2021-09-13 程奇奇 37833


Paul Denlinger
, Have lived in China, Taiwan and Hong Kong; fluent in Mandarin (written, spoken),Lives in Huntington Beach, CA
China’s biggest single asset is the 1.4B population of Chinese. Given the right tools and environment, they are smart and hard-working. Average IQ for China is 105, while for the US it is 97.
On its own, this is not significant, but there are 1.4B Chinese and 320M Americans. This is a big advantage in the aggregate, and explains why in any competition between the US and China, there is NO WAY that the US can win in the end.
This is not to say that Africans are not smart and not hard-working; they are smart and hard-working given the right conditions. However they underwent several centuries of brutal treatment and exploitation by the colonial powers, and when they became independent, they had difficult times under independence.
Now they are getting their act together. Rwanda is one example of a country which underwent a horrible incident less than 30 years ago, but is now making a great recovery.
The other issue is that for most African countries, they made their money on natural resource exports instead of educating their own people, which is VERY unlike China.
This means that if African countries are going to compete with China, they have to TAKE EDUCATION AS SERIOUSLY AS THE CHINESE DO. This requires not just a government shift, but a cultural shift.
Because no African nation has China’s population numbers, and the society does not have the cultural values, in particular the high value placed on education, learning and very INTENSE COMPETITION AMONG CHINESE WITH EACH OTHER (almost no non-Chinese know about this, but it is VERY REAL), no African country can surpass China.
So the right question to ask then is “How can we compete with China, but on a scale which is appropriate to our own smaller size and population?”
Another smart question is to ask: “What has the government of Rwanda been able to do, and how can we apply that to our own society to become more prosperous and grow?” Rwanda is an African country, so it is not as much of a stretch compared to China, which only has conditions China can meet, and not any single African country.
That is a MUCH smarter and more attainable target.


Khengchat Ng
The Chinese take education very seriously but unfortunately, it is almost always the exam-oriented one. Creativity is juiced out of students to get them to conform to the style that will help them to pass exams. China recently has enacted laws to minimize/outlaw private tuition on pupils’ free times. Parents pay to get exam results, and tuition centres will comply with the ‘right’ teaching methods. Hopefully this is the first step towards creative graduates. The world needs China to produce cutting edge innovative minds if they replace US as the number one economy. STEM technocrats just won’t do.


Just Brian
easy to blame Europeans for dividing the place up without regard to tribes, leading to a good deal of post colonial civil war, but even in those places where this was not done, Ethiopia, for example, the place is still underdeveloped.


Claudio Oliveira
Very good answer I think culture is also a barrier for African countries because of tribalism…


Paul Denlinger
Rwanda has been able to overcome tribalism after one very bloody genocide.
It would be good if other African nations can also overcome tribalism without having to go through a genocide.


Michael Ciao
, Business Owner Investor (1977-present),Lives in San Francisco Bay Area
No, but that is the wrong mental approach, each African country should build its own economy for better life for all its people, instead of a competition.
If all countries are prosperous and peaceful, what a wonderful world it will be for all mankind.


Tywin Rokana
, Sneaker Designer
Why matching a toddler with a giant that competes with the USA? South Africa has the potential to be a global powerhouse with its capitalist free enterprise system, large diverse economy and 55 million strong population. The problem is South Africans were deprived of high quality education and disciplinary leadership that moulds a hardworking culture.
Rwanda is too small, only 5 million people and the culture of education hasn't started taking shape yet. However, Paul Kagame is doing a good job of instilling values, building a culture of hard work and principled leadership. The question is, what will happen when he leaves? African countries are known to regress when a good leader is gone.
But before you think about China, you have to aim to achieve the status of Thailand and Malaysia and then progress to Singapore, South Korea or Japan. All these countries are doing well, much better than Africa.

卢旺达太小了,它只有500万人口,它的纪律文化还没有形成。然而,保罗·卡加梅(Paul Kagame,卢旺达总统)在灌输价值观、建立努力工作和有纪律的领导文化方面做得很好。问题是,他离开后会发生什么?众所周知,当一位好的领导人离开时,非洲国家往往会倒退。

Kanhoji Angre
, former Author of Several Books
Per capita : Yes.
Total gdp : No.
Any African nation can prosper at rapid pace if they dump their socialist economies and adopt a much free market capitalism. There is not reason why Madagascar or Botswana can not be new Singapore.
A few free trade treaties with rest of Africa, India, etc. can help them grow real fast.
In terms of total GDP however is impossible because China has world’s greatest resource “humans”.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Alvin Lee
, former Engineering Manager in EMS Industry (Retired).
Yes, and China is very much hoping that Africa had surpassed China economically today so that US can just spend time attacking Africa and leave China alone to quietly continuing with her own progress like the past 30 years.
Honestly, every country has the potential to surpass any other countries, given that the country leader is the right right and the team that helping the leader is a great team and for the people and all are having one heart towards the betterment of the country.
Never look down on any country and never called them shithole countries. They are as equal as we are !
But a word of advice to the questioner. African should concentrate on building it’s own economy for the sake of improving their own people’s living standards, not for the competition to surpass any countries.
China’s target is ~ every year surpass its previous year’s standards.


Johnathan Smith
, lives in The United States of America
For the most part definitely not. China’s 1.4B people is the main driving force of its economic growth, so it will be virtually impossible for any African nation to reach the total economic output and influence that China has. But this is not to say that they cannot be economically prosperous. Since African countries are smaller than China they do not need to match anywhere near the total output of China to do well. In some measures they can do better, like GDP per capita.


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