2021-10-20 龟兔赛跑 9649

How do you learn complex material quickly?


James Hilton, Web Developer

James Hilton, 网页开发人员

It totally depends on what you're learning. I don't believe there's a set way to learn everything most effectively.
Tim Ferris did a TV show on this though, so look it up and you can see how he learns some complex things fast. He is very logical and systematic about his approach, and I like to be that way also.
The biggest thing that everyone forgets when learning something new is that there are fundamentals that you must detect and then keep in mind ALL the time.
Take the topic of nutrition, for example... There's a million people out there calling themselves professionals and throwing around false advice that they don't even understand because they are not aware of the fundamentals of energy usage. If they keep studying for a couple years they'll eventually figure it out and think to themselves "Omg, that was one of the first things I learnt... I can't believe I didn't realise that! I've been telling everyone the wrong thing for years!!!"

Tim Ferris做了一个关于这方面的电视节目,所以查一下,你可以看到他是如何快速学会一些复杂的事情的。他的方法很有逻辑性和系统性,我也喜欢这样。

Learning something else like an instrument requires you to build coordination between your body and your mind first, so the most important thing is short regular practice to get that connection going. Once it's going, learning the chords/tabs are easy.
Studying anatomy can be incredibly difficult if you do not have a purpose to study it. Once you have a REASON to study it other than "I just want to know it for no reason at all", you will remember things much faster. Once you have a use-case scenario, you can put all the pieces together to make sense.
Programming languages are absolutely overwhelming at first, but if you look at an example of it in action, you can break it down quickly and learn what certain things do. Try learning PHP from PHP.net as opposed to tizag.com One is a reference tool made by the creators of PHP, the other is a step by step beginner to intermediate to expert guide showing real life examples as it goes.


When learning maths, confidence plays a crucial part. This is very obvious when someone gives you a puzzle or complex question, and you attempt it and say it can't be done. Then they tell you, "yes it can, even I figured it out." And suddenly you go back to it with the confidence that "if they can, I CAN!" and you figure it out easily. I've taught some adults basic maths and they have such low confidence from their schooling experience that they are overwhelmed by the thought of a simple multiplication or division... 8/4 for example. Their confidence is so low that they can't even begin to figure it out, but after explaining it differently they see the patterns and figure it out by themselves. The next time they answer that question they'll still have that "overwhelming can't do it" attitude, until you tell them to stop and take their time, then they figure it out. They have to repeat this over and over until it's so natural that they can get rid of that installed fear.
So to summarize, when you learn a new complex subject, do this:


Find the fundamentals straight away. (basics that you must always remember whiel learning)
Find the principles straight away. (Rules that do not change regardless of how something contradicts it.)
Have confidence that if any other human can learn it, you can too.
Have a reason to learn it so that you can use the knowledge AS you learn it.
Find the best step by step guide first by asking people or searching and flicking through all guides available to you.
So give us an example of what you're learning!


Rose Aap, MBA Digital Marketing, University of Twente (2020)

Rose Aap, 特温特大学工商管理硕士:数字营销(2020)

The average person has the capacity for about 3 to 4 hours of effective focus per day. You are able to extend your period of focus by training oneself, but firstly, my suggestion would be to effectively utilise the capacity you currently have. You can do this by adhering to the following guidelines:
Divide the 3/4 hours into several sessions ranging from 30 to 90 minutes. These sessions have to be of equal length. You can increase the length of your sessions once you’ve become comfortable with this method.
Choose several books that cover the topic to be studied in-depth (or online materials, as long as the device you’re using is offline during your sessions).
Sit down [insert own number of sessions] a day for the chosen period of time in a room with no distractions, which includes your phone (having a smartphone in your vicinity is detrimental to your focus). Set a timer, open your book, and start (speed)reading until the timer goes off. Then have a break that is (at the minimum) as long as your study sessions.
The book which I’m basing this on (Deep Work by Cal Newport) advises the reader to eliminate the inner voice during reading, meaning you just read without echoing the words internally. I’m presuming this is for the purpose of increasing reading speed.
Make sure that you’re in a mindset of curiosity and are deeply focused on the material while reading (even though this may be challenging at first).
Embrace boredom during the periods that you’re not studying. This allows the brain to process the information you’ve read without too much interference. Watching TV and using social media is a general no-go, since this requires a degree of focus and will therefore cause your study sessions to be less effective (these activities eat away at your limited time of effective focus and represent the inverse of productivity).
To ensure a fresh and renewed capacity for effective focus the following day, I’d suggest you plan all of your study sessions before 6 PM.
This method has worked wonders for me. Good luck.

Cal Newport的《深度工作》—此书可以为你在这个阶段打好基础,建议读者在阅读过程中消除内心的声音,也就是说,你只是阅读,而没有内部的回声。我想这是为了提高阅读速度。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

David Merriman, Co founder at Magic

David Merriman, Magic的联合创始人

The easiest, fastest, and most effective way is also the most fun. Get passionate about it.
I once spent an entire afternoon learning how to comprehend Graham's number - a mindbogglingly large number once used as an upper bound in a mathematical proof - simply because I thought it was fascinating! Were that task assigned to me, and were I as uninterested in it as I am with most mathematical concepts, I would have dragged myself through it, slowly and painfully....


Brewin Vaz, Technology Enthusiast

Brewin Vaz,技术爱好者

1. If the concept can be visualized, I usually search for videos on the internet. A picture is worth a thousand words. You can then go deeper into the material.
2. If the concept cannot be visualized, I associate it with concepts that I have learnt earlier or have an idea about. I then fill in the gaps.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Taylor Case, Front-End Engineer at Cloud4Wi (2014-present)

Taylor Case, Cloud4Wi前端工程师(2014-至今)

The best way for me would be to break it down to the most basic levels, and learn them individually.
Also prioritizing the different concepts to build up a strong foundation in the subject that you are trying to learn.
I also usually study hard for 50 mins to 1 hr and then take a break, then get back at it. That seems like the most efficient way for me; once I get past 1 hr my brain starts to become unresponsive and taking a 5-15 min break refreshes it enough to keep going. Hope this helps, and good luck!


Manish Raj Sharma
You just have to be a step ahead of opposition. See my friend, you do not have to be another tree in the jungle.
Whenever people learn things, they only get the volumes which are provided in that piece of information. That is not being “a step ahead of opposition”, in fact it means to be another tree in the jungle.
Now, how do you learn complex material or thing quickly? As a trainer and public speaker i always make sure that my information goes beyond their expectations. “Learn and Teach” whatever you learnt, start teaching others…period!
The best and unique ways to learn complex material quickly and effectively is…for instance you want to learn about dreams so,
Unknown facts about dreams
Rare facts about dreams
Amazing facts about dreams
Interesting facts about dreams and Hidden facts about dreams


Dan Robinson, Software Engineer at Heap
Don't try to do it quickly.
If you need to learn something beyond a superficial level, you're going to need to put in the time to iteratively deepen your understanding. A typical process is to first try to understand the material at a high level, and then ask probing questions to figure out what's going on until you're satisfied with your grasp of it.
Spending time really learning something is usually a good investment, unless you only need a cursory understanding for your purposes. Time spent trying to speed through your learning is usually time wasted; you're going to have to go back and fill in the gaps later on.
The best plan of action is usually to recognize that it's going to take some time and sweat to learn whatever your complex material is and then find a resource or a person that can teach it to you.


Daniel Helman, I've taught at all levels, including adult school.
I'll put a plug in for doing physical things in pursuit of the learning. For example, if there's some incredibly complex information to learn -- it's not so daunting if you just copy over some of the important points. Get some paper out and start copying.
In doing this, it takes less brain power than forming the "mental picture" and so saves a little energy in the process, maybe a lot of energy.
People learn language, which is certainly complex, by playing games, and manipulating largely physical obxts. This makes some sense -- you'd want to scaffold your learning, starting off by doing simple tasks before moving to the abstract.
For academic material, simple things might be copying words and paragraphs, or arranging sections into their proper order, or transcribing some aural text into writing.
Later -- the facility to use the complexity should come quite naturally. I'm pretty sure that the above is quick. At the very least, it is painless, and probably fun.


Darren Miller, B.A Physics, Texas State University

Darren Miller,克萨斯州立大学物理学学士

When you learn something new in class or on the job somethings need to be recalled easily or possibly gain a better understanding of the material. Then try meditating on it. Yep I said it literally sit down and try visualizing that scenario equation or school work in your head for 5 or minutes if necessary. If that’s all you can manage take a break and try again, eventually it should become easier to hold the said event, or works in your head. Once this task is accomplished you can try manipulating the scenario in your head to gain a better understanding of the material, improve yourself at said task or recall the event with ease. For school work I recommend relating it to similar concepts abstract or otherwise for a deeper understanding. If it has more to do with a vast number of concepts that need to be recalled for a test etc, and you have the time I’d suggest creating a mental map where you can choose related topics and connect them through visual mnemonics. For a deeper understanding relating these topics to a similar concepts are priceless.


Som Bathla, 15X Amazon #1 Bestselling author to spur people's growth
Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will.” — Vernon Howard

在生活中,永远要像有新东西要学一样,而且你会学到的。”-弗农·霍华德(Vernon Howard)
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Though you can’t be a “subject expert” quickly (it takes years and decades to gain real mastery), but you can “learn” enough about the subject and become reasonably good in that subject pretty much quickly.
The key is to apply 80:20 principle in your learning, also known as Pareto’s principle.
If you are new to the world of productivity, this principle was propounded by an Italian engineer and philosopher in 1906. The principle states that the world works on the rule that only 20% of your activities (even lesser) deliver 80% results (even more) in your life. It could be substantiated by following facts:
99% of the world’s wealth is accumulated by only 1% of the people.
80% or more of every business’s turnover/profits are contributed by only 20% or fewer of its customers.
If you satisfy 20% of the people in your life with your work, that will give you an 80% assurance of the perfect working life.
The percentage under this rule is not abstract and it cannot be applied in absolute terms in every field, but the principle remains that a very small percentage of things attribute to a substantial percentage of results.
This principle universally applies to almost everything. Let’s take an example of learning a new language and how 80:20 principle works here.


In any language, it is a small percentage of vocabulary that serves most of the comprehension and understanding requirement for that language.
Tim Ferriss in one of his book states that:
95% proficiency with conversational Spanish = 2,500 words = You can learn in 5 months.
98% proficiency with conversational Spanish = 100,000 words = You will take 5 years to learn.
It means that just 2,500 words that is just 2.5% of even not the complete Spanish language, gives you 95% proficiency in speaking. And you can achieve this massive proficiency in just 5 months of practice.
If you just want 80% proficiency, maybe 2 to 3 months learning is sufficient. But the real trick is finding that 2.5% of any specific language.

Tim Ferriss在他的一本书中指出:

If you are more serious about learning a particular language, you need to follow Benny Lewis, who was interviewed by Tim Ferriss. Benny Lewis, founder of a blog “Fluent in 3 Months” and who speaks multiple languages like Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch to list a few, has explained his way of learning multiple language in this interesting TED Talk .
Moreover, not only language, but any aspect of learning involves 80:20 principle. For quickly learning a substantial portion of any new skill, your first endeavor should be to figure out what are the 20% elements of the new subject matter or skill, that if learned will reward you with 80% proficiency.
Remember, our obxtive is not to become a ‘subject expert’, rather it is to quickly learn and start implementing the subject.
With that obxtive, you should put your energy and efforts in learning the key 20% part of the skill which gives you 80% of the results.
This simple technique will help you accelerate your learning and you start seeing results faster, which in turn will increase your motivation to learn the skills even faster.
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如果你更认真地学习一种特定的语言,你需要跟随本尼·刘易斯,他接受了蒂姆·费里斯的采访。本尼·刘易斯(Benny Lewis)是“三个月流利”博客的创始人,他会说多种语言,如西班牙语、法语、德语、意大利语、荷兰语等。他在这篇有趣的TED演讲中解释了他学习多种语言的方法。

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