2021-10-22 龟兔赛跑 11475

Have you ever had a pet that was almost unnaturally intelligent?


Neal Murthy
Luffy is a border collie/golden retriever mix. His mother (the border collie) is a working ranch dog, while his father is a gun dog. I often tell people that he inherited his mother’s IQ (BCs are considered the most intelligent breed by many) and his father’s EQ (GRs are among the most loving and empathetic breeds around). He is now five years old.


When I first brought Luffy home, he was six weeks old. He was weaned but not yet housetrained (6 weeks is very young). I had a 3-story townhome with the carpeted bedrooms on the 3rd floor. Because puppies pee and poo, I decided to sleep on the couch in the living room, which had hardwood floors, for the first few weeks; Luffy slept on a dog bed next to me. Each morning, I would wake up and - with paper towel squares in hand - crawl along the floor looking for pee puddles; I’d then take a paper towel and place it atop the puddle to soak it up (then return with a mop to clean up the residue). Luffy would follow me around while I did this. One day, as I was placing a paper towel down, Luffy positioned himself in front of me, looked me straight in the eye, and peed. Of course, I couldn’t get upset with a little puppy, but I was a bit annoyed - “Really? Really??” Luffy then looked at me and did something for the first time that he’s done several times since - he rubbed his muzzle with his paw out of guilt and shame. He then - at 8 weeks old - walked over to the pile of dry paper towels I had next to me, picked one up in his mouth, and dragged it to the puddle he’d just made - placing it awkwardly atop it. He sat down and looked at me with pride, wagging his little tail.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Since then, this dog has just amazed me with his intelligence. At 4–1/2 months, he pulled his leash free from my hand at the park in order to run to stop a 2yo human child from wandering into the lake while his mother was busy with the child’s brothers.
When he was 8 months old, our next door neighbor got a new puppy - about 4 months old. When Luffy met Stella, he immediately took a liking to her. He picked up her leash with his mouth and led her on a tour of the block. (We followed close behind to be sure nothing bad happened.) He stopped to show her all the best places to sniff and pee - and our neighbor Tim’s place, as Tim would always have the best bacon!
At about the age of 1, I left him in the (fenced-in) front yard while I went out to run an errand. When I returned and didn’t see him, I freaked out. I knew that he could open doors, but the front door was closed. I rushed around the block looking for him - thinking he must’ve dug out. I couldn’t find him! I rushed home to gather some neighbors, entering the house only to grab water. Luffy was sitting calmly on the couch upstairs; he had let himself in the house (door was unlocked) and closed it behind himself.

当他8个月大的时候,我们隔壁的邻居得到了一只新的小狗—大约4个月大。当路飞遇到斯特拉( Stella)时,他立刻喜欢上了她。他用嘴叼起她的皮带,领着她在街区里转了一圈。(我们紧跟在后面,以确保没有什么不好的事情发生。)他停下来向她展示所有最好的嗅探和小便的地方—还有我们邻居蒂姆的地方,因为蒂姆总是吃最好的培根!

Wookie’s a pretty smart dog too, but not as smart as Luffy. (That’s not to say he’s worth any less; he’s a wonderful companion.) When I first found Wookie (as we call him) on the street a year ago, he was in bad shape - wounded, abused, heartworm positive and cryptorchid (and unneutered). After getting him healthy, I started training him more intensely. On the first day, I started with “sit”; Luffy was hanging out with us.


Me: Sit, Wookie.
Me: Sit, Wookie.
Me: Sit, Wookie.
Then… Luffy reaches out a paw and pats his brother on the rump, after which Wooks sat down.
Since then, Luffy has helped me to train his brother (successfully).
I can fill this page with stories about Luffy’s intelligence, but I’ll just finish by saying that I have never come across another dog with Luffy’s intelligence.
People often ask me how I trained him so well. My response: I gave him food and water - and a lot of love.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Errol Greene, Company Founder, Copywriter, Animal Rescuer at Greene Nutraceuticals (2019-present)


I had a dog when I was a kid that was scary smart. His name was Jason when we got him, but I preferred to call him Bob. Bob Dog to be exact.
I refer to him as scary smart because we quickly learned we couldn’t say certain words around him. A LOT of words—likely 1,000+.
We got him when I was in the 7th grade and right away he seemed more like a brother than a dog. Within a day or two, he picked up on the standard words/phrases like “Walk”, “No”, and “Come here, Boy!”
We then noticed that he started picking up on when we would discuss leaving the house (which cued his sulking) and when he was going to the vet. We started spelling some of the basic things like “Go for a walk,” that would set him off.
This is when scary smart started.


He continued to understand more things we were saying. He would react sadly when we talked about me going off to college. He would react happily when I would tell mom I was going to the store, as that meant dog treats and a possible ride in the car if it wasn’t too hot.
In short, he started reacting accordingly to our conversations. If we discussed going on vacation, he became sad. If we disagreed about something (even in normal, calm tones) he would seek to intervene between us by wagging at each of us and trying to ensure all was well.
Once we realized he could understand what we were saying, we started spelling out more words we didn’t want him to hear, like “V-E-T V-I-S-I-T. But being the super-smart guy that he was, he quickly learned what we were spelling. If we spelled out B-A-T-H he would run and hide under the bed.
It came to the point that if he’d done something wrong or you needed him to do something, you could calmly (with no voice-inflection of any kind) tell him and he would respond appropriately. It was like talking to a human; you knew he understood what you were saying.
Friends were always blown away because he’d growl at strangers if he didn’t like what they were saying. “How does he know what I’m saying?” most would ask. “Trust me, he does,” .

一旦我们意识到他能听懂我们说的话,我们就开始说出更多我们不想让他听到的单词,比如“V-E-t V-I-S-I-t”。但作为一个超级聪明的狗,他很快就学会了新单词。如果我们“拼写”出B-A-t-H,他就会跑去躲在床下。

And it wasn’t based on intonation; if someone got animated or sounded angry in telling a story, he wouldn't react as long as he knew it wasn't aimed at us.
We began to think of him as not our dog, but another member of our family, and a highly beloved one at that. I found myself talking to him about my day.
He lived to be 16. at about 13 after his body had started to age quite a bit. He eventually died of cancer of the nasal passages after mom moved to Florida.
We loved each other like brothers. He passed in 1989, and I miss him every day.
I think he knows this.


Oh yes….
I’m going anonymous for this, because I just know that someone is going to accuse me of endorsing animal abuse, neglect, drugs, and who-knows-what else…. (please note: I don’t endorse any of these things, either for humans or dogs).
Many, many years ago, during my mis-spent youth, I lived on a rather large housing estate in North London.
There was a stray dog called Sasha, a friendly old girl, a cross-breed mutt (although she clearly had a lot of collie in her, and maybe some labrador) who lived in and around the walkways, and all the locals would take turns feeding her.
One day, Sasha disappeared…. and some of the neighbourhood kids went looking for her.
Well, it turned out she’d made a nest for herself in the basement of one of the tower-blocks… and produced a litter of puppies.


Now that tower was pretty much run by a guy I’d grown up with (let’s call him ‘Tony’) who had his crew selling dope out of some of the abandoned flats (that ‘apartments’ for our US cousins), and runners watching the stairwells. Tony was an ex-football hooligan who’d had quite a reputation at one point, but had discovered that dope was a much more lucrative life-style than random violence, and amended his lifestyle accordingly. But although he was a pretty tough guy, he had a definite soft-spot for animals, and so Sasha and her puppies were moved up to one of his flats, provided with a quiet, empty room, blankets, regular food, and he had his ‘boys’ take them for vet check-ups, shots etc (that’s the English for you, even our drug dealers are soft about pets!). He even had his crew walking Sasha regularly, cleaning up after the puppies, and so on.
When they got old enough he searched out decent homes for them, until there was only one left,and big eyes, but he was sickly, clumsy, and whiney, and no-one seemed to want him, mainly because, unlike his brothers and sisters, he appeared to be completely impossible to house-train.


He’d acquired the name of ‘Kilo’.
Well, little Kilo stuck to me like glue. Once he realised I was ‘his’ human, he wouldn’t leave my side, so I took him everywhere with me. The shops, the pub, work, in the car…
…And the house-breaking problem just vanished, over night. Once I, and everyone else stopped trying, he just sorted it out himself. Turns out he was just too smart to let himself be trained by anyone, except by himself. Like a cat.


I took to feeding him whatever I ate, and since I boxed and weight-lifted at the time, that meant a lot of steak, chicken, fish, whole eggs…. and Kilo thrived, and packed on weight and muscle hand over fist (I knew there had to be some Doberman in the mix there!). And he was fast. Not greyhound fast, but not a million miles off. He’d spend his days tearing across the park after sticks, swimming in the lake, and then chowing down on chicken, and then sleeping next to me on the bed, with his head on the pillow (if I didn’t have a girlfriend over) or at the foot of the bed plotting (if I did). By the next morning he’d be in his usual place, under the blanket, head on pillow, between me and her (the ones who complained didn’t last long - I really liked that dog!).
As time went by he got less clingy, more confident, and would wander off around the park, or down to the parking lot to play with the other dogs (including some of his brothers and sisters. He’d even go visit his mum (who, appropriately, had been adopted by Tony’s mum). He was just about the happiest, friendliest dog you ever met. I only ever saw him get mad once - years later, when a big Alsatian tried to bite my toddler in the park. Kilo leapt at him, furious - a fight that left him with a scar down one leg - but he won. The Alsatian, twice his size, fled.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And Kilo was a flawed genius.
‘Flawed’, because Kilo had a problem.
I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised, what with his absent father, homeless mother, being raised in a dope house, and then being adopted by an irresponsible hippy (me).
Kilo loved drugs.
He could sniff out weed better than any police K9 you’ve ever seen.
And he’d make a beeline for it.
until one day I found him on the couch, spaced-out of his tiny mind. Something like this:


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Eventually, one of Tony’s runners complained to me that “Your dog keeps digging out our stash”. Turns out, they had weed bagged up, hidden under one of the rubbish bins (garbage cans), to pass off to buyers.
And Kilo had sniffed it out, and was waiting until their backs were turned before stealing some.
I told them to move their damn stash out somewhere my dog couldn’t find it.
They moved it under a different dumpster
I told them to put it up somewhere he couldn’t reach it. They started putting it on top of the dumpster. He reached it by climbing onto the roof of a parked car, jumping onto the roof of a small van, and jumping from there.
he’d figured out how to open the latches on the window, and just let himself out of the house.
After yet another talk with Tony’s boys, they finally moved their stash somewhere Kilo really couldn’t get to it.
Problem solved.


C. B., Bachelor Business, Columbia Southern University (2017)

C. B., 哥伦比亚南部大学工商管理学士(2017年)

This is Canta. Canta is my service dog. He will be 5 in August and I have had him since he was 5 weeks old. When I got him he wasn’t really weaned though the lady who sold him to me said he was. We simply used puppy milk to moisten his kibble for the first three weeks and he is healthy as a horse now.
Canta basically potty trained himself with a little “good puppy” encouragement in 2 weeks. So before most dogs would be turned over to there new homes, my dog was house trained. He could sit, stay, lay down by 10 weeks. He learned to alx to migraines, panic attacks, and low oxygen. He responds like any kid, sometimes with a n attitude, but he is amazingly smart and capable.


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