2021-10-28 JOJOyu 30976


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Soul of Ocean
I wish all Chinese start wearing this ..it would be so magical and amazing ������


Stephen Leong
No never. Do you have any IDEA how HOT it is to wear it?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Reanna Tan
If you go to guangzhaou you can see some people wear them in public


CN Elise
I hope so!!


hae sarang
I read a lot of wuxia novel and when i saw this... this is how i imagine them.


Fiona Wong
I love it. Korean and japanese wear their traditional attire out and about, we as chinese should so the same


so beautiful and interesting.... makes me want to see such videos just with other cultures and their historical clothing, too xD


Tatyana Gordon
I would love to wear one, but my body type wouldn't do it justice.


Lobelia Cross
My country's traditional clothing is used as school uniform plus daily normal wear combined with national races
I wish my country's clothing is as popular as chinese and korea ���������


Messy Ejay
I'm really interested on Hanfu's (and anything acient Chinese things) because of Acient Chinese Novels ������������������


TikTok Compilations
oh what novels? i'm also interested in reading them! :D


I am a multi Fandom girl
@teooo i knew it!! I knew someone will say mdzs.


Don't. Argue.
Screams in Mo Dao Zu Shi


Alex ander
china is rich in culture !


Asian drama trash
Chinese hanfu clothes are so beautiful. I want to wear one


xiaowu xu
Han. fu is father of korean and Japanese traditional clothing

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Dylan West
I'm a slave to ancient beauty of any culture, especially Asian, this video made my day���������


Lis29 CC
Many of these look more real and natural than the ones in drama


Lis29 CC haha they often cost more



These are not completely accurate either and it depends on what drama you are talking about and the setting. Like if the setting is like I. The heavens and six worlds then of course it’s not gonna look like this. Also some of the dramas are set at a made up time period. The drama 长安十二时辰is very accurate for the dynasty it’s cast in. Remember there’s a lot of dynasties and each have very different clothes
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Person with a picture of a lemon as a profile pic
I actually tripped over some ladies long fucking dress while walking around the streets it was a narrow street and my cousin laughed at me


no, it is just for fun, you can not wear it everyday

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

@Stephen Leong It looks very hot when wearing, but actually its not.
If not ancient chinese would not wear it

@Stephen Leong当你穿着它的时候,看起来会比较热,但实际上并非如此。

Katherine lin
Most of china is very very hot and they would be sweating if they wear them everyday


Niall Horan
@Stephen Leong I wear a hanfu and it's not even hot. Although Japanese kimono is a different story with different layers


Stephen Leong of course it does not fit for tropical area. But most areas in China it works.


How about just all the people willing and able, start wearing the style— the ones that like it and have a passion for it. No need to segregate people like that....


Cat Zania
Japanese have their anime for cosplay, chinese have their hanfu.


Samantha Roper
The East cultures traditional clothing is so beautiful and I believe that is why westerns such as me love these, when I lived in Tokyo for 2 years I finally bought a Yukata and love it. But I know some people look down on this. I feel that I love the culture so much and I do not have an old enough culture to look back on and this is a way for me to respect the Eastern traditions.


Elly O
It looks so pretty I wish all races would do the same with our traditional dress ... sadly if you go out in that in usa you just get made fun of regardless of it being white, asian or black traditional dress ....
I would love if all races could go back to our roots and wear our traditional clothing with out fear or ridicule


Wenqi Chen
clothes do make the person. the more of these vids i see the more desperately i want to start wearing them but i'm in my mid-30's, live in a tropical country and would be too self-conscious to wear it out on the streets by myself. it's so beautiful though. 101% in support of the hanfu revival movement!


Dayum! Beautiful women in beautiful dresses. Had to go to full-screen to get a better look.


Hessa Aldereih
If I were Chinese I would always dress like that, it looks so cooool


a bc
Some people are saying that Hanbok(K traditional clothes)is similar with Hanfu(especially Tang). Of course Korean traditional clothes had influenced by Hanfu. However the common figure of female Hanbok(Korean traditional clothes' name, and 'han' means 'big, great' in Korean. It isn't related with 'Han'fu.) was made in 19c(-short top, long skirt). Even Hanbok looks similar with Hanfu in Tang empire like in this video clip, definitly it doesn't have any relationship with each other. Time difference is about 10 thousands. Plus, also male Hanbok is different. Male hanbok wears clear two pieces-top/bottom. On the contrary, male Hanfu is usually long skirt.


Anusha San
There should be at least one day each year when people all around the world can dress up in their traditional attires and live the day remembering their culture and living somewhat like old times. And that day should be called an international culture holiday. I think it would be an awesome way to relieve stress and be enjoy for a day.


sana wn
All countries should bring back wearing traditional clothing I think it would be great ��� even in a America bring on them cool ass pieces from all countries

所有的国家都应该找回并穿上传统的服装,我想这将是件非常伟大的事情��� 。即使是在美国,也要带上来自世界各地的酷玩意。

Mew mew
@sana wn it is a wide spread everyday thing in many countries. And traditional clothes like hanfu clothing and kimono etc are not used regularly because they are uncomfortable and don't blend in with the modern environment.


Hanna Kochanek
Somebody please list the names of the songs, even Google Assistant can't recognize them!
Please save the people who can't speak Chinese! (I love the clothing though <3)


i want to wear hanfu because they are pretty but i dont want to be accused of cultural approproation ������


Just wear it. Those who shout out culture appropiation are usually those who are either; not from there, half blood, full blood but born in a different country. I'm sure most Chinese will be happy and proud seeing others wearing, enjoying and respecting it. Plus who isn't so say that you have a Chinese partner or family living there? You don't have to explain to others why you wear it because at the end of the day they don't know you and your background. So what I want to say to you is don't let people's negative opinions stop you from liking and wearing another country's clothing.


Just wear it most Chinese actual encourage foreigners wearing it as we think it is an excellent way of sharing culture. As long as you are not being lewd and disrespectful while wearing it and acting discriminatory and racist it's fine. There is a difference between appropriation and appreciation. If you wear it because you think it's pretty or love the clutter and history behind it you good. A place to find good website is taobao but you need to know Chinese. If not I would encourage looking on Yes style which is in English. If you purchase hanfu from Yes style though I would suggest getting the more expensive ones as the ones under 70 dollars are oftentimes made of cheap fabric and fall apart easily.


Yang Felix
It will be totally ok if you wear them in China


Fyi guys no one really wear hanfu nowadays only cheongsam aka qípáo ���
But it’s actually sad that less ppl is wearing cheongsam :(


Nozomi Yu-chan
Oh you would not believe how many people in China are bringing them back. Even in Chinatown New York in the US, I saw many young women and men wearing them, like on the streets and on trains. I would love to buy one for myself to wear, but they are hella expensive!


Samurdhi Perera
The girl wearing the red Hanfu- it would look a thousand times better if her face muscles could relax into a smile. It is so much to her disadvantage to walk with such a beautiful dress but with such a sour face accompanying it. What could have been exceptional became something dull and ordinary.


Ice Lee
she is wearing a cloths of man and she pretend to be a boy


Samurdhi Perera
@Ice Lee What she is pretending to be is besides the point. Whether male or female a smile makes all the difference.


Ice Lee
@Samurdhi Perera she want to cosplay a cool boy, and for our culture, it is more easier to understand


CryforMai it would be hella inconvenient to wear traditional hanfu in real life.


CryforMai no you see people wearing them daily in all cities in China, it’s becoming really popular


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