养育孩子最有害的错误是什么? 如何避免这些错误?
2021-11-02 可乐加冰 7788

What are the worst toxic parenting mistakes, and how do you avoid them?

养育孩子最有害的错误是什么? 如何避免这些错误?

Israel Collado
Being a parent means you have to teach a human being how to survive in this crazy world of ours, so it’s pretty normal to make mistakes on that task.
I’d say some of the most common are:
Thinking that everything is like it used to be when you were young.
The world is in constant change and resilience is a key skill to have.
Being a kid today is not the same as being a kid 20 years ago. The Internet, social media, climate change, many things have taken over and things are not how they used to be.
Parents need to adapt to new circumstances and help their children be able to do the same, because the moment you get stuck in the past, you can’t move on and life becomes harder.
“That everything you see will soon alter and cease to exist. Think of how many changes you’ve already seen”
– Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


Wanting your kids to be who you think they should be.
I’m a doctor? OK, my son has to be a doctor.
Why is this still happening?
This is a very retrograde behavior than only leads to disappointments and frustration.
Let your kids decide what they want to be when they grow up. Give them all the information they can get so that they have all the options and can make an educated decision.
Remember it’s their life, not yours.
They have to live it in their own way, you’re just there to help and protect them while they can’t.


Not preparing your children for failure.
They’re going to fail at some point, that’s part of life and it will help them grow and learn from their mistakes.
So, show them how to love failure, how to fail better next time and how good it feels to succeed after all.
Teach them to not be afraid. To be bold.
Do not put them into a bubble so that they won’t get hurt, tell them to go out there and try as many things as they can, so that they get the taste of what it is to be alive make the most of their existence.
“Because I say so” is never the right answer.
When your children are born and raised in an environment where their parents are always right and nothing can be questioned, they get the feeling the world is exactly like that.
Drop the ego. Teach your children to question everything, even yourself.
Help them grow with a state of mind that looks for the truth and the right thing to do, so that they grow to be a better person.
Encourage them to find options, to discuss points of view, to not just settle with what they hear, to respect others that think different…
“If it’s not right, don’t do it. If it’s not true, don’t say it”
– Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


Neglecting empathy and emotional intelligence.
This world we live in can be very cruel if you don’t get your shit together before you go out there.
Parents today, more than ever, need to prepare their children to be able to respond to anything, to any kind of person, to any event that they may face.
Children need to have as ground rules: empathy, kindness and gratitude, so that they know how to appreciate things and also how to interact better with other people so that everyone can benefit from it.
Teach them to be proactive and not reactive, so that they won’t be overwhelmed by everything around them and they will be able to live a happier life.
Also, help them understand that things are going to happen in their lives, but that it’s up them how they let those things affect them. It’s all about perception.
“Choose not to be harmed—and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed—and you haven’t been”
– Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


There only one way to raise your children, and that is trying to prepare them for anything.
We don’t know what the future will bring, but if they know anything can happen but they can be alright and happy regardless, if they are raised in a way the no matter what happens they keep walking…
That’s when they are indestructible and they can make the most out of their lives, and I guess that’s what you want for your kids, right?
Enjoy the ride! ;)


Ken Kneram ,Just a rational citizen.
If you want your children to be able to function in the world don't solve all their problems for them.
Whenever you see your child struggling with a problem don't swoop in and fix it.
Step in and guide them through the problem solving process but let them do the work.
Let them think it through.
Talk them through it if you have to.
But let them figure it out with your guidance.
They will curse you for it when they're young but then they will thank you for it when they're adults.
This is especially true when dealing with conflict.
The ability to effectively resolve conflict is probably the greatest skill that any human being can learn.
Very few of the adults in our society today have that skill.
Don't be a fixer.
Be a helper and a guide.


Ken W,Former Retired Musician and Adjunct College Prof
Don’t get caught up in healing wounds with your parents by how you raise your own. Do you ever remember saying to yourself as a child in response to an action your parents took , “When I grow up I’m never going to do this to my children”?
Well you don’t do it. But that’s about you, not your child. You never ever take that same action. Don’t expect a thank you or appreciation for not doing it with your kids. They don’t have a clue what you didn’t do. They have a completely different set of needs and issues while growing up. And rest assured, they’ll probably say to themselves at some point, in reaction to something you do, “When I grow up I’m never going to do this with my own children”
I remember a reading in an education class I took in grad school . It’s probably influenced me more than any one sentence I’ve ever read. “The best we ever can do in life is to make caring decisions.”
Rest assured you will make mistakes when parenting. No parent has ever escaped doing that. So be kind to both your children and yourself. Mistakes do happen. Please make sure you make those caring decisions in regard to both of you!


T Benz,Bipolar w/mixed features & Borderline Personality Disorder
Giving your child the silent treatment. Always talk through issues with your kids and always validate their feelings. Not doing so is neglect and can lead to mental health issues.
Don’t be an absent parent. They need you in their lives, not just to clothe and house and provide food. They need your time and attention.
Don’t assume that your child knows you love them. Tell them everyday what they mean to you and how wonderful they are. Give lots of hugs. Build them up with love so they know they are worthy.
Researchers studied 6 chimpanzees from birth. Each was given their own space/cage and received food and water each day but no contact with their mother or others. Within 6 months all of the chimpanzees died. The lack of love and affection killed them. I can’t quote the source as this was shared with me by my psychiatrist.

不要做一个缺席的父母。他们在生活中需要你,而不仅仅你是给他们提供衣服,房子和食物 。他们需要你的时间和关注。

Javier Piche,Philosopher, Writer
Believing that your children should behave as you think they should. They are their own person as a result of genetics and personality temperament. Whatever you hope they'll be isn't reality. The other is to expect them to think like you and live by your same belief system that you try to teach them.
Parents can overreact when their child does something they perceive as wrong like not saying hi to the person that walked into the room or when they accidentally spill milk on the table. They may say something such as “say hi!” or “why don’t you pay attention to what you're doing and be careful!” Yet the expectation that they should behave a particular way exists only in your mind.
They shouldn't be anything that you think they should be. They are their own person and will behave as they are. To tell them they are wrong for behaving a certain way is to send them the message that something is inherently wrong or bad within them. A child will internalize the words and messages of their parents and that’s how negative core beliefs are formed.

父母可能会对孩子做了一些他们(父母)认为是错误的事情反应过度:比如没有向走进房间的人打招呼,或者他们(孩子)不小心把牛奶洒在桌子上。他们(父母)可能会说诸如“打个招呼!”或者“你为什么不注意你在做什么,小心点!”之类的话。 然而,孩子应该以特定方式行事的期望只存在于你的脑海中。
原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I’m not saying to let them do whatever they want, rules and boundaries are important. What isn't appropriate is when a parent is constantly trying to control their behavior leaving no room for them to exercise their personal agency and think and act for themselves. The result of a helicopter parent who attempts to control the child's every move is often rebellion during teenage years. Or you're left with a very codependent child and then you'll ask yourself later why are they in relationship with an abusive controlling person not realizing that your “parenting” is what conditioned them to normalize that behavior.
Experience your child as you would an adult. Get to know them for who they are, listen to them when they share what's important to them no matter how trivial or unimportant it may seem. Become their friend rather than a tyrannical parent. If you develop that friendship when they're little, then they will keep sharing their experience with you as they grow older.
Don't judge what they say or do if it's something you perceive as bad or wrong but show them compassion and understanding. Them experiencing compassion and love through you will help them to practice compassion towards themselves when they feel they've made a mistake and feel sorrow and regret. Create the space to hold their emotional experience from a non judgmental and compassionate perspective.


David Thomson,CEO (2005–present)
I agree with the parenting skills suggested by other writers here, as far as allowing and encouraging your children to think for themselves, and also avoid being overly judgmental. But I don’t think this is the worst toxic parenting mistake a person can make.
In my view, the worst toxic parenting mistake is not being yourself as a parent. As a parent, you are the first example of what children will intimately become to know as an adult. Your own strengths and weaknesses need to be genuine and based on conviction; your children need to see their adult parents make mistakes, and to see how their parents fix their mistakes.
Nobody is born as a fully grown adult, and no parent is an expert at parenting until their children are fully grown.
Whatever the parent thinks is important for their children, that is what they should provide for their children, even if it turns out to be wrong. As parents make mistakes, they can then fix their own mistakes and demonstrate to their children that the kids too can make mistakes in life and fix them.
A parent who steps back and lets their children raise themselves is depriving their children of much needed challenges and adventure. If a parent is good at a trade and wants to raise their child to take over that trade, there is nothing wrong with starting with that plan. You can’t really know whether your child would like this opportunity, or not, until they have had a chance to experience it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When I raised my two children, I started out with exposing my children to many experiences which were of interest to me, so that they could see my happiness and satisfaction in things like walking through the woods, canoeing, skiing, organic gardening, herbalism, and motorcycle riding. My daughter loved physical activity and grew up to be a hang glider pilot, trekker, and traveled the world while helping others through NGOs; she also earned a PhD. My son turned out to enjoy bicycling and yearned to ride across the country, and he became fascinated with building models out of toothpicks, which was not something I was as interested in. He now owns a bicycle shop in Okinawa, Japan.
As a parent, I had decidedly conservative views, and when I was asked about my views, I explained them as I saw fit. But I taught my kids to think for themselves, even if it meant to disagree with my views. My daughter ended up being a State Legislative Page, an International Exchange Student to China, and a page to Senator in Washington, D.C.
For the most part, my kids lives were pleasant, but not always so, which is the same for everyone else. I didn’t change my views and lifestyle to fit into my children’s lives, I made it clear that they could have their own life when they came of age, but when they lived in my house, they were my responsibility, and there were rules to live by. It gave them something to look forward to; and it also showed them that I have a life that I am satisfied with.
Both of my children are now either a young parent, or a parent to be, and they are also now about to demonstrate their own adventure of becoming expert parents. I wish them both well and just sit back to see how they do it. How they raise their children is entirely their decision.
There is no absolute right or wrong plan a parent can make. We don’t know how people will react in different situations until we are in those situations, which is why we need to just be ourselves and learn through the process.


Maher ben Abdesslam,Web and mobile software engineer & self-studied psychology.
One thing is the most toxic parenting behiviour, is ignoring the fact that children have personalities and insisting on makinh them the way the parents want. In other words customize the children the way you want them to be not the way they naturally can be.
It is true that children needs to have manners and need to be protect from the unknown dangers for them that the obxtive of raising children after all, but there is parents who demolish the personality of their children and think they own them not thinking that children are persons too and have distinct personality.
By thinking parents own their children the parents control and interact with every move the child make not losing that control behiviour gradually when child grow more, that make the parents design their children the way they want them to be not the way the child need or should be.
Also with over controlling child personality they kill his natural talents and independence making the child more clingy to his parents with low self-esteem and low self-confidence making their child more vulnerable and he find himself helpless in danger or unknown situations and making the room for grow for him little to absent.
We need teach children manners and good behiviour but also we need make a room for them to learn by themselves and have natural independence, we need by the time the child grow decrease control level but increase teaching them manners not by force but by letting them discover that his parents were right after all.


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