2021-09-15 骑着毛驴到处走 21113
I know that epigenetic changes are affected by environmental factors so to me it stands to reason that slight epigenetic variations during development from the fetal stage all the way through adolescence would play a part in determining how one’s mind works.


Yeah I'm wondering this too.
Study says adoptive parents have no impact on intelligence, but also find 58% impact comes from "other factors" which someone else said is environmental impact ie epigenetic expression.
So then, is it actually reasonable to say adoptive parents have "no" impact when they have a major effect on the environment (physical, social, emotional) in which the child is raised for a significant portion of its life?


I think it means the impact of the adoptive parents' IQ specifically, and not the adoptive parents' care, attention, income, assets, location, choice of school, etc.


Which is interesting because one would imagine/assume that (and we certainly have some data to back up that they’re much more likely to) two genius level IQ adoptive parents are taking their kids to museums, investing in their education, reading tons, hiring tutors, giving their babies long chain fatty acids.
Does it matter? Meh. If I adopted a kid I would care so much more that they felt loved and supported, and would still give them every opportunity to succeed.


If you read about “feral children,” or children who were severely isolated during critical years of development due to neglect/abuse, you’ll see that environment and nurture is incredibly important to human development. In fact, it seems that children who miss out on proper interaction and engagement during this period (seems to be infancy - 5, sometimes earlier/later) suffer from emotional issues.


I feel like it have more to do with personality of the parents. I know very smart people who are aloof and less hands on with parenting. Being a genius does not necessarily make a person a good parent.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Here are some details from Wikipedia summarizing how the science is well established that there is a high heritability of IQ, even when removing all environmental impacts. This has been investigated for over a half a century and the results are quite robust.
IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults. The heritability of IQ increases with age and reaches an asymptote at 18–20 years of age and continues at that level well into adulthood.


Why is this controversial?


It means that we might not be as in control of our children's future, or anything. It also means that intelligence differences will arise between population groups, regardless of the culture and environment that surrounds them. That's the big one that people absolutely will not accept, despite how small and inconsequential the differences actually are.


Here is the problem with those studies that can overstate the role of genetics.
Essentially, kids with more genetic aptitude early on get positive reinforcement that encourages them to continue practicing and pursuing activities that further developing their IQ.
Basically, the analogy is that if you are tall or athletic, then you will excel at basketball as a young kid compared to the kid who isn’t naturally as gifted. You will probably get the better coaching and be more motivated to practice and continue playing, and in the long run this practice and training turns you into an elite basketball player, not the genetics. The initial genetic aptitude just gave you the push needed to pursue the training.
In academics, if you show more aptitude early on, then you are more likely to like reading or will get more positive reinforcement in school.
For example, Lionel Messi, he was extremely gifted as a kid, which gave him the opportunity to play for Barcelona’s youth program and get the best training in the world. If he never got that training and grew up in a remote village in Mozambique, then he would be a nobody.So, the genetic aptitude is highly correlated with environmental factors.


I disagree with your basketball analogy. It is nearly impossible to be an elite player without being tall. No amount of coaching can make you into a tall person. Look up the average height in the NBA, and then tell me how an average height person can compete in that league.


The point wasn’t that genetics don’t matter, but how genetics interact and cofound with nurture principles.
Obviously, height, strength, hand eye coordination, speed, etc are all critical to being a good basketball player, and the likelihood of becoming an NBA player at 6’9”is exponentially higher than becoming an NBA player at 5’9”.
However great of advantage being tall is, I guarantee you there are many 5’9” people who, through lots of practice, are much better players than many 6’9” people (who aren’t in the NBA) who don’t like basketball enough to play and practice regularly.
But, overall the average 6’9” person is better at basketball both because of a genetic advantage and because amongst the 6’9” population, a greater percentage than the 5’9” play basketball seriously.
The NBA analogy is a bit misleading, since the NBA is filled with the best of the best. To be amongst the best of the best in a field as competitive as pro sports you have to be both genetically on the tail end of the distribution and you must have put in a lot of training.
Likewise, kids that excel early in school because of genetic predisposition find intellectually challenging things more interesting, are pushed by teachers into more advanced material, and so on.


“other factors" which someone else said is environmental impact ie epigenetic expression.”
Environmental impact can include lots of their things. For example, your mother got sick at a key stage of pregnancy, and not enough of your neural progenitors migrated to the correct spot.
If you are like virtually anybody else, there is some asymmetry in your body — a higher left ear, a slightly longer left leg, etc. these represent defects in the development process due to luck. Humans are pretty robust, which is why virtually all of us have these defects and are fine.


As someone that does epigenetics research, my sense is that you might be right but we are nowhere close to having the evidence of it. Ascribing complex traits like intelligence to changes in gene regulation in a complex organism is really difficult. Even just making connections between intelligence and genetic makeup, which should be much easier, has been really hard for researchers.


When I was in HS and college in the 60s, DNA was considered inviolate.I swear, most of what I learned 50 years has been shown to not be true. What until you guys live another 50 or 60 years - I cannot even imagine what new things will be on the horizon for you!
Also, here is an interesting bit you might not know. I was common in my grandmother's time to believe that things that happened to the mother could affect the baby. So when my grandfather put my pregnant grandmother in the hospital by smashing an iron into her head, her primary concern was that my mother would be born with a bashed in head.


The genetic component of IQ starts small and grows larger as you reach adulthood.
At age 4, your IQ has more to do with your upbringing and environment.
At age 24, your IQ has more to do with whose DNA you inherited.


Yeah, I’ve been working in education for a decade. The variation in how well little kids can focus/learn/etc seems to be overwhelmingly due to their home lives. What’s messed up is people are always talking about kids being innately smart and teachers start to treat those kids as special, and give them more attention, and it becomes this snowball effect.
I live in an overwhelming white region in the US, but I did for a while tutor at Kumon, which has tons of East/South Asian kids. I will say they at least didn’t do this nearly as much. They treated learning as a matter of discipline rather than how “naturally gifted” you are.


Armchair psychologist but adoptive parent here.
I don't know if they took this into account, but adoptees tend to have had major stressors adversely affecting their development.
[addendum, 24 hours later:] This comment has gotten a ton of feedback, mostly positive and supportive, so thanks for that!
A few things I want to point out, though:
The study is paywalled. If you are able to see the whole thing, you probably have access through an institution with a subscxtion. For me, the lix in the original post only lets me see the Highlights & Abstract. So I have not seen the entire study. I reacted to just the parts I can see.
I don't doubt the study's specific observations and conclusions; they're surely valid for the sample, and like I said, I'm not a psychologist.
It's just the way it's being reported that's raising eyebrows. We're all mostly bristling at the headline's implication that adoption simply did not help the kids, in terms of IQ and schooling later in life. This seems to contradict the kind of information I got in foster/adoptive parent training, as well as my subjective experience as such a parent.


In the foster/adoptive parent training I got, they really hammered it home that all stages of development have been shown to be critical to outcomes later in life; their experiences with trauma do tend to adversely affect their development, e.g. creating long-lasting challenges with emotional regulation, which in turn affects other aspects of life
For example, my adopted child, diagnosed with CPTSD, is plagued by nightmares and (if the meds aren't working) waking hallucinations, so they sometimes are very much in a fight-or-flight, anxious state of mind. If you give a traumatized, sleep-deprived, terrified, heavily medicated kid an IQ test or compare their academic progress to that of a "normal" child, then you're going to see the adoptee doesn't fare so well. But assess them on one of their good days (which they have more & more of, thanks to being adopted), and they're sharp as a tack. Sharper and making more progress than a biological kid? No, at best, they're in the same league as their peers, just like the study apparently found. But sharper than they would be if they'd languished in the foster care or a severely abusive home? Almost certainly... and that's the basis of my critique.


Yep, cousin who is adopted from another country at 6 months has attachment issues which the psychiatrist specifically attributes to her not being touched or cared for correctly until 6 months of age. If you cry when you are truly in need and no one ever addresses your needs, it affects you fundamentally, even when you are only a few months old, your brain is working and absorbing your environment.
Edit: search adoptions attachment disorder - it is a well-known issue. My cousin is in her late teens and deals with very self-destructive behaviors


A high heritability also doesn’t mean the trait is mostly genetically determined. Imagine you have two groups of people, 1 group is generally suffering from extreme malnutrition and the other is thriving. Within each group height is measured to very heritable, but group 1 is obviously going to shorter than group 2 on average so even if heritability is extremely high for height within each group it would be foolish to assume that environment bears no impact on height.


IQ represents how easy for you is to learn and absorb knowledge (roughly) but how you choose to do so plays an important role...
You can think about IQ as having a better or worse tool for the job, the job gets done well if you do it well in the end, tool helps but doesn't do the whole job


Yeah but you’re not building rockets any time soon with a plastic wrench. Society needs better support for individuals born with lower levels of intelligence. They’re not going to catch up, no matter how many good wishes you send their way.


Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard


Theres lots of 130+ IQ folks working dead end jobs with lame pay. And lots of average IQ folks achieving pretty incredible stuff.


Being high IQ without passion or the money to make something out of a passion is a recipe for disaster, because grasping things quickly means you also get bored of a lot of things extremely fast.


because grasping things quickly means you also get bored of a lot of things extremely fast.
I would argue that it depends on your personality, there are plenty of people that lose interest when they don’t grasp things quickly.


Theres lots of 130+ IQ folks working dead end jobs with lame pay.
Isn't this pretty much the self proclaimed profile of most redditors? Super high IQ but stuck at the bottom of society?


You're conflating knowledge with intelligence. Someone with an IQ of 80 could e.g. be taught the basics of how evolution works and still grasp it. There are people with high IQs that don't have the faintest idea how it works. You can teach people with low IQ a great deal of things, but it generally will be much harder for them than teaching the same things to someone with 120 in IQ.


So 16% of the US population has an IQ below 85. That’s 54 million people.
Suddenly politics the last half a decade makes sense…


People also don't realise that there's a reason an IQ test can't reliably be taken online for exemple:
- Does the child/person looks stressed?
- Do they ask for clarifications when they look like they didn't understand the question?
- Do they ask the psychologist to repeat if they forgot something?
- How quickly do they give up?
- Do they try several things before finding/giving the correct answer, or do they always give the correct/wrong one right away?
Global IQ is less and less used, a bit like the average grade in school (I don't know if other countries also use it, but here in France it is a bit controversial). The goal of an IQ test is not to give a single score but to get an idea of what the profile of a person is, and to understand why they are encountering potential difficulties in their life. When you get an IQ test, the global IQ is just a number at the end of several pages of conclusions on how your brain tackles several types of problems and how well.
IQ tests can be a tool to detect dyslexia, dyscalculia and other learning disabilities, but also ADHD or autism. They can help to assess whether bad grades are due to low mental capacities, or personal issues.


I was a recruiter for the Navy. I would always ask people a couple questions before they took the test to gauge whether i thought they would pass, questions like “whats 1/2 plus 1/4?” If they could answer that without hesitation they normally would get a 50 or above. So many of them couldnt get a 15. I sucked in school, I barely passed high school, skipped classes etc and I made a 65 on the test and i wasn’t even prepared to take it. Im not smart by no means but damn some people are just dumb.

我是海军的招募人员。我总是在人们参加测试前问他们几个问题,看看他们是否能通过,比如“1/2 + 1/4是多少?”如果他们能毫不犹豫地回答这个问题,他们通常会得到50分或以上。很多人都拿不到15分。我在学校的成绩很差,因为逃课,高中勉强及格,考了65分。我当时甚至没有准备去参加考试。我一点也不聪明,但是有些人就是蠢。

What's up with all the comments trying to tie this to racial superiority?
An educated average person will out perform a genetically intelligent person who never received a day of education.


higher IQ result in a better life outcome?
Does it result in anything being better for the individual, or even for those around them?
There's more to life than IQ. Music, culture, empathy, honesty, integrity, hard work, theater, sports, how we treat our kids, our friends, our hospitality workers, how we derive our happiness, contentment.
Yeah, psychopaths are very intelligent.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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