2021-10-21 cnbsmt 23445

Not surprising. I work at a private girls' high school and I would say roughly a quarter of our graduates go into STEM fields on a yearly basis, if not fewer.


That sounds like a lot


What are you and your colleagues doing to address this?


Why do you frx it like it's a problem that have to be addressed?


Because the article in question and nearly everything written on the subject in the last 40 years frxs it like a problem that needs to be addressed.


It does need to be addressed. Lots of girls do briliantly in STEM subjects but choose a different route due to tradition and expectation. Teachers, professors, and academic counselors are in the best position to support these girls, i know my teachers were a big part of me choosing engineering. Which is great because I would have been miserable in a non-STEM career and we need lots more electrical engineers. So yes it is a problem that needs to be addressed in school, colleges, and workplaces.


Women get prefential treatment when it comes to job huntings as engineers of STEM field, as they say female students of STEM field are invincible in job huntings. So as a woman, choosing STEM field is huge plus for career prospective, what preventing women choosing STEM field is gender stereotype such as women are not good at math/science

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Does it really matter in Japan? Seems like you can study whatever you want completely unrelated to your later work with few exceptions. I’ve heard everything from people who study literature ending up in IT engineering, biology majors becoming bank tellers etc.
That itself is a problem but the income and career gap in Japan is not coming from what they study in university.


THIS. I worked at an engineering company near Tokyo as an application specialist and on my team were Japanese people with English literature or world history degrees.
Many companies rather hire blank slates with perfect track records they can use wherever they want rather than people who are already specialized. I personally witnessed a hiring decision where they chose an English literature graduate from Todai over someone who actually had an Engineering degree from a small prefectural university.


There is perhaps more flexibility than in other countries, but you're not going to become a leading engineer, scientist, etc after taking an international studies major in uni


That might be true but that's not what we are talking about here. We are just talking about Japan having a low share of women in STEM.


I'm responding to your suggestion that that it doesn't matter how many women are studying stem because jobs are mismatched to education. That is true, in that often international studies people will be in marketing, or economics majors in hr, there may be plenty of self-taught programmers or accounting people, etc. But it is extremely rare for someone without a stem degree to get in to a hard science or engineering job.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes. This is the most bizarre thing about Japan I think. I’ve seen someone mention in a post somewhere that Japan produces generalists, not specialists. People study whatever they want, go into a company without any expertise in a particular area, their work tasks aren’t clear and are very general and people rotate to different departments every couple of years or so.


That sounds like something I might have commented/posted before. Yes, that is accurate.
I am still trying to figure out how that allowed Japan to be world leader in manufacturing (think Toyota). I wonder how you can achieve the high level of manufacturing with just generalists.


Same thing happened in Sweden when they started to heavly push for equality of opportunity. Its like, women just dont wanna work there. Sadly some want to make you believe that we need 50/50 men women in every job and start to force this with rules...


just imagine if obokota was successful years ago. it could have spawned a generation of young girls wanting to enter STEM field. that is probably what is lacking right now. a figure head to look up to that can inspire young girls.


I hate how people have arbitrarily decided that somehow STEM is more important then other fields. Women out number men in universities you know.


STEM is more important than other fields. Science and engineering is what brought about biggest change and improvement in everyone's standard of living past 200 years or so.
p.s) lol @ downvotes from all the liberal arts major. sorry you aren't contributing as much to scientific progress of mankind


That assumes that material standard of living increasing is more important than other goals.


spoken like someone that has no idea how average peasant lived constantly fearing hunger prior to industrial revolution


I never said it wasn’t important. I just said that you made an assumption that’s not always necessarily true


Yeah, that's bullshit. The biggest changes were brought in from changes in the political system and policy. Without politics prioritizing human capital, there wouldn't even be any significant technological advances because only a handful of people would be able to go to university.


There's some subtlety in that headline. For example, if I look at the OECD source, in the case of my country, the proportion of all students studying Engineering is half that of Japan. But the proportion of women in the engineering degrees is double. And the proportion of people going to university is about the same. So, overall the fraction of women studying engineering is about the same in the two countries. Of course this still means that men dominate the engineering profession in Japan, but it's not like women are not going into Engineering in Japan.


I don't know why, but at least in Japan, most of men who choose to go into STEM fields(理系) are オタク(nerd), that tend to be relatively unattractive... or, I mean, have ugly face somehow. It's never talked about publicly, but there is a certain tendency on Japanese social media, to openly mock (or self-deprecate) the appearance of men in STEM fields (of high school/university). The real reason why this many women won't go into there in Japan is... well, it's probably largely because of this for now.
Please don't easily compare this to the situation in the West. I know it's cruel to be this frank, but the appearance of Japanese male nerd is THAT terrible. Once you let go of the idea of racism and realistically imagine a group of Japanese men with ugly faces and body odor, you will understand how Japanese women feel. The reality that you will probably spend four years of your supposedly glamorous college life in a group of sweaty nerds, lonely and immersed in research, is very hard for a woman.
Of course, such nonsense is irrelevant to women who have aspirations and decide to major in their field. But remember, most people, including men, enter college just to have more fun in life, and choose their major without big reason. Most of them just want to live in the city or spend their college life surrounded by attractive people.


So they decided to do something else. Good for them.


People are talking about medicine which really is a separate thing to STEM.
Medicine had always been a popular and elite subject for East Asians, so there's a limited number of places which leads to that dreadful score adjustment scandal, but that's a different story altogether.
The issue people are concerned of is engineering and computer science - those positions where talent has to be constantly imported yet there's no local desire to get into. This swings back to how these jobs are constantly being frxd as "jobs for those dirty loser incels" which turns it into a self-fulfilling prophecy and make girls stay away from those fields even more.


well maybe they don't want to


Hi. I’m a female electrical engineering student, who meets a lot of HS and university students through EE events and TA work.
You are right! Women don’t want to go into STEM because... we see a future of being the only woman at our workplace, like I am now in my internship. Or the only women in all their college classes, I’m that too. We fear not being able to find peers within our field, something I’ve only been able to do by participating in women-oriented STEM events. We fear discrimination in college or our workplace, luckily my country does alright on this front but it’s a huge issue in Japan.
The problem is not that women don’t want to go into STEM, it’s that even for a smart and technically minded woman there’s little incentive to choose this career.


Not to mention, in my country as least, how you are constantly discouraged to peruse a major/career in such field because “it’s not suitable for women.” And constantly get surprise looks “wow you study STEM as a women?”(read: you are such an outsider.)

更不用说,你被不断劝阻去研究这一领域,因为“这不适合女性”,至少在我的国家是这样的。并且总是有人惊讶地看着你说“哇,你是学理工的女性?” (解读:你就是个局外人。)
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yup, and I imagine that’s really bad in Japan. I’d say in Denmark, no one ever told me it was wrong for me to choose electrical engineering, although it’s still hard to get into and stay in. But i do get a shocked look every time I mention my major.


Hi! I'm a female automation engineer and design robot system and program.
Being only women at workplace won't be much problem. People are just curious about you and ask bunch of questions because female engineer is rare. You will get used to it soon. Problem is you get used to working in only men environment and become menly...start to think like men.
There's lots of good part of being engineer though. Usually engineers are much logical people so it's easy to work with. Usually you are uated only by how much you can do. So there's no female discrimination or I never felt. Female discrimination is happening more in departments which doesn't bring profit directly to company like in my opinion. If you are money making engineer no one cares about your sex.
Especially when you are the only female everyone will try to teach you how to do job while men colleagues are suffering they don't get enough job training. Engineer job is high salary job and you don't have to worry about looking for job. I wonder why more female won't chose this job. Technology is fun.


Hey that’s what I’m trying to do! My internship is in a robotics company, i write firmware and do tests for them :D I have the same experience at work too. I haven’t experienced discrimination so far and in fact people are friendly and curious because I’m a woman who chose EE. I don’t need women colleagues to talk to either, but i do feel a bit awkward being in a room with 30 men. Mostly what bothers me is that it’s like a monoculture of people, they’re all very similar and it gets boring when everyone has the same ideas and opinions. When they do disagree they get angry at each other very quickly and try to prove themselves right rather than listening, which i think is a male thing. I do my best to not be like that.
But all in all i think i only have benefits to being a female electrical engineer and i tell that to everyone who’s interested in doing the same major as me. I get attention both for my gender and the abilities i have that men are not as good at on average. The salary is high and there isn’t a wage gap between genders in this field. I think it’s harder for women in less gender equal countries though... and i would still like to have at least a couple of female colleagues lol.


Good choice! This job is fun. One day you will have prototype design task and make functions which still doesn't exists.
I agree. We are bit like monocultured people. Because when you try to find solution to a problem we have to consider project cost and time and what technology we can apply. Then we can only choose monoculture idea sometimes especially when delivery date is close. But basic design phase is fun and you have more freedom. It's good idea not to be like your fighting colleagues.
Engineer level is very easy to uate. We usually work project base. When company want to sell robot plant to customer your first task is helping sales team. You travel to all over the world and listen to customer about what they want discuss specification with customer. Once specification is decided we start basic design in corporation with mechanical and hardware team. After basic design is decided we start programming and testing. Then customer will come visit plant for acceptance test. Then machines and robots are disassembled for shipping. After shipping, assembly team will assemble robots back and check movement. There customer and project manager will do final acceptance test. Then customer starts 'I know it's not in specification but can we have extra functions?' Then you design program and fly for testing. Then finally finish project. This total project time and cost are decided when project starts. When you can deliver software without visible bug within end of project you are good engineer. When you finish project much earlier and save company's cost you are very good engineer. When you can earn customer's trust and had nomination again means create new sales, you are money maker. When your schedule don't have window for next few years with nomination by customer, company will treat you like rockstar. It's really about how much money you can bring to company. And how much useful functions you develop and sell.
Female engineer is really rare. I only met 2 in Germany and one in UK... But when you go to sales department or travel department you will find someone. I drink out with sales girls often.


Thank you so much for writing all this! It’s always so interesting and comforting to hear from someone who has experience working as an engineering, especially when they’re also a woman and even within my field (i only know one other person like you?) It makes me feel more confident about pursuing this career!
Maybe I will go make friends with the girls in finance now!


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