2021-09-19 tangerl 13851

What can people start doing now that will help them a lot in about five years?


Sandy Kelty
I just lost my son of 23 years ...two months ago in a tragic bike accident, he was riding to work and was hit by a school bus. He loved Quora and got me hooked.
Live with a smile in your eyes, it carries thru to others.
Be passionate about learning, read, read, read. Everything, cross genres. Children's books, tech books, Quora, newspapers, blogs.
Listen, then talk, then listen again.
Don't be afraid to love someone, start with your family. Fall in love.
Wake up and think how you can make those close to you have a better day, a better life.

他喜欢 Quora,我也迷上了它。

Find a spiritual footing.
Enjoy laughter. Keep smiling with your eyes too.
Exercise and eat healthy. Habits can change. My son Neil had just recently bought his bike, blogged about his path of safety, trying out his route, finding the best brakes...was becoming involved in bike friendly communities, was moving to be near a riding trail into downtown (Indianapolis).
He had smoothies made for the day in his backpack .
He loved an unbelievably sweet and smart girl he met in college. He was on countdown to his wedding. Oh so happy.
Make plans that make you reach high; Neil planned to go to Stanford for grad school. He was the oldest sibling, and they now proudly carry on his passion in life.
Believe in guardian angels.
Live like each day is a gift.
Because it is.


Ashraf Sobli
Here is the list that will completely transform you into a better person in 5 years time :
1. Eat healthy. Try to reduce /eliminate junk food.
2. Exercise 15 minutes a day.
3. Join public speaking group - toastmaster. Watch and learn how great speakers talk eg. Steve Jobs, any top politician, cult leader
4. Learn how to code and join open source community. Replace this with any skill of your choice, preferably something that has high demand eg. Electronic circuit design, graphic design
5. Learn how to sell, go out there and sell something, anything. Get used to rejections and you will be unstoppable.
6. Talk to 1 stranger everyday. Stranger = opportunity. Opportunity to make new friend, to get new ideas, to get rid of that fear talking to stranger, to start a business venture and much more. Heck yeah, that stranger might be your future soulmate
7. Write 20 ideas on anything everyday. Keep digging and you might find gold. When you find gold, make sure you take action
8. Meditate everyday
9. Read positive materials every morning. Stop reading newspaper in the morning.
10. Write 5 reasons why you are grateful everyday before you sleep.

1. 饮食健康 尽量减少/杜绝垃圾食品。
2. 每天锻炼15分钟。
3. 加入公共演讲团体,学演讲,观察和学习伟大的演讲者是如何说话的,例如:史蒂夫乔布斯、任何顶级政治家、邪教领袖。
4. 学习编程并加入开源社区,也可以是你所选择的任何技能,最好是有高要求的技能,比如电子电路设计、平面设计。
5. 学习销售,走出去卖东西,任何东西都行,习惯被拒绝,你就会变得不可阻挡。
6. 每天与一个陌生人交谈,陌生人=机会,把握机会结识新朋友,获得新想法,摆脱与陌生人交谈的恐惧,开始创业等等,另外,某个陌生人可能是你未来的灵魂伴侣哦。
7. 每天写20个关于任何事情的想法,继续挖掘,你可能会找到宝藏,当你找到宝藏时,请确保你采取行动。
8. 每天冥想。
9. 每天早上阅读积极的书籍,不要在早上看报纸。
10. 每天睡觉前写下五个你感恩的理由。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Living in a manner to successfully avoid these regrets: Top five regrets of the dying
· Be honest to yourself and start living a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you. Do it NOW. Wherever you are with whatever you have. No excuses.
· Be physically fit NO MATTER WHAT. That you don't have enough time to hit the gym coz you work 14 hours a day should not be an excuse. Focus on your health the way you focus on love or your career. Give up junk food, smoking and other unhealthy habits. And get health insurance.

· 对自己诚实
· 无论什么时候都要身体健康

· Forge valuable relationships - not PR or facebook friendships - Stay in touch with real friends who care about you and who you care about. Remember, happiness is best shared.
· Travel. Not having enough money or time are the most common excuses. Travel while you are young. It will change you in ways no other experience can. Not to mention there are some things you can do only when you are young. Read this article: Why you should travel young
· Learn to live within your means. Try not to borrow. Seriously.
· SAVE. You know you can. Begin with saving a small amount periodically but do remember to increase it with time. Read articles, talk to people who earn as much as you do and their saving plans. Also, invest.

· 建立有价值的关系
· 旅行
没有足够的钱或时间是最常见的借口,趁你还年轻,去旅行,它将以其他经验所不能的方式改变你,更不用说有些事情只有在你年轻的时候才能做。(看下这篇文章《为什么年轻时应该去旅行》 )
· 学会量入为出
· 存钱

· Express your true feelings - Feeling hesitant in asking someone out who is wayyy out of your league? Or telling your dad how much you love him? Muster the courage to do it. Now. It might be too late before you realize. Now is the time to say the sorries and the 'I-really-like-you's' that you've always wanted to say. I am an introvert but mustered the courage to ask out every single guy I really really liked and though some turned me down, the sheer liberation of asking them out was indescribable.
· Do that thing that you really want but are really afraid to do it.
· Know the difference between being courageous and being foolhardy. Think before you act.
· Introspect and work on becoming a better person. Listen to your critics and true friends. Consciously work on giving up self-defeating or narcissistic behaviors.You know if you are too selfish, easily angered or too judgmental. You know if you don't give your 100% while studying. Change that. BE THE KIND OF PERSON YOU WANT TO MEET.

· 表达你的真实感受
在你意识到之前可能已经太晚了,现在是时候说出你一直想说的悲伤和 "我真的很喜欢你 "了。
· 做你真正想做但又害怕去做的事。
· 要明白勇敢和鲁莽的区别,在行动之前三思。
· 反省并努力成为一个更好的人。倾听批评你的人和真正的朋友,有意识地放弃自我挫败或自恋的行为,太自私、太容易生气或者太武断?学习的时候不能100% 的投入?改变这些,成为你想遇见的那种人。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

· Read the newspaper everyday. Back to back. And not on the internet. Try to read the hardcopy everyday.
· Read (in general). And not only so that you can talk about Murakami or the foreign policy at high-end parties or to impress someone.
· Do not give up your hobbies.
· Keep LEARNING new things. This is one of the most undrerrated virtues and a prerequisite for mental health. And it doesn't have to be a new language, or a musical instrument, if you don't have the time. New words, games. ideas, philosophies etc. Reading a random wiki page everyday, solving crossword or sudoku can be equally refreshing for the brain.
· Laugh for 5 minutes every morning.

· 每天读报纸,不要上网,试着每天读纸质书。
· 阅读,这不仅仅是为了让你能在高端派对上谈论村上春树或外交政策,或者给某人留下深刻印象。
· 不要放弃你的爱好。
· 不断学习新事物。这是最无懈可击的美德之一,也是心理健康的先决条件,如果你没有时间,也不一定要学习一门新的语言,或者一种新乐器,新单词,新游戏,思想、哲学等等都可以,每天随机阅读一下维基百科,做做填字游戏或数独同样能让大脑焕然一新。
· 每天早上笑5分钟。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

· Meditate. Preferably every morning. If you can't do that at least ensure that you quieten your mind for 10 mins during the day. Don't think about anything. Just listen to yourself breathe. And BE.
· CONSCIOUSLY TEACH YOURSELF TO LOOK AT THE BRIGHTER SIDE OF THINGS. AND NO, you are not fooling yourself / lying to yourself when you do that. Be grateful for what you have. So what if you worked hard and yet didn't get the marks / credit you deserved? Or the love of your life passed away in an accident? Or were fired during the recession? You don't have cancer or a tumor in your brain. If you have it, your probably have access to the medical care required to treat it. THE VERY FACT THAT YOU ARE READING THIS ANSWER ON THE SCREEN OF A COMP / LAPTOP / PHONE is the proof that you are luckier than millions. It is okay to feel bad when life deals you an unfair blow but please, stop complaining and taking things for granted. This is the first step towards happiness. Watch 'Life is Beautiful'.

· 冥想
· 有意识地教会自己看到事物光明的一面

· Try new things. Also, Experiment. Step out of your comfort zone. And at regular intervals.
· Know when to say no. When to give up and when to hang on. Try try till you succeed but know when to stop trying.
· Be prepared for the unexpected. Life is what happens when we are busy making other plans. It may not necessarily be unpleasant or bad but even if it is, try to handle it in the best possible manner. Be prepared for the possibility of having twins (or triplets) when you plan a baby, or being fired if your organization is downsizing, moving to a city you dislike if your wife gets an opportunity too good to be true there etc.

· 尝试新事物
· 知道什么时候该说不
· 为意外做好准备

· Regret but do not let it consume you. Don't ever think that impact of a decision, however bad or stupid, is final even if it is irreversible. So you were returning from a party and thanks to drunk driving, you met with an accident and lost a limb. It is sad and yes you would probably always regret it. But know that life goes on. And time heals. It really does.
· Do not hold grudges. I struggle with that everyday and fail but I don't stop trying. Think more about ideas and things to do, and less about people.

· 可以后悔,但不要让它毁了你
· 不要心怀怨恨

· Study logic. I know it sounds weird but the way we reason out things can be so wrong. And we do it so often.Check out these examples: 'I am unlucky because my mom died when I was 13 and I met with an accident next year and got mugged after that.' 'Most men are jerks.' 'I cheated on you because you cheated on me.' Always question your views and opinions. Not everything is or should be subjective. Most rigid people are so sure of themselves and illogical in their reasoning, it creeps me out. What if you are like that and don't even know it?
· Strive for balance in life and in everything you do. Do not let anything - love, faith, work; consume you.
· Be disciplined. Try to have a good routine. Routine is the housekeeper of inspiration (quote by Carlos Ruiz Zafon)

· 研究逻辑
· 在生活中和你所做的每一件事中,都要力求平衡
· 严于律己
试着养成良好的习惯,习惯是灵感的管家 ( 引自卡洛斯·鲁伊斯·扎丰 )

· Stop swearing so much. EVEN (rather ESPECIALLY) INSIDE YOUR HEAD.
· Do something for the environment. We live so indifferently to the problems around us. Degradation of the environment is one of the greatest problems ruining our world and will most definitely be the reason for our extinction; if we do not do anything about it. We are all victims of consumerism but I insist that we should all try to do whatever we can for the environment. · Take baby steps but begin. And the time is now.
· Waste less time. Life comprises of days and days, of hours. Every minute you waste, costs you a part of your life. Remember that.
Happy living :)

· 少说脏话,哪怕是在你的脑海里也不要。
· 为环境做点什么
· 少浪费时间
快乐的活着 : )

Stan Hayward
· Keep a diary
· Write down the key points of what you did for the day. This may be trivial, but it will show how you spend your day.
· Write down thoughts you have for doing even simple things like buying something. This will show where your money goes.
· At the end of every month do a summary of what you have done, and mark out things you have achieved for the month, or failed to achieve. This includes your income, health, buying items, fixing things.
· Put a value on your time. If you assess your time as being worth $20 an hour then assess everything you do at that rate. So if writing and posting a letter takes half an hour, then it costs $10.
· Give yourself short term goals. Write down what you hope to achieve in the next month. Then assess how well you did it. If you failed then write down why.
· Have an excercise plan, and try hard to stick to it.

- 写日记
- 写下你一天所做的事情的关键点,这可能是微不足道的,但它会显示你是如何度过这一天的。
- 写下你做哪怕是简单的事情如买东西的想法,这将显示你的钱的去向。
- 在每个月的月底,对你所做的事情做一个总结,并标出你在这个月所取得的成绩,或未能取得的成绩,这包括你的收入、健康、购买的物品、修理的东西。
- 对你的时间进行估价。如果你评估自己的时间价值为每小时20美元,那么你所做的一切都要以这个价格来评估,假如写一封信需要半小时,那么它的成本是10美元。
- 给自己设定短期目标。写下你希望在下个月实现的目标,然后评估你做得如何,如果你失败了,那么写下原因。
- 定一个锻炼计划,并努力坚持下去。

· You need to plan your personal life like you would plan a company. Put a value on what you do, who you know, how much you pay for anything, and how much your possessions and actions further your goals.
· Keep a simplified record of your outgoings and income. This is not for accounting but just to see if your lifestyle affects this in a way that courses a need for adjusting
· Get rid of excess baggage. This covers items you don't need, habits that are distractions, friends who you will not miss, hobbies that absorb your resources.
· Mix with people who have similar goals to yourself. (this does not mean never mix with anyone else)
· Do not assume you will ever have time to do things you can't do now or soon.
· Learn the difference between Urgent and Important
· Don't rely on others to solve your problems. Try to solve all your own problems even if they can be solved with money or help. Learning how to fix a dripping tap may seem needless, but it gives an insight into problem solving.
· Find out how other people solved their problems or failed to.

- 你需要像规划公司一样规划你的个人生活。为你所做的事、你认识的人、你为任何东西付出的钱、以及你为实现目标所付出的财产和行动设定一个价值。
- 对你的支出和收入做一个简化的记录。这不是为了核算,只是为了看看你的生活方式是否会影响到你,是否需要调整。
- 扔掉多余的包袱,这包括你不需要的物品、分散注意力的习惯、你不会想念的朋友、消耗你资源的爱好。
- 与那些与你有类似目标的人交往。(这并不意味着永远不要和其他人交往)
- 不要假设你将永远有时间做你现在或不久后不能做的事情。
- 了解紧急和重要之间的区别
- 不要依赖他人来解决你的问题。尝试自己解决问题,即使这些问题可以通过钱或他人的帮助来解决,学习如何修理漏水的水龙头可能看起来没有必要,但它可以让人了解解决问题的方法。
- 观察其他人是如何解决他们的问题或他们是怎么失败的。

Josh Otusanya
· Give Yourself Permission To Have Fun - I was sitting in the train and saw a guy listening to music while lip-syncing to the song with a lot of conviction, as if he were performing. People were looking at him as if he were weird, but he was an example of true freedom. Freedom from what other people think of you and allowing yourself to express yourself and enjoy life.
· Live Below Your Means - You don’t need to buy the trendy shoes, clothes or gadgets. They’re all nice to have but they aren’t necessities. Save your money by cutting down on the unnecessary things you spend your money on.
· Aggressively Seek Knowledge - This practice has changed my life significantly in only the first few months. Read a lot of books and seek information. Educating yourself is a major catalyst for personal growth.
· Stop Quitting Things - Commit to completing any projects you start. This will make you more sextive with how you invest your time and also teach you the discipline to get things done.

· 允许自己享受乐趣——我坐在火车上,看到一个男人一边听音乐,一边信心十足地对口型,就好像在表演一样,人们看他的眼神好像他是个怪人,但他是真正自由的典范,从别人对你的看法中解脱出来,表达自己,享受生活。
· 量入为出——你不需要购买时髦的鞋子、衣服或其它什么小玩意儿,这些很美好,但它们不是必需品,通过减少不必要的花费来节省你的钱。
· 积极地寻求知识——这种做法仅仅在最初的几个月里就极大地改变了我的生活,阅读大量的书籍,探索知识,自我教育是个人成长的主要催化剂。
· 停止放弃——承诺完成任何你开始的项目,这会让你对如何投资时间更有选择性,也会教会你如何自律把事情做好。

· Reach Out To One Loved One Per Day - I’m a firm believer in this. You truly never know when the last time you’ll see or speak with someone will be. Let those you care about know how much they mean to you.
· Don’t Settle - Refuse to settle in all areas of your life - relationships, careers, friendships, etc. Know your worth and what you deserve.
· Trust Yourself - When you make a decision in life, trust that you are making the right one. You may not know how things will look on the other side, but trust that everything will be alright.
· Build Your Brand - The words you speak, actions you take, and projects you engage in are all part of your overall brand. Make sure that you strive to put forth the highest quality work you can on anything that has your name on it.
· You Are Enough - Remind yourself that you are smart enough, cool enough, attractive enough, etc. The only validation that matters is your own. Learn to love and appreciate yourself and what you have to offer. You are unique and nobody can take that away from you.

· 每天与心爱的人联系——我坚信这一点,你永远不知道你最后一次见到或者和某人说话会是什么时候,让你关心的人知道他们对你有多重要。
· 不要安于现状——拒绝安于你生活的所有领域,包括人际关系、事业、友谊等等,懂的自己的价值和那些是你应得的。
· 相信自己——当你在生活中做出决定时,要相信你的决定是正确的,你可能不知道事情的另一面会怎样,但要相信一切都会好起来。
· 建立你的口碑——你所说的话,你所采取的行动,你所参与的项目都是你整个人的一部分,确保你努力在任何有你名字的事情上投入精力以最高质量完成工作。
· 你够好了—— 提醒自己你够聪明,够酷,够有吸引力,等等,唯一重要的确认你就是你,要学会爱自己,欣赏自己,欣赏自己能提供的东西,你是独一无二的,没有人能从你身上夺走这一点。

Andy Giroux
· Exercise. And if you can, exercise in the morning. This helps in so many ways. It will help you sleep better at night and be more alx during the day. It will help wake you up in the morning by getting your blood flowing. It will help to sharpen and focus your mind. It will help relieve stress. There are just so many benefits.
· Don't say "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I don't have time". Tomorrow tends to be the imaginary land that never arrives, and 95-99% of the time when people say "I'll do it tomorrow" or "I don't have time" it really means "I'd rather just be lazy."
· Don't make excuses. Just do it. If there is something that you want to do, whether it is just something that you think would be fun, a new experience, or something to better yourself then do it. This sort of goes with point #2. If you're making excuses then all that means is your really don't want it that badly.
· Read books. Get off the internet. Stop reading pointless 3 paragraph articles and read something substantial. It will help expand your vocabulary, it will open your mind, it will inspire real thinking and creativity, and more.

· 运动
· 不要说“我明天做”或“我没有时间”
明天往往是永远不会到来的想象之地,当人们说 "我明天做 "或 "我没有时间 "时,95-99%的时候,它意味着 "我就是懒"。
· 不要找借口
· 读书,远离网络

· Save money. Be aggressive about it. In the next 5-10 years, you'll probably be extremely happy that you did so.
Don't hold grudges. Do not harbor hate. It takes a lot of energy to be mad at people so don't bother. Just let things go. And if someone continues to inspire these bad feelings in you, then let them go. It's that simple.
· Stop and smell the roses. It's good to want to better yourself, but you also need to know when to take time for yourself and relax. Let your batteries recharge.
· Be thankful and grateful. Sometimes it can be hard in the moment to realize that you actually have it pretty good, but every now and then just stop and think about everything that you have in your life. There is always someone who has it worse so you should be happy that you have what you have. It's also good to want to be better and to not just accept things for what they are, to challenge the status quo, but at the same time if you are always surging forward and you never stop to appreciate what and who is around you then one day when you finally do stop, you may realize there's nothing left.

· 省钱
· 不要心存怨恨
· 停下来闻闻玫瑰花香
· 心怀感激和感恩

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