2021-11-11 wuhaowsh 15390

Do black people really fear police, even if they are an upstanding individual in the community?


Chris Everett
One of my friends, and the worship pastor at my church, is a black man.
He is, to put it gently, about the least threatening person you could imagine. He’s kinda short, kinda fat, and drives a late model minivan. He’s hilariously non-threatening, and again, the worship pastor at a church which is sortof a ‘local institution’, and pretty much defines what “upstanding individual in the community” is.
Nonetheless, he is regularly followed around by the cops, and has had a variety of… interactions that would have gone differently if he was white.
It’s not like he’s getting arrested or beaten up, but there’s certainly a difference in how he’s treated because of skin color.
Look, this happened:
And while the cop was convicted of a crime, fired, and thankfully no one died, and this whole thing was a dumpster fire, you can’t tell me this happens had he been white.


Kurt Guntheroth
Here’s a news flash. I’m white, and I fear police. If I had any interaction with the police, I’d be very careful about where my hands are. I’d refuse requests to search, I would expect the cops to be up to no good. The police have done this to themselves.


What you have to understand is that the experience of interacting with the police while black in America is fundamentally different from anything else.
A lot of non-blacks are genuinely curious about this. They assume that blatant racism must be a thing of the past. Surely, a police officer in the 21st century isn’t going to mistreat you just because you happen to be black! That’s ridiculous.
Yes, we think it’s ridiculous too. But it’s simply something you live with as a Black person. I don’t know a single educated Black person who hasn’t experienced this to some extent.
I was skeptical. I, too, thought that this was a thing of the past. I arrived here as an immigrant 16 years ago, and I thought American blacks needed to shut up about the racism thing already. I really did. In response, I was told that I was black, and that no matter how much I tried to forget about it or to deny that it was important, society would teach me.
Well, society did teach me. A few years ago, a black professor was arrested for having broken into his own house because he didn’t have his keys. He was arrested even after making it clear to the officer that he was in his own house. Obama said the police acted stupidly. Conservatives in America were more concerned about Obama supposedly disrespecting the police than they were about the fact that a professor had been arrested on his own property for… what exactly?
When white people see something like this, their assumption is that this is a really rare event. Some are so attached to the idea that racism no longer exists that they will immediately start coming up with justifications for the police officer’s behavior. I see this in the comments of YouTube videos all the time. And I unfortunately also see it here on Quora.
These events are not aberrant. They are part and parcel of normal policing in America. Not all of these make the news, but they’re not all that rare. I live in a very progressive community, home to a world-famous university hospital. A black doctor was arrested by the police because he looked like he didn’t belong in his neighborhood.
When he told the police that he was the Chair of Internal Medicine at the University, they laughed at him. Well, he is the freaking chair. Apparently, these officers were not aware that being black does not preclude one from being able to become a physician.
It’s infuriating. But, more than that, it’s just sad.
I’m very fond of dressing up. Part of it is because I like what I see in the mirror. But part of it is also that it serves as something of a shield. I find that people are more likely to give me the benefit of the doubt when I look like this:
But you can’t expect black people everywhere to look like this at all hours of the day. Sometimes, I want to wear sweatpants. And it would be nice to think that I can do that living in a nice neighborhood without having to worry about whether one of my neighbors will call the cops on me. And it would also be nice to think that the cops wouldn’t immediately assume that I was a criminal.
Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. I’m a physician. I have black friends who are physicians and pharmacists. We have all been racially profiled.
It sucks. When we tell you about this, it’s not because we are lazy or trying to make excuses. It really sucks. It’s like being told that you will always be suspicious because of your color. It’s like being told that you’re a second class citizen. It’s like being told that your complexion is a stain on your character. It’s like being told that you’re an inferior species, not worthy of the common respect due to every human being.
We can’t fight this fight alone. We need people who are not black to understand that this is a reality, right now. I’m not expecting you, a random reader who happens to be white, to fight this all on your own. But this behavior persists because it has the passive sympathy and tacit non-disapproval of most citizens. All I’m asking is for your sympathy. All I’m asking is that the next time you hear the story of a black person being mistreated or shot by a police officer, you remember that being black does not make someone a criminal, and that officers don’t have the right to be judge, jury, and executioner.


John Cole
I’m black. 6 ft tall. 210lbs, heavily built with a beard.
I also don’t smile a lot.
The thing I’ve learned is how scared white people tend to be of me, until I put them at ease (which is something I’m only just learning to do). This includes cops.
I was already very wary of police after Amadou Diallo (an African Immigrant like me) got killed very shortly after I arrived in this country. After seeing far less intimidating black men get shot at or killed repeatedly by police for various subjective indiscretions, over almost 20 years. I’ll be straight up with you.
Cops terrify me.
If I don’t have to deal with them I won’t. If my house or car or whatever gets broken into and the cost of what's been taken is something I think I can cover on my own, I won’t call the cops. I know 80% of them are probably cool individuals, I’ve seen good cops help out my friends and me (once) but all it takes is one bullet and one misunderstanding to end my life.


Andrea Krueger
I’m a yogi and licensed clinical social worker. I don’t know if you consider me an upstanding person or not. I’m also a Black American woman with a severe mental illness. I’ve had several encounters with police officers when my bipolar disorder and anxiety were untreated, and I fear the police.
I’m personally terrified of male cops.
I have PTSD from sexual childhood trauma so interactions with male officers responding to my crisis calls tend to turn out badly for me. I still have the physical scars as reminders.

我患有创伤后应激障碍 (PTSD),所以与接听我的危机电话的男性警官互动,结果往往很糟糕。我身上的伤疤还在提醒着我。

Andrew Wiltshire
In the UK there is not really any “fear” of the police as such since we have a different system where police do not routinely carry firearms, but have an array if other measures like pepper spray and Tasers (although not all carry Tasers either). Our police are extensively trained in de-escalation techniques over confrontation.
Recently a police officer raped and murdered a young woman and it was a national news event as indeed are racist encounters between police and public.
The phrase used often is “policing by consent” and in general that means the police tend to treat the public as they deserve to be treated. I lived in a rough part of London and was indeed in a group harassed by police once but the area was a dodgy district crime-wise and it was not surprising that the police were “heavy handed”. In my dealings with the police anywhere other than Lewisham I have never had cause to feel threatened in any way.


John Johanson
I work in law enforcement and I am afraid of the police. It is natural to be a bit afraid when you know someone can snatch your freedom away or cost you a lot of money. However, There is an easy way to avoid the police. Anyone want to guess? Ok I will tell you because I am anxious and can't wait.
Despite what people say, skin color makes little difference to people including law enforcement. It is law breakers, people not complying with simple commands, people acting stupid, and people being in places where trouble is happening that naturally find themselves being scared. This also includes being intoxicated, high on drugs, waving a gun around etc. If you want jail to be in your future, or you want shot, tased, pepper sprayed, or have handcuffs put on you then do one of the above actions. Most of the time it is non-compliance over simple requests that gets people busted.


James Finn
My friend Sherman is an upstanding member of his community.
He's kind, hardworking, mild mannered, the owner of an immaculately maintained and manicured bungalow and garden, and just a generally hell of a good guy.
He's black, as it happens.
He's not afraid of the police in Detroit.
Even though he drives a beautiful new SUV and is quite solidly middle class, Sherman visibly and instinctively hesitates to cross Eight Mile Road.
He does it, but it makes him nervous.
He knows that as long as he stays within the boundaries of Detroit, he'll only be stopped by the police if he violates a traffic regulation.
He knows that outside the political bounds of Detroit that driving while black is a real thing.
Yes, Sherman is a black man who is afraid of the police, despite being an upstanding member of his community.
I wouldn't presume to speak of black people in general, although I know others like Sherman.


Robert Strickland
I think you're misunderstanding a few concepts.
I don't live in fear of the cops. But I do get a sense of dread when one is following behind me. I've dealt with really good cops and some that were real assholes. And it really worries me that my son is now at the age where he can drive. My biggest concern is cops... instead it should be of him getting into an accident.
Cops don't care if you're an upstanding person when they pull you over. In fact, some seem to get a kick out of humbling and sometimes humiliating you when they see the pride in your eyes.
If I got pulled over and somehow got shot by the police, anyone that knows me (friend, coworker or family) would know that something was amiss. Its near impossible that I'd do something to purposely provoke an officer into shooting me.
But that wouldn't stop them from trying to run a smear campaign against me to label me as just another thug in the eyes of people that tend to believe that stuff.
They'd show some footage of a black man doing something bad, doesn't matter what, and claim it was me. Later it will be proven that it wasn't. There'll be a story about some crazy pictures of me on Facebook (though I don't really have any pictures other than me and family members doing family event type things).
People will argue back… but the person will always walk away feeling vindicated because of that video... that they never bothered to verify, and refused to listen when people try to tell them it's fake. It was on tv after all, so it must be true.
By the time they finish dragging my name through the mud, I'll be the pimp.
That's why they had to shoot me when I reached for the wallet to get the license they asked for.


Jeff Hall
*I* do. You should. Everyone should, including “black people”.
Our police forces are in a hard spot: they are expected to rush in when there absolute worst is happening. We know that and give them guns so that they may protect themselves and others. Of course, this leads others to intentionally target the cops for violence.
So you have folks who are routinely exposed to the worst our society has to offer, and they’re armed and subjected to occasional surprise violence.
It’s not unreasonable to assume that they will be a tad jumpy at the best of times, and they are not going to be having “the best of times” often.
So, I look both ways when I cross the streets because even though I technically have the right of way as pedestrian, I don’t really want to be the rightest guy in the cemetery. Similarly, I realize that cops may be having a bad day, and so I exercise caution around them: I try to not look offensive. I don’t jump out at them, act altered or crazy around them. If they start moving into my area, I take it slow and assume that they might have been informed that someone bearing my descxtion has been reported to be violent and give them as little reason to draw their weapon and shoot as possible.
The “black or not” issue isn’t important: it’s civilians and cops and we don’t want to get hurt.
And for those who think I’m bashing the cops: I’m not. While there certainly are bad cops, the vast majority are at least trying to help out the community at large.

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Xuanzi Zerene
I presume you mean African Americans, and not chimney sweeps (who are stereotypically actually black, after their job).
This varies greatly between communities.
In some communities there are bad police, and everyone either distrusts or fears the police. “Skin colour need not apply"
In some communities, the police target individuals with certain physical traits (e.g. dark skin) and/or ethnic backgrounds. The exact nature of this taagetting can vary tremendously of course, it can mean solely African Americans to anyone who isn't Anglo/Anglo-German American.
There are communities where there are no issues bared on superficial traits or ethnicity, and communities where the police are actually upstanding citizens.
Things vary greatly. It's important to realise this and not makebroadsweeping statements in either direction. It's also important that we work to make the police a service to the people, all the people, and not something to be feared — regardless of where you are.


Barbara Ransom
I personally do not and have not ever feared the police. I have actually assisted in the arrest of a violent felon who was trying to attack the arresting officer.
Several years ago a few thugs tried to carjack me but instead I ran one of them over with my Chevy S10. Also the thug that was trying to attack the officer got my 9mm pointed at his head so he stopped resisting arrest.

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Chris Torgersen
I know a man who is a Nigerian immigrant. He’s not just an upstanding individual in the community; he’s a world-renowned doctor and researcher who runs an academic center. And he gets nervous about police. He’s especially afraid for his sons, who are quite tall and are young men. He has had bad experiences himself.
It’s pretty rare that I meet a Black person who does not have some degree of mistrust when it comes to police. Either they or someone they know have most likely had some kind of negative interaction with law enforcement, regardless of their own behavior or their standing in the community.


Brian Bernardo
I will not speak for black people or their experience. It is not for me to opine about such things. However, one only needs simple observational and listening skills. People of color, and black people specifically, have been telling everyone about the way they are treated for fucking decades.


Troy Robinson
For me personally, I’m not afraid of the police.
Some blacks are. Some blacks aren't. A reason for identifying with one side of the coin could be based on personality, intellect, personal experience, affluence, prominence, etc….
Hard to answer a general question from an individual perspective.


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