2021-10-18 xky 13726

I'm a super extremely unconfident person and I always focus about what others think of me because I'm afraid of getting judged. How do I improve my confidence and stop caring about what others think so I can be myself?


Heidi Heaven
Try growing up some and then you'll really not give a fuck. And I know that sounds mean to say, to tell someone to grow up but I mean it quite literally. Get some years on you and you'll start to care less and less.


Here's an example.
Years ago, I'm working at the radiology department in a very big hospital in the DC metropolitan area. We have all sorts of people in that waiting room and one happens to be this old man reading the paper. He's in his own little world. He's got white tube socks rolled up just below his knees. He's all into reading the world news as he leans over to the side to let out an enormous fart. This mother fucker just let one rip right in the waiting room full of people.


Not once did he take his eyes away from the paper. Zero fucks given.
It was truly admirable.
So just know that as you get older all that other stuff about caring what people think and how they might perceive you just seems silly. It just won't matter.


And that my dear friend, is when you know you've got it right in life. These people aren't paying your bills, they don't know shit about you. And likely they really aren't caring all that much about YOU, anyway, because they're probably more focused on themselves.


I think part of that comes with the age. While you are getting older, you just could care less about what others think of you because there are more important things in life to focus on.


Mark Feather
Always remember that people have judged others for many different reasons.And what they accuse you of is what they are inside.You and you know what is inside of you.Dont let the world define what or who you are.Keep your head up and show those who would judge you who you really are.


Joe Berah
I'm guessing you're quite young, and have yet to find yourself. If we haven't found ourselves yet, of course we're going to worry about what others find from us. Almost everybody goes through this. Some people are good at fronting up, but the insecurity is still there. As you age, the maturity sets in and you start realising two things:


The majority of people are so taken up by their own insecurities, that they don't even notice details about you.
Those that do are generally the people to steer away from. They are usually the most insecure themselves, and deal with their own insecurities by pinpointing yours.


When I was young, I would be petrified of the idea of being out on my own. Stupid, hey. I thought that people would think I'm a loser with no friends. I'd look around at people on their own and think they were falsely judging me as a loner. Then I realised that I wasn't thinking that of them, so why would they be thinking that of me? Then I started to realise my place in the universe, and while I am the most important person to myself, nobody else in public actually notices or cares about my existence, they are only worried about their own. When you humble yourself with the reality of your existence, life starts to get a little bit easier.


Now don't get me wrong, if you walk down the street naked, that will draw judgement from others. But for 99.9% of your life, you are unnoticed by 99.9% of the public around you.
It just takes time and maturity to get to that point.
These days, yeah, I put the bins out in my underpants, and sing while walking my dogs, I make stupid noises and faces in public to make my kids laugh. Nobody cares, and if anyone does, I'll soon be forgotten about within 5 minutes. At worst, I'm the anonymous crazy guy that somebody walked past. That's fine.


Oh, and I love nothing more than to sit down at a Cafe or restaurant on my own, enjoying a quiet bite to eat whilst reading the news. What used to be a horrific prospect has become a luxury that I yearn for.


Yuliana Kladova
“A **super extremely** unconfident” - these two words show that you love yourself very much and your attention is focused on your super extremly totally absolutely **dear **personality. Try to re-focus the inside view from yourself to other people and look how wonderfully they are different, amazingly creative, have sense of humour, have a lot of talents and valuing to look at them with regard.


Thomas Platt
Nobody can judge you before they get to know you.
BTW, who are WE to judge others?
I stopped caring decades ago.
I am a single man with grandchildren and not dating anyone.
I’m not bad looking and I am who I am.
YOU do not have to impress anyone; again just be your self!
You sound like a fine catch/future wife!
Stop judging yourself!
What a fine question!
Be careful!


You have the power to stop that behavior. That's a negative behavioral pattern. Whatever caused that type of thinking has to be addressed and stopped. That's what therapy is for. Your preconceived projected thoughts from other people are made up by you. Just as troublesome is the fact those people's opinions don't matter. Nobodies negative opinion of you matters.


Parents included. It's not something tangible. It's in their tiny head. Don't be around negative people. You have that choice as an adult. There's a reason that old man gets his mail in his boxers and black socks. He freed himself from his mind. He doesn't care. Copy that old man's behavior or even his dress code. “Let it go" is a survival trait that can bring happiness.


John Weyland
one can examine experience and make sense of it, and so understand people
one can develop abilities that empower one, like considering others, and seeing the big picture
one can obxtify their truths by having them affirmed by good people
= confidence. but nothing is perfect


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jan Harley
You can improve your self-image by going after your passions in life and setting goals.
This will build your self-confidence.
Make good choices.
Best to you!


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Pete Salas
Do things that you are proud of. Not things that you think you should be proud of. Not things that other people say you should be proud of. Things you would actually be proud of when your head hits the pillow each night and it's just you.
Become a person you're proud to be and you'll stop caring what other people think of you.


RW Smythe
There are always people around who will “judge” you. Some of these will have no actual power over you, while a few others will be more crucial, such as potential employers or potential spouses. Ignore the first and “choose your battles carefully” with regard to the latter two groups.
The problem with “being yourself” is that “yourself” might not always be “acceptable” to the general run of people. That can have bad effects on you.


Kumar Potha
To be to oneself, one should try loving oneself first. Thank you. All the best. Happy living.


From what i gathered, maybe you are insecure about yourself,We all are insecure of something. Some are very much insecure while others are not. There are many ways to overcome feeling insecurity but each way work different for other. So you do the best for you. In order to stop feeling insecure, first find out the root cause that what is the actual reason that Is making you feel that wat. Then talk with a person who you trust and stop judging yourself. For more ways on how to stop feeling insecure


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