2021-11-01 wuhaowsh 10304

What do people who retire at a young age do all day?


Doug Massey
Here’s what I did after retiring at 41 (which I consider a young age, at least): I spent about a year sleeping in as late as I felt like, playing golf whenever I wanted and basically achieving my all-time record for low blood pressure. But it got a little boring, so I ramped up the time that I was spending on my other hobby: volunteering at an elementary school tutoring kids in math. Now, five years into retirement, I go into the school five days a week and LOVE it. I rarely get there when school starts at 7:45; I’m usually still in a bathrobe and on cup of joe #2 then. But I work about 25–30 hours a week and it’s just the best. I’ve started coaching the math team for grades 5–12 and set up a math club for precocious students to participate in over the summer.
So take time off and get away from the grind, get that huge grin on your face that just won’t go away. Then get bored, try a few different things, pick out one or two that you really like — that you’d really have done all your life if money were no obxt — and dive into it!


Buu Nguyen
I retired in February 2012 at 45 years of age. My wife and I moved to the Philippines with our 12 year old son. We chose the Philippines, because my wife was born there and my U.S. pension goes a lot further there than in Dallas, Texas.
Since we have a 12 year old at home, our lives were pretty much the same as it was back in Texas. I take our son to school, we help him with his homework, take a vacation or two every year, dine out, go to the theaters, amusement parks etc…
The biggest change is that I have more time to exercise and take care of my health. I can’t use work and being tired as an excuse to not workout anymore.
Fast forward to January 2020, and I’m in the best shape of my life at 53 years of age. I can bench 200 pounds, do 15 pull-ups, run 2 miles anytime, and I’m a better tennis player now compared to when I was playing on the varsity tennis team in high school. In a typical week, I lift weights 2-3 times, play tennis 2–3 times and do 5 one minute sprints on the treadmill 2–3 times. The rest of the week, I spend time with my family.
It’s very important to keep yourself busy with activities which you look forward to doing during your retirement. If not; you will become weak, lazy and start getting sick. This way of life is important whether you retire at 45 or 65. I’m blessed to be able to retire early, because I know it will add at least 5–10 healthy years to my life.


Jeff Haverlack
I’ve read a lot of the answers and as you can see, the responses are quite varied and, in some cases, ridiculous if you ask me. But therein perhaps is your answer: early retired individuals do what they want to do. As I’ve long said about early retirement, it allows you to be more of who you are as a person, or in becoming who you’d like to be.
I early-retired as well, but waited until my early 50s. I could have retired sooner but unlike many others, I wanted to ensure I had my ducks in a row and everything planned well. I see many rushing into early retirement because they want out of the corporate rat-race. I’m also fearful of those much younger who call it quits because they may not have lived through a significant downturn in the economy or a bad market cycle like we had between 2000–2010. Just because you amass $1M or whatever you want as a threshold doesn’t mean it’s enough, especially if we encounter a bear market or a multi-year bear that can reduce investment balances by 30–50%. Once you add in no more income and withdrawals from the investments coupled with a significant % loss, you have a problem. For myself I had a minimum number and then took more time to ensure I had a good amount over that minimum.
So young in your question is relative. I’m young for retirement but not young like many others. What do I do with my time?
The cliche’ question of early retirement, at least for an active individual is: “How did I get everything done in a day before I retired?” and I found that question to be very true. Sometimes it’s amazing how busy I still am and how time flies. The reason for this is something I’ve nailed down as retirement time vs. employed time. That being when you don’t have an employer which takes up 8–10 hours a day including commute, sometimes more, you are free to do whatever you want and it’s very easy to get distracted for, sometimes, hours. Time can slip away very quickly due to simply a Google search followed by another 3–4 hours of research on the topic. When no one is scheduling your time or with nothing pressing, you are free to just let it pass … and it can very quickly. If you’re into gaming, combine that research with a game and now 6–7 hours can easily disappear very quickly. Not that much differently than when working. Activities, if you don’t limit them, can make time pass very quickly. I’ve found it’s best to break up the day to maximize it and slow down time.
The key for me was in that I have multiple hobbies and multiple interests/passions which I apply much of my energy to. This includes market/investment research, financial planning, a side business that I’m a partner in which I can do as much or as little as I like and other hobbies such as guitar, photography, wealth coaching to help others, wine, streaming shows with my wife, etc. Mix in other interests such as economics, astrophysics, fantasy football, writing and other interests and I always have areas of engagement as possibilities.
The key is that I try not to get over weighted in any one area and I’m not always successful. I also like to keep up on the house, garden, cleaning and general maintenance. Basically, I like my life in order and it takes care and feeding if I/you want to remain balanced.
I’m an early riser, usually between 4:30–5:00 AM every morning. Weekends and week days are of no mind now and, in fact, if anything I prefer to stay indoors on the weekend as that is when more people are out. Though Covid sure changed that.
I start each morning with a focus on being productive in some fashion and always by assessing the markets, my investments, identifying opportunities, etc. Then a little bit of time on the side business, looking at news, maybe researching some items of interest. I usually have a to-do list of items I’d like to get to, some shorter tasks and some much longer (project) based. The to do list helps guide me for the day to come so that I don’t forget what I need to do over items I want to do. That is how I stay balanced day in, day out. I’ve had to learn how to give myself grace when I don’t get as much done as I’d like but, I’ve also learned, and continuing to learn, how to redefine what productivity or unproductive time looks like. Mental health is important as well and priorities do change in retirement.
Engagement is important in my mind and in reading some of the responses, I question how successful some of the early retirees will be especially in that they have not witnessed or experienced periods of wealth decrease. Time will tell.
I like to exercise my mind and I’m taking more time to exercise my body along with it. Those avenues for engagement, whatever they may, allow me to stay sharp and ensure that the success I enjoyed previous to my early retirement is sustained through my retirement. In short, I use many of the same strategies and values I did before, but now I have the entire day to focus on MY life and new set of goals.
Don’t think for a second that I have it all figured out. I have figured out what works for me, mostly, but I’m still fine tuning, trying to add more benefit each day and embracing my failures so that I might learn from them and adapt. I actually enjoy failing, laughing at myself and using it as a springboard for learning. That is key for me and something I like to preach to others when given the opportunity.
Overall, early retirement is a different phase of life and each individual will have their own goals and aspirations. While I have my own path and variables in the equation which I feel are very important, others have their own. I do feel “engagement” is the key and that is a very personal process.


Steve Smith
I'm 32 and I'm retired now.
I'll sleep in as much and as damn long as I like. My only concern in the beginning of the day is that the mailman bangs on the door at like 8:45am or some ungodly hour to deliver my parcels from my online shopping and that sometimes wakes me up but eventually I get back to sleep. I'll get up at 11am each day usually. Start my morning off with a cup of coffee and I'll sit down and watch the mid day news and find out what's happening in the world today.
I'll walk outside and into the garage and I'll put some music on in there and decide if it's going to be the Mustang or the FD RX-7 that I want to work on today. I'll crack a beer (no more than one or two per day though) and replace some brake pads or add a new spoiler or shifter or something else that's arrived earlier this morning with the mailman.
I stop at about 2pm to perform my daily mindfulness or meditation session upstairs in the garage in the gaming loft area. I hear the hum of lawn mowers around me as the really old retirees mow their lawns and have their gardeners doing it. The birds chirp. Sun is out. I hear hammering and a buzz saw off in the distances as new houses are being built the next street over. A school bell chimes faintly from the school a few blocks away.
I might get hungry so I'll take the Mustang out to get some food. Wave to the bewildered old neighbours in the driveway as I head out, because they all think I'm a drug dealer because they never see me go to work and the house is bristling with security cameras and I can pull a different car out of the garage 7 times a week if I want to. I don't mind what they think of me and it's kinda good to be thought of as scary.

我会走到外面,进入车库,放点音乐,然后决定我今天要修的是野马还是FD RX-7。我会开一瓶啤酒(不过每天不超过一到两瓶),更换一些刹车片,或者添加一个新的扰流器或换挡器,或者其他今早邮差送来的东西。

Rob Green
I retired at 45. Spent a couple of years traveling around Europe and Asia. Met a young lady while in Italy who stood there like a typical lost tourist, map open and a puzzled look on her face. Asked If I could help and, as it turned out, she was going to the same location I was. we exchange a bit of our histories She was teaching English in a private school in China. That really interested me. We exchanged emails with her promising to let me know if there was ever an opening in any of the owners schools. A few months went by and I sort of forgot about it. Then I received an email from her telling me there was an opening in the school she taught in. Was I still interested? Long/short, I ended up heading off to China to live in the Northeast near Russia. I taught one class of four and five year olds, another six to ten years old. The kids were scared and yet fascinated by me as I’m a lot taller than most Chinese and have a full beard. I had decided to leave when my six month contract was up. A lot of tears were shed on both sides when the kids found out. Went back to the states for a bit until the travel bug bite again and headed off to Europe again. While in Switzerland I met a guy and we hit it off. I’m now 65 and living with my partner in a house we bought in a small Swiss village. He’s a doctor, splitting his time between his office and the clinic at a university hospital. I spend my days caring for the flowers and garden during the growing seasons, taking walks around the village and in the forest with my camera and our dog. I do all the cooking (he can burn water) as well as putzing around with housework. Winter will find me in my chair next to the fireplace reading. I’m still, all these years later, trying to learn Swiss/French but I think it’s a lost cause.


Pete Geissler
The short answer is that they do whatever they want. The longer answer is that they complain about being bored. The ideal, ethical answer is that they apply their expertise learned in, I hope, a satisfying and lucrative career to help others do the same.
I know persons who fit all the above slots. A neighbor retired in her mid-fifties from a job she detested and complains long and loud that she is so bored that the high point of her day is walking her dog. When I suggested that she write quoras, saying that--"everybody likes to write about themselves"-- she agreed but then did nothing, not even perusing my anthology of quoras. Ennui has taken over her life. Pity.
Not so a former marketing manager of a giant conglomerate. Soon after retiring in his early sixties, he began teaching marketing at a local university and was so successful that he was named 'teacher of the year' three years in a row. Now, at 80 and retired a second time, he starts the cocktail hour at 3PM with his beloved vodka and ends it at nine. He is updating a book that he wrote some twenty years ago and I have promised to publish it.
At 88, I hope to never retire in the traditional sense. I cannot play golf--can't drive, pitch, or putt, as my jocular friends say--and I refuse to move to a warmer clime. Who would I invite to lunch? I teach engineers to write via zoom, am writing two books, and coaching three other authors. My social life is as busy as I want it to be, but my cost for wine is far higher than I want it to be since I discovered that the only benefit of retirement is that it's Ok to have wine at every meal. If you haven't tried it, scrambled eggs and a good Pinot Noir make a fine breakfast.


If you’re so fortunate to retire early, I highly recommend it. Having worked in tech, I’ve had quite a few friends retire early (< 55) and I can say that those who mainly wanted to not-work, got bored and aren’t really happier than they were while working. Often they even struggle with self worth issues, because they’re no longer contributing to something bigger than themselves. Those of us who always had passions (project ideas, volunteering, hobbies, etc.) that we just didn’t have time for while working, have thrived, cuz now, we can pursue them. I retired over three years ago (age 51 then) and I can honestly say I’ve not been bored more than a few days. I work 20+ hours/week on open-source software projects, I volunteer with Habitat for Humanity once per week, I tutor/mentor programming students. I write and play music. I enjoy nature with friends and family. I grow vegetables and cook more. I enrich my mind by reading those books I’ve collected through the years and take college courses online. And you know? There’s still not enough time for everything I want to do. But I love life and feel incredibly fortunate. After Covid struck, I wasn’t able to volunteer for 9 months. During those times, I wasn’t so happy, because I was missing personal connection and purpose. Make sure you have a plan to provide those social needs and share your good fortune with others who aren’t so fortunate.


Big Tom
I have friends that have retired early. The stories are all about the same. Take time off to do whatever and travel for a year or so and the. Realize your wife and friends all still have jobs and you are alone in most activities unless you find someone else in a similar situation.


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