2021-09-28 君子冲盈 7296

Lukas Schwekendiek
Reading is so important because it keeps our mind active.
One of the biggest problems in old age is that our mind can’t keep up anymore.
We become slower at doing things, our inspiration flies out the window and it becomes generally harder to use our mind for certain tasks.
Reading helps with this as we allow our mind to visit a new area we never visited before.
Reading helps our mind turn away from the world while indulging in other fantastical stories or learning about things we never knew.
This makes it easier to deal with the world once we come back after a long reading session but also prepares us more for the world.
We learn to see the world through the eyes of other people by reading their stories, learn new concepts through the words of someone else and visit fantastical places that we could never dream of ourselves.
All of this boosts our mind power in different ways as we think about things differently mostly because the author has their own voice.


We tend to see life only from one point of view… from our point of view, which is severely limited.
But when we read Biographies we learn about a new point of view, when we read novels we get to hear the authors soul tell us their story and when we read non-fiction books we read about what the author deemed important.
This puts us at the mercy of whoever wrote that book, but that is exactly why it is so important to read!
With our limited point of view we cannot possibly grasp everything there is to know from every angle, so we need other people to show us the different sides of life that we fail to see.
And sometimes all it takes is for us to shift our thinking by just 1° to open a whole new world of possibilities!
Reading allows us to dive into another persons point of view, which allows us to forget about our lives for a moment while learning to see the world from a new angle.
It allows us to learn, to experience, to fantasize and to keep our minds active so that even in old age we can still live!
So read on!

我们倾向于只从一个角度来看待生活...... 纯粹从自我的角度来看事物是非常有限的。

‘Readers are leaders’.
Reading is important because it develops the mind. Understanding the written word is one way the mind grows in its ability.Learning to read is about listening and understanding as well as working out what is printed on the page. Through hearing stories, children are exposed to a wide range of words. This helps them build their own vocabulary and improve their understanding when they listen, which is vital as they start to read. Even as adults, when we read, we come across many new words we never really heard of. And we learn from this. As you read, you come across new words, phrases and writing styles.
Here are a few benefits of reading:
Reading builds confidence
Reading develops emotions
Reading helps you socialize
Reading improves memory
Reading broadens horizons
Reading improves vocabulary
Reading improves writing skills
Reading improves analytical skills
Reading makes you more empathetic
Reading develops critical thinking skills
Reading helps you learn at your own pace
Reading improves focus and concentration
Reading helps in better comprehension of things around you


Liam Gorman
I read quite a bit, every day probably and I mostly like fiction.
I think reading is pretty important too and a lot of people enjoy stressing this to you throughout your life- mainly parents and teachers.
These are the reasons I read:
I get told to.
It gives me a great new insight into the ideas of others and their minds and enables me to think differently about situations and my life.
It educates me on how to write and different techniques which can help me in writing.
Reading Quora also enables me to learn more writing skills and meet new, interesting people and hear stories which are better than any of those you'll find in a novel.
It enables me to escape into a different world and immerse myself into characters I can relate to in a world I enjoy to imagine and plunge into.
unless I can submerge myself into a great story I find it difficult to stay gripped but I find reading valuable and enjoyable; it can make you think, laugh, pained, caring, free and smarter!


Anshu Bharti
I am having my holidays.
My brother in law calls me and asks me to read.
"Read anything/everything. Keep reading. Keep feeding your brain one or other things." He says.
He is the most composed person I have ever known. In his free time, he reads whatever comes in his hand.
Reading is really very important.
It opens windows for you to get fresh air. It opens the door and lets you step out so that you can experience the world outside the shell you have been living in for years.
Reading helps you know whether the world outside is smooth, tough or plausible. Whether you can fit into it.
Knowledge gives you space to expand. The more you read, the more you make yourself compatible. You become compassionate and analytical. Empathy comes to reside in you.
Start reading to feel the difference.


Virali Modi
I love to read. I'm more of fiction reader. Reading is important to me because I'm able to transport myself into a whole different world. I'm able to feel what the characters in the book are feeling. I'm able to relate to some of the characters. I'm able to imagine a scenario and use the descxtive words to help paint a picture in my head.
I feel reading is so magical, even more magical than movies. Every person has a different imagination. If 10 people in a room would read one page out of a book, and then asked to draw what they imagined, each persons drawing would vary. That's the power of a book.
I like to read on Quora because of the many experiences, stories, and information that's shared. I can learn, without having to go to a school or facility. I'm able to learn on my own terms, without force. I feel that's the best kind of education and/or knowledge.
Reading is really important and magical to me, there isn't anything better than reading.


Nitish Parnami
It takes you to a different imaginative world.
Improves your English.
Gives you company when you are alone.
Makes you aware of the things happening around world.
Makes you wonder if you could write something like this someday.
Try it, it won’t disappoint you.


Akshay Shahjee
Reading is really very necessary for everybody.
Lemme say you why?
We people, in this busy world, get somuch attached to the trending technologies that we forget even about our personal health and focus on it so much that, we dont realise how using mobile always impacts our life in a daily basis.
Why Reading?
Why leaving the electronic gadgets and allocate time for reading?
Well reading opens your vision and expands your creativity.
Reading makes you realise that how author has beautifully portrated his vision in that book.
Even research have shown that reading improves our imagination power and also improves optimistic atmosphere among us.


Almost all the top entrepreneurs and CEOs in this world always have the habit of reading because reading makes them to get some innovative ideas and apply it own real life basis so that they can be able to improve their vision and expand it to others.
So remember all these successful entrepreneurs even after having so much valuable so that they can enjoy their rest of life but still make reading habit a mandatory one even in their busy schedule.
1. Reading develops creativity.
2. Reading develops concentration.
3. Reading expands your vision.
4. Reading inculcates self improvement.
5. Reading makes your dig deeper inside of anything and get immersed into it.
6. Reading compounds your knowledge.
and the list goes on….
Hope, you could understand the importance of reading…

1. 阅读可以培养创造力。
2. 阅读能提供专注力。
3. 阅读拓展视野。
4. 阅读教会我们自我提升。
5. 阅读使你更深入地挖掘任何事物的内在,并沉浸于其中。
6. 阅读使你的知识更加丰富。

Steve Black
Although I stopped going to school at thirteen. I know a lot of stuff because of reading. I read all the time. From the back of the cornflake box to the back of a train ticket. Reading is knowledge. I awake with the online editions of the New York Times and the London Times. I like to be informed it is the only way to make decisions. I also always have at least two books on go. One will be a factual history or biography and the other fiction.
I cannot envisage a life without reading.


Darin L. Hammond
Quora Participants May Not Read as Much as You Think
You say: "The fact that you are on Quora means you read a lot," but it is important for all to understand that this is false. I understand what you mean - people seem to be more well-read here than on other platforms (especially Facebook). However, many Quora participants who give the impression of being well read are simply using a facade - they don't REALLY read.I say this is important because you should never feel intimidated here. At Quora we are all equals, and even if you have read little, you can add to discussions in a valuable way. Jump in and get involved because you are reading, writing, and thinking in a social community.This is so valuable.
Start reading more now, regardless of how much you have read in the past. Here are a few reasons why I say that.

你可能说 " 我在Quora阅读这一事实就意味着我读了很多东西 " 但大家必须明白,这是不正确的。
我理解你的意思——与其他平台(尤其是非死不可)相比,这里的人似乎更博学,然而,许多给人以博览群书印象的 Quora 参与者阅读量大只是一个表象——他们并没有真正地阅读。

As a Teacher and Writer, I Read a lot, but Others Read Far More
I am in English, reading, and writing as my vocation. I taught advanced reading and writing to university freshmen - juniors for 12 years at several different schools. I now blog and write professionally full time.
I bring this up because I am passionate about the value of teaching and practicing language skills. They are they highest evolved skills on earth, which is reason enough to employ them frequently. I don't employ them enough and many here read much more than I.I have seen students mature and grow most quickly through great reading than any other means. Reading is the best way to learn, especially when combined with writing.Conversely, many more young people plateau (or decline) intellectually because they refuse to engage in the hard work of reading. If you read well, it is always difficult, no matter how smart you are.


Reading Develops and Nurtures Our Most Important Capacity as Humans
On a more personal level, I find that I grow through all kinds of reading. I become a more empathic - animal, individual human, neighbor, community member, citizen, sibling, son, father, husband, etc. Empathy refers to our ability to think, feel, imitate, learn from, communicate with, and comprehend ideas of other animals (including human animals).
Written words (especially fiction) have the unique power to connect one mind with others. For example, in reading Huckleberry Finn, you emotionally experience the thoughts, feelings and actions of others, on an intimate level. Neurologically, your brain imagines that it is actually living the experiences of Huck and Jim.
This is scientifically proven in neuroscience, but not completely understood. This Ted Talk on the subject of empathy, imitation, reading, and learning through mirror neurons just might blow your mind:
The neurons that shaped civilization
by Neuroscientist Vilayanur Ramachandran
While the talk does not discuss reading very specifically, it clearly explains what happens when you read. You think and feel as other people which has so many benefits that I could not begin to list them.

这在神经科学中得到了科学的证明,尽管我们还没有完全理解其中的奥妙,这个关于同理心、模仿、阅读和通过镜像神经元学习的TED演讲可能会让你大吃一惊。链接:《塑造文明的神经元》——神经学家Vilayanur Ramachandran

Fit, Fully Evolved Humans Read to Learn, Grow, and Understand
The benefits I discuss above have little to do with knowledge gained through reading. I speak of changes that take place in the human brain while reading that help us empathize with and understand others.
Add to that list what other people typically point out about reading, and you have the answer to your question (but you too can add many other ideas):
Acquire new knowledge of the world, life, and the universe
Gain information about the history of the universe up through today
Ask significant questions and find answers to the important issues concerning existence and sentience.
Collect new ideas that you might not generate on your own
Develop a foundation of knowledge so that you can rise above it, creating new questions and answers that no other human has added to our collective knowledge. This is innovation and genius, and it requires reading.
Educate yourself for free, making you better able to function within society as a functional citizen.
Help ensure that your mind remains vigorous in later years as you age.
Find answers to problems that you need to solve.
Draw from the best minds ever to life on earth, and add to what others have accomplished so that you elevate human civilization.
Employ a skill that no other animal has evolved.
Transcend your small world to see other places, civilizations, and people.
Help to transmit to future generations the knowledge and progress that humans have made over vast amounts of time.

. 获得有关世界、生命和宇宙的新知识
. 获得迄今为止有关宇宙历史的信息
. 提出重要的问题,并找到有关存在和知觉等重要问题的答案
. 收集你自己可能不会产生的新想法
. 扩大知识基础,以便你能超越它,创造出集体知识的新问题和答案,这就是创新和天才,它需要阅读
. 免费教育自己,让你更好地在社会中发挥作用,成为一个有用的公民
. 帮助确保你的大脑在晚年随着年龄的增长而保持活力
. 为你需要解决的问题找到答案
. 从地球上有史以来最优秀的头脑中汲取营养,并为他人的成就添砖加瓦,从而提升人类文明。
. 运用一种其他动物没有进化出来的技能
. 超越你的小世界,看到其他地方、文明和人民
. 帮助把人类在漫长岁月中取得的知识和进步传递给后代。

"Your life depends on it!" Is absolutely 100% true.
The idea that your happiness and fulfillment as a human depends upon reading accurately characterizes its importance. You cannot maximize your human life and experience without reading a lot (or even listening to books). This may sound harsh, but as we know, the truth can be painful.

“你的生命取决于阅读!”绝对是100% 正确的。

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