all over the world. Some components come from China but they also come from Korea, the USA, Japan, Germany and other countries.
Its final assembly is in China and it gets the made in China label. Similarly, if something has the made in USA label, such as a pair of jeans, there is a good chance the denim comes from India or Pakistan, the zip from China, the thread from the USA and the final assembly in the USA.


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Beng Lee, former Retired specialist
Originally Answered: Why is "made in China" still dominating the whole world? Why can't stuff be made in other countries?
China has the following:
1 A large hardworking and intelligent work force.
2. A large pool of STEM graduates
3 A stable political system.
4 A smart leadership that think ahead about planning for the longer term.
5. Great infrastructures.
Any country that has the above can equally excell.


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