2021-10-01 遐怪 7630


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Reem Shaikh
you know, sometimes it sucks, it sucks to not know what is your calling, but I don’t blame you because most of the time a career choice has to be made at an age when we still don't have enough life experience or self-knowledge to make a right choice, and it can sometimes seem like an impossible task.
But with a few simple tips, the decision can become less difficult.


1. Search
If you still don't know which way to go, do some research.
Read about different areas, about the universities that interest you, about the courses that each offers, and about what each course does.
Sometimes we have a very superficial notion of a particular profession.
It is important to study the curriculum of the courses that interest you, and if you have not yet decided on the area - human, exact or biological sciences - perhaps this process will help you.

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2. Visit companies
Another way to get to know the available areas better is to get to know that awaits the professional after graduation.
It is very important to know what exactly each professional does, and the possibilities that each profession offers.
Visiting companies and seeing the market up close, it is easier to understand the pros and cons of each area, that way it is easier to understand what you like and what you are not interested in.

2. 拜访公司

3. Take career guidance courses
For the most indecisive, several institutions offer professional guidance courses.
These courses consist of making a personal study of the individual, putting him in contact with his own tastes, skills and talents.
Vocational guidance courses in general facilitate the choice of the individual, allowing him to perceive for himself the areas with which he most identifies.

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4. Take vocational tests
Vocational tests are more superficial than orientation courses, and generally consist of questions prepared by psychologists who use a points system to define the most suitable areas for each profile.
There is a wide variety of vocational tests on the market, on the internet it is possible to have access to several, but it is advisable that you look for a professional to perform a test with greater reliability.

4. 参加职业测试
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5. Read about career and market
Reading is always important.
Read articles about the career plan of each area, the possibility of growing each profession, market competition, average salary, among other peculiarities.
It is also important to know the moment of the market, the professions of the future and those that are becoming obsolete.

5. 阅读关于职业和市场的文章
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6. Exercise self-awareness
Perhaps this is the most important point in choosing a successful career.
You need to know yourself, to know what is good, to know your own talents, what you like to do and what you don't like.
It is important to know if you handle pressure well, or if you prefer a job with more planning, if you want to live in the big city or in the countryside.
All the variables in your life interfere with your choice.

6. 锻炼自我意识
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7. Talk to professionals
Talk to professionals who are already in the market, know the reality of the profession, this avoids future frustrations.
Know the day to day of the profession, what are the problems that these professionals need to solve, the possibilities of growth within the companies and analyze if the daily life that these people take pleases you.

7. 与专业人士交流

8. Make an exchange
If possible, travel, study abroad.
By meeting different people and cultures, you expand your sense of the world, and consequently your possibilities.
Studying abroad you also develop a notion of the international market, and you can analyze the moment of your profession outside the country as well.


9. Do internships
If you are already in college, intern in different companies, and if you are still in school, there is the possibility of working as a minor apprentice in several companies.
That way you can get to know the daily lives of different professions, which helps you choose your own path.


10. Be realistic
It is no use dreaming of an expensive career with little return.
Know that any course you decide to take will require financial investment and dedication.
Therefore, analyze your financial situation, your mobility possibilities, your skills and the return that the career will give you.
Make a plan for your life, and analyze whether in 10 years you will be able to get to where you want to follow a certain area.
If it seems possible, go ahead.
If it seems difficult or a little crazy, think again.
It is your future that is at stake.


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Jeremy Senseng
, former Marketing & Community at Good.Co
You hear it everywhere:
Follow your passion. Do something you love.
You'll find yourself getting more confused when you try to follow these generic statements. It's like asking, "How do I get to the grocery store?" only to hear, "Follow the road. Get in your car." Huh?
People have dreams, wants, interests, goals, etc. Navigating through choosing a career is the process of discovering the intersection of these things.
The workplace is saturated with people who aren't exactly thrilled to be at work. They're the ones who watch the clock. They're the ones who emit dread while walking into the building. They're the ones who fell into the job and didn't explore other options. Maybe they did, but didn't do anything about it.


We all either know someone like this or have been that person. It's not fun. It's no way to let 40-50 hours a week of your life pass by, every week. Before you know it, you're 35, 45, and 55.
Instead, try to find something that makes you feel like this:
That's Steve Ballmer, current Los Angeles Clippers owner and former CEO of Microsoft. That's being passionate (and a little crazy). You can feel his energy.
Not saying you have to display that much excitement for a career, but you want to continually work towards something that gets you a little consistently thrilled.

我们要么认识这样的人,要么就是这样的人。这一点都不好玩。不能让你每周40-50个小时的时间从你身边溜走,每周都是。不知不觉,你已经35 45 55岁了。

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Maybe it’s volunteering with a local nonprofit that provides beds for kids in need. Maybe it’s working on a video app that lets family members in different counties see each other. Maybe it’s helping others stay in shape.
Choosing a career is a process of self-discovery. It doesn't just happen after working 1, 2, 3 jobs or going to school. Take small steps -- jobs, internships, volunteer opportunities -- and pay attention to what you don't like/like about the role. Consider the environment, personalities, and growth opportunities. You may be exposed to something new and develop interests.
It takes time. It’s in your best interests to be continually closing the gap between of where you are and where you want to be.


Mariam Naeem Khan
, lives in Pakistan
I was 19 and completely lost. I didn’t know what to do with my life; I had no idea which career to pursue. While my friends were acquiring admissions in different renowned national and international universities, I was failing admissions in each one of them. But, I read the newspaper everyday - it was a habit I had cultivated in early teens.
One day, I saw an advertisement for the position of Assistant Customer Services Officer and decided to apply. Everyone joked about a college grad getting that job, but, I was able to secure it.
The minute I joined work, my journey towards discovering my skills, interests, strengths and weaknesses began. I got a chance to work with different departments, which was actually an opportunity for me to discover the career I’d like to pursue in future.


Within a year of assisting seniors in different departments, I found I was truly passionate about Corporate Communications. I liked to develop content for internal and external stakeholders, and loved writing for marketing publications.
I suggest you to join a start-up or any small-scale company, which will give you an opportunity to assist seniors in different departments, so you can discover where your true passion lies.
Alternatively, you can interview various professionals from diverse backgrounds to know what their average day is like. If possible, request them to allow you to visit their workplace once or a couple of times to get a flare of their jobs.


Or, apply for an internship in any organisation. An internship will help you gauge the real-life nature of different roles.
You don’t have to choose a career path straight away. Numerous people end up adopting professions they haven’t studied for. I know an Engineer who has become a Professional Trainer, an MBA in Finance who is working successfully in Advertising and a Psychologist who is working as an Editor.
Even if you study a certain subject and can’t find related jobs, you can always opt for certifications and diplomas to acquire academic knowledge about your profession. For example, I had studied English Literature in Bachelors, but was promoted as a Project Officer (National Communication Lead) at work. So, I enrolled in a Diploma Programme for Project Management.
Lastly, don’t stress about your career so much. Instead, focus on choosing the subject/s you enjoy the most and study it/them devotedly. If you work hard, good things will automatically happen.


Anthony Gold
As far as choosing your career path, there are a few things to keep in mind. It is good that you are thinking about the types of activities you enjoy. You’d be surprised how many people choose a job just because it is available or simply due to the pay being offered - without considering how much they’d enjoy the work.
I’ve found it very helpful to look at the intersection of these three elements: (1) what you are passionate about and really enjoy doing, (2) what you are very good at, and (3) what the market will pay handsomely (or at least adequately) for.
Granted you don’t have a lot of experience yet, but it seems like you have a good feel for the work you enjoy (and presumably could do quite well). While many startups could certainly use the types of skills you listed, there are many challenges with startups – which I’m sure you know. I’m a huge fan of startups and entrepreneurship, but not everyone enjoys the roller coaster ride and its associated drama that are part and parcel of many startup environments.


Another option to consider – in addition to joining a startup – is to leverage your skills in ideation, business model planning, and marketing strategy to help multiple companies at the same time. You can do that as a strategic advisor / consultant where you are typically paid an hourly rate (perhaps with a fixed retainer as you build you clout). Forming your own LLC to offer these services (presuming you’re in the US) enables you to deduct all your legitimate business expenses against business income – which can be a huge benefit.
I’m often asked this question: “How do I get started as an advisor / consultant when I don’t have a ton of experience?” The answer is this: start by offering a pro-bono project with a company in your network that can leverage your skills. But don’t say your rate is $0 per hour. Rather, say something like this: “My rate is typically $X per hour, but I am eager to demonstrate how my skills and dedication will result in a solution that will blow away your expectations. As such, I am willing to do this project on my nickel to establish my value to your company.”


That way, you set the stage that once you do exceed their expectations, you’ll be able to charge your “normal” rate for future projects. And, if you do a great job, you’ll have no problem getting a reference from the client. Once you have your first gig under your belt, and an extremely satisfied, referenceable client – then the subsequent engagements become easier and easier.
And, this work I’m describing can be for both startup companies as well as established firms.
Of course, I’m not suggesting that is the only path to consider. Believe it or not, even large companies have an interest in people who are good at developing new business ideas with a shrewd marketing and financial head. So don’t limit your considerations by thinking otherwise.


The last point I’ll make is this: what you choose today won’t necessarily lock you in forever. In the old days, you joined a company and stayed for 20+ years. Today, the average time a new grad stays in a gig is about 3 years. So, don’t stress too much over “am I making the right decision”. Sure, you want to put decent consideration into your next move (all of your moves), but don’t think it’s an “all or nothing” type of choice.
You can learn and grow from every experience, even the “crash and burn” ones – sometimes even more so from those. So, cultivate a mindset of openness, an eagerness to grow, and continually seek out people smarter/wiser than you from whom you can learn.


Mahmoud El-Nahal
Start from the End.
Look on the internet for some interesting careers and role models in these careers (engineering, medicine, psychology, art, whatever u think of !).
These people have some achievements, education, projects, skills, behaviors, etc. Choose what do you want to have in your future self version.
Whatever you have picked, you can consider them as large components, connected together to form your future character. Divide each of these large components to smaller connect components, as you are really drawing your life path.


Start small.
Educate yourself how to become these small little things which will drive you to achieve the big ones. Be aware that the journey is hard, long, and sometimes painful. Do whatever it takes, and please keep in mind to teach your kids what you have learned in life, in order not to be in your current situation.
Best wishes my friend.


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