2021-11-14 龟兔赛跑 7983

What are some psychological facts that people don't know?


Pooja Yadav, INFJ, Outlandish, Biotechnologist, JNUite, Feminist
Curse of Knowledge
Do you know why some teachers despite of having very good academic profile are worse in teaching?
You feel irritated when your parents don’t know how to save a number, dial a new number from contact list, or how to message on Whatsapp.
You boil up when you are telling your son/husband to fetch their T-shirt from drawer and they don’t have any idea which place you are talking about!
This is because of Curse of Knowledge
Curse of knowledge is a cognitive bias. When one person while interacting with others talks about a particular thing, they involuntarily assume that others have a background to understand the same.
When you know things and you have forgotten what it’s like to not have this knowledge. This makes it harder for you to identify with other person’s situation and explain things in a way that can be easily understood to someone who is novice.


A brilliant professor might no longer be able to relate with the struggles of the students when they are learning about a new topic. They have difficulty in teaching because they can not put themselves in the position of students.
In this famous psychological experiment, a group of subjects was divided in two: Tappers and Listeners.
The tappers were asked to think of a song and try to rhythmically tap that song on the table, while listeners would identify the song tappers were tapping.
Surprisingly the tappers were 50% sure that the listeners would be able to identify the song they had in their mind while tapping. But the result was shocking. Only 2.5% listeners were able to figure out the song. The tappers overestimated their success ratio of being understood 20 times above how many times they actually were being understood.
So from now, if you are explaining something to others assume that they don’t know anything about it. Try to explain it in most simple way with little and simple information and few stories or examples from everyday life.


Kiersten Pressfield, B.B.A. Management and Economics


The people who experience the most shame have the least reason to feel ashamed and the people who experience the least shame have the most reason to feel ashamed. The greater the person’s conscience, the more likely it is that they experience shame.
Not all human behavior is ‘reactive’, as many modern mental health professionals would lead you to believe. There are ‘predatory personalities’ who purposefully seek to harm others.
We do not see others as they are, we see them as we are. That is the reason that kind hearted people often get manipulated and it is also the reason that toxic people are naturally paranoid.
The vast majority of humans are under the control of “other people’s” will. Most of those “other people” are psychopaths. Most humans are dissociated from themselves and programmed to follow the will of the few who are aware.
The universal law of polarity proves that opposites attract. Until a person is fully conscious of their choices, they will be unconsciously drawn to people who have the opposite qualities.
The more authentic a person is, the more likely they are to be exploited.


It is emotions that are used to manipulate people. A person’s mind cannot be manipulated unless it is first granted access to by the emotions. Once access is granted, the mind can be used to serve another’s will. Be cautious when you have a strong emotional response to someone you do not know well.
Power is the root of all evil. Money is only a symbol of power. People who have the most control over others know that there are more effective ways to control people than money.
The new age ideologies that preach that “It’s all love” and “Everything belongs” are half truths aimed at lulling humans to sleep and keeping them from protecting themselves.
The more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to question their own beliefs.
There is a universal force that opposes the evolution of consciousness. It is both personal and non-personal. Resisting it is necessary for self actualization.
Many modern gurus and spiritual teachers are psychopaths.
When a person does not resist the forces that oppose evolution, they are left alone. If you want to have an easy life, lose your integrity.


The law of attraction is more difficult for people who are intelligent
Emotional freedom is not so much about non-attachment as it is about loyalty to your own True Self.
The true test of a person’s character can be judged by how they behave when given absolute power.
Sometimes the most powerful statement you can make is silence.
Most of the harm that is done in the world is not by evildoers, but by the lack of action on the part of bystanders.
Manifestation is a top down process. It begins in your mind with a thought, it is then amplified in your heart by your emotions, and it is brought into form through action.
Self awareness is a bottom up process. It begins with a sense of groundedness in your roots. It is given meaning in your heart. And it is brought to awareness in your mind.


You can judge a person’s level of consciousness by how they react to struggles. A conscious person uses struggles as a conduit for growth.
The things that we cling to the tightest are the things that we are most certain to lose.
Avoidance is just another form of attachment. It is attachment to not having something. An emotionally healthy person does not need to attach to or avoid things.
Most people are living out some form of repetition compulsion. Until we are able to acknowledge and process our unconscious patterns, they will repeat until they either kill us or wake us up.
Decisions made from a place of fear will always leave you feeling unfulfilled, even if the outcome is in your favor. On the contrary, decisions made from a place of authentic power will leave you feeling fulfilled, even if the outcome is not in your favor.
The wiser a person is, the more reluctant they are to give advice. Be cautious of people who give out a lot of unsolicited advice.
How a person feels after they have had an interaction with you is an indicator of your True Self.


If you feel ashamed or exhausted after an interaction, you are probably dealing with a toxic person so proceed with caution.
The need for validation is the biggest cause of suffering for many people.
The body is a map for the soul. If done consciously, the physical body can be used as a tool for self actualization. This is the concept of yoga..
The body is a mirror of the subconscious mind. Trauma is stored in the subconscious mind, and therefore the body. Consciously releasing trauma from the body is one way to heal from trauma.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Feeling traumatized is a healthy response to abuse and violence. People who lack empathy do not experience events as traumatizing. It is not possible for a psychopath to develop PTSD.
For some people, the path to self actualization is about understanding that they are connected to all other beings. For others, the path to self actualization is about understanding that they have a separate identity that is independent from all other beings. Both are absolutely correct!
You can tell that a person is operating from their false self if their psychological structure is hierarchical. There is no hierarchy in the world of Truth. People who operate in a pecking order are living a lie.
The wiser a person is, the less likely they are to strongly identify with specific groups or ideologies.
Many physical illnesses are unresolved traumas that have not been brought into consciousness. Typically, as traumas are brought into consciousness, they move from physical pain, to emotional pain, and finally to spiritual pain before they are processed and released. Sometimes, this happens in the reverse order.
To become wiser, work on connecting the right and left hemispheres of your brain.
People like to watch movies about great adventures because they long for their own great adventure. Every great story of adventure is really about finding the Self.
Intelligent children are more likely to get bullied and less likely to be a bully themselves.
Humility is required for self actualization.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Relinquishing the false self is the goal of self actualization. False selves are either power based or shame based. For obvious reasons, it is more likely that a person with a shame based false self will succeed in this mission.
People who can only see the good in themselves project out the bad onto others. People who can only see the bad in themselves project out the good onto others. A healthy person has the capability of seeing both the good and bad in themselves and others.
We all have an inner masculine and an inner feminine. People who are able to marry their inner masculine (spirit) with their inner feminine (soul) are living a life of Truth.
What we deny or reject within ourselves will show up outside of us in our relationships. Relationships with toxic people are indicators that we have ignored or disowned some part of ourselves.
Abusive relationships follow exactly the same pattern as cults. The only difference is the number of people involved.


An alarming and growing number of mental health professionals and clergy leaders are predatory personalities. These are ideal professions for psychopathic predators. Be exceptionally cautious with these people.
It is rare for a person with a narcissistic mother to find their way to adulthood emotionally intact. Most people end up with either narcissistic, borderline, codependent.
The relationships that challenge us the most can also provide us with the greatest growth if we allow them to be used as a catalyst for personal change.
In order to receive the things that are meant for us, we must let go of the things that no longer serve us.
The way to find your true calling is to take action. Follow your bliss and it will lead you to the goal.


Rishi Bharadwaj, lives in Penang, Malaysia

Rishi Bharadwaj,居住在马来西亚槟城

Ask somebody that if given a chance to have a superpower between the ability to fly or never get hurt physically, if they choose the first one they are more liberal by thoughts, whereas if they choose the latter one, they are more conservative by thoughts.
The temperature of the drink that you hold alters your opinions about people. If the drink is warm, you tend to have positive opinions and if it’s cold, it will generate somewhat negative opinions.
Other than treating helpers or servers, if you want to know someone’s true personality, try to see the kind of jokes they laugh at.
Political correctness stays at a conscious level only. Subconsciously, people behave like what they truly believe in and it gets obvious in their personalities.
Smaller the handwriting, the higher the concentration of the person. Einstein is an example.


Women with a good sense of humor are very sensitive by nature.
If you lose concentration for 10 seconds, it will take 23 minutes to get back at the same level of concentration.
You are what you believe. If you tell yourself every day (multiple times) that you are an optimistic and positive person which people like to be around, you will end up being one. It’s called programming your subconscious mind.
If he/she likes you, you will know. If he/she doesn’t like you, you will be confused.


Krena Sasitharan, High level introvert

Krena Sasitharan,高级内向型

1 . When there is one year gap between an elder born and an infant younger one, the younger one attracts everybody as it is an infant and the elder one tries to gain attention by immitating the baby. This in turn makes the elder one look like a fool.
2 . It is so hard to control one's emotions. That is why, one feels sick if he controls his tears inside him when in a public. One should always let their feelings out or it'll affect our own health.
3 . Feeling afraid when you are near a dog will make it come closer to you as it wants to know what you are afraid of. Most of the people feel afraid , let the dog come near, run and then get bitten.
4 . Chasing people when they ignore you will make them ignore you more.
5 . If you're possessive for a loved one, that person will always hate your possessiveness.


6 . Most of the time, your advices will be in favour of yourself.
7 . Listening to songs is a great addiction during exam days and this will make you lose concentration on your exam. You'll keep humming it and writing exam which isn't good actually.
8 . A foetus when in the womb can feel what happens outside. It knows who is speaking ill about it, who is waiting for it to come out etc.
9 . Midlife crisis is a common phenomena among 50+ people (mostly males) .They get a feeling that they've done nothing in life for THEMSELVES till date and keep irritating everyone around them.
10 . The firstborn knows about all the problems that the family has gone through and is adjustable. The youngest is the secret keeper as it knows about everyone's grudges in the family. It doesn't have high estimation about it's family.
If it doesn't match with you, Exceptions exist..

在考试期间听歌曲是一种很大的上瘾性行为 ,这会使你在考试中失去注意力。你会一直哼着歌考试,这实际上并不好。

Seyam Ahmed, knows English


Men aren’t from Mars. Women aren’t from Venus. They’re the same species from the same planet. The differences between men and women are real and important.
They serve biological functions and can even help you better understand your health needs. These differences give each sex unique strengths that help with the most important task—survival.
Here are the top 10 psychological facts about man and woman that people don't know
Men typically have thicker skin—by about 25 percent. They also have higher densities of the protein collagen.
Usually, men also have denser, stronger bones, tendons, and ligaments than women.
From about age 14 to 51, women typically need more iron than men. This is due to their loss of blood during menstruation, which typically happens in a cycle of 28 to 40 days.
On average, men typically have more muscle mass than women. And those skeletal muscles are faster and more powerful. But women’s muscles more readily resist fatigue and are faster to recover.
The second-longest finger for most women is next to their thumb—the index finger. But men are the opposite. They usually have ring fingers—those next to their pinkie finger—that are longer than their index fingers.


Folate is an essential vitamin. So, men and women both need it. But it’s especially crucial for women of child-bearing age.
If they become pregnant, women need enough folate to support the neural development of their babies.
The daily calorie requirement for men is higher than for women. There are a few reasons for this: higher muscle mass, stature, and basal metabolic rate.
Men and women carry different amounts of body fat.
Women typically carry their body fat in their hips and thighs. Fat tends to deposit around men’s stomachs.


Dibakar Dutta, My Mental strength is perhaps congenital!


Five bang on psychological facts:-
Tell people your own story first. They will share theirs eventually. (The Art of Making Someone Confess)
Tell people your deepest secrets while looking in their eyes. They will feel an instant attraction. (The Science of Attraction)
Interrupt someone while he narrates you a story. Ask for minute details. If a flaw is observed, then, he is weaving a lie. (The Art of Spotting a Liar)
The only way to avoid abuse is to become the abuser! (The Psychology of Abuse & Cheating!)


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