
What can people start doing now that will help them a lot in about five years?

What can people start doing now that will help them a lot in about five years?
Trevor Dupp
1. Don't have that extra slice of pizza, you've had enough to eat already - you will regret it.
2. You don't need that new TV, and you certainly shouldn't put that on a store payment plan - by the time you've paid it off in 3 years you could have bought another television with the interest you paid out. Besides the TV you have right now is fine.
3. Do keep your living expenses low, like a business you want to have good cash flow and low operating costs. Ideally keep your expenses below 40% of income (after tax)
1. 不要多吃那片比萨饼,你已经吃得够多了——你会后悔的。
2. 你不需要那台新电视,你也不应该把它放在购物的付款计划中——你得花3年时间还清买电视的贷款,你支付的利息够你再买一台电视机。
3. 一定要降低或维持你的生活费水平,就像一个企业,你得有良好的现金流,实现低运营成本——理想情况下,将你的支出保持在收入的40%以下(税后)。
1. Don't have that extra slice of pizza, you've had enough to eat already - you will regret it.
2. You don't need that new TV, and you certainly shouldn't put that on a store payment plan - by the time you've paid it off in 3 years you could have bought another television with the interest you paid out. Besides the TV you have right now is fine.
3. Do keep your living expenses low, like a business you want to have good cash flow and low operating costs. Ideally keep your expenses below 40% of income (after tax)
1. 不要多吃那片比萨饼,你已经吃得够多了——你会后悔的。
2. 你不需要那台新电视,你也不应该把它放在购物的付款计划中——你得花3年时间还清买电视的贷款,你支付的利息够你再买一台电视机。
3. 一定要降低或维持你的生活费水平,就像一个企业,你得有良好的现金流,实现低运营成本——理想情况下,将你的支出保持在收入的40%以下(税后)。
4. You don't need that new car - sure the sticker price says $19,997 on the windscreen but by the time the salesperson is done with you, somehow you are now paying $47, 897 @ 5.01 % interest over 8 years. Meanwhile your neighbor is selling a perfectly good 2006 Ford Escape for $3.5k AND it has winter tires on it - you idiot.
5. You should do some push ups - like right now, do it......I'll wait....
yeah I bet that was hard eh? now keep doing that every day. Mix it up and throw in some sit-ups now and again.
6. Live small - you don't need that 5 bedroom house with 3.5 bathrooms and a sunroom. You'll end up working yourself to death to pay for it, spending untold money to heat and cool the multitude of rooms you'll maybe spend 5% of your time in. Seriously when was the last time you just chilled in your front family room for more than 20 minutes.
4. 你不需要那辆新车——挡风玻璃上的标价是19,997美元,但当销售人员和你谈完后,你得支付47,897美元,8年5.01%的利息,与此同时,你的邻居正在以3500美元的价格出售一辆完美的06年款福特Escape,而且还附送冬季轮胎——你个白痴。
5. 你该做点俯卧撑了,现在就开始,做吧....我等你.... —— 是,我打赌这很难,不是吗?每天坚持一下,偶尔再做点仰卧起坐。
6. 住的地方不用那么大—— 你不需要有5个卧室的房子,不需要3个半浴室,不需要日光浴室——你最终会为了付钱而把自己累死,花无数的钱来加热和降温众多的房间,而你可能仅有花5%的时间呆在里面,说真的,你最后一次在你的家前厅里休息超过20分钟是什么时候?
5. You should do some push ups - like right now, do it......I'll wait....
yeah I bet that was hard eh? now keep doing that every day. Mix it up and throw in some sit-ups now and again.
6. Live small - you don't need that 5 bedroom house with 3.5 bathrooms and a sunroom. You'll end up working yourself to death to pay for it, spending untold money to heat and cool the multitude of rooms you'll maybe spend 5% of your time in. Seriously when was the last time you just chilled in your front family room for more than 20 minutes.
4. 你不需要那辆新车——挡风玻璃上的标价是19,997美元,但当销售人员和你谈完后,你得支付47,897美元,8年5.01%的利息,与此同时,你的邻居正在以3500美元的价格出售一辆完美的06年款福特Escape,而且还附送冬季轮胎——你个白痴。
5. 你该做点俯卧撑了,现在就开始,做吧....我等你.... —— 是,我打赌这很难,不是吗?每天坚持一下,偶尔再做点仰卧起坐。
6. 住的地方不用那么大—— 你不需要有5个卧室的房子,不需要3个半浴室,不需要日光浴室——你最终会为了付钱而把自己累死,花无数的钱来加热和降温众多的房间,而你可能仅有花5%的时间呆在里面,说真的,你最后一次在你的家前厅里休息超过20分钟是什么时候?
7. Learn a new skill, it could be anything but start now and in 5 years you'll be pretty damned good at it.
8. Don't burn bridges, you never know when you'll need to use them to reach safety.
Seeing how popular this post got, I'll add some more hot tips.
9. Invest in a good mattress. You're going to spend close to 1/3 of your life sleeping - doesn't it make sense to get the best possible mattress? Some people will spend 2K on a nice looking bedroom furniture set and then cheap out on the mattress. This is insanity.
10. Stop it with the sugar. Seriously. I personally did an experiment were I didn't have any sugar (pop, excess fruits, sugar in coffee etc) for 40 days without changing anything else in my lifestyle. I lost 12 pounds in 40 days from just cutting out sugar.
7. 学习一项新技能——它可以是任何东西,从现在开始,5年后你就会非常擅长了。
8. 不要过河拆桥—— 你永远不知道什么时候你会需要使用它们来到达安全地带。
9. 买个好床垫——你生命中近1/3的时间都在上面睡觉,买一个最好的床垫难道不值得吗?有些人花两千块钱买一套漂亮的卧室家具,然后却在床垫上敷衍了事,这是不正常的。
10. 别再吃糖了——我是认真的,我个人做了一个实验,我在40天内没有吃任何糖(汽水、过量的水果、咖啡中的糖等),,但这没有改变我生活中的任何其他东西,然后40天内,我仅仅通过戒糖就减掉了12磅的体重。
8. Don't burn bridges, you never know when you'll need to use them to reach safety.
Seeing how popular this post got, I'll add some more hot tips.
9. Invest in a good mattress. You're going to spend close to 1/3 of your life sleeping - doesn't it make sense to get the best possible mattress? Some people will spend 2K on a nice looking bedroom furniture set and then cheap out on the mattress. This is insanity.
10. Stop it with the sugar. Seriously. I personally did an experiment were I didn't have any sugar (pop, excess fruits, sugar in coffee etc) for 40 days without changing anything else in my lifestyle. I lost 12 pounds in 40 days from just cutting out sugar.
7. 学习一项新技能——它可以是任何东西,从现在开始,5年后你就会非常擅长了。
8. 不要过河拆桥—— 你永远不知道什么时候你会需要使用它们来到达安全地带。
9. 买个好床垫——你生命中近1/3的时间都在上面睡觉,买一个最好的床垫难道不值得吗?有些人花两千块钱买一套漂亮的卧室家具,然后却在床垫上敷衍了事,这是不正常的。
10. 别再吃糖了——我是认真的,我个人做了一个实验,我在40天内没有吃任何糖(汽水、过量的水果、咖啡中的糖等),,但这没有改变我生活中的任何其他东西,然后40天内,我仅仅通过戒糖就减掉了12磅的体重。
David Cannon
There's already a lot here and you probably stopped reading, but I couldn't resist writing a note to my 23 year old self:
If you do anything, do this first one: learn how to work hard and stick with something. Learn how to turn off Facebook and control your addiction to social media. You'll instantly be ahead of a majority of your generation.
Video games are a time sink. If you can play for an hour and say "That was fun, let's do something else" then you're ok. Otherwise, just get rid of them.
Pick up an athletic hobby that you can do through the years, or your sedentary academic lifestyle will do horrible things to your posture, back, and gut.
Learn how to deal with interpersonal conflicts. Read Crucial Conversations and practice - it's a lifechanger (shameless plug: Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition)
. 如果你做什么事情,首先第一件事就是:学会如何努力并坚持,学习如何关闭 Facebook,控制你对社交媒体的上瘾,你会立刻领先于你这一代的大多数人。
. 电子游戏消耗时间,如果你能做到这样:玩一个小时,然后说“这很有趣,让我们做点别的事情吧”,那么你是没问题的,否则,就把它们扔掉。
. 选择一个你能坚持多年的运动爱好,否则你久坐不动的工作和生活方式会对你的姿态、背部和肠道造成可怕的伤害。
. 学习如何处理人际冲突,可阅读《关键对话》并加以练习
There's already a lot here and you probably stopped reading, but I couldn't resist writing a note to my 23 year old self:
If you do anything, do this first one: learn how to work hard and stick with something. Learn how to turn off Facebook and control your addiction to social media. You'll instantly be ahead of a majority of your generation.
Video games are a time sink. If you can play for an hour and say "That was fun, let's do something else" then you're ok. Otherwise, just get rid of them.
Pick up an athletic hobby that you can do through the years, or your sedentary academic lifestyle will do horrible things to your posture, back, and gut.
Learn how to deal with interpersonal conflicts. Read Crucial Conversations and practice - it's a lifechanger (shameless plug: Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High, Second Edition)
. 如果你做什么事情,首先第一件事就是:学会如何努力并坚持,学习如何关闭 Facebook,控制你对社交媒体的上瘾,你会立刻领先于你这一代的大多数人。
. 电子游戏消耗时间,如果你能做到这样:玩一个小时,然后说“这很有趣,让我们做点别的事情吧”,那么你是没问题的,否则,就把它们扔掉。
. 选择一个你能坚持多年的运动爱好,否则你久坐不动的工作和生活方式会对你的姿态、背部和肠道造成可怕的伤害。
. 学习如何处理人际冲突,可阅读《关键对话》并加以练习
Learn as much programming as you can. It's never a bad idea to learn a programming language (unless that language is COBOL—just kidding, you can even make money coding in COBOL). I've found Treehouse is worth the investment.
Learn how to display data in R.
Learn how to talk on the phone with people you don't know. It still terrifies most people. Get a phone sales job and quit after a few weeks.
Start some kind of little side venture to learn entrepreneurial principles. Start a window washing business, buy and sell stuff on Craigslist, do anything. You might need them if you're in between jobs.
Take a course on statistics and how they're misused, specifically how faulty causal arguments are made. It will change the way you approach almost any discussion, quantitative or not. (Read How to Lie with Statistics: Darrell Huff)
. 尽可能多地学习编程,学习一门编程语言永远不是一个坏主意 ( 除非那门语言是 COBOL——开个玩笑,你甚至可以用 COBOL 编程赚钱),我发现Treehouse是值得投资。
. 学习如何与不认识的人通电话,这仍然让大多数人感到恐惧,找一份电话销售的工作,几周后辞职。
. 开始一些小的副业,学习创业原则,擦窗户的生意也接,在 Craigslist 上买卖东西,什么事情都去做,如果你处于工作间隙,你可能会需要它们。
. 学习一门关于统计学的课程,了解它们是如何被滥用,尤其是错误的因果论点是如何产生的,它会改变你处理几乎任何讨论的方式,无论是定量的还是非定量的。( 可阅读的《达莱尔·哈夫:如何利用统计学说谎》)
Learn how to display data in R.
Learn how to talk on the phone with people you don't know. It still terrifies most people. Get a phone sales job and quit after a few weeks.
Start some kind of little side venture to learn entrepreneurial principles. Start a window washing business, buy and sell stuff on Craigslist, do anything. You might need them if you're in between jobs.
Take a course on statistics and how they're misused, specifically how faulty causal arguments are made. It will change the way you approach almost any discussion, quantitative or not. (Read How to Lie with Statistics: Darrell Huff)
. 尽可能多地学习编程,学习一门编程语言永远不是一个坏主意 ( 除非那门语言是 COBOL——开个玩笑,你甚至可以用 COBOL 编程赚钱),我发现Treehouse是值得投资。
. 学习如何与不认识的人通电话,这仍然让大多数人感到恐惧,找一份电话销售的工作,几周后辞职。
. 开始一些小的副业,学习创业原则,擦窗户的生意也接,在 Craigslist 上买卖东西,什么事情都去做,如果你处于工作间隙,你可能会需要它们。
. 学习一门关于统计学的课程,了解它们是如何被滥用,尤其是错误的因果论点是如何产生的,它会改变你处理几乎任何讨论的方式,无论是定量的还是非定量的。( 可阅读的《达莱尔·哈夫:如何利用统计学说谎》)
Always have a private place where you can talk out loud to God every day. Even if you're not religious or don't believe in God. Talk out loud to the universe. Sort out your thoughts, verbalize them, and then write down what comes to mind. Something wiser than you is listening and responding, even if it's just another side of you.
Use http://Mint.com to track your expenses. Make a budget and learn how to stick to it. Learn to live lean now while you can, so you won't be forced to later on.
Learn a foreign language, but only if you anticipate using it. Sure, there are side benefits, but you'll forget it.
Learn how to network. Read "Never Eat Alone." (plug: http://amzn.to/XQqfrM). Hint: it's about doing things for other people.
. 永远要有一个私人的地方,在那里你可以每天大声地对上帝说话,即使你不信教或者不相信上帝,你也可以对着天大声说出来,整理你的想法,用语言表达出来,然后写下你想到的东西。
. 用Mint来追踪你的开支,制定一个预算并学习如何坚持下去,趁着现在可以,学会精打细算,这样你以后就不会被迫这样做。
. 学习一门外语,但前提是你预计会用到它。
. 学习如何建立人际关系,可阅读《永远不要一个人吃饭》
Use http://Mint.com to track your expenses. Make a budget and learn how to stick to it. Learn to live lean now while you can, so you won't be forced to later on.
Learn a foreign language, but only if you anticipate using it. Sure, there are side benefits, but you'll forget it.
Learn how to network. Read "Never Eat Alone." (plug: http://amzn.to/XQqfrM). Hint: it's about doing things for other people.
. 永远要有一个私人的地方,在那里你可以每天大声地对上帝说话,即使你不信教或者不相信上帝,你也可以对着天大声说出来,整理你的想法,用语言表达出来,然后写下你想到的东西。
. 用Mint来追踪你的开支,制定一个预算并学习如何坚持下去,趁着现在可以,学会精打细算,这样你以后就不会被迫这样做。
. 学习一门外语,但前提是你预计会用到它。
. 学习如何建立人际关系,可阅读《永远不要一个人吃饭》
Learn how to cook tasty, cheap food (If you buy one cookbook in your life, Cal Peternell: Twelve Recipes is a good one.) And make this bread. No really. http://www.steamykitchen.com/168-no-knead-bread-revisited.html
Find music that inspires you and makes you feel alive. Listen to it every morning and if it's something embarrassing just don't tell your friends about it.
Save up a few thousand dollars and go somewhere crazy with a few friends. Live in a hostel for a few weeks. Get malaria if you have to. It will change your life and you will think about it forever (not the malaria part - you'll get over that.)
When someone promises you easy money, run the other way. Yes, it IS a scam.
Read a book a week (I listen to Audible.com the car). When you get ridiculously wealthy, read a book a day. Read fiction too.
. 学习如何烹饪美味廉价的食物 ( 如果你一生只买一本烹饪书,卡尔佩特内尔的《十二道菜》是一个不错的选择 )
. 寻找那些能激励你,让你感觉充满活力的音乐,每天早上听一听,如果是某些令人尴尬的音乐,恩,那就不要告诉你的朋友。
. 存上几千块,和几个朋友出去疯一下,在青年旅社住几个星期,如果有必要,就去感染疟疾,这会改变你的生活,你会永远记得这件事( 哦,不是说疟疾——这个你会克服的)。
. 如果有人承诺可以让你轻松赚钱,跑远点——是的,这就是一个骗局。
. 每周读一本书,当你非常富有的时候,每天读一本书,小说也读一读。
Find music that inspires you and makes you feel alive. Listen to it every morning and if it's something embarrassing just don't tell your friends about it.
Save up a few thousand dollars and go somewhere crazy with a few friends. Live in a hostel for a few weeks. Get malaria if you have to. It will change your life and you will think about it forever (not the malaria part - you'll get over that.)
When someone promises you easy money, run the other way. Yes, it IS a scam.
Read a book a week (I listen to Audible.com the car). When you get ridiculously wealthy, read a book a day. Read fiction too.
. 学习如何烹饪美味廉价的食物 ( 如果你一生只买一本烹饪书,卡尔佩特内尔的《十二道菜》是一个不错的选择 )
. 寻找那些能激励你,让你感觉充满活力的音乐,每天早上听一听,如果是某些令人尴尬的音乐,恩,那就不要告诉你的朋友。
. 存上几千块,和几个朋友出去疯一下,在青年旅社住几个星期,如果有必要,就去感染疟疾,这会改变你的生活,你会永远记得这件事( 哦,不是说疟疾——这个你会克服的)。
. 如果有人承诺可以让你轻松赚钱,跑远点——是的,这就是一个骗局。
. 每周读一本书,当你非常富有的时候,每天读一本书,小说也读一读。
William Beteet III
Work Outs that Will Make you Better at Sex - No one likes being the person who has to constantly stop to take a breather during sex. The internet is filled with work outs that will help your thrust, stability and flexibility. So work in some bridges and planks into your morning routine.
Become Main Character in Other People’s Movies - I’ve had three friends in the last week tell me that they think that I am figment of their imagination. Their statements scared me at first, but then reminded me that we are all characters in other people’s movies. So do what you can to promote yourself from an extra to a supporting character. Whether that means talking about how Google is going to become God in an Uber Pool or going out of your way to help out a loose acquaintance. Do what you can
1. 锻炼能让你在性爱方面做得更好——没有人喜欢xx的时候不断地停下来喘气,互联网上到处都是可以帮助你实现稳定性和灵活性的锻炼方法,你可以在你的晨练中加入点板桥式或平板支撑之类的。
2. 成为别人电影中的主角——上周我有三个朋友告诉我,他们认为我是他们想象出来的,他们的说法起初吓到了我,但随后我发现这提醒了我,我们都是别人电影中的角色,所以,尽你所能把自己从一个临时演员提升为配角吧,无论是闲聊谷歌将如何成为优步的爸爸,还是想方设法帮助一个不熟悉的人,都要尽你所能。
3. 创造性的消费——我喜欢电影,我也写剧本,我喜欢单口相声,我每晚都表演,我喜欢说唱,我经常和朋友们即兴说唱。以创造和尝试为目标,尽可能多地消费,目标是创造和尝试尽可能多的消费,这样你就不会变成偷窥狂。
Work Outs that Will Make you Better at Sex - No one likes being the person who has to constantly stop to take a breather during sex. The internet is filled with work outs that will help your thrust, stability and flexibility. So work in some bridges and planks into your morning routine.
Become Main Character in Other People’s Movies - I’ve had three friends in the last week tell me that they think that I am figment of their imagination. Their statements scared me at first, but then reminded me that we are all characters in other people’s movies. So do what you can to promote yourself from an extra to a supporting character. Whether that means talking about how Google is going to become God in an Uber Pool or going out of your way to help out a loose acquaintance. Do what you can
1. 锻炼能让你在性爱方面做得更好——没有人喜欢xx的时候不断地停下来喘气,互联网上到处都是可以帮助你实现稳定性和灵活性的锻炼方法,你可以在你的晨练中加入点板桥式或平板支撑之类的。
2. 成为别人电影中的主角——上周我有三个朋友告诉我,他们认为我是他们想象出来的,他们的说法起初吓到了我,但随后我发现这提醒了我,我们都是别人电影中的角色,所以,尽你所能把自己从一个临时演员提升为配角吧,无论是闲聊谷歌将如何成为优步的爸爸,还是想方设法帮助一个不熟悉的人,都要尽你所能。
3. 创造性的消费——我喜欢电影,我也写剧本,我喜欢单口相声,我每晚都表演,我喜欢说唱,我经常和朋友们即兴说唱。以创造和尝试为目标,尽可能多地消费,目标是创造和尝试尽可能多的消费,这样你就不会变成偷窥狂。
Create What You Consume - I love movies, I also write screenplays. I love standup, I perform every night. I love rap, I freestyle rap with friends all the time. Aim to create and try as much as you consume so you don’t become voyeur.
Master Online Dating - I complain about online dating, but it’s an easy platform to master. Pay for a professional photographer or a friend who wants to work on their portfolio to take pictures of you doing a bunch of cool stuff, some candid shots, some model shots. Then research how to make a sexy profile, mimic those profiles but using your information. This is the most effective way of having lots of dates without having to put much effort in your dating life. (Works for all races)
Understand the True Definition of Feedback - “Son, listening to feedback is when I tell you something, you listen carefully and wonder why is it that I have that impression of you.” My Dad told me that when I was 19 and since then I am much better at taking constructive criticism.
4. 掌握网上约会技巧——我抱怨过网上约会,但这是一个很容易掌握的技巧,花钱请一个专业的摄影师或者一个朋友帮你拍一些很酷的照片,一些抓拍照片,一些模特照片,然后研究如何制作性感的个人资料,模仿其他人的资料页面,但要使用你的信息,这是一种最有效的方式,可以让你拥有很多约会机会,而不必在你的约会生活中投入太多精力(适用于所有种族)。
5. 理解反馈的真正含义——“孩子,倾听反馈意见就是当我告诉你一些事情的时候,你仔细地听,并且要知道为什么我对你有那样的印象”我父亲在我19岁的时候告诉我,从那以后我更善于接受建设性的批评。
6. 控制你的情绪——当你生气的时候问问自己“为什么?”如果没有得到答案,再问问自己“为什么?”,一直问下去,直到你找到核心问题,对你所有的情绪都要这样做,尤其是那些消极的情绪,这将帮助你理解为什么你会有某种感觉,这在学习如何将自己从糟糕的行为中解脱出来时是必要的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Master Online Dating - I complain about online dating, but it’s an easy platform to master. Pay for a professional photographer or a friend who wants to work on their portfolio to take pictures of you doing a bunch of cool stuff, some candid shots, some model shots. Then research how to make a sexy profile, mimic those profiles but using your information. This is the most effective way of having lots of dates without having to put much effort in your dating life. (Works for all races)
Understand the True Definition of Feedback - “Son, listening to feedback is when I tell you something, you listen carefully and wonder why is it that I have that impression of you.” My Dad told me that when I was 19 and since then I am much better at taking constructive criticism.
4. 掌握网上约会技巧——我抱怨过网上约会,但这是一个很容易掌握的技巧,花钱请一个专业的摄影师或者一个朋友帮你拍一些很酷的照片,一些抓拍照片,一些模特照片,然后研究如何制作性感的个人资料,模仿其他人的资料页面,但要使用你的信息,这是一种最有效的方式,可以让你拥有很多约会机会,而不必在你的约会生活中投入太多精力(适用于所有种族)。
5. 理解反馈的真正含义——“孩子,倾听反馈意见就是当我告诉你一些事情的时候,你仔细地听,并且要知道为什么我对你有那样的印象”我父亲在我19岁的时候告诉我,从那以后我更善于接受建设性的批评。
6. 控制你的情绪——当你生气的时候问问自己“为什么?”如果没有得到答案,再问问自己“为什么?”,一直问下去,直到你找到核心问题,对你所有的情绪都要这样做,尤其是那些消极的情绪,这将帮助你理解为什么你会有某种感觉,这在学习如何将自己从糟糕的行为中解脱出来时是必要的。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Navigate Your Emotions - When you are mad ask yourself “Why?” once you get an answer ask yourself “Why?” again, keep asking until you get to the core. Do this with all your emotions, especially the negative ones. This will help you understand why you feel a certain way which is necessary when it comes to learning how to snap yourself out of a bad move.
Minimalism - Start getting rid of stuff. You might not realize it, but our ego attaches our identity to things. So limit the amount of stuff you have so you don’t feel threatened when someone has “nicer” stuff than you. It also makes it a lot easier to move.
Dance - Learn how to dance, not just take a couple classes, but get yourself out there dancing all the time. Dancing helps keep away dementia and is a great way to meet people you’ll have sexual chemistry with. You can’t think while you’re dancing which makes dancing hella zen.
Get Good at Being Courageous - Everyone talks about hard work, but very few people talk about courage. Courage is freedom. It is necessary for you to have healthy relationships, reach the peak of your career, and to admire yourself. Your destiny is unearthed using two tools discipline and courage.
7. 极简主义——开始摆脱事物的困扰,你可能没有意识到,但是我们的自我意识把我们的身份和事物联系在一起,所以,限制你拥有的东西的数量,这样当别人拥有比你更好的东西时,你就不会感到受到威胁,这也使你行动起来更容易。
8. 跳舞——学习如何跳舞,不仅仅是参加一些课程,而是让自己一直跳舞,跳舞有助于预防老年痴呆症,也是一个去认识那些和你有性化学反应的人的很好的方式,你在跳舞的时候是无法思考的,这使得跳舞有了一种“禅意”。
9. 善于变得勇敢——每个人都谈论努力工作,但很少有人谈论勇气,勇气就是自由,对你来说,拥有健康的人际关系,达到事业的顶峰,并且钦佩自己都是必要的,你的命运是用自律和勇气这两种工具挖掘出来的。
Minimalism - Start getting rid of stuff. You might not realize it, but our ego attaches our identity to things. So limit the amount of stuff you have so you don’t feel threatened when someone has “nicer” stuff than you. It also makes it a lot easier to move.
Dance - Learn how to dance, not just take a couple classes, but get yourself out there dancing all the time. Dancing helps keep away dementia and is a great way to meet people you’ll have sexual chemistry with. You can’t think while you’re dancing which makes dancing hella zen.
Get Good at Being Courageous - Everyone talks about hard work, but very few people talk about courage. Courage is freedom. It is necessary for you to have healthy relationships, reach the peak of your career, and to admire yourself. Your destiny is unearthed using two tools discipline and courage.
7. 极简主义——开始摆脱事物的困扰,你可能没有意识到,但是我们的自我意识把我们的身份和事物联系在一起,所以,限制你拥有的东西的数量,这样当别人拥有比你更好的东西时,你就不会感到受到威胁,这也使你行动起来更容易。
8. 跳舞——学习如何跳舞,不仅仅是参加一些课程,而是让自己一直跳舞,跳舞有助于预防老年痴呆症,也是一个去认识那些和你有性化学反应的人的很好的方式,你在跳舞的时候是无法思考的,这使得跳舞有了一种“禅意”。
9. 善于变得勇敢——每个人都谈论努力工作,但很少有人谈论勇气,勇气就是自由,对你来说,拥有健康的人际关系,达到事业的顶峰,并且钦佩自己都是必要的,你的命运是用自律和勇气这两种工具挖掘出来的。
Jon Brosio
Introduce yourself to everyone you come in contact with. Human beings need one another. We rely and collaborate with one another to build societies, buildings, infrastructure, technological advancements, art etc. It's a fool's errand to believe that you can become a "better” individual if you do not introduce yourself and the power behind you to the people you will come across in life. For many people, this is a very hard thing to do- especially face to face. In today's world, we have the ability to communicate with people through digital interface (this interaction still helps you supplant your influence to others in the world). Use these technological advances to your advantages. Make your name known to all.
Ask for guidance. It's easier to catapult yourself into a space of prosperity when you have someone who has already walked the path you're walking help you get there. A mentor is probably the best way to get you moving at an accelerated rate towards your long term goals. Again, with technology, this isn't just exclusive to face-to-face mentorship. There are plenty of digital means to get guidance of where you are going.
1. 向你接触到的每个人介绍自己
如果你不向你将在生活中遇到的人介绍你自己和展示所具备的力量,却依然相信你能成为一个 "更好 "的人,我得说这是一种愚蠢的想法。
2. 请求指导
Introduce yourself to everyone you come in contact with. Human beings need one another. We rely and collaborate with one another to build societies, buildings, infrastructure, technological advancements, art etc. It's a fool's errand to believe that you can become a "better” individual if you do not introduce yourself and the power behind you to the people you will come across in life. For many people, this is a very hard thing to do- especially face to face. In today's world, we have the ability to communicate with people through digital interface (this interaction still helps you supplant your influence to others in the world). Use these technological advances to your advantages. Make your name known to all.
Ask for guidance. It's easier to catapult yourself into a space of prosperity when you have someone who has already walked the path you're walking help you get there. A mentor is probably the best way to get you moving at an accelerated rate towards your long term goals. Again, with technology, this isn't just exclusive to face-to-face mentorship. There are plenty of digital means to get guidance of where you are going.
1. 向你接触到的每个人介绍自己
如果你不向你将在生活中遇到的人介绍你自己和展示所具备的力量,却依然相信你能成为一个 "更好 "的人,我得说这是一种愚蠢的想法。
2. 请求指导
Seek the opportunity to guide others. In order to make yourself a true master and professional at a specific trade or craft is to teach others your skills. This is a way to truly solidify the skills and knowledge in your head and spread it into the community. When you do this, you are creating a symbiotic loop of growth within the community you are a part of or building.
Work your tail off in the micro. Do you want to write? You're going to have to write everyday. Do you want to act? You're going to need to take intensive classes to help build your skill. Do you want a girlfriend? You're going to need to practice talking to every girl in front of you. If you want to change your life over the next five years, you are going to need to be a production assassin during the micro-daily grind. You are going to need to put in copious amounts of work in order to fully build your enterprise.
3. 寻求指导他人的机会
4. 微观上努力勤奋
Work your tail off in the micro. Do you want to write? You're going to have to write everyday. Do you want to act? You're going to need to take intensive classes to help build your skill. Do you want a girlfriend? You're going to need to practice talking to every girl in front of you. If you want to change your life over the next five years, you are going to need to be a production assassin during the micro-daily grind. You are going to need to put in copious amounts of work in order to fully build your enterprise.
3. 寻求指导他人的机会
4. 微观上努力勤奋
Remain patient in the macro. Too many people (especially members of my generation- millennials) want to see the results of their work instantly. We have grown up in a time where we can get every surface level thing at a moment's notice- sometimes, with just the push of a button. Things that really truly matter, however, like work satisfaction, joy, fulfillment, and relationship growth take time to nurture and mature. They also take struggle to fully be appreciated. You cannot have prosperity without struggle- this is true by definition.
Write down your goals. When we write things down, we make things real. When you write down what you want to achieve and where you want to be in a given amount of time you make the thought of such and the action to get there real. Thinking about things and dreaming will only give you a short-term pleasure of grandeur and hope. When you make it real you raise the stakes. When you raise the stakes, you can either attempt to conquer the feat or wallow in despair. Choose the former.
5. 宏观上保持耐心
6. 写下你的目标
Write down your goals. When we write things down, we make things real. When you write down what you want to achieve and where you want to be in a given amount of time you make the thought of such and the action to get there real. Thinking about things and dreaming will only give you a short-term pleasure of grandeur and hope. When you make it real you raise the stakes. When you raise the stakes, you can either attempt to conquer the feat or wallow in despair. Choose the former.
5. 宏观上保持耐心
6. 写下你的目标
Benchmark your life and your progress. We all need to “check in” with what we've been doing on this journey we all call “life.” Too often do we find ourselves going through stretches of time- sometimes months if not years on auto-pilot. We drudge through the rigamarole of the daily grind and end up years later not knowing how we got to this spot. How do we counteract this? By periodically benchmarking our progress. Well, how does one benchmark? I find the best way to achieve this is by journaling. When I jot down my thoughts of where I used to be, where I am, and where I want to go I can reflect on what I need to pivot with and what I am doing right.
Forgive yourself and forgive others. You cannot move forward if you are holding onto resentment. You will never be free from the past if you have some emotion holding you prisoner to some moment in time. In order to move forward and make yourself better 5 years from now you need to both forgive yourself and forget other people who may have wronged you.
7. 为你的生活和你的进步制定基准
8. 原谅自己,原谅他人
Forgive yourself and forgive others. You cannot move forward if you are holding onto resentment. You will never be free from the past if you have some emotion holding you prisoner to some moment in time. In order to move forward and make yourself better 5 years from now you need to both forgive yourself and forget other people who may have wronged you.
7. 为你的生活和你的进步制定基准
8. 原谅自己,原谅他人
Embody the philosophy of Nike. "Just do it” might be one of the best marketing slogans of the last 100 years. It also is a great philosophy to embody. Just do it. When you feel you should talk to that girl, just do it. When you feel you should turn off the TV and read your book, just do it. When you feel you should actually get up off the toilet and stop scrolling your instagram feed, just do it. This takes copious amounts of practice to recognize your mind has been rolling on auto-pilot for perhaps hours but when you can “tap in” and tell yourself to just do it, you will make small decisions throughout the day and over the years that puts you ahead.
Get ample sleep. We've all met plenty of people who when they tell us their age we immediately think something along the lines of, “damn. I thought you were going to be at least 5 years older than that.” Think about the people who tell you they're 30 and you thought they were 36 or 37. These people look bad for their age. A big cause of this is over work and lack of sleep. People age when they aren't getting their proper rest. You extrapolate this over an average life span of 80 or so years and you might end up losing some time off that life.
9. 学会耐克哲学
" Just do it " 可能是过去100年以来最好的营销口号之一,也是一个伟大的哲学体现——Just do it。
当你觉得你应该和那个女孩说话时,Just do it。
当你觉得你应该关掉电视并开始阅读时,Just do it。
当你觉得你应该从马桶上站起来,停止刷新你的Instagram时,Just do it。
这需要大量的练习,并认识到你的大脑已经“自动驾驶”了可能几个小时了,但当你能 "挖掘 "出并告诉自己只需做这件事时,你就会在某天或某年中做出一些小小的决定,而这些决定会让你走在前面。
10. 获得充足的睡眠
Get ample sleep. We've all met plenty of people who when they tell us their age we immediately think something along the lines of, “damn. I thought you were going to be at least 5 years older than that.” Think about the people who tell you they're 30 and you thought they were 36 or 37. These people look bad for their age. A big cause of this is over work and lack of sleep. People age when they aren't getting their proper rest. You extrapolate this over an average life span of 80 or so years and you might end up losing some time off that life.
9. 学会耐克哲学
" Just do it " 可能是过去100年以来最好的营销口号之一,也是一个伟大的哲学体现——Just do it。
当你觉得你应该和那个女孩说话时,Just do it。
当你觉得你应该关掉电视并开始阅读时,Just do it。
当你觉得你应该从马桶上站起来,停止刷新你的Instagram时,Just do it。
这需要大量的练习,并认识到你的大脑已经“自动驾驶”了可能几个小时了,但当你能 "挖掘 "出并告诉自己只需做这件事时,你就会在某天或某年中做出一些小小的决定,而这些决定会让你走在前面。
10. 获得充足的睡眠
Optimize your diet. Especially in the morning. Too many of us eat high sugar, high carbohydrate breakfasts (cereal, pancakes, waffles, muffins, potatoes, etc). What this does is spike our sugar levels through the roof first thing in the morning. We then crash come lunch time and to raise our energy levels we eat yet another high sugar, high carb meal. A high fat, high protein diet will help burn fuel slower thus giving you steady energy levels throughout the day (yogurt, avocado, eggs, bacon, nuts etc). When you have constant energy levels you can carry your productivity for a steadier and longer wave throughout the day which will carry though the week, through the months and through the years.
11. 优化你的饮食
11. 优化你的饮食
Leave or get fired from the job you hate. In my personal experience, I was fired. At first, it was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I thought all hope was lost. My Ego was telling me I was a failure. I was losing confidence. After I had some time to reflect on what happened, it turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. I was idle. I wasn't moving forward and wasn't experiencing satisfaction with the role. I was living dogmatically through some scxt of what was "right” in terms of my professional life. I tend to think now, when I was fired my adult life really started. This was 5 years ago and since then I have found other professional careers, started my writing career, started my entrepreneurial endeavors and really found joy in my choices.
12. 离开你讨厌的工作
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
12. 离开你讨厌的工作
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Leave your toxic relationships. At first take, most people will think this is in terms of a romantic partner. Definitely leave your romantic partner if you aren't feeling fulfilled or worse are being manipulated. This bleeds however, into other relationships in life. I realized I needed to leave my family and move thousands of miles away from them in order to fully develop into my ideal self (and I have an amazingly special relationship with my family). I realized I needed to sacrifice being close to them in order to not resent them. This is with friends too. I have friends where I felt we weren't moving and growing together and we have since gone our separate ways.
13. 远离那些有害的人际关系
13. 远离那些有害的人际关系
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