2021-09-24 可乐加冰 7970

How do I stop eating junk food?


People Watcher, I read about phobias this one time, not an expert.
I went through a phase of this in lockdown.
THIS ONE - Every time you think of junk food, immediately fill your head with disgusting images that make you gag. Such as all the fat and lard running in your body. Any dirty rotten kitchen images you can think of. Really anything that sets off a bad feeling. Always end a junk food thought on a BAD NOTE.
Don’t buy junk in your weekly shop. Just don’t put it in your house. If you really really want it one night, trust that that level of want will get you to the shop. In reality, you won’t be bothered and you’ll talk yourself out of it. There’s no such thing as endless suffering when it comes to food because you can get up any time you like. The harder you make it for yourself the easier it is to talk yourself out of it.
Do buy easy-to-prepare food. When the JUNK FOOD NOW NOW NOW monster strikes, you’ll need to feed it quickly to shut it up.
Though not essential, making a food diary helps because you can forget to congratulate yourself. This is an important part because any rewarding feeling we get, (dopamine) we tend to want more of it. Right now your reward is focused on fats and sugars, you think of junk food, you want it, instantly. You want to train your dopamine over to achievement. Having a visual of your hard work will enhance that feeling and push it in the direction you want it in.
It takes a good three weeks for your cravings to change. A craving is simply a cry for nutrients. The longer you leave it to eat the more those cravings shift toward fats and sugar.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Egis Racinskas, Fat Loss Coach at Absscience.com
First and foremost, create a supportive food environment—don’t put yourself in a situation where you’d have to fight temptations:
Next, plan ahead of time because overeating is often caused by poor planning.
I have my clients use the strategy called “24 before.”
It means that each night, they’ll spend 5–10 minutes planning what they’ll eat the next day. It doesn’t work every time (perfection isn’t attainable) but it does reduce the chances of “accidentally” eating a tub of ice cream.
The third thing is to just… wait—when the urge to gobble down food arises, wait 15–20 minutes. You’ll often find that the urge dissipates more often than not.
Lastly, get back on track because overeating will happen eventually. You’re not a friggn robot.
When that happens, don’t punish yourself by “burning the calories off” or reducing calories to the amount that’s too ridiculous for words.
Just go back on track with your next meal. You’re always one meal away from getting back on track:
This is what you’re going to next time when you eat until the food is coming out your ears—go back on track.
If you want to train pain-free, stay lean year-round, and not cut your favorite foods from your diet, check my nutrition & training tips on Instagram and read more in-depth articles on Medium

我让我的客户使用" 24小时前"策略
如果你想无痛训练,全年保持苗条,并且不想从你的饮食中减少你最喜欢的食物,请在 Instagram 上查看我的营养和训练技巧,并在 Medium 上阅读更深入的文章。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Shrawanti Shukla, Undergrduate Student, Electrical Engineering
I can tell how I keep myself away from junk food.
So basically one really gets inspired by what people around them eat, like your friends, family, and also where you live, like if you live in hostel, your chances of eating junk food increases.
Also, most of the junk food, like noodles is made of “maida" or refined white flour, which is not really good for health, especially if you consume it on daily basis.
So if you belong to the category of people who quickly gain weight, in such cases if you continue eating junk food, you will gain weight at an exponential rate,
But if you belong to the category of people who don't gain weight even after eating a lot of junk food, then what junk food really does to your body is that it reduces the amount of food you need to take to kill your hunger, meaning if your body requires at least 4 rotis(chapatis) and vegetables and pulses in a day, juck food can replace it by only one plate of noodles. Now in such case, a person will not gain required weight, suffer from lot of health problems like low BMI, undernourishment, and girls will suffer from irregular periods, etc.
So the question is how to control yourself from eating junk food?
Well you may get inspired by how stunning Deepika Padukone looks in those short dresses, or you may have to impress someone, or you may be suffering from health problems and want to get rid of it, etc.

但是,如果你属于即使吃了很多垃圾食品也不发胖的那一类人,那么垃圾食品对你身体的真正影响是它减少了你消除饥饿所需的食物量,意思是如果你的身体需要至少4个印度薄饼、蔬菜和豆类的一天, 垃圾食品可以用一盘面条代替它。在这种情况下,一个人不会增加所需的体重,反而会遭受很多健康问题,如体重指数低、营养不良、女孩月经不规律等。
好吧,你可能会被穿着短裙的迪皮卡·帕度柯妮(Deepika Padukone)的迷人外表所启发,或者你可能想给某人留下深刻印象,或者你可能正遭受健康问题的困扰,想要摆脱它,等等。

Drink a glass of water before eating junk food, it will reduce your hunger.
Do exercise at any time of the day, anytime, so thet when next time you will feel like eating junk food, you will remember that all your hard work will go waste.
Eat seasonal fruits instead of junk food, keep a tifin with you filled with fruits like grapes, etc.
Do meditation, it's important to control your mind, it's all mind game.
Whenever you feel like eating junk food, just delay it by saying “not this time, but next time for sure”, and repeat this Everytime.
Try to get some tasty but healthy food, it will motivate you to give up junk food.
It's really important, you have to transform yourself and put a before and after pictures of the transformation on social media!!, And share your transformation story on Quora:)
Also, I'm not a dietician or a doctor by any means, these are just my personal experiences but are very effective.


Mary Beth Bauers, Wildlife and Sustainability Blogger
To stop eating junk food you should start by finding information about the negative things it can do to your body. After this, when you go to the grocery store do not go hungry because more than likely you'll come across your favorite junk food and place it in your cart. Making a list beforehand can give you a more structured budget on the healthy foods to get and planning meals to prep can allow you to stick to that healthier diet. You are likely to not eat junk food if you do not have it accessible to you.


Zak Casper, Blogger (2018-present)
It’s 3 p.m. and you’re experiencing that all-too-familiar afternoon slump. It brings on a fierce sugar (or salt or caffeine) craving.
If you have a healthy meal and snacks packed and ready for you at lunchtime and in the afternoon, you’re far less likely to grab a leftover piece of pizza, order French fries, or eat the sweets someone brought in to the office.
You’ll be getting all the nutrients you need from these healthy foods, so your cravings for the fake stuff will start to diminish.
Adding fresh guacamole or a fatty fish like salmon to your day is a great way to incorporate healthy, filling fats.
The more varied your diet, the less likely you will get bored or crave junk food.
While you’re probably aware of the effects on your mood or energy level, you may not know that lack of sleep is thought to play a big role in junk food cravings.


Steven Chanthavong, Lives in Georgia, US
Recognize that if you quit junk food for a long time, you will lose much of that craving as well.
Eat foods that are both healthy and taste good; I once helped an overweight person give up junk food and lose weight by showing him foods that tasted good and were healthy.
Make sure that these foods don’t take too long to make. The more difficult it is, the less likely you are to make healthy food for yourself.
Something that can be a good start is replacing sugary drinks with water.
As for what are the healthy and good tasting foods, people’s tastes are highly variable and you may have to do some research yourself.
Also, many places sell healthy freezer food that’s easy to make.
If you want to start, here are two good ideas:
Smoothies are really good; I just put this in a blender and add some water and that’s it, I get to consume a lot of fruits/vegetables as a smoothie and I think it tastes pretty decent!
Frozen food can be healthy too, plus it’s quick and easy to make so you’d be less likely to grab junk food.


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