2021-09-19 cnbsmt 18454

Under the leadership of Chancellor Angela Merkel, Germany's power and influence in European — and global — affairs has been indisputable.


Now she's leaving office after 16 years, many Europeans believe the country's "golden age" is over — including a majority of Germans, according to a recent poll.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The survey, conducted by the European Council on Foreign Relations think tank in 12 EU countries in early summer with the results published this week, found that Europeans still regard Merkel as a unifying force, and expect Germany to continue to provide leadership within the EU. Nonetheless, there is pessimism at home and abroad about Germany's post-Merkel future.


The poll found that many Europeans view Germany as a declining power — no more so than in Germany, where a majority (52%) hold the view that their country is past its "golden age." Only 15% of respondents in Germany said they believe their country is still in its "golden age" today, with 9% of respondents believing that it is still to come.


Across Europe more broadly, a third of Europeans (34%) surveyed said that Germany's star is fading, 21% said it is in its "golden age" today, and just 10% believed this period is in the future.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The data highlights uncertainty in both Germany and its neighbors over the future of the country, and its de facto leadership of the EU, once Merkel leaves office after the federal election on Sept. 26.


What do Germans consider to be their golden age?


Most Germans would say https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wirtschaftswunder


Merkel's biggest mistake was bringing the nuclear reactor era in Germany to an end.
Now we lack electrical energy which also lead to the automobile sector to not pursue electric vehicles when the time for it was right.
If she would have left it and moved the automobile industry to move over to electric vehicles, we could have started to replace fossil-fueled vehicles around 5-7 years ago. The benefit to the climate would have been measurable and Germany could engage in developing better nuclear reactors.
She killed it all and left us with nothing but horrendous energy prices.


You know that nuclear power was only cheap because you paid for it in taxes and the states taking over all risks, bottom line it was more expensive than any renewable energy. The biggest mistake was that she killed the fast rise of solar power by adding more taxes to it. So while nuclear energy was heavily tax funded, solar power got a tax penalty. We could have more people working in renewable energy than we ever had in coal or nuclear and we could have cheaper energy by not raising the cost on top for normal consumers while energy hungry industries got exceptions and the nuclear industry got money and got relieved of the waste.
And where do we lack electrical energy? We export more electrical energy than we import.
It wasn't the lack of electrical energy that stopped electrical cars it was the protection from the government that opposed als stricter laws on emissions. CDU, SPD and AFD always opposed all efforts to move to renewables and pushed out the coal end date.


The miracle of capitalism


Capitalism is like a credit card. If you use it sparingly or for emergencies it’s very handy. But if it is your solution for anything and everything you’ll be broke and earth will be dead


In another era, Europe was going to chart a true third path between the US and USSR. Germany and France would lead this new idea using high-speed electric trains, intermodal containers and nuclear power. Supersonic airplanes and small satellite launch systems would be European built and sold worldwide. Everyone would drive VWs, including Americans who would still be under an OPEC embargo. European business would define markets and European unxs would define the trades, even if they couldn't dominate them as the competing powers could.
This stopped being the case years ago as the EU got into it's debt crisis and refused to issue Eurobonds. The larger European project has stalled due to their bankers refusing to pay for it, which is why Europe's richest countries no longer see themselves in a golden age.


Is anyone in a golden age these days? Isn’t it all perspective? No one ever think they’re living in a golden age in their time. I am sure Germans in 100 years will look back at this time as the golden age because earth will be one big environmental disaster.


Exactly. obxtively, Europe is now in a golden age. We have it better than the post war years.
BioNtech is still a legit German high point.
Of course, like all ages, we have our challenges. And perhaps Europe will decline.
There is still a lot of room for economic growth in the east and Europe is second only to the US when it comes to technology.
Europe does not want to be a military superpower, but could easily be if we chose.
Europe has the most political soft power in the world.
Perhaps we are at the start of the "big decline", but it's way too early to say.


Is anyone in a golden age these days?
China had its peak economic growth from around 2000 to about 2017. Though its demographic contraction is going to make the next 30 years "challenging". Hundreds of millions seens their incomes grow massively.
Many developing world nations are in rapid economic expansion phases of their development and having the highest standards of health and living ever.
The US is in a good place economically, though middle class white people are in a down phase so this gives the general impression of it being a low point.
Most of Eastern Europe that joined the EU has good growth and record standards of living.
Ireland has achieved some of the highest gdp per capita in Europe so by a long way its best period in history.


So Germans believe their golden age was 2 decades only 80 years after the countries creation?


Which is insane because the country was also split in two. It's kind of infuriating that you know there were also Germans that were repressed by a dictatorship at the very same time. But sure let's call it Golden Age and forget about 17 million Germans.
Not to mention that Germany didn't even have political autonomy before the 2+4 contract.
I'm very sorry but by all standard the wirtschaftswunder wasn't a golden age at all, it just looks amazing because of the mere absence of war.
Applying metrics like strength and influence in science, military, cultural aspects and soft power it would be reasonable to say that Germany had a golden age somewhere around the 1900.
But it was the 1900s so it wasn't a golden age in terms is societal progress (very few liberties in comparison with democratic nations like France at the time). One could also argue for now, since Germany is relatively stable, wealthy, enjoys democracy and social liberties as well es economical influence and soft power.


So two thirds of Europeans believe that Germany is not declining.
Don't see how that means that "Europeans view Germany as a declining power"


I don't get it either, except for the disruption from Corona and the fact that Merkel is willingly leaving office (after 16 years as Chancellor, and the first ever to do so willingly).
Pre-Corona, Germany had the highest number of people employed since WWII, the lowest number of unemployed since WWII, was host to a rather large number of refugees, while still maintaining Universal Health Care and a no tuition fee university education (with the exception of one State).
The bridges, railroads and autobahnen are constantly being rebuilt and are so good that at times there are no speed limits on the autobahnen. Cities are working full time to install fiber optic cable to our front doors, which is a bit annoying at times but we need it.
When the rest of the EU countries get into financial trouble, who do they call?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

We're in decline as a power, globally as well as in Europe, relatively. It doesn't mean that things aren't going well, it just means that we're having and will have less influence.
We're a country of about 83 million. That's actually more on the larger side than on the smaller end, and combined with a highly developed economy, this used to carry some weight. And it still does. However, nowhere near as much as the US' ~330 million population, also with a highly developed economy, has. Even they are in decline, relatively. China, with its population of 1.4 billion and a by now decently developed economy that has become enormously important for the global economy over the past decades, has gained influence accordingly. India's population should actually be even larger than China's by now, and even though it doesn't come close in terms of economic influence yet, this is just a matter of time. It's not only those two, or other huge countries like Indonesia, Brazil and so on, either, but the World at large that is developing and catching up. It may be happening at different speeds, and regionally some will occasionally take a step backwards, but it's only natural and this phase during which a few societies used to be so far ahead of the majority of the global population had to be only temporary. And this will eventually make Germany just another country that, after all, has only about one percent of the global population.
Something similar is happening in Europe, and at the same time, most of us in Europe are pooling sovereignty to decide more policies together, on a more democratic basis that is spread more broadly. For Germany, this means a relative decline on influence within Europe, but it's also a countermeasure to the global development that we Europeans take in our common interest to maintain a degree of influence on the global level by banding together.
So, it's a relative decline, but an expected one, and it doesn't mean we won't be able to maintain a decent infrastructure. While those projects do indeed run into problems with influence, it's usually very, very local.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Germany has terrible phone and internet options. Usually really expensive and poor quality.
You also can’t pay with a credit or debit card in so many places yet finding an ATM that doesn’t charge you for withdrawals isn’t always easy.
Your trains are regularly late or cancelled, they usually have no WiFi and you can have no phone coverage for hours travelling between major cities.
Really feel like Germany is kind of far behind other parts of Western Europe in some key areas that effect your day to day life.
I do love Germany though.


What are you smoking. Compared to the US or Australia Germany is amzingly cheap and reliable.


I am obviously not comparing Germany to a 3rd world country like the USA. I specifically said it feels like it is behind other parts of Western Europe.
You have to face facts. Germany is just Netherlands but everything is approx 10% more shit.


I lived in Germany and now live in Poland. Well you have way better internet than we have in US but compared to Poland (especially price wise) west europe is shit lol.


Not even that in Mbit per Euro national average Germany is only behind Scotland and Portugal.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Scotland isn’t even really a country. Quite sure there is no such thing as a Scottish ISP or phone network.
Would be interested to see your source for this info.


Scotland is not even a country... Do you even read what you type? Dude lay off on whatever you are smoking.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes I do read what I type. The ‘really’ is somewhat important in what I wrote and you excluded that when quoting me
The fact is, it’s not really a proper country in the usual sense. It’s part of the UK.
The UK has phone and internet providers that offer the same services, at the same prices, across all of the UK.
There is no distinct Scottish pricing so when you say behind only ‘Portugal and Scotland’ then you are just wrong.
If you want to say what you said then you must include England, Wales and Northern Ireland too.


Is there any country on Earth that could be considered to be in its own "Golden Age" right now?


China probably. Not necessary for the whole individual freedom bit, but booming economy and expanding global influence.


China definitely. They've averaged 6.58% growth every year since 1960. US has only hit their average once, in 1984. And there hasn't been a single year of 5% growth here since.
Let me put this another way: China's economy doubled 10 years for the past 60 years. US's economy doubled every 35 years for the past 60 years, and almost none of it went to anyone but the top 10%, mostly to the top 1%, mostly to the top 0.1%, etc.
The only countries that come close to China are Botswana, which now has universal healthcare in Sub-Saharan Africa, and Singapore, which is basically a one-party dictatorship of the Lee family run like a hedge fund to cater to foreign millionaires.


The title is bullshit.. Germany is obviously one of the great powers of Europe, if not the greatest still, and I am not german.
My country, Slovenia, always looks up to Germany, how to handle things. Except for nuclear power.. Germany really shot themselves in the foot with nuclear power. Wind and solar energy are not even close to providing enough power, and its definitely not much cleaner, when you have to import the rest from environmentaly questionable sources.
But apart from nuclear energy, Germany is quality.
Golden age is almost always something in the past, because we tend to look at the past with rose-colored glasses, full of nostalgia and what-ifs.


As a German I can tell you, that we are the most self critical people ever. So I wouldn’t put too much weight on this. If you look at data Germany probably has never been doing better.


Economic power #4, de facto leader of the EU (alongside France), good recovery and handling of both major financial crises? Yeah, I think we’re doing fine.
The biggest weakness of Germany is its inherent, stubborn conservatism that makes it hard to adopt new developments and technologies. But we noticed that we missed the starting gun, and ironically, Covid actually helped companies catch up.
The new election will be an indicator of where Germany will be going. Hopefully to a more progressive and adaptable future. But I think overall, we’ll be fine.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

As a geography geek, it's still crazy to see how much bigger Germany was on the eve of WWI (and that's without accounting for its overseas colonies)
Would the 1914 be the peak of modern German power? Sure Germany conquered a lot of territory during WWII, but those were never sustained (too heavily outnumbered by the larger Allies)
Or recent Germany, when it was the lead nation in a confident and growing EU (pre-financial recession)?


Germans generally don't look back at the Kaiserreich with feelings of pride, with the exception of a very small group of buffoons. 1950-1965 is typically considered the greatest period in German history, at least for West Germans.
There was a lot of euphoria around reunification, but it dissipated relatively quickly. Another period that might be looked at favourably in retrospect is 2002 to 2008, from the introduction of the euro till the onset of the world financial crisis.


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