2021-10-16 熊猫永不为奴 59132
Unfortunately it seems that anything and everything that comes out of China, many people will instantly view as propaganda!
What do you think is the best way to bridge a gap between China and the rest of the world?


jerry F
Why is shooting scenery a false propaganda? Is this landscape made with special effects? Political topics are always sensitive. After the second World War, most people became more nationalistic. They praise that one country will always be criticized by another. Human beings always have differences and cannot live together peacefully.


Evon Blankley
Show the bank statement. Who sponsored posts for these trips. Thats the best way to make urselves come clean. And that would definitely draw some attention. The spending amount could be blurred out. But we mind who is the sponsor. To some extend democracy is good, only to some extend. But China and western like on two extremes now.


the best way is for yr westerners can realize that the democracy is logically infeasible.
i know the past westen philosopher also agreed that but now all of u have forgotten it.


Simon Ng
keep at it guys! Hopefully u guys still there by the time I pay China a visit. Much luv homiez


Doraemon Kawaii
Continue what you are doing.


Ved Mukherjee
None, as long as classes exist. There will be clashes for Socialism vs imperialism. Why do you think media focuses too much on Xj but not on Kashmir which is actually a militarized state. Why media focuses on human rights of China when India has none. If you look deeper the problem between China and US/EU is something greater than misunderstanding, it's as Marx said, a spectre is haunting Europe , Tsars, capitalists, War mongers, monarchs and that is communism. Just USSR stood against Hitlerite fascism which was financed by US/UK banks... Here also China is standing against these people.


Tw w
Let's face it,the east does not respect the west and the west to the east,and till we become it will continue,and coming from the UK I love my county,yes we have problems but I would not live any where else and having travelled the world it is always a pleasure to be back home,would like to go to china but being my a country boy the cities do not appeal to me,I suppose the wild north is a option .


jerry F
@Ved Mukherjee What is the dream of mankind? I think only science can answer, whether it is liberalism or communism, I think the theory that can protect civilization is good, the civilization that can absorb world civilization and science and technology, the theory of civilization that can protect human population and ecology is the best.

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the JaYoe Nation
Good conversation. Agree. We are caught in an interesting position where we are arguing a point against preconceived notions. But also know most of the loudest voices are the angry ones. There are far more who will never contact you who are silent supporters.


Because you are showing the world China’s good parts, in their eyes it’s propaganda, if you are showing the bad parts, then it is not.


Alex Gu
They don't need to show the bad part, turn on BBC, CNN, Fox and other news, which are everywhere.

他们(巴雷特父子)不需要展示中国坏的部分,想看坏的,只要打开BBC, CNN, Fox和其他无处不在的新闻。

Baolinh Ma
not true they did say Chinese beer is not so good and the music so stop creat conflicts no one is perfect


Michael Mai
@SapphireKarma I think they don't have to took down the Huashan video, and should make a follow up video to over come the problem, may be they don't have the time. i was disappointed about that.


Crawled Out Of Plato's Cave
What’s good about modern civilisation?

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@Alex Gu Those channels are even lower, actually manipulating the truth straight up and twisting the neg sides to even more neg.


Tutto Bene
Chinese good parts are what drives them crazy


Hec Mec
Yes, Western media are blatantly lying to the world about China

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Michael Zhang
LMAO this is so true


Eleph Kwong
Who wants to see popular YouTube hosts enjoying a good time and having a peaceful, joyful, eventful time in a country giving better experience than the viewers are in? Who wants that ???(Screaming inside: ”why should someone have more!”).
Come to think of it, they also view your videos so all is not lost.


The actual propaganda are 95% of western media, fake news and fake reports about China on a daily basis, self proclaiming China experts yet they've never been to China


Peter Williams
The more China bashing the more shows that China is moving in the right direction. The West led by the US is declining and losing its superiority and cannot accept the rising of China.


Fernando Pe?a Rodríguez
As a Mexican, if the west dares to attack China, I will be on the Chinese side.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

America, UK, Australia, Canada and their evil allies are the emperor of propaganda and its clear enough for the world to see.


Leon Zhang
Been living in Australia for more than 13 years. Proud to be Chinese and proud of CCP. I don’t trust western media anymore. Thank you guys for your voice about China. Chinese, they just want to live a better life.


David LTM
statistics tells that 94% of the world populations has never traveled abroad, it is really sad for those people who cannot see things by their own eyes


Daniel Cai
Trump always lies, but a lot of his supportors trust him, that's why.


This is not easy for you, because many people do not want to face the truth.


Li Liu
Yeah unfortunately it’s becoming politically correct to be anti China especially in liberal democracy countries. It’s like opposing views are very much intolerable there. Sad for these countries.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

wheels and taiwan frogs,They will regard all positive affairs of China as Propaganda!!!jiayoe······guys!


Susan Jenny
Like u both!I am Chinese in England

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You are right, I’m a Australian Chinese, in Australia, most Aussie never been to China but they hates China, why? definitely the local media’s fault!I never see media talk good side about China, only demonize China & show the ugly side of China. ABC news ,channel 7,9,10,SBS, Sky news s etc. none of them are report the good things of China.


Goldman Inc
The people in the west, Japan, Taiwan and South Korea are all brainwashed because they only consume CIA funded media.


HK Sun
Basically the core issues come down to jealousy / envy /ignorance and prejudice....


It's easy to find out that western media is a big devil.


jp junjie
China is a sleeping giant once she wakes up she will shake the world. See the imperialism is over now


China is what every country should dream of being! Respect!


Joe Lee
I've been living in Canada over 30 years and I never ever see the western media say anything positive or nice about China! ABC ,CNN ,NBC, Fox, CBS ets they are all bias media!

我在加拿大生活了三十几年,我从来没有看到西方媒体对中国说过任何正面或好的东西!ABC,CNN,NBC, Fox, CBS这些都是充斥偏见的媒体!

Those right wing nationalists keep calling BBC, CNN, Vice, The Guardian etc fake news, yet they fully believe when those media reports absolute fake news about China


Maria das Santos
China has allowed her populations to become wealthier the elite Bolsheviks here in the West(UK) absolutely hate this message.The elite want us plebs dead.


Face Funny
It is very important to tell the truth like you! Every time any one says anything nice about China, it is said propaganda!


M'boi HK
I'm not Chinese but I'm educated enough to have commonsense and filter news from fake to genuine. I've a huge respect for China's economical and technological growth within short span of time. I've followed China and US closely about their political system, growth and their infrastructure, and there is nothing US impress me considering they have been economic power for so long and their system has failed the welfare of their people and their politicians ignorance are astounding.
Their general citizens are so uneducated that they could easily fall on propaganda and conspiracy theories. Imagine, half of their population still believe Trump won the election. When such ignorant people elect their representative, it is obvious they won't elect the sharpest mind.
China is my dream to live permanently or get citizenship but their system doesn't allowed that. China dream is the present and the future for the world. American dream is either over or non-existent. I want my son to grow up and live in this beautiful Country.


Wei Zhang
Western world release ideology for 71 years, even today they yelled at the audience “democracy “ every day. I mean if you really owned it, why you are yelling at your people every day?


Jeremy Z
There's no solution. You only need to enjoy your life and leave other people's opinions be. We welcome open minded foreigners like you here in China.


Jordan In China
Yeah you show people your daily life and you get called for shilling for the ccp , it’s ridiculous man I had someone comment on my video the other day saying because I was walking around with a camera the government were going around cleaning the streets just for me ?? let them be and I can guarantee majority of those comments are from people who haven’t stepped inside China!


Had Western politicians and media leaders prioritised lives, wellbeing and safety of people before their self interests, they would have not mismanaged this Covid-19 crisis. Arrogance, ignorance and political and religious bigotry blind people to China's remarkable positive development.


Ci Ci
Hainan is so warm! My family went here every winter.


I have enjoyed my 5 years here a lot


Singing Machine
Positive news from China undermines western values


Mexicanos en China
My last three videos are about food, but ever since we hang out with you guys we are "shills" ????


Vichit video
Western media has been doing a good job shaping a negative idea about China among people in the Western world. It is sad and depressing.


Momoyan Amber
My American friend told me she thought we still live in ancient houses and dress like people in Qing dynasty before she came to China?????


BengHui Chua
The conflict occurred when a person start forcing others to agree with his opinion or living style.... Which is happening everywhere in the world now... Especially those call "developed country"

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The best way to deal with haters is to ignore them. You don’t owe them any explanation whatsoever. Let them stew in their own hatred towards China and die of cancer from it.

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William Family
I am chinese malaysia.. But we love china... When covid 19 china help malaysia alot. Like mask n hospital use...

我是马来西亚华人…但是我们爱中国,在covid 19时期中国帮助了马来西亚很多,比如医院用的口罩……
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Don't care about other people's criticism, it is jealousy.Welcome friendly international friends to have travel in China.


Cosmo Ray
It is the Stereotypes the Western Media put into people's head. AKA propaganda.
That is why people in the West has such a negative view about China.


“No one can awake a person who is pretend in sleeping”. You are guys are some of people who are bravely to share the real China. But some “ bland and foolish” won’t see and admit it ??


Matt's shortvideos
You have to go to the Hilton in Wenchang, about 20 min by HSR. There you can get a glimpse of the space center and the beautiful beach as well. If you really get there get the 3 wheel taxis to take you around.


Jin Soon Chin
It is not that they don't understand China. It is about their feelings of insecurity and jealousy.


The western mainstream media you are talking about seems to be controlled by the same capitalist.


The end result of brainwashing by western media over their readers is that their readers/westerners are getting more stupid/ignorant and their countries getting more backward


Evan Du
"Not understanding" and "Don't want to understanding" are totally different, I believe there are belong to the latter??


Because you show the image of China(peace and love) which doesn't match their mind, they want to see a China with war, poor, no food or something. However, China has a lead position in lots of parts compared to the EU and the US, comfortably life and high-tech service.


Vip Lau
Discard prejudices and report truthfully. Spreading friendship and spreading kindness, you are messengers of peace.


Nilesh Bhattacharya
Western always jealous from China rising in every thing. That's why there always show negativity about CCP government and China.
China is amazing and beautiful country


de Y
Keep on men! Telling the truth!


wang frank

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Ron Montgomery
It is so true, if you haven't been there you sure don't know the real China. All the times I spent in China have been the best times of my life. I have been there many times over the last 20 years.


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