
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Loy Machedo
The benefit of being lazy once a while is to allow the body, mind and heart to recuperate and heal. Its like having a piece of machinery that works 24/7. It is always necessary to give the body a break and sometimes - do nothing. And nature’s way of making this happen is when you fall seriously ill or sick. At that time - you have no other option but to be lazy and sleep all day. So being lazy gives your the healing benefit of recharging and regrouping.
When you procrastinate purposefully, it can sometimes give you more value than when you procrastinate without purpose. For instance
I always procrastinate answering emails. For some strange reason - my clients value me more. Than if I was available 24/7 to them.
I procrastinate when I am angry, upset, or emotionally disturbed and do not do the important tasks. The benefit of doing so is that I wouldn’t complete these tasks imperfectly or make any major mistake which would dig my grave anymore.
I procrastinate when I am confused and need to make a strong decision. Sometimes NOT making a decision and fighting against the tide sometimes brings about a surprisingly positive result - like when I knew 100% I was going to lose on a business deal (even though I quoted a good price), I just procrastinated from responding. I was told that the deal would go to my competitor. I still chose to procrastinate in sending my response. The deal was lost. However, strangely - after a week - I was asked by the same guy if I wanted the deal. Why? Apparently, the guy thought if I wasn’t so desperate - maybe I was better than the guy who was begging for the deal.
Like I always tell people - stop being perfect or aiming for perfection if that is not your cup of tea.
The benefit of being lazy once a while is to allow the body, mind and heart to recuperate and heal. Its like having a piece of machinery that works 24/7. It is always necessary to give the body a break and sometimes - do nothing. And nature’s way of making this happen is when you fall seriously ill or sick. At that time - you have no other option but to be lazy and sleep all day. So being lazy gives your the healing benefit of recharging and regrouping.
When you procrastinate purposefully, it can sometimes give you more value than when you procrastinate without purpose. For instance
I always procrastinate answering emails. For some strange reason - my clients value me more. Than if I was available 24/7 to them.
I procrastinate when I am angry, upset, or emotionally disturbed and do not do the important tasks. The benefit of doing so is that I wouldn’t complete these tasks imperfectly or make any major mistake which would dig my grave anymore.
I procrastinate when I am confused and need to make a strong decision. Sometimes NOT making a decision and fighting against the tide sometimes brings about a surprisingly positive result - like when I knew 100% I was going to lose on a business deal (even though I quoted a good price), I just procrastinated from responding. I was told that the deal would go to my competitor. I still chose to procrastinate in sending my response. The deal was lost. However, strangely - after a week - I was asked by the same guy if I wanted the deal. Why? Apparently, the guy thought if I wasn’t so desperate - maybe I was better than the guy who was begging for the deal.
Like I always tell people - stop being perfect or aiming for perfection if that is not your cup of tea.
C Stuart Hardwick
Look around you. Almost everything you see that didn’t grow or form naturally is the product of human laziness.
Most machines and innovations, from the lever and wheel to the spell checker in your browser, is fundamentally the product of laziness. Even complex machines like computers and space probes, which are used to do things we simply couldn't do any other way, are only possible because laziness drove us to invent all the parts that make them work, and all the tools needed to build them. And the funny thing about humans is, we'll spend 200 hours trying to avoid an hour's work and lose a finger preventing blisters.
Effective laziness, after all, is hard work. Never be too lazy to do it the easy way.
Consider the Neanderthals. They were stronger than us and their brains were enough bigger, they may have been smarter too. But they were not lazy. They made tools out of rocks and big sticks, because they had muscles and grit and could encircle a mammoth and poke it with sticks and go home and cook it for dinner. And that's just what they did—for a quarter million years.
Did we do that? Hell no. Partly because a mammoth would grab our big sticks and take them away and probably take our arms with them. Mostly because we're lazy. We invented pointy sticks we could throw from a distance, and eventually bows and arrows and helicopter gunships. So Neanderthals worked very hard and went extinct, and now we have all their stuff. And now we have drones, because even helicopter gunships are just too much work.
And procrastination? Well yeah, that can be a problem when you need to be getting things done, but it also forms the core of any smart person's time management system. I learned that in a class—at work. In any normal workplace, many of the tasks dropped on your plate do not need to be done. This is especially true in some creative fields like software development where requirements are never fully known in advance, but it's true everywhere. The boss might forget what she asked for. Somebody else might do it. It might get done or be made redundant by other work. The boss might finally learn enough about the business to realize what an idiotic idea it was and never bring it up again.
Either way, if you procrastinated, you're good—and probably working on something more important
So don't be a Neanderthal, be like your ancestors. If you wait long enough and are lazy enough, the savages in your garden might go extinct on their own, and you can just stay in bed.
Look around you. Almost everything you see that didn’t grow or form naturally is the product of human laziness.
Most machines and innovations, from the lever and wheel to the spell checker in your browser, is fundamentally the product of laziness. Even complex machines like computers and space probes, which are used to do things we simply couldn't do any other way, are only possible because laziness drove us to invent all the parts that make them work, and all the tools needed to build them. And the funny thing about humans is, we'll spend 200 hours trying to avoid an hour's work and lose a finger preventing blisters.
Effective laziness, after all, is hard work. Never be too lazy to do it the easy way.
Consider the Neanderthals. They were stronger than us and their brains were enough bigger, they may have been smarter too. But they were not lazy. They made tools out of rocks and big sticks, because they had muscles and grit and could encircle a mammoth and poke it with sticks and go home and cook it for dinner. And that's just what they did—for a quarter million years.
Did we do that? Hell no. Partly because a mammoth would grab our big sticks and take them away and probably take our arms with them. Mostly because we're lazy. We invented pointy sticks we could throw from a distance, and eventually bows and arrows and helicopter gunships. So Neanderthals worked very hard and went extinct, and now we have all their stuff. And now we have drones, because even helicopter gunships are just too much work.
And procrastination? Well yeah, that can be a problem when you need to be getting things done, but it also forms the core of any smart person's time management system. I learned that in a class—at work. In any normal workplace, many of the tasks dropped on your plate do not need to be done. This is especially true in some creative fields like software development where requirements are never fully known in advance, but it's true everywhere. The boss might forget what she asked for. Somebody else might do it. It might get done or be made redundant by other work. The boss might finally learn enough about the business to realize what an idiotic idea it was and never bring it up again.
Either way, if you procrastinated, you're good—and probably working on something more important
So don't be a Neanderthal, be like your ancestors. If you wait long enough and are lazy enough, the savages in your garden might go extinct on their own, and you can just stay in bed.
Dima Vorobiev
The greatest benefit of laziness and procrastination is the absence of change.
If you investigate the traditional depictions of Paradise in cultures across the Earth, you’ll see this: it’s always the land of eternal laziness and procrastination. Because why change anything at the place where God made everything just perfect?
Hence, another definition of paradise: The Place Where Laziness and Procrastination Are Always Rewarded.
因此,天堂的另一个定义是: 懒惰和拖延总会得到回报的地方。
The greatest benefit of laziness and procrastination is the absence of change.
If you investigate the traditional depictions of Paradise in cultures across the Earth, you’ll see this: it’s always the land of eternal laziness and procrastination. Because why change anything at the place where God made everything just perfect?
Hence, another definition of paradise: The Place Where Laziness and Procrastination Are Always Rewarded.
因此,天堂的另一个定义是: 懒惰和拖延总会得到回报的地方。
I used my laziness to reduce smoking, how?
Instead of buying a pack of cigarettes, I made it a point to buy only one cigarette when I feel like smoking. Each time I have the urge to smoke, I go to the shop and buy a cigarette.
Now, my brain urges me to smoke and at the same time it also makes me lazy to go out and buy a cigarette. I let the urge for smoking, and the laziness to go out, fight with each other and most often than not my laziness wins and the urge subsides on its own:-)
I came down to 3 cigarettes per day from 10 a day and hopefully will soon quit smoking completely;-)
我的大脑催促我去吸烟,同时又让我懒得出去买一支烟,我让抽烟的欲望和对外出的懒惰相互斗争,通常情况下都会是我的懒惰赢,而欲望则自己消退了 : -)
I used my laziness to reduce smoking, how?
Instead of buying a pack of cigarettes, I made it a point to buy only one cigarette when I feel like smoking. Each time I have the urge to smoke, I go to the shop and buy a cigarette.
Now, my brain urges me to smoke and at the same time it also makes me lazy to go out and buy a cigarette. I let the urge for smoking, and the laziness to go out, fight with each other and most often than not my laziness wins and the urge subsides on its own:-)
I came down to 3 cigarettes per day from 10 a day and hopefully will soon quit smoking completely;-)
我的大脑催促我去吸烟,同时又让我懒得出去买一支烟,我让抽烟的欲望和对外出的懒惰相互斗争,通常情况下都会是我的懒惰赢,而欲望则自己消退了 : -)
Rafael Eliassen
A lazy mind is good at finding shortcuts. Which makes tasks less time-consuming. Hence increases efficiency.
Being lazy means you have less energy to think. Which directly means no time for stress and anxiety.
Saves money. Yes, it does. Lazy people often like to sit on the couch and watch Netflix than going out.
The invention arises directly from idleness. Laziness is responsible for all those inventions that make life easier.
Procrastination helps to develop different ideas, to think in nonlinear ways, and to make unexpected leaps.
Laziness is a good way to introspect about life. Laziness allows people to think deeply about life.
Some people have a habit of working under pressure. Procrastination help to develop the pressure.
It can lower blood pressure and make us feel soothed and peaceful again.
省钱。是的,的确如此,懒惰的人通常喜欢坐在沙发上看 Netflix,而不是外出。
A lazy mind is good at finding shortcuts. Which makes tasks less time-consuming. Hence increases efficiency.
Being lazy means you have less energy to think. Which directly means no time for stress and anxiety.
Saves money. Yes, it does. Lazy people often like to sit on the couch and watch Netflix than going out.
The invention arises directly from idleness. Laziness is responsible for all those inventions that make life easier.
Procrastination helps to develop different ideas, to think in nonlinear ways, and to make unexpected leaps.
Laziness is a good way to introspect about life. Laziness allows people to think deeply about life.
Some people have a habit of working under pressure. Procrastination help to develop the pressure.
It can lower blood pressure and make us feel soothed and peaceful again.
省钱。是的,的确如此,懒惰的人通常喜欢坐在沙发上看 Netflix,而不是外出。
Daniel Gronau
It might sound strange, but being "lazy" can help to connect to yourself, to learn to listen to your thoughts, to get insights about your inner workings. You lose this connection when you're always on the run: You start to forget what you want and who you are. However, you only benefit when you stop feeling guilty about procrastinating, but actually enjoy your "lazy" time.Then, in times of stress and dangling decisions, you have the strength to deal with the situation, and enough confidence in your "gut feeling" to do the right thing.
这听起来可能很奇怪,但 "偷懒 "可以帮助你与自己建立联系,学会倾听自己的想法,洞察自己的内在。
当你总是在奔波时,你会失去这种联系,你开始忘记你想要什么和你是谁,然而,只有当你不再为拖延感到内疚,而是真正享受你的 "懒惰 "时间时,你才会受益。
然后,在遇到压力和悬而未决的决定时,你就有力量应对这种情况,并对自己的 "直觉 "有足够的信心,去做正确的事情。
It might sound strange, but being "lazy" can help to connect to yourself, to learn to listen to your thoughts, to get insights about your inner workings. You lose this connection when you're always on the run: You start to forget what you want and who you are. However, you only benefit when you stop feeling guilty about procrastinating, but actually enjoy your "lazy" time.Then, in times of stress and dangling decisions, you have the strength to deal with the situation, and enough confidence in your "gut feeling" to do the right thing.
这听起来可能很奇怪,但 "偷懒 "可以帮助你与自己建立联系,学会倾听自己的想法,洞察自己的内在。
当你总是在奔波时,你会失去这种联系,你开始忘记你想要什么和你是谁,然而,只有当你不再为拖延感到内疚,而是真正享受你的 "懒惰 "时间时,你才会受益。
然后,在遇到压力和悬而未决的决定时,你就有力量应对这种情况,并对自己的 "直觉 "有足够的信心,去做正确的事情。
Awdhesh Singh
There are two ways to look at the world.
One is to believe that action is the source of all good things in life.
The other is to believe that action is the source of all problems of life.
A poor man was sleeping peacefully under a banyan tree, when a businessman happens to pass through the field. He was surprised that the man, who had barely covered his body with sullen cloth,could sleep so peacefully in even in daytime.
He waked the poor man and asked, "Why are you sleeping? Why don't you work?"
The poor man questioned the businessman,"Why should I work?"
"Well, if you work, you will earn money." replied the businessman.
"Then, what?" asked the poor man again.
"Then you can invest the money in business and make more money. So you will have lot of money." advised the businessman.
The poor man repeated his question,"Then?"
"Then you can enjoy your life."said the businessman.
"But that is what I am doing now." said the poor man.
And he slept again peacefully. [1]
The real world follows the Newton’s Third Law which states: “For very action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Once you take any action, it creates a reaction. You are the again engaged in acting on this reaction which creates a further reaction. Hence you create an infinite chain of action-reaction with every action of yours. This chain of reaction never end still you are totally exhausted, burned yourself out or dead.
Wise people know when to work and when to be lazy.
They don’t let go the pleasure of laziness just because it does not provide them any material benefits.
他叫醒这个可怜的人,问他: “你为什么在这睡觉? 为什么不工作?”
穷人问商人: “我为什么要工作?”
“然后你就可以把钱投资到生意上,赚更多的钱,你会有很多钱 ”商人建议道。
现实世界遵循牛顿第三定律: “对于每一个作用力,都有一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力。”
There are two ways to look at the world.
One is to believe that action is the source of all good things in life.
The other is to believe that action is the source of all problems of life.
A poor man was sleeping peacefully under a banyan tree, when a businessman happens to pass through the field. He was surprised that the man, who had barely covered his body with sullen cloth,could sleep so peacefully in even in daytime.
He waked the poor man and asked, "Why are you sleeping? Why don't you work?"
The poor man questioned the businessman,"Why should I work?"
"Well, if you work, you will earn money." replied the businessman.
"Then, what?" asked the poor man again.
"Then you can invest the money in business and make more money. So you will have lot of money." advised the businessman.
The poor man repeated his question,"Then?"
"Then you can enjoy your life."said the businessman.
"But that is what I am doing now." said the poor man.
And he slept again peacefully. [1]
The real world follows the Newton’s Third Law which states: “For very action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”
Once you take any action, it creates a reaction. You are the again engaged in acting on this reaction which creates a further reaction. Hence you create an infinite chain of action-reaction with every action of yours. This chain of reaction never end still you are totally exhausted, burned yourself out or dead.
Wise people know when to work and when to be lazy.
They don’t let go the pleasure of laziness just because it does not provide them any material benefits.
他叫醒这个可怜的人,问他: “你为什么在这睡觉? 为什么不工作?”
穷人问商人: “我为什么要工作?”
“然后你就可以把钱投资到生意上,赚更多的钱,你会有很多钱 ”商人建议道。
现实世界遵循牛顿第三定律: “对于每一个作用力,都有一个大小相等、方向相反的反作用力。”
Caroline Says
A lot of people are extolling the virtues of laziness (I agree completely), but procrastination is also an excellent life tool. Procrastinating taught me that much of what I thought was germane to a task or project is just “make-work” and unnecessary. Because, to paraphrase what Dilip says in his answer, there’s nothing like not having enough time to complete a project to make you realize what’s critical, and what isn’t.
If I start early on a project and stick faithfully to my schedule, I almost always do more work than I need to. And a lot of that work I simply throw away. But if I wait until the last minute to work on something, the stress of it automatically narrows my focus to what’s important, and I quickly jettison the rest. I throw no work away (don’t have the luxury), I work quickly and efficiently, and I get done (sometimes by the seat of my pants).
That's the other benefit of procrastination. It makes life more exciting and creative, and it keeps me sharp. I'm usually at my most ingenious when I've procrastinated for waaaaay too long and am totally fucked if I don't come up with something. Work then feels more like a high-stakes adventure and less like a series of boring tasks I have to tick off one at a time. What's not to like about that?
很多人赞美懒惰的好处(我完全同意) ,但拖延也是一个很好的生活工具。
拖延让我明白,许多我认为与任务或项目密切相关的东西,其实只是“为工作而工作”,而且是多余的,因为,借用 Dilip 的回答中所说的,没有什么比没有足够的时间来完成一个项目更能让你意识到什么是关键的,什么是不重要的。
如果我很早就开始一个项目,并忠实地遵守我的时间表,我几乎总是会做比我需要做的更多的工作,而其中很多工作我都扔掉了,但是如果我一直等到最后一刻才开始工作,这种压力会自动将我的注意力集中在重要的事情上,我会很快抛弃其他的事情,我不会丢弃任何工作(没有奢侈品) ,(没有这种奢望),我快速有效地工作,并完成了工作(有时是靠自己的直觉)。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
A lot of people are extolling the virtues of laziness (I agree completely), but procrastination is also an excellent life tool. Procrastinating taught me that much of what I thought was germane to a task or project is just “make-work” and unnecessary. Because, to paraphrase what Dilip says in his answer, there’s nothing like not having enough time to complete a project to make you realize what’s critical, and what isn’t.
If I start early on a project and stick faithfully to my schedule, I almost always do more work than I need to. And a lot of that work I simply throw away. But if I wait until the last minute to work on something, the stress of it automatically narrows my focus to what’s important, and I quickly jettison the rest. I throw no work away (don’t have the luxury), I work quickly and efficiently, and I get done (sometimes by the seat of my pants).
That's the other benefit of procrastination. It makes life more exciting and creative, and it keeps me sharp. I'm usually at my most ingenious when I've procrastinated for waaaaay too long and am totally fucked if I don't come up with something. Work then feels more like a high-stakes adventure and less like a series of boring tasks I have to tick off one at a time. What's not to like about that?
很多人赞美懒惰的好处(我完全同意) ,但拖延也是一个很好的生活工具。
拖延让我明白,许多我认为与任务或项目密切相关的东西,其实只是“为工作而工作”,而且是多余的,因为,借用 Dilip 的回答中所说的,没有什么比没有足够的时间来完成一个项目更能让你意识到什么是关键的,什么是不重要的。
如果我很早就开始一个项目,并忠实地遵守我的时间表,我几乎总是会做比我需要做的更多的工作,而其中很多工作我都扔掉了,但是如果我一直等到最后一刻才开始工作,这种压力会自动将我的注意力集中在重要的事情上,我会很快抛弃其他的事情,我不会丢弃任何工作(没有奢侈品) ,(没有这种奢望),我快速有效地工作,并完成了工作(有时是靠自己的直觉)。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
Andrei Palskoi
Of course there are. That’s why laziness and procrastination exist in the first place. It’s a way of nature to separate useful signals from noise in your life and save your energy from doing things that you don’t really need.
It’s a ballast that keeps you in a stable state of mind, instead of running around like crazy and chasing every proverbial squirrel in your sight, figuratively speaking.
In old days sailors used to put lots of heavy stones or bricks into the holds of their ships. That made ships lazy and less eager to be affected by ocean waves, less prone to capsizing. But if they put too many stones, the ship could sink or become unable to move fast enough. It all comes down to finding the right balance.
Of course there are. That’s why laziness and procrastination exist in the first place. It’s a way of nature to separate useful signals from noise in your life and save your energy from doing things that you don’t really need.
It’s a ballast that keeps you in a stable state of mind, instead of running around like crazy and chasing every proverbial squirrel in your sight, figuratively speaking.
In old days sailors used to put lots of heavy stones or bricks into the holds of their ships. That made ships lazy and less eager to be affected by ocean waves, less prone to capsizing. But if they put too many stones, the ship could sink or become unable to move fast enough. It all comes down to finding the right balance.
Chanchal Gupta
Okay. As a general hypothesis I am not sure how positive these traits of laziness and procrastination are. But I do know that I see both these traits in myself and from my personal experience, I’ll mention a few things which I found worked in my favour even with these traits -
Last minute rush sometimes enhance your productivity. Remember during exams, how the answer to a question we have not been able to figure out would click at the last moment :D
You tend to work smartly because of these traits. You plan out stuff because you know otherwise you are going to procrastinate and hence work as per schedule leading to productive outcomes in shorter time frx.
You are able to do lot of other things which you love apart from what has to be done. Hence you feel happier.
You delegate/avoid unimportant stuff i.e. stuff that doesn't add any value to your life. You focus only on important stuff.
You do something when you actually get the feel of doing so and hence work in the best frx of mind for a job which makes you give your best.
You start knowing your capabilities. You become positive that things can be done and will be done in so and so time. You are no more in a rush always.
You spend time with yourself owing to laziness hence better use of time in studies and other pursuits which interest you.
Okay. As a general hypothesis I am not sure how positive these traits of laziness and procrastination are. But I do know that I see both these traits in myself and from my personal experience, I’ll mention a few things which I found worked in my favour even with these traits -
Last minute rush sometimes enhance your productivity. Remember during exams, how the answer to a question we have not been able to figure out would click at the last moment :D
You tend to work smartly because of these traits. You plan out stuff because you know otherwise you are going to procrastinate and hence work as per schedule leading to productive outcomes in shorter time frx.
You are able to do lot of other things which you love apart from what has to be done. Hence you feel happier.
You delegate/avoid unimportant stuff i.e. stuff that doesn't add any value to your life. You focus only on important stuff.
You do something when you actually get the feel of doing so and hence work in the best frx of mind for a job which makes you give your best.
You start knowing your capabilities. You become positive that things can be done and will be done in so and so time. You are no more in a rush always.
You spend time with yourself owing to laziness hence better use of time in studies and other pursuits which interest you.
Nainika Sudheendra
Procrastination forces creativity, and allows you to get a bigger picture because you are cramming everything in last-minute. For example, I myself never study for an exam more than a day or two in advance. That way, when I read all 936 pages of material at once, I can recognize the overall picture and make connections and realize that there are patterns in the material.
Benefits of laziness are less obvious and less potent. Maybe you are less stressed out and don’t have as much of an hierarchical self-esteem. Either way, laziness shouldn’t be paired with procrastination because it actually takes a lot of hard work to produce quality results last-minute.
Procrastination forces creativity, and allows you to get a bigger picture because you are cramming everything in last-minute. For example, I myself never study for an exam more than a day or two in advance. That way, when I read all 936 pages of material at once, I can recognize the overall picture and make connections and realize that there are patterns in the material.
Benefits of laziness are less obvious and less potent. Maybe you are less stressed out and don’t have as much of an hierarchical self-esteem. Either way, laziness shouldn’t be paired with procrastination because it actually takes a lot of hard work to produce quality results last-minute.
Hillary Rettig
As someone who writes and teaches extensively on this I would say no, for two main reasons:
1) Success comes from most of the time being able to do what you want or need to do when you had planned to do it. (There are other factors too, like living your authentic mission and managing your time and other resources.) Procrastination is the opposite behavior: you get derailed from your path or plan.
2) I know there is right now a fad of "positive procrastination" but I think it's just a fad. Basically, a small fraction of the population can procrastinate in a productive way. The rest of us procrastinate unproductively. Procrastination is a fear-based behavior that harnesses our creativity and other talents against us, and it is adept at fooling us into thinking we're being productive when we're not. (For instance: researching your thesis to death but never writing it; or suddenly deciding - at the exact moment you're supposed to be doing some important work - that you urgently must do the laundry.) I did a video on this: http://www.hillaryrettig.com/2013/02/05/video-the-truth-about-procrastination/
Because of these factors, I believe procrastination is almost always a dangerous habit. Bonus answer: please never use pejorative, moralistic labels like "lazy" on yourself or others. Procrastination is always caused, and the causes always lay outside ourselves, in our environment (present or past) and/or the work itself. "Laziness" is a symptom, so the thing to do is ask yourself why you're feeling lazy. The answer will always (ALWAYS) be reasonable and legitimate, even if procrastination itself is a suboptimal response.
Ultimately, procrastination is a form of disempowerment - you aren't missing anything (e.g., discipline, willpower, energy) but simply constrained from using that which you have. Locate and remedy the disempowering forces in your life and work, and you won't have to worry about procrastination.
ADDED: I just want to be clear that I’m NOT saying you should never rest, relax, and have fun. You should do lots of that! But you should figure out your priorities and time budget and schedule that stuff in. That’s intentionality, setting priorities, self-care, etc. - all good. But procrastination is something different: it’s when you plan to do one thing but rationalize/justify doing something else instead. And the motive isn’t life balance or self-care, but escape from your fears.
2)我知道现在有一种 "积极拖延 "的时尚,但我认为这仅仅是一种时尚,基本上,只有一小部分人能够以一种富有成效的方式进行拖延,我们其他大多数人的拖延是无益的。拖延是一种基于恐惧的行为,它利用我们的创造力和其他才能来对付我们,它善于愚弄我们,让我们以为自己是有成效的,其实不然( 例如:把论文研究到死,但就是从来没有动手写过;或者突然决定——就在你应该做一些重要工作的那一刻——你必须马上去洗衣服) 我做了一个关于这个问题的视频:......
额外的回答:请永远不要对自己或他人使用 "懒惰 "这样的贬义、道德性的标签。
拖延总是有原因的,而原因总是在我们自身之外,在我们的环境(现在或过去)和/或工作本身。"懒惰 "是一种症状,所以要做的事情是问自己为什么感到懒惰,答案总是(永远)合理合法的,即使拖延本身是一种次优的反应。
As someone who writes and teaches extensively on this I would say no, for two main reasons:
1) Success comes from most of the time being able to do what you want or need to do when you had planned to do it. (There are other factors too, like living your authentic mission and managing your time and other resources.) Procrastination is the opposite behavior: you get derailed from your path or plan.
2) I know there is right now a fad of "positive procrastination" but I think it's just a fad. Basically, a small fraction of the population can procrastinate in a productive way. The rest of us procrastinate unproductively. Procrastination is a fear-based behavior that harnesses our creativity and other talents against us, and it is adept at fooling us into thinking we're being productive when we're not. (For instance: researching your thesis to death but never writing it; or suddenly deciding - at the exact moment you're supposed to be doing some important work - that you urgently must do the laundry.) I did a video on this: http://www.hillaryrettig.com/2013/02/05/video-the-truth-about-procrastination/
Because of these factors, I believe procrastination is almost always a dangerous habit. Bonus answer: please never use pejorative, moralistic labels like "lazy" on yourself or others. Procrastination is always caused, and the causes always lay outside ourselves, in our environment (present or past) and/or the work itself. "Laziness" is a symptom, so the thing to do is ask yourself why you're feeling lazy. The answer will always (ALWAYS) be reasonable and legitimate, even if procrastination itself is a suboptimal response.
Ultimately, procrastination is a form of disempowerment - you aren't missing anything (e.g., discipline, willpower, energy) but simply constrained from using that which you have. Locate and remedy the disempowering forces in your life and work, and you won't have to worry about procrastination.
ADDED: I just want to be clear that I’m NOT saying you should never rest, relax, and have fun. You should do lots of that! But you should figure out your priorities and time budget and schedule that stuff in. That’s intentionality, setting priorities, self-care, etc. - all good. But procrastination is something different: it’s when you plan to do one thing but rationalize/justify doing something else instead. And the motive isn’t life balance or self-care, but escape from your fears.
2)我知道现在有一种 "积极拖延 "的时尚,但我认为这仅仅是一种时尚,基本上,只有一小部分人能够以一种富有成效的方式进行拖延,我们其他大多数人的拖延是无益的。拖延是一种基于恐惧的行为,它利用我们的创造力和其他才能来对付我们,它善于愚弄我们,让我们以为自己是有成效的,其实不然( 例如:把论文研究到死,但就是从来没有动手写过;或者突然决定——就在你应该做一些重要工作的那一刻——你必须马上去洗衣服) 我做了一个关于这个问题的视频:......
额外的回答:请永远不要对自己或他人使用 "懒惰 "这样的贬义、道德性的标签。
拖延总是有原因的,而原因总是在我们自身之外,在我们的环境(现在或过去)和/或工作本身。"懒惰 "是一种症状,所以要做的事情是问自己为什么感到懒惰,答案总是(永远)合理合法的,即使拖延本身是一种次优的反应。
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