30 种向人们求助的动物!
2021-11-01 !101+868 15658

Animals have bad days too - just like humans. But the difference is that they need our help to get through it! Today we are going to show you Most Unbelievable Moments When Animals Asked People for Help. Watch
to the end to make your heart pound!

动物也有糟糕的日子——就像人类一样。但不同的是,他们需要我们的帮助才能 度过难关!今天,我们将向您展示当动物向人们寻求帮助时最令人难以置信的时刻。看到底,让你心跳加速!

Animals have bad days too - just like humans. But the difference is that they need our help to get through it! Today we are going to show you Most Unbelievable Moments When Animals Asked People for Help. Watch
to the end to make your heart pound!

动物也有糟糕的日子——就像人类一样。但不同的是,他们需要我们的帮助才能 度过难关!今天,我们将向您展示当动物向人们寻求帮助时最令人难以置信的时刻。看到底,让你心跳加速!

Michael C. ateoate
"I'm not going to let him die!". you're the man bro..


Jermaine Kngdom
That moved me.


Kevin E. Phillips
“I’m not going to let him die.” Exactly the type of person I wantaround.


Hallo Tschuess
Real good hearted man with a lot of character. Got nothing but respect and appreciation for him.


Jack Ward
People who set poison traps for animals are evil to the core, they're knowingly torturing them to death. Not much could make me violent, but for those people I'd make an exception.


joemel pagsinuhin
There stupid and evil and mean and horrid and they need to be good


SebiscuitTheGreat (Beorgatiste Emperor)
Well you don’t the full story maybe the stray dog was aggressive to them and their children which is not rarer fro stray dogs to be aggressive


Jack Ward
@SebiscuitTheGreat (Beorgatiste Emperor) Aggressive animals can be dealt with without poisoning them.


SebiscuitTheGreat (Beorgatiste Emperor)
@Jack Ward while I agree and reports should be made, people sometimes take matters into their own hands and they probably wanted to protect their children. They probably for some reason thought stabbing it wasn ’t going to be fast enough. And I think matters like this should be dealt with the quickest, since it could be a threat to people. It’s hard for stray dogs to find foods and while wild dogs rarely do this unless they’re also hungry, they will attack humans, especially children. Say what you will if a dog killed my kid, I’m butchering it.


@ketu you can never know... I'm always worried when my dogs outside alone... Makes me want to place cameras covering every inch of my property.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jessica Merced
It really is so evil, there is more than enough room on this Earth for animals. If they are that concerned have the dog adopted and give them a family, or call to have the dog picked up.


Depends on the animal. I set out rat and mouse poison around the house and garage and make sure it isn't accessible by my dogs.


The random User
What is wrong with humans, injuring animals till the point that they are crippled, thank you for helping that poor dog and thank you for showing us that there is still good in humans


blah blahblah
Yep, majority of people are good. Otherwise I wouldn't go shopping at my local grocery store etc.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Scots lass Jen
My heart burst when I saw the stray dog. Any animal suffering is just so horrible to see.


Ryan Tutt
Just gotta throw this out there but I feel like not just those who abuse children animals and old people need to repent and be saved or face hell, but anyone abusing anyone period regardless of age , race, or species.


Do you own leather shoes? I'm sure they waited until the cow died of old age.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

“I’m not going to let him die” … if only everyone had the same heart, imagine how the world would be? We can only imagine… ??????

“我不会让它死的”……如果每个人都有同样的心,想象一下世界会怎样?我们 只能想象……
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Bravo the dog
Such acts of kindness warm my heart. Be blessed everyone who loves and cares for life, any life.


Quantum Effect Residue
There is a special place in HELL for people that abuse children,animals, and old people!! This is so encouraging to know that many gladly help these wonderful creatures of the Lord God.


casper poggers
yeah also just people that abuse anyone at all. abuse is always horrible, no matter who it happens to


Nevyn Karres
I trust you are a vegetarian?


"Some believe that only great power can hold evil in check, but that is not what I have found. I've found that it is the small things, everyday deeds of ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness, and love."
- Gandalf, the Hobbit.

“有人认为只有强大的力量才能制伏邪恶,但我发现不是这样。我发现,正是小事,普通人的日常行为,才能将黑暗拒之门外。简单的善举, 和爱。” - 甘道夫,霍比特人。

Emily Sonter
The thing is many of the animals that needed help were needing help in the first place because of human causes. However this is still very heart-warming


I agree. But it's always nice to see the good side of humanity, rarely as it may manifest itself to be


Dan Bear
My puppy is my family, I can’t imagine anyone having a reason to hurt such a loyal and unconditionally loving friend.


I saved a bird from freezing to death in the local river a few years ago. (Was during the winter half year, right before the river froze over) It must have had fallen down from a tree during the night and landed in the river. It had managed to get to the stairs leading up out of the river, but the stairs was submergen enough for it to not be able to fly or jump up/out of it. I saw it while working, and grabd it and whent to a vet clinic with it. They did a quick look over and coulden't find any thing wrong with it exept it being wet and cold. So they put it in a heating box and releaased it back in to the wild later the same day.

几年前,我在当地的河流中救了一只鸟而使它免于冻死。 (是在冬季的那半年,就在河水结冰之前)它一定是夜间从树上掉下来,落在河里的。它设法到达了通向河岸的阶梯,但阶梯被淹没在水中,无法飞行或跳出/离开水里。我在工作时看到了它,抓住了它,然后带着它去了兽医诊所。他们快速检查了一下,它除了又湿又冷之外,没有发现任何问题。所以他们把它放在一个加热箱里,并在当天晚些时候将它放回野外。

#DawnChorus #PetsIntoMentalHealthServices
Compassion comes in all different ways ???. Shame our politicians don't care about us this much.


Chase Oxford
Seeing these videos reminds me that there’s still good people out there. It takes pure evil to abuse an animal. Most animals are solely dependent on us. Thank you all so much.


Pete Skyrunner
Mixed emotions whilst watching this. Watching an animal suffer is one of the worst things I could ever see. But watching an animal being helped/rescued is definitely one of the best. You are all heroes, I salute you.


Bad Cornflakes
Watching a child suffer is one of the worst things for me to see. Especially with abusive parents. ??


P. V. Aglue
Every living thing suffers a some point in its life, mostly just before it's death. Animals, unlike humans don't know their going die from injury, old age or killed by something . But they have evolved instincts to try and survive, no matter what


SO true. I find myself covering the screen with my hand in some of these to just listen for the part where the animal is saved!


@Bad Cornflakes Children and animals share a major component here: they are innocent and helpless.


Yeah watching that dog, suffer from the poison was a lot for me too watch. I glad he was rescued but it makes me wonder how many animals and people are we not getting too…

是的,看着那只狗,(看到它)受毒药的折磨对我来说太(难受)了。我很高兴他获救了,但这让我想知 道我们没有得到多少动物和人……

DB Music
trapping an animal deliberately and then freeing it with some injuries is not a hero to me sorry. (the baby bear caught in trap)

对我来说,故意诱捕动物然后在受伤后将其释放并不是英雄。 (小熊陷入陷阱)

@DB Music yeah but that man didn’t trap him. He discovered him in a trap. Obviously we’re celebrating the kind human souls individually.


@DB Music it’s implied. How do you know the same guy set the trap that set him (a baby cub) free. That’s pretty damn sadistic. Also if one or the other can’t be proven why not take the more positive / up building suggestions first?


A wise man once said: With Great Power, comes great responsibility.These people used the great power of humans in very responsible ways.

一位智者曾说过:能力越大,责任越大。 这些人以非常负责任的方式使用了人类的巨大力量。

Ryan Carter
The dog that lost its legs to "human cruelty" one absolutely destroyed me. I don't understand how anyone could do this to an animal.


HauptuhrDotNet blog
Me too. If I ever caught someone treating any animal or a person like that, I’d probably be the one who ends up in gaol.


Luca Monty
Watch earthlings/the dominion and consider veganism after you watch it.We sympathise with some animals yet pay for others (chickens/cows/pigs) to be abused every day.


Jay J.
That dog should never have been abused but it should also have been put down with injuries that serious.


Michelle Dickinson
@Jay J. why put it down when they managed to help it and it looks happy enough afterwards with its makeshift thing so it can still run and play it can eat and sleep so why put it down ,i understand where you are coming from as its so sad seeing the state it was in but if they can help it and it can live a life where its not in pain is that not alright?


Bangtan Boyz
It truly kills me how these animals getting hurt but it makes me happy when these rlly nice people come and save them. We need more people like these people!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Elevens IXs
This really does warm my heart , ive seen too much unnecessary cruelty and written most humans off as a lost cause but seeing things like this make the world a little less gray


this is the internet social bubble where people watch what they want to see and what the internet suggests what you want to see thus you only see the cruel humans and not enough of the kind ones. then again there are those videos where they want to say they're kind but put their animals in harms way to get sympathy points from you... so this lesson is being taught all through your life where there is good and bad in everyone, don't contribute to the world a reason for those people to do bad and the world will respond in a much better way

这是互联网社交泡沫,人们看他们想看的东西,互联网暗示你想看的东西,因此 你只能看到残忍的人,而看不到善良的人。还有那些视频,他们想说他们很善良 ,但为了从你那里获得同情点而把他们的动物置于伤害之中……所以这个教训贯 穿你的一生,每个人都有好有坏,不要为世界做出贡献,而成为这些人做坏事的理由,世界将以更好的方式做出回应

Rakel Assa
I always knew that people were cruel… and that always makes me forget how many people are actually kind.. we need a lot more of kind people..


Connie Dale
God bless everyone of these people for showing love & courage. You are heroes to all these animals.


Fabulous heartwarming rescues! And then there was the time my horse wandered between two houses in the middle of the night and fell into a board and dirt covered cesspool under someone's house The rescuers (my heroes) used a tow truck and a winch pulled him out after climbing in to put a sling under his butt. The local news provided light and an interesting story for the 6 o'clock news. The homeowners were fined for having a such a dangerous hidden trap.. It could have been a child who fell in. The horse was literally up to his cheeks in poo. He got a very good bath afterwards.

绝妙的暖心救援!然后有一次我的马在半夜徘徊在两个房子之间,掉进了某人房 子下面的木板和泥土覆盖的污水池 救援人员(我的英雄)用拖车和绞盘把他拉了出来。在他的屁股下放一根吊索。当地新闻为6 点钟新闻(节目)提供了光明和有趣的故事。假如是一个孩子掉进去了,房主会为有一个如此危险的隐藏陷阱而被罚款。大便中几乎达到了这匹马的脸颊。之后他洗了一个很好的澡。

That guy 29
It breaks my heart to see any animal suffering. It’s not so much the cruelty, but just knowing that they don’t understand why or how someone could let this happen to them.


Jeff Walke
Well I sure needed this.I have been really giving up on folks being kind to others and animals.I see so many dogs and other animals left chained in the sun, or cold,
I always call the police , so far they always have helped.No food no water, very sad.Thank you to all of these kind folks.

嗯,我确实喜欢这个视频。 我真的失望人们放弃了对他人和动物的友善。 我看到很多狗和 其他动物被拴在烈日下或寒冷中,我总是报警,到目前为止他们总是有帮助。 没有食物没有水,非常难受。 感谢所有这些好心人。

Kaci Mitchell
Love love love thank God for Rescuers and caring humans around the ??world. Animals are living beings with a purpose too. ??


Bakugou's Teddybear
I once saved a squirrel. It was this summer. It wasn't a baby but it wasn't an adult either. The poor thing had a wound on his hind leg, was missing an ear and everywhere were little insects. But it's healthy now.And I'm so happy that I (probably) saved a life! ??

我曾经救过一只松鼠。那是今年夏天。这不是幼年松鼠,但也不是成年松鼠。 可怜的东西后腿有伤,没有耳朵,到处都是小虫子。不过现在很健康。 我很高兴我(可能 )救了一条命! ??

one time I went to the beach and there was a bunch of man rays there.They were really cute and I heard a few people yelling and I was a bit confused at first and then kinda walked over there with my boogie board and saw that there was a tinny baby man ray that was beached. me and my sister pushed it slowly (so we wouldn’t hurt it by accident) back into the water. I’ll never forget that day

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

F205 Walter
Seeing wild animals approaching and staying next to a person asking for water is something that makes my jaw drop.


I had a bird fly in my garage a few months ago because he was so thirsty he let me pick him up and give him water


Vicki Gonya
I put out water and ice for wild animals in summer and pumpkin, nuts, seed, and provide housing year round.


James Kirk
“They’re our family members.” Very true from a purely psychological standpoint considering how easily we pack-bond with like literally anything

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So stressful watching this…my heart was hurting. I love animals so much, all the care and love showed by humans to these animals is beautiful to watch… there is love out there


Terminated Account
that bear was so freakin mad when that big machine was breaking his home. he was sleeping and that big machine broke a hole right into his house!

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kawaii _apple
It's nice to know that there are still people that would risk their lives for animals safety. Many people think that animals are here to be eaten or used as tools....animals are none of those....they're just like us....they might look different then us, but they're still living creatures and deserve to live and be loved.

很高兴知道仍有人会为了动物的安全而冒生命危险。许多人认为动物来这里是为 了被吃掉或用作工具......动物不是那些......它们就像我们......它们可能看 起来与我们不同,但它们仍然是活的生物,值得保护和被爱。

Nikeya Bentley
I resuscitated a kitten before and freed a dove from a Home Depot that kept flying into a glass window. Both experiences felt amazing ????

我之前曾让一只小猫复苏,并从家得宝 救出了一只不飞入玻璃窗的鸽子。两种体验都感觉很棒????

Most of the causes why animals suffer so much is because of humans. Like you already mentioned, that one dog was maltreated and scared for life by psychopaths who find a joy in torturing helpless beings.We need to make this stop, because I don’t want to see, nor hear anything like that again!These people should be brought to justice, and justice it is when they will get what they deserved!

动物遭受如此痛苦的大部分原因是因为人类。就像你已经提到的那样,一只狗被精神病患者虐待并终生害怕,他们以折磨无助的人为乐。 我们需要停下来,因为我不想再看到,也不想再听到这样的事情! 这些人应该被绳之以法,而到时候他 们就会得到应有的惩罚!

Oddball Dynamics.
While unloading feed from my semi trailer, I saw something moving near my back tires. It was a newborn kitten, it must have been the runt because it was very small. I didn't see any cats nearby and it couldn't stay where it was so I put him in my shirt pocket and brought him home. My wife fell in love with him and we became his new parents. He is now a happy big kitten that likes to get into EVERYTHING.


Oh my gosh. I’m in tears! Thank you to all who rescued these beautiful animals. To those who left bear traps or mutilated that dog …I hope karma catches you soon.

天啊。我泪流满面!感谢所有拯救这些美丽动物的人。对于那些留下捕熊陷阱或 残害那条狗的人......因果报应我希望尽快抓住你

Jamie Judd
It truly kills me to see any animals suffering & in desperate need.Thank God for all of the kind souls who come to their rescue. I am so eternally grateful for each & every one of you!

看到动物遭受痛苦和急切的需要,我真的要死了。为所有拯救他们的善良灵魂 感谢上帝。我永远感激你们每一个人!

Crystle Presson
I actually remember there being a duck (a mallard) at my apartment complex while I was doing some laps around the car ports and I brought her some food and water. I may not have fully gained her trust, but at least I gave her something to eat and drink before she left the next day.

我记得我的公寓大楼里有一只鸭子(野鸭),当时我在汽车港口转了几圈 ,我给它带来了一些食物和水。我可能没有完全获得她的信任,但至少我在它第二天离开之前给了它一些吃的和喝的。

Pinchi Bruha
Awe……these always tear me up, i am that manic who jumps out of moving cars to rescue animals. Ive had to watch rescue videos because I’ve lost hope in humanity these renew my faith


Lost Soul
I love it. I wanna rescue animals and adopt them out after my 2 kids are well on there journey in the own life’s as men. ??


I can't believe how people can be so cruel sometimes. The dog that was poisoned had me literally crying.??

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A person
This was so sad but sweet at the same time I love animals and me watching this made me cry thank goodness these animals got to be saved


Wake up UK
GREAT !!.. we need to see more of videos like this as it shows thaat 'most' people in the world are by nature decent and caring people unlike the minority we see every day in the news. When I see stuff like this it makes me feel we are worth saving on this planet.


I very much have a phobia of insects but when I was walking with my daughter I saw this bumble bee just laying on a parking lot obviously it was malnourished or something was wrong because it was just walking there very slowly, now I didn't have the guts to touch it but I just couldn't let it sit there until someone ran over it so I used my phone and keys and helped it walk onto my phone and that seem to be enough for it to manage to fly away when I lifted up the phone. Bee's are also very important for the human race as its been proven so we need to save them when we can, if I'd had water and sugar than that's a good way to help them if they're hungry just fyi.


John Lee
Unfortunately, there are also people that purposely put animals in harm so they could make videos of themselves rescuing them.Notice how some videos don't have the rescuer's faces and others are practically a autobiography.

不幸的是,也有人故意伤害动物,以便他们可以制作自己拯救它们的视频。 请注意,有些视频没有(露出)救援人员的面孔,而其他视频实际上是(自己拍的)。

Rovert 95
I always rescue geese and ducks. The male goose “Honkers” and his mate “Tara” always come back each year to my shed to nest after I saved one of their goslings from a fishing line. They even let me hold them. Many people don’t like geese and find them aggressive but I see them kinda like man’s best friend too


Late December
I have a neighbor that has shot every dog I have owned. The last dog he shot, lived it was a clean through and through of the neck. The bullet missed all major arteries the wind pipe and esophagus. It liter all was less than a quarter of an inch from from the wind pipe. He had trouble swallowing for two weeks The vet gave him some very good drugs but I had to give him shots through a semi permanent IV for about a month. MY pupper is 13 lbs, and a seven years older now. That was the last dog shot in our neighborhood. I had enough I called the police and they questioned everyone on the street. They let it be known that if the person were caught that they would be doing hard time for animal cruelty, that also came with a $ 5000.00 dollar fine. The policeman told one guy, " I really don't care what you think Sir, you are not allowed to shoot your neighbors pets. "

我有一个邻居,他射杀了我养的所有狗。他射杀的最后一只狗,子弹没有击中气管和食道的主要动脉。它距离气管不到四分之一英寸。他在两周的时间里吞咽困难。兽医给他喂了一些非常好的药物,但我不得不通过半永久性静脉注射给他注射大约一个月 。我的小狗重 13 磅,现在 7 岁大。那是我们附近的最后一只狗。我受够了,我打电话给警察,他们盘问了街上的每个人。他们让人们知道,如果这个人被抓到, 他们会因虐待动物而痛苦,也会被处以 5000美元的罚款。警察对一个人 说:“我真的不在乎你怎么想,先生,你不可以向邻居的宠物开枪。”

I'm a 47 year of man that isn't particularly a nature lover but I have a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye watching these videos. As much as humans are shit, we're also so good and all life on earth is much closer to each other than we think. I love acts of kindness and compassion. ??

我是一个 47 岁的男人,并不是特别喜欢大自然,但看着这些视频,我的喉咙堵住了,眼中有泪水。尽管人类很糟糕,但我们也很好,地球上的所有生命都比我们想象的更接近彼此。我喜欢善良和同情的行为。

I've seen videos showing animals helping other species of animals in the wild too, even if it doesn't benefits them at all. So this mixture of altruism and selfishness exist not just in human beings but also in animals. It's as if both heaven and hell exist alongside each other on planet earth every single day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Great I6
I remember that one time there was a dog in a canal that we were doing fireworks at, but later we saw glowing eyes in the water, we got scared because it was coming towards us. It turned out it was a dog! She was so nice she let us pick her up, so we took her home and we gave her a bath, fed her, gave her water. She had a few cuts too. But, that was when I saved an animal. We also got her back to her owner and plus it was 4 of July and tons of dogs and cats were going missing, if you would go on any social media platform there would be at least 4 animals missing??.

我记得有一次我们在一条运河里看到一只狗,我们正在放烟花,但后来我们看到水中有一双发光的眼睛,我们很害怕,因为它向我们走来。原来是条狗!它很好,让我们来接它,所以我们它带回家,给它洗澡,喂它,给它水。她也有一些伤口。但是,我救了这只动物的后,我们还把它找到了她的主人,再加上那是 7 月 4 日,大量的狗和猫失踪了,如果你去任何社交媒体平台,至少会有4 只动物失踪(启事)

Indy21Those picket fences are dangerous, hope anyone that has any or something like it, will adapt it to avoid such danger for animals (and kids even!).Such a sad thing for this bear, imagine you're trying to sleep and someone comes with a sort of sledgehammer, completely destroying your house... ??Needless to say I hate those traps, poison and all.

那些尖桩围栏很危险,希望任何拥有类似围栏的人都能对其进行调整以避免对动物(甚至孩子们)造成这种危险。 对这只熊来说真是一件悲伤的事情,想象一下你正试图睡觉,而有人拿着大锤,摧毁了你的房子......?? 不用说,我讨厌 那些陷阱、毒药等等。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rebecca Harrison
The poisoned dog brought tears to my eyes! How could a person poison such a loyal creature?? I have a dog, he's the most loyal, most loving creature I've ever seen! Without a doubt, if I were in danger he would go as far as laying down his life for mine. There's just no f-ing way i could do something so harsh!!!


Ember Taylor
Some of the videos in this are so disturbing! I literally cannot quit replaying the poisoned dog over and over in my head to where it turns my stomach! Even though it has a happy ending I keep replaying that image in my head and am severely disturbed!!!

这里面的一些视频太令人不安了!我真的不能停止在我的脑海中一遍又一遍地重播中毒的狗(镜头),它让我反胃!尽管它有一个美好的结 局,但我一直在脑海中重播那个画面,感到非常不安!!!

Sandra Slate
I’m so thankful there are still a lot of kind, caring and selfless people out there! I don’t know about y’all, but I’m so freaking tired of all the greed, hatred and pure evil in this world!

我很感激还有很多善良、有爱心和无私的人!我不知道你们是怎么想的,但我已 经厌倦了这个世界上所有的贪婪、仇恨和纯粹的邪恶!
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Hi I'm a potato
When I was 8 years old I was walking with my father around NYC shopping till I saw this bird who was just freezing to death I remembered I grabbed the bird then I put my warm kittens gloves and start to rub the bird hoping it would warm him up I also entered a warm store that allow pets even birds

当我 8 岁的时候,我和父亲一起在纽约购物,直到我看到这只快要冻死的鸟。我记得我抓住了这只鸟然后我戴上温暖的小猫手套开始摩擦这只鸟希望它能温暖让它醒来, 我还进了一个允许宠物甚至鸟类可以进入的温暖的商店,

David Sanchez
This reminds me of a few years ago at a waterpark where a crow was stuck in a machine. (The best I can describe it is a conveyor belt of water) and people didn't want to get on the ride until it was safe. A staff fished it out with his baseball cap and wrapped it is a shirt. Even the smallest animals matter ??

这让我想起几年前在水上乐园里,一只乌鸦被困在机器里。 (我能描述是一条水传送带)人们在它安全之前不愿上车。一个工作人员用棒球帽把它捞出 来,包成一件衬衫。 即使是最小的动物也很重要

Coming back to the university from lunch, my girlfriend at the time and I pulled up to a busy intersection. On the other road, we saw two kittens that had gotten hit a by vehicles and were badly injured. I got out, ran into the street and managed to grab one, the other died of its wounds. We took it to the local vet, where i hope it was able to survive and have a long happy life

吃完午饭回到大学,我和当时的女朋友把车停在了一个繁忙的十字路口在另一条路上,我们看到两只小猫被车辆撞倒并受了重伤。我下车,跑到街上, 设法抓住了一只,另一只因伤势过重而死了。我们把它带到了当地的兽医那里,我希望它能够活下来,过上幸福的生活

Affliction Warlock
i just recently had my first situation where an animal asked for help. i went fishing and when it got dark i saw a great crested grebe swimming in circles with his head turned to the back which seemed rly suspect to me. i called out that if he needed help he gotta come to me. after a while he really came closer to the edge of the lake as if he understood me and i saw that he had a lure stuck in his wing and he hooked himself when he tried to free himself with his beak. at first he was kinda anxious when i grabbed the lure but when i gently put him between my legs to fixate him i could remove the hooks. i didn't think that he would come to me but he must have sensed that i wanted to help him.

我最近刚遇到一次动物寻求帮助的情况。我去钓鱼,当天黑时,我看到一只巨大的凤头鸬鹚在游泳,头转向背后,这对我来说似乎很可疑。我喊道,如果它需要帮助,它可以来找我。过了一会儿,它真的越来越靠近湖边,好像它理解我一 样,我看到他的翅膀上卡着一个诱饵,当它试图用喙挣脱时,它被钩住了 。起初,当我抓住诱饵时它有点焦虑,但当我轻轻地把它放在我的腿之间固定它时,我可以取下钩子。我没想到它会来找我,但它一定感觉到我想帮助它。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Mari D
Y am I tearing up when these poor animals were saved


L'incroyable Procrastinateur
When I was little, the drought in Australia was at one of its highest points in history, and the creek we played in dried up almost completely. What we didn't know until then was that there were quite the number of eels in it, so they were stuck without water. I grabbed a bucket, managed to get the slippery little buggers into the bucket, and took them to the river. Then the very next day at school we learnt that eels can travel overland!! It absolutely crushed me, i'd been so happy I could save the little ones. Ah well??


BosoxPatsfan 83
I'm so glad there are still good people out there with big hearts. Although there aren't very many but acts like these gives us hope. God bless them all!????

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jessica Stewart
My God thank you for your children whom you called. I'm still crying 5 minutes after watching this. I pray that God will change the hearts of the wicked that would cause suffering to any life. Thank you to all who see anyone or anything suffering and acts. THANK YOU.


I feel sad for all of those lovely creatures that were trapped because of manmade faults. They should not be suffering like that at all. Good thing they know how to ask for help. Thank you so much to those brave and good-hearted humans who saved them.


Micheal E Robinson
I was taking a Sunday drive with my wife out in northern okeechobee florida when we came accross a baby deer who couldn't make it over a barrier that was in the middle of the road. As we drove up it tryed a few more times to jump over it but just didn't have to strength. So we stopped and picked it up over the barrier and released it right away. The whole time it was crying terribly my wife was so upset seeing what it was going through but in the end we saved the day and the little guy hopefully went on to live a long life in the woods.


I once came across a gal who had hit a deer on a regularly traveled state road. I stopped to see if I could help and we proceeded to move the dear on to the shoulder of the road, I had my arms around it’s neck and was literally face to face with it. The look in its eyes was such a moving experience as I knew it needed and appreciated our help.We thought it was dying though and just tried to stimulate it when all of a sudden it jumped to its feet and bounds off into the woods. After spending a moment with this gal and realizing that her concern had turned into joy, I left the scene Feeling very good about myself for helping a poor animal.


Lolita Wonderland Family
Its very sad to see many of the animals in a bad condition, Lucky for them they got saved by good people


Mystic Waters
The same plastic you throw on the ground can go too the sea and be eaten by the same fish that’s been served on your plate,stop poisoning yourself and your loved ones ~use a thrash can


lovelyj 75
I'll never be the same after seeing that dog who was poisoned. God bless those who saved its life and everyone else who saved these poor creatures.


很赞 2