2021-10-11 yzy86 15178

Did the burning of the library of Alexandria really set humanity back? I just found out about this and am very interested in it. I'm wondering though what impact this had on humanity and our advancement and knowledge. What kind of knowledge was in this library? I can't help but wonder if anything we don't know today was in the library and is now lost to us. Was it even a fire that burned the library down to begin with? It's all very interesting and now I feel as though I'm going to go down a rabbit hole.


The thing about ancient libraries is, merely existing wasn’t enough to preserve their contents. Papyrus was fairly fragile (unless it was left in a jar in the desert), and any given book would fall apart with regular handling and would need to be re-copied periodically. So the important thing about a library like Alexandria isn’t just the physical books, but the social commitment to supporting the scribes to maintain them. If that commitment wavers at any point in time, the books will be lost even without a fire.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

While the library did burn on several occasions, that destruction probably wasn’t permanent. But the fact that we don’t actually know its ultimate fate suggests that contemporary society lost interest in it—and that in itself would have been enough to doom the books it contained.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Maybe the mesopotamians had the right idea then, stick it in clay so fire just makes it more durable.


I read a book about this called "Pillars of Siriat" (in its original language). An archaeologist essentially wrote in great length about how ancient societies have discovered, invented, kept and forgot stuff (related to sciences, arts, architecture, technologies, etc.). It talked about Egyptian, Babylonian, Chinese, Mayan, Aztec, Greco-Roman, Indian, etc. sciences and technologies, and there are still many questions about "but how could they do this?", such as the domestication of certain vegetables/plants, architectural designs, little trinkets that we don't even know what they're for, tools that we have no evidence of ever existing, but we have to infer that they did because of the craftsmanship, etc.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

His conclusion was that we discover, keep and forget knowledge as it is necessary for our survival and well-being; it's a mistaken view that we just grow in knowledge linearly, as it is sometimes very slow and at other times it's exponential OR we could even drastically reverse. He also noted, that each (inhabited) continents civilizations have produced marvelous and incomparable achievements in their histories, and we're truly fortunate to have the opportunity to study it today, as their insights can give us clues and hints on how to proceed in this world as humanity.


Haha kind of like when I write up code for a project to do a very specific task. Once the project is finished, the code goes away and gets lost in storage. Then I have a project assigned again that needs to do something similar but I can't find the code so I have to rewrite it!


Have you tried writing the code on papyrus and storing it in clay jars?


Too many have a "sid meiers civilization" view of history and technological advancement.
Technology has historically been far more a as its needed thing with engineering and organisational capacity of societies being far more important than technological knowledge.
For a modern historical example for instance the canal network in England. Totally possible at earlier points in history.... But just not needed so it wasn't done. And itself soon replaced by railways as steel making techniques progressed.


As a patent attorney, I have seen this myself in just the last 25 years. People invent stuff all of the time only to find that someone else had already invented the thing in question, even though the older invention cannot be found out and about. It is almost as if there is a decay rate on information.


Another way information is lost: never translated from the original language and distributed for worldwide consumption.


Also, it's important to note, as the above commentator did, that the library of Alexandria burned many time -- it was not a singular event. Various people, including Caesar, were blamed at various times for Propaganda purposes.


Knowledge is not accumulated. It has always been what we deem is worthy of retaining.
You can count the jellybeans in a jar and proclaim it has 726! You can yell it and put it on paper. But the last time someone cares, is really when that information is lost. So in a way, it'll be lost immediately as well.


Yep, even todays paper has a shelf life of about 100 years before it´s structure falls apart. I would imagine a cheaper made paper would last half that time at best.


Paper manufactured 100 years ago is OK. Paper manufactured nowadays will not last 100 years. Different chemistry is used. There are special kinds of paper manufactured today that will survive more than 100 years, but not the standard stuff we put into printers and copiers by the box.


Short answer, No.


Longer answer, The Library wasn’t burned all in one go. The library was burned at least three times. First time, on accident when Caesar besieged & conquered the city. Some of the Romans set fire to some Egyptian ships, the fire spread & did significant damage to the library & some of the storehouses near it.


But the library wasn’t totally destroyed, it’s recorded that emperor Claudius funded an extension during his reign. So the library was still in operation a hundred years after Caesar. But during this time the Library started to diminish in importance. Rome was the center on the Empire, scholars & historians flocked to the Eternal City to make a name for themselves. Institutions like the Library at Alexandria were considered second rate, by comparison. Admission to the famous Mouseion, which was attached to the Library no longer held the same prestige & rigor that it used to. Admittance was handed out to politicians & military commanders, not scholars & teaches. It got to the point where other institutions started setting up their own libraries. In fact, two major competing libraries were setup right in Alexandria. The Library, as a singular collection was no longer really prominent or as respected as it once had been


Then, in the 3rd century AD, the Empire hit a rough patch. Lots of internal fighting, lots of rebellion, bad times all round. Emperor Aurelian, managed to reconquer, pacify, and rebuild the empire. But as part of his reconquest campaigns, he assaulted Alexandria, and his troops destroyed the part of the city containing the Library. This was followed a couple decades later by a siege by Diocletian, which did even more damage to the city & would have destroyed anything of the library left from the last round of fighting.


Should also mention there’s a famous, though maybe apocryphal story that when Caliph Omar captured Alexandria in the 600’s AD he was noted to have ordered the destruction of the Library. Saying “If those books are in agreement with the Quran, we have no need of them; and if these are opposed to the Quran, destroy them.” But later scholars have serious doubts about this. And since The Library had most likely been totally destroyed by the Romans, centuries before, if Caliph Omar ordered the destruction of books, they probably weren’t in The Library of Alexandria.


As far as setting humanity back. The Library contained lots of information, and at its peak had a great school attached to it that encouraged all kinds of research & learning. But the information in the library was not unique, nor the only copies. Many places of learning all over the ancient world had similar, if smaller scale institutions. And the burning of the Library did not destroy any irreplaceable scrolls.


The reason the library was so big was that they made copies of every book that came into the city. It wasn't the source of knowledge, but more of a giant backup of existing information.


This is not quite correct. Libraries in the ancient world were much more than repositories of scrolls, they were also centers of education and scholarly activity, and in its hey day the library of Alexandria was unrivaled in this regard. However, as the library of Alexandria declined other scholarly centers were still quite active.


the information in the library was not unique, nor the only copies. Many places of learning all over the ancient world had similar, if smaller scale institutions. And the burning of the Library did not destroy any irreplaceable scrolls.
^ This is the big fact that most succinctly answers OP's question.


It wasn't impressive because it had knowledge that no one else had access to - that's just a myth that apparently many of us grew up learning in school. The library was impressive because it was a somewhat comprehensive amalgamation of knowledge. But probably all of that knowledge could be found in other parts of the world.


We probably lost a lot of classic Mediterranean texts, but no, it did not set "humanity" back. The major developments in art, math, philosophy, science, and technology in the 1000 years after the fall of Rome took place mostly in Asia; the European "Renaissance" is mostly owed to this wealth of knowledge as it filtered through Europe, especially after the fall of Constantinople.


Later, European historians, in characteristically racist fashion, re-told post-Roman history as one with a "fall" followed by a "dark age" followed by a miraculous "rebirth" of European brilliance. It is this narrative which creates the idea that the "loss" of classical Greek texts set all of "humanity" back. It's a fundamentally Eurocentric, and incorrect, narrative.


Wow, this post is coming off way too harsh. I'm not accusing you, personally, of anything; sorry if it sounds that way. I'm just easily triggered by the continuing power of all the fall-of-Rome narratives that reinforce this Eurocentrism. Once you learn to see it, you realize it's everywhere.
The more you can learn history as a mosaic of interlocking global narratives, instead of one European one (which is the one we're all, still, taught in school), the better.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The irony is that much of the European history is patchy guesswork based on incomplete manuscxts and conflicting sources, but the Chinese have been able to maintain essentially a fully intact set of their history dating back to the western Han dynasty. The 24 Histories were preserved, maintained and added to by each major Chinese dynasty starting with the first tome Shiji compiled way back in 91 BCE. The final set edited and published in the Qing dynasty in 1775 consists of over 3000 volumes and 40 million words, covering Chinese history going all the way back to near mythic sources from 3000 BCE.

(回)具有讽刺意味的是,欧洲的大部分历史都是建立在不完整的手稿以及自相矛盾的信息来源之上的不可靠臆测,但中国人基本上一直都能保有一套完整的历史,可以追溯到西汉时期。从编纂于公元前91年的第一部巨著《史记》开始,中国的每一个重要王朝都保存、维护和补充了这套《二十四史》。清朝于1775年编辑并出版的最后一套包括3000多卷,共4000万字,涵盖了能一直追溯到公元前3000年近乎神话的信息来源的中国历史 。

As far as I know, China is the only state that throughout all of its dynasties had continuous government support for maintaining its own history, and therefore is the only state that has such a complete set of its own historiography. This undoubtedly contributes to the divide between Chinese cultural and political institutions versus the west, since their view of the world will be colored by their own history, which is complete but largely inaccessible to the west as it is untranslated. It is unwieldy even for the Chinese due to the sheer amount of information preserved just in those official histories, let alone any other texts that survived over the millenia.


The Bronze Age collapse probably did more damage to humanity than the destruction of the library of Alexandria.


The Chinese emperor had archives going back 1500 years. Much of it lost when the whole system crashed. A few historians frantically ran around Beijing trying to buy as much of it as they could before it was recycled.
Don't rely on a single library.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Not nearly as much as the burning of Nalanda University. It burnt for 14 days after the Islamic Invaders slaughtered all the scholars.


Honestly, you do realise humans also consists of civilisations that has very little contact or absolutely no contact with the Western/Mediterranean civilisations, right? I am sure Chinese civilisation, for example, is doing perfectly fine knowledgewise whether or not some library in the West burns down or not.
So no. The burning of the library of Alexandrian does not set humanity back. It may set some humans in the West back, but not humanity.


Had a Pakistani professor in college tell the class that when Genghis Khan put their books in the Indus River, it set them back hundreds of years.


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