2021-10-04 yzy86 23099

I just watched 'Lo Chiamono Jeeg Robot' and 'Radio Freccia.' Yeah, that definitely doesn't look like the Hollywood version of Italy.


We are either Nazis or Bavarians, sometimes also bavarian Nazis.


Except for the first Averngers movie. Apparently Stuttgart looks like 1920s New York.


Later MCU media are usually ok in this regards, it only seems like American characters have Germany (and other European countries) as their playgrounds, see Falcon and the Winter soldier.


I've heard that most of America's influential filmmakers and studios are Jewish ones. So, It would be quite difficult for them to describe Germany in a positive way. Conversely, France always seems to be exaggerated as a magical and romantic place. lol

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I can't see the Eiffel Tower from my window, and there is no castle with vineyard either... not sure if I'm really in France.


I watch French (commercial French) and Hollywood films regularly. Once difference is the Hollywood depiction of French culture involves things that foreigners know are obviously French. So Eiffel Tower, Edith Piaf. But French films would use more subtle references like scenes involving Place de la concorde, or a bistro drinking apero, the Paris metro.
And another thing is the Hollywood rendering will try very hard to tell the audience that it is Paris, France, and will produce a touristic/abstract view of Paris, while the French film's depiction comes out in a much more natural, subtle way.

(译注:伊迪丝·琵雅芙(Edith Piaf,1915-1963),法国最著名也最受爱戴的女歌手之一)

I think that the distance between france in hollywood films and france in french film is high, but less than for others.
For example, for us, they portray us as a third world country. The germans, all nazis. The americans instead have a positive view of you, so hollywood films on france are still a big touristic lie, but at least in positive


We basically do you like we do the Irish. Just with more sunshine, less sheep, wine instead of whiskey, and people actually swimming in the sea.
In other words, a romantic postcard image frozen in time, a version that somebody's 95 year old immigrant grandmother in Brooklyn or Boston might recognize from their childhoods.


Serbian guy = bad guy. Eastern European gangster with a heavy non-authentic Russian accent.


It's not much better for Asians too. As South Korean, Many of the Korean characters I've seen in Hollywood movies and TV series are played by Chinese-Americans/Southeast Asian-Americans, and they often don't even speak a single of Korean word. Lol


Mexicans, like literally. We even speak in latin American. Either that of like a mixture of all stereotypes, cool, cute, strong, that dances sevillanas and for some reason does bullfighting


Well you are considered people of color there. Hehe.


Hollywood: Terrorists or backwards people still apparently living in the 1800s.
Irish film industry: irish mythology, pedo priests and drug dealing scrotes.


Hollywood's Swiss people look like this: Smug Genevan bankier guy handling money for "businessmen".
Or: Skiing, yodeling fondue-person that for some reason wears a Tyrolean costume.
For some reason, Zurich in movies looks like Prague...
In our own films, we are reckless business people, mediocre people solving mysterious murder cases



They often portray us with salsa music or Mexican music, and a Spanish accent, of ocurse.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It's winter all the time, where bandits, the KGB and their victims, who don't look much like people, roam.
The funny thing is that modern Russian cinema, in many ways, portrays Russia in the same way. Well, the only thing is that Russian directors know that we have not only winter, but also a hot summer.


You forget the worst part:
In most of the movies, you see Italians as "mafiosi" and generally from the south.
The only movie recently that used Italian people to play Italian mobs was John Wick 2 (I think it was 2). And it was so refreshing seeing it.
There is so much more in Italy than this.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Right, how could I forget the romanticized mafia where they're bad guys but deep down they have strong morals.
I also remember on the TV show Hannibal they used an Italian actor when they were in Firenze, it really makes the difference.


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