金钱真的能买到幸福吗? 如果是,金钱是如何带来幸福的? 如果不是,那什么能带来幸福?
2021-09-18 tangerl 12795
Can money really buy happiness? If yes, then how and if not, then what can bring happiness?

金钱真的能买到幸福吗? 如果是,金钱是如何带来幸福的? 如果不是,那什么能带来幸福?

Aditya Meena
I was in a relationship with this girl for over two years now. She was everything to me. She was the only one who could make me smile when I had a bad day. I loved her a lot.
Things changed and we broke up. I was heartbroken. I just couldn't get over her.
Someone advised me to smoke weed(cannabis) to get over her. I thought that maybe weed can help me.
I asked a friend who smokes weed to take me to the nearest place where they sell weed. It was a slum.
As I was waiting outside for him to score some weed for me, I saw an ice-cream vendor passing through. Then my eyes stopped at the three kids pleading their mother to buy them ice-cream. She scolded them as maybe she didn't have the money to buy them what they demanded. A veil of sadness surrounded the little kids.
I took the kids to the vendor and bought them the ones they wanted. It cost me 25 Rupees(0.40 USD). The smile on their face, it was priceless.
I asked them if I could take their picture. They said yes without hesitating. I guess this was the first time someone clicked their picture.
This incident surely made my day.
I see this pic or help such kids whenever I feel depressed.
This is one thing that makes me happy now.
Yes, money can buy happiness.
P. S. : I didn't smoke weed that day!


P S : 那天我并没有抽大麻!

Vivek Sancheti
I will share a story I heard,
There was a guy who used to order 2 Pizza worth of Rs. 1000 every Sunday for his family.
After some days, festival of DIWALI was round the corner. This family had a maid working for them. The guy's wife asked him to give the maid Rs. 1000 as her yearly bonus. He said it's too much and they ended up giving the maid only Rs. 500.
The maid took 3 days off during Diwali and came back on the 4th day and was visibly happy. The guy asked her, 'How was your Diwali'? Her answer left the guy speechless,
She replied,
It was very good sir thanks to the money you gave me. I used Rs. 150 for traveling to and from my son's village. Used Rs. 100 to buy sweets for them all. I bought my grandson a shirt and a pant for Rs. 200. And donated Rs. 50 to the handicapped beggar near the temple.
Money can bring you happiness if you share it with people who know its value and are true need of it.


Pranay Roy
Yes, it can. I saw a young boy struggling to sell balloons at a traffic signal in Bangalore. I gave Rs 50 for a balloon worth Rs 25. He offered me some more for the extra money I gave. I told him to keep the balance. He smiled and thanked me. I gave the balloon to my housekeeper's son. He got excited seeing his favourite cartoon character(chota bheem) printed on the balloon and loved it. In different ways, Rs 50 bought happiness to all three of us.

在班加罗尔,我看到一个小男孩在红绿灯前卖气球,我在他手上花了50卢比买了一个价值25卢比的气球,我多给了钱,他又给了我一些,我告诉他不用,他微笑着向我道谢,我把气球给了我管家的儿子,看到气球上印着他最喜欢的卡通人物 (chota bheem) ,他很兴奋,也很喜欢,以不同的方式,50卢比给我们三个人带来了幸福。

Hamid Shah
I had quit my job to travel and the more I traveled, I realized chasing money or becoming rich shouldn't be my goal but this incident altered my view.
When I am closer to a beach during my travels, I don't mind getting up early to catch the first rays of the sun hitting the earth and removing the darkness surrounding it. I was walking on the beaches of Puri and was watching the busy morning life of the fishermen folk. Found a tea shop and ordered a tea and a biscuit. Was waiting for my tea, a woman carrying the morning fresh catch of fish on her head along with her young son crossed me. The son was asking her for a biscuit but she kept walking without minding it. But he tried to drag her back and then she smacked him on the back. The morning calmness was broken by the cry of the child and she dragged him along with her. I ran to the child and offered the biscuit packet I had to him. He saw his mother and then me and he took the biscuit from my hand with a huge smile. He freed himself from his mother's grip and was running amok with a joyful face.
I realized if I do right thing with the money, it can make me happy. So, the answer to the question is Yes, money can buy me happiness


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ritesh Kumar Mishra
It depends on people to people.
Let me share you a Zen story,
A Samurai who was known for his nobility and honesty, went to visit a Zen monk to ask advice. However, the moment he entered the temple where the master was praying, he felt inferior and concluded that, in spite of having fought for justice and peace all his life, he hadn't even come near the state of grace achieved by the man before him.
- Why do I feel so inferior? - he asked, as soon as the monk finished his prayers. - I have faced death many times, have defended those who are weak, I know I have nothing to be ashamed of. Nevertheless, upon seeing you meditating, I felt that my life had absolutely no importance whatsoever.
- Wait. Once I have attended to all those who come to see me today, I shall answer you.
The samurai spent the whole day sitting in the temple gardens, watching the people go in and out in search of advice. He saw how the monk received them all with the same patience and the same illuminated smile on his face. But his enthusiasm soon began to wane, since he had been born to act, and not to wait.

—— 等等,等我接待完所有今天来见我的人,我会回答你的问题。

At nightfall, when everyone had gone, he demanded:
- Now can you teach me?
The master invited him in and lead him to his room. The full moon shone in the sky, and the atmosphere was one of profound tranquility.
- Do you see the moon, how beautiful it is? It will cross the entire firmament, and tomorrow the sun will shine once again. But sunlight is much brighter, and can show the details of the landscape around us: trees, mountains, clouds. I have contemplated the two for years, and have never heard the moon say: why do I not shine like the sun? Is it because I am inferior?
- Of course not - answered the samurai. - The moon and the sun are different things, each has its own beauty. You cannot compare the two.
- So you know the answer. We are two different people, each fighting in his own way for that which he believes, and making it possible to make the world a better place; the rest are mere appearances.
Happiness is already given to you; it is your state of mind. You are standing between sorrows and happiness, just a push and you enter in the profound tranquility, and just a mere push by any thought, and you enter in deep sorrow.

—— 现在你能教了我吧?
—— 看到月亮了吗,美吗?它将穿越整个苍穹,然后缓缓落下,明天太阳将再次照耀,但阳光要明亮得多,可以让我们看到周围风景的细节:树木、山脉、云朵,对此我沉思多年,但从来没有听过月亮说:为什么我不像太阳一样闪耀?是不是因为我低人一等?
—— 当然不是
—— 月亮和太阳是不同的东西,各自有自己的美,你不能将两者进行比较。

Ross Simmonds
Yes, money can buy you happiness. The issue is that a lot of people don't understand what they should be buying to result in happiness. Most people are spending their money on things that aren't related to long term happiness. Thus, a lot of people aren't optimizing their investments and purchases for the goal of long term happiness.
I recently read the study, If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy Then You Probably Aren’t Spending It Right. The researchers behind this study uncover and identify a shocking disconnect and failure in society. People are making purchasing decisions that don't translate into happiness everyday in its pursuit. From this, I started thinking of the ongoing troubles found within our society where unconscious consumption runs rampant. The issues run deep and are not only related to over consumption but also to life dissatisfaction and overall unhappiness. For example, young professionals are feeling overwhelmed and many are struggling to cope with the expectations being placed on them by society and their parents. As a result, young people are committing suicide and young professionals are becoming depressed – It’s what I call, a Happiness Epidemic.


A few weeks ago, I stumbled across a Facebook upxe from a friend asking:
“Who wants to go to the Mall with me? I need some retail therapy! ASAP!”
What’s alarming about this post is that this person honestly believes that a brand new pair of shoes will actually impact their emotions and make them happy. What’s even more alarming is that this is the mindset of people all over the country and better yet, around the globe. People with this mind set are being celebrated through organizations, corporations and the media on a regular basis. Now, this is not an attack on corporations or businesses. As a marketer and entrepreneur, I recognize that businesses have a job to do and their job is is to make money. My issue isn’t with corporations trying to increase their bottom line. My issue in this world of over-consumption is the lack of knowledge we (consumers) have in regards to what will actually bring us happiness and what will not.
The study reiterates the notion that money can in fact buy happiness. You read that right. Money can buy happiness. The problem is related to the fact that most people aren’t spending their money on things that actually translate into happiness. People are making empty investments into products and services that have short-term impacts on their emotions rather than long-term impacts on their lives and happiness.

“谁想和我一起去购物中心? 我需要来一次购物疗法! 越快越好! ”
更令人担忧的是,这是全国乃至全球人民的心态,具有这种思维模式的人们通过组织、公司和媒体定期庆祝——当然我不是要攻击公司或企业,作为一个营销人和企业家,我承认企业有其职责,它们的职责就是赚钱,我们的问题不在于企业试图降低底线,在这个过度消费的世界里,我们的问题是我们 (消费者) 对于什么能真正给我们带来幸福和什么不能带来幸福缺乏了解。
这个问题与这样一个事实是相关的: 大多数人并没有把他们的钱花在能转化为快乐的事情上,人们正在对产品和服务进行空洞的投资,这些产品和服务对他们的情绪只有短期影响,而无法带来对他们的生活和幸福的长期影响。

Most people don’t know the basic scientific facts about happiness—about what brings it and what sustains it—and so they don’t know how to use their money to acquire it. It is not surprising when wealthy people who know nothing about wine end up with cellars that aren’t that much better stocked than their neighbors’, and it should not be surprising when wealthy people who know nothing about happiness end up with lives that aren’t that much happier than anyone else’s — If Money Doesn’t Make You Happy You Aren’t Spending It Right
In 2010, the New York Times published an article about consumption and how it relates to happiness.
In this article a professor discussed a study that identified the number one category to be positively related to happiness. Surprisingly the top category wasn’t cars, home improvements or even a shiny new piece necklace from Tiffany’s. The number one category was leisure activities: vacations, entertainment, sports and equipment used to enhance an experience such as golf clubs, yoga mats or a surf board. Thus, buying authentic memorable experiences should be our primary focus when looking to optimize our lives using a pay cheque.


Bill Cordingley
Such a great question!
I’m in my sixties. I’ve lived a good life, experienced having a lot of money and also struggling.
Can money buy happiness? Yes…for short bursts of time.
If you think about it, it’s really the spending of money that creates that momentary happiness. I found I had to keep buying things to feel good.
And that’s the thing: With money (even a lot) I only experienced bursts of happiness.
Then the excitement of the new thing would fade, or the experience I’d bought would end, and I’d be left facing my life and what I’d been avoiding by spending my money. Nothing had really changed.
I was the same person, with most of the same issues and challenges.
For me, buying one thing after another in order to feel better about life or about myself is no way to live! It feels very empty and pointless after a while.

金钱能买到幸福吗? 是的...... 在短暂的时间内。
有了钱 (甚至是很多钱) ,我只体验到了短暂的快乐。

So…what can bring happiness?
My answer may not be what you want to hear. If so, I’m sorry for that.
But here’s the good news…
We don’t have to achieve anything or attain anything—especially money—before we can feel genuine, deep happiness!
In truth, our happiness is always available to us, no matter what our circumstances. All we need to do is want to feel that way and then know how to access it.
We can let the happiness that is in us come out. Today. Even right now. We can get in touch with more of our naturally “happy state” by using a couple of tools (below) and also adding a couple of other things.
So, here are four suggestions. I’d put these things at the top of my list for anyone who wants to start feeling happier and be able to access their happiness anytime they want…


Being grateful for who you are and what you have now. We make ourselves unhappy by constantly comparing what we have with what we want. Or who we are with who we want to be. That comparison keeps us locked in our current situation and current state. We benefit by learning to be grateful for what is right now.
Spend some time breathing deeply and feeling grateful for all the wonderful experiences you’ve had. And the friends you’ve made. And the many small things about you that you like now. And what you possess that you’re grateful for.
Breathe and be grateful for being alive. For the sunset. For the air you breathe. For the food you have. Breathe and feel your appreciation for those things and anything else that comes to mind.
In each case, really feel your gratitude. Feel how grateful you are.

· 对你是谁以及你现在拥有的东西心存感激

Being more in the moment. Instead of focusing on the future (and worrying about it or yearning for it being better) we benefit from living in this moment more fully. Life happens in this moment. And now this moment. And now this moment. It doesn’t happen in the future or the past. Only this moment is real. And so happiness is much more easily felt when we settle in in this moment and just be with it.
Take a deep breath or two and let yourself relax every muscle. Repeat. Repeat again.
Now feel the difference. Your mind has probably calmed down a bit. You’re more centered. You’re more aware and alx. That is being more present.
(If that is not your experience as you do that, don’t give up. Practice it until you feel those things. Every moment of practice is truly worth it!)
When you’re very present life feels complete and good. You feel complete and good (happy). It’s almost magical how it can feel.

· 活在当下
与其关注未来 (担心未来或渴望未来变得更好) ,我们更充分地活在当下会受益匪浅。
( 如果你没有经历过,那也不要放弃,不断练习,直到你感受到这些东西,时刻的练习是值得的! )

Stop making yourself do things because you think you “should” and do more of what you love as often as you can.
Shoulds are traps. We think they’ll get us where we want to go but usually they are leading us away from a better, shorter course to our happiness.
How many things do you believe your must or should do feel good? Which of those make you happy when you do them? Probably very few.
See if you can open more to trusting yourself to find your own way without those shoulds. Get present (see above) and ask yourself “What would I like?” Sure, it might take work and time to get there—most things of value do—but if you are passionate about what you want you’ll have a strong desire to succeed and you’re a lot more likely to get there than by doing things you think you should.
Don’t try to make it on your own. Have a few close relationships in which you feel loved and safe. Invite people you like into your life, including parents. Find friends whom you have special relationships with and nurture those. Be willing to feel your “like” or love for those people. They will be part of your network and will support you as you move forward.
I’m sure there are many other things to offer but these rank the highest on my scale.
I trust they’ll be useful to you!

· 不要因为你认为自己“应该”而强迫自己做事,尽可能多地做自己喜欢的事
· 不要试图只靠自己

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