没有比27平方米/ 291平方英尺更小的小房子设计 - 小溪边
2021-11-21 !101+868 14329

Designed to feel like a New York style apartment yet appropriate for a regional setting, The Brook is a fully off-grid, transportable small house design that explores the use of recycled and restored materials. The double-height created by the expandable roof not only creates an additional sense of space and room for storage, but allows for a walkable height mezzanine level to accommodate a bedroom and home office. The ladder to the mezzanine also folds up to allow for more living and dining space. Through the clever utilization of space and thoughtful sextion of materials, The Brooke feels like the perfect combination of luxury and rustic living.


This is really clever use of space and ingenuity. Love the cogs, wheels, chains, recycled slats, glass, fold-outs, storage, pivots, seating and small bed and bath areas. Pleased to see my favourite colour scheme here, georgeous functional home!
How do you get the plans? Saw $82k without extras... worth every bit of coin!

对空间的巧妙利用和匠心独运真妙。喜欢齿轮、轮子、链条、回收板条、玻璃、折叠、存储、枢轴、座椅和小床和浴室区。很高兴在这里看到我最喜欢的配色方案,华丽实用的家! 你是如何得到这些计划的?没有超出82000美元预算......每一个硬币都花得值!

Amirah Ahmad
This is not what we call small; we can call it heaven. Heaven on earth ✨


Would have been beautiful if the inside was painted in lighter colours. The structure is very clever and fantastic outlook.


Rossana Lombardo
It’s very beautiful but what I love the most is how precious your dog is


I like the house but dislike the way many young Australians speak these days (I'm Australian). It's called "uptalk", where the speaker goes up at the end of every sentence as if asking a question. It started with California Valley Girls and is about as annoying.


Cécile Matheis
I could see myself living through another lockdown in there and not going stir crazy


this is the dumbest location I have ever seen. this dude gon be washed down the river


Francis Addae


Dumont Co
Small house movement is just brainwash from your masters to accept less and less. You will never see your tax dollars provide a small house for your politician.


I expected you to say more about how you placed the house with respect to the flood water potential. How do you prevent it from becoming inundated?

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Adrian Ducao
this is so beautiful, but i'd rather make small modification like bulletproof window, armored/re-enforced walls, and a self sufficient life support systems.


Brooke White
this is the first one that didn't have any obvious design "flaws" for me and makes sense throughout all of life as long as one can navigate those stairs. I adore it and I don't even like greys and blacks, especially the work space and finally a realistic amount of storage. add to that the clever solutions in the kitchen? absolutely brilliant, immho


Cyril C
Hey guys, great job! where can we find such a system to "wound up" the ladder? Did you built it yourself? Thanks


Giochi Storditi
what a shit place you decided to assembly this funny chalet , the view is terrible , is a swamp , or looks like , what about moschitos in summer ? or is just trash money ? the little house is ok , avarage basic , could be interesting in a better place


Jager Overson
I just want to say, this is the first video I've seen on this channel, and I liked and subscribed about 5 seconds in. The cinematography and editing grabbed me immediately, and I knew from the beginning I would enjoy this video and want to see more. I was not disappointed. Top-notch stuff!

我只想说,这是我在这个频道上看到的第一个视频,我点赞并订阅了大约 5 秒。摄影和剪辑立刻吸引了我,我从一开始就知道我会喜欢这个视频并想要看到更多。我没有失望。一流的视频!

Ocean's Wonders
Obviously all that light made all the difference, but still the design is incredible. I especially loved how everything looked so smooth and inviting to the touch. All the materials feel "warm" and rustic, but polished. No rough edges, no sharp corners, no splinters.


Mike Tarzian
Hello Never Too Small, is it possible to buy detailed architectural plans for this house?


Just when I think they will stop surprising me, they keep revealing their design tricks. Literally the best NTS video! My most favorite!

就在我认为他们不会再给我惊喜的时候,他们不断地透露他们的设计技巧。从字面上看,最好的 NTS 视频!我最喜欢的!

This is the only tiny house that makes me actually want to live in it . Even painted black like that. I usually prefer brighter spaces but this is magical. I only wish they'd shown us what the ceiling and upstairs looked like before the roof is lifted bc I don't get i

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Christopher Mitchell
love your house ... perfect living space ... design elements are really inspiring ... im at the point where this seems like the perfect living space.


Tamás S
in many places I read that it is environmentally friendly.
In 10 years, the wood will rot. Not everywhere, but its beauty will not be like the old one. It will be expensive to renovate. This is by no means environmentally friendly as there is plenty of wood. This will support the felling. That's why there are plenty of landslides in the mountains.
Concrete-based is the fastest but also very durable. or steel structure is also good, earthquake resistant and also very long lasting, you are free to renew.
Why don't engineers think like that?

我在很多地方介绍它是环保的。 10年后,木头会腐烂。不会到处腐烂,但它的美丽不会像以前那样。。翻新会很贵。这绝不是环保的,因为有大量的木材。这将需要砍伐。这就是为什么有很多山体滑坡的原因。 混凝土是最快的,但也非常耐用。或者钢结构也不错,抗震,也很耐用,可以自由更新。 为什么工程师不这么想?

Max Taylor
Love this, remarkable design! However, I'm not sold on the tiny home philosophy. It feels like we are conceding to a globalist agenda where the elites want less for us and more for themselves. People are sort of being forced to retreat and accept less in life. And the more people that do it, the more expensive normal living becomes until we all have to live tiny. Same social engineering concept as solar. Used to be a way to save on your power bill, now if you dont have solar, you can't afford a power bill.


Best video on this channel. I’ll be checking out more videos after seeing this one. Love this house, how livable it is, and how sustainable it is. Practically perfect.


Laia Fernàndez
Hello. Congratulations: I love your design. I have a question: what is the name of the system used in the folding ladder?
Thank you

你好。恭喜:我喜欢你的设计。我有一个问题:折叠梯使用的系统名称是什么? 谢谢

Corey Stewart
Looking at renting city apts rn that are triple the size/a third of the functionality/none of the nature/elegance...... wow ....This place feels MASSIVE, and every element is so functional yet somehow so elegant?!


Jorge Morando
as an architect it surprises me how often is practicallity forgotten in these projects ... nobody though about storms and how much the water level rises during these natural events? you can clearly see that the lower part of the house is going to be completely destroyed ...
also..., and this is a completely personal view .... mosquitoes!

作为一名建筑师,令我惊讶的是,在这些项目中,实用性被遗忘了……没有人知道风暴期间以及这些自然事件期间水位上升了多少?你可以清楚地看到房子的下部将被完全坏了...... 还有...,这完全是个人观点....蚊子!

John Wick
looks good but it has virtually no insulation, this would destroy your wallet when paying for heat and simply not work at all in a colder environment. Again, it looks bomb, tho I highly doubt it's practical.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Isabelle Nicaud
Well done. the second floor, the stair, the table for working upstairs, every thing is clever, you do not feel claustrophobia, you can moove easily, you can even dance. It's perfect, itwould ne perfect even if the house would not have wheels


Cairo Shuffler
One of the most beautiful tiny houses so far. One question: What is the cost of the whole setup? I could imagine that the ladder structure alone makes a significant share of the total costs, as well as the upper floor extension structure. Thanks.


Dashboard Chat
Do these guys sell plans for their homes? Why is their contact information not listed in the descxtion? This video has currently been viewed 2,336,093 times. Clearly this video has earned "Never Too Small" a ton of money. The LEAST you could do is put their contact information in the video descxtion. Just saying

这些人出售他们的房屋计划吗?为什么描述中没有列出他们的联系信息?该视频目前已被观看了2336093 次。很明显,这个视频为“Never Too Small”赚了很多钱。您至少可以将他们的联系信息放在视频说明中。

I am in love with this design. This video also made me miss my American Eskimo. He died on Thanksgiving 4 days ago. Really enjoyed this. Some people's ingenuity is so beyond average, that you know they're gifted

我爱上了这个设计。这个视频也让我想念我的美国爱斯基摩人。他在 4 天前的感恩节去世了。真的很喜欢这个。有些人的聪明才智如此出众,你知道他们很有天赋

Hing Leung Tsang
i love the design and how the house look. but i got two question in my mind. what happened with there is hurricane storm? is the living room window going to hold and not get damage. and second where can he do laundry

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The only flaw I'm thinking is smell. Cattle farms can smell rather awful at times, I assume more so in the summer when you would want to open windows


Louis Henrich
The fact that this is a passive house, and they utilised recycled materials, I would love to know what the production cost. A detailed Split would be much appreciated


Louise Dodeman
I think it might be the bes one. Every aspect of this tiny house is perfect. Even the details that at first I didn't like, when they would explain why they chose this way, it made so much sense. Thank you


This is unquestionably the first small house I've seen that I'd be more than happy to live in - what a stunning space - enhanced by the beautiful location. Fantastic video.

毫无疑问,这是我见过的第一个让我非常乐意居住的小房子 - 多么令人惊叹的空间 - 因美丽的位置而增强了吸引力。精彩的视频。

Nathan Rex
I always feel like many small houses overdo it with the obsession of making incredibly modular, so much so that I would probably never use it to it's fullest. But this house kept it simple, spacious, and all while looking fantastic. I wouldn't mind living in a home like that one bit.


The house is so fucking nice...obviously it feels more like it's 40+ sqm or something because of the additional floor, but damn that's probably a solution for the future.

房子真他妈的好……显然,由于增加了楼层,感觉更像是 40 多平方米,但该死的,这可能是未来的解决方案

G. Tiller
Looks depressing. Why would you paint a small space very dark like that? Also doggie needs a ramp to get up with his buddy. I didn't like it. But to each his own.


WOW...this is the best use of space I have seen in a Tiny House, they have managed to make the space look massive. Not too keen on the grey but it works beautifully, I would throw in some bright yellow and teal. Love the bathroom space and the mezzanine space, the dining table is beautiful and the ladder to the loft is a genius idea.


This isn't a tiny house, it is a small and tedious house. So much moving stuff around constantly, when having furniture that would just fit in the first place would make more sense


Tracey Graybill
I'm 2:38 into the video and I had to stop to say this--OMG! This is stunning! I would have never, EVER guessed from the tough. durable, more rustic exterior that the interior would be as luxurious and high end as it is, and THIS is exactly the kind of tiny home I would love to have. BRAVO! Okay, I'm going to go finish the video now.

我 2:38观看视频,我不得不停下来说这个——天哪!这太棒了!我永远不会,永远很难猜测。耐用,更质朴的外观,内部将像现在一样豪华和高端,这正是我想要的那种小家。太棒了!好的,我现在去看完视频。

Aries London
It's amazing what they can come up with to utilize their space to achieve everything the desire and need from it. I live the home office solution how the floor became his seat and how the foot and leg area was done so the legs aren't just hanging because that would cause leg issues without support and they added that support to make it truly workable. I thought it would be some kinda loft bed on the floor but loved the real bedroom feel it had


Wade Williams
wow!! absolutely love it! the house is beautiful and well thought out, and I love the scenery it sits in! ... and such a well made video Z:-) thank yo

哇!!非常喜欢它!房子很漂亮,是成熟的设计,我喜欢它所在的风景! ...以及制作精良的视频 Z:-) 谢谢

Ben Tuinstra
This house is absolutely INCREDIBLE. The ingenuity is astounding and the aesthetics are on point! This is by far the best tiny house showcased on this channel. This is the best tiny house I could imagine! Well done to those who built it! I now have all the inspiration I'll ever need for my future home.


I absolutely adore the dynamic roof expansion and loft ladder mechanism, such a brilliant idea. I also love a lot of the design aesthetics, especially the medium dark color pallet


Lauren Rowe
I love the expandable roof!! How did you do this? I see recessed lights in the ceiling. How did you connect the electrical through the wall pieces that expand the height? I’d love to adopt your idea into my own tiny design.


Jean Kroeber
Hello from Germany...this is a beautifully designed home, each window limning a romantic landscape painting. It includes very unique features, such as the stairs that can be raised by turning a wheel. Most extraordinary though is the field of depth one experiences..as if this small home is much larger than it really is. This, together with wall colors and floor surfaces, gives an aura of grace and quietude. Well done, gentlemen!


Reality TV
This is stunningly gorgeous! I'm in love with this unit! This is one of the most beautiful builds I've ever seen on YouTube! I just love this! The aesthetic is just so clean and so intelligent. Wow! Great job!


Ken Marten
From the video thumbnail I thought I wouldn't like this tiny home, as it looked too dark and bachelor pad-ish, but I was wrong. It's rare to see so many positive comments attached to a video, but this project deserves the praise. Just about perfect!


Sofia Romero
I really liked the bathroom because it gives the feeling of being outdoors but it can also be more private.
I also found it interesting how they show that a small space is better for human interaction and for the environment.

我真的很喜欢浴室,因为它给人一种在户外的感觉,但它也可以更加私密。 我还发现有趣的是,他们如何证明小空间更适合人类互动。

Jennifer N
Wait, I don't understand. The upper level's walls are folded up, when the guy raised the roof at the beginning of the video there was no standing wardrobe or book shelf or bed. Do they bring those furniture up after the roof is raised or did they get folded up somehow??


david david
I am always amazed how these tiny houses so often have such expansive and numerous openings to the outside. Makes me think I'm the only one in the world having to deal with flies and mosquitos. Having said that, this house is, without doubt, beautiful.


Mary Sanchez
I hope he cleans up after his dog, after it relieves itself outside. It's highly nitrogenous and damages the ecosystem. And that little fridge would never be big enough if he was vegetarian/vegan, as I am. Where would you put your fresh produce, tofu/tempeh/seitan, cheese, plant milk, leftovers? Can you even bake a normal sized loaf of bread, or a pan of muffins? Or is he from the generation thwt usually eats out? How far is he from the nearest grocery, and what about the fuel expended to use a vehicle to tote it home? How far to the nearest emergency room, or a veterinarian? A bicycle basket wouldn't be adequate for groceries, other supplies. All these windows and doors in all your videos, with no insect screens... and I'm wondering how they keep flies and mosquitos out. How do you deal with compostIng peelings, cores, etc. from prepping meals, or the inorganic garbage he produces? No room for kitchen appliances for a serious cook. It's more like a weekend getaway.
All the videos you show are for people who only need to think of themselves. No room for volunteer work requiring space for equipment, patients, clients, etc. Self-centered. In one of them, someone paid the architect just to put off-white paint on the walls, buy a sofa with cushions that will slip all over the place, and recondition the folding louvers for the bedroom wall.

我希望他在他的狗在外面放松后清理干净。它含氮量高,会破坏生态系统。如果他是素食主义者/素食主义者,那么那个小冰箱永远不够大,就像我一样。您会将新鲜农产品、豆腐/豆豉/面筋、奶酪、植物奶、剩菜放在哪里?你甚至可以烤一条普通大小的面包,或一盘松饼吗?还是他是经常出去吃饭的那一代人?他离最近的杂货店有多远,用车把它运回家所花费的燃料呢?到最近的急诊室或兽医有多远?自行车篮不足以装杂货和其他用品。你所有视频中的所有这些门窗,没有防虫网……我想知道它们是如何让苍蝇和蚊子远离的。你如何处理来自准备膳食的皮、芯等,或者他产生的无机垃圾?对于认真的厨师来说,没有厨房用具的空间。这更像是一个周末度假。 你展示的所有视频都是为那些只需要考虑自己的人准备的。 没有空间进行志愿工作,需要为设备、患者、客户等提供空间。以自我为中心。 在其中一个案例中,有人付钱给建筑师,只是为了在墙壁上涂上灰白色的油漆,买一个带垫子的沙发,垫子会滑得到处都是,然后把卧室墙上的折叠百叶窗修好

Mary Sanchez
I could domthwt for you, for less.
Many people need more space for clients, patients, animals and the equipment and supplies, storage their work requires. Not only that but as a vegetarian, I need space for cooking, baking, storage of perishable and nonperishable ingredients. Rich people,and millenials eat out or take out. That makes sense in Asia, from what I've read. I don't. I've made my own breads since loooooong before Covid, The containers of flours, legumes, spices, herbs, grains, rices; bottles of perishable sauces; eggs and dairy; all that stuff takes space. This is more like just a place to sleep and meditate, not to live and work.

我可以为你做些什么,花更少的钱。 许多人需要更多的空间来放置客户、患者、动物以及设备和用品,存放他们工作所需的空间。不仅如此,作为一名素食者,我需要空间来烹饪、烘焙、储存易腐烂和不易腐烂的食材。富人和千禧一代外出就餐或外卖。根据我的阅读,这在亚洲是有道理的。我不。自从新冠病毒出现之前,我就自己做面包,面粉、豆类、香料、香草、谷物、大米的容器;瓶装易腐烂的酱汁;鸡蛋和奶制品;所有这些东西都需要空间。这更像是一个睡觉和冥想的地方,而不是生活和工作的地方。

Ocean View
Absolute brilliant design . Everything was so well thought out. Color, design, all of it, just amazing. And don't get me started with the, beautiful and serene view this place has.


embilbie blimblehead
holy shit this is the cleverest tiny home design - so many extremely smart design choices, and the materials and values underpinning them are utterly fantastic

天哪,这是最聪明的小家居设计 - 这么多非常聪明的设计选择,而支撑它们的材料和价值非常奇妙

Frank Husel
I don't like every detail, and I have seen similar ideas being realized with other small houses, but this is still a remarkable collection of marvellous ideas and a proof of excellent craftmanship. My admirations!
There are other types of extensible or unfoldable houses. I have thought of this extension mecanism for the walls to make it wider, not for the roof to make it higher. Nonetheless a good idea. It depends on road traffic regulations of the respective country how wide and high such a movable home can be.
Nice video! Thx for sharing!

我不喜欢每一个细节,我看到其他小房子也实现了类似的想法,但这仍然是一个非凡的奇思妙想集合,也是精湛工艺的证明。我佩服! 还有其他类型的可扩展或可展开的房屋。我想过这种扩展方式是为了让墙壁更宽,而不是让屋顶变得更高。总之是个好主意。这种可移动房屋的宽度和高度取决于各个国家/地区的道路交通法规。 不错的视频!谢谢分享!

Michael Foley
Stunning - the sheer number of ingenious ideas in this are probably too many to list. Personal favourite; the office space with your legs dangling off the mezzanine. Brilliant! All looks beautifully made as well.
I would happily sell up and move in tomorrow.

令人惊叹 - 这其中的巧妙想法的点子可能太多了,无法一一列举。个人喜好;你的腿悬在夹层上的办公空间。杰出的!一切看起来也很漂亮。 我很乐意明天就搬进去。
原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Milena Gonzalez
Is amazing it challenge, is a place nothing conventional where who says could be a residence cosy and it's perfect to find tranquility and integrated with the nature that it pushed out our into the environment, furthemore the Mezzanine give a excelent view of the landscape. The project have a rustic style furniture very appropriarte with the dimentions of the construction space.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Amy Bogaski
I was going to write hands down best tiny home I’ve seen to date and the comment underneath states the same thing; not surprised. The location WOW!! I wouldn’t change one single thing about this, so many incredibly smart ideas and I would quite happily live out my time in this. it’s perfect


Richie B
Beautiful place! Don't want to spoil the fun, but what about insects? Flies, bees, wasps, grasshoppers, etc? Australia (never been there but I'd love to go) seems to be most similar to the great state of Texas, which has plenty of insects. At any rate, this house was obviously well thought out beforehand, and if it were in Texas, screens would need to be part of the plans. Not an insurmountable issue, but an important one. In Texas they have one of the most obnoxious insects, the horse fly. Very important to keep those devils at bay!


Christopher Stone
It looks beautiful, but impractical. The worst is that “home office” where he has to sit on the FLOOR! My back would be killing me after just a few minutes. Also the fridge is way too small, and they need a freezer. Lastly, that ladder is cool for a kid’s jungle gym but strikes me as a death trap in a home. Have these people never stumbled home drunk at 2am? I know such ladders are a trend in tiny homes, but I would never.

它看起来很漂亮,但不切实际。最糟糕的是他必须坐在地板上的进行“家庭办公室”!几分钟后,我的背部会累死我。冰箱也太小了,他们需要一个冰柜。最后,那个梯子对于孩子的攀登来说很酷,但让我觉得是家里的死亡陷阱。这些人从来没有过在凌晨 2 点醉酒回家吗?我知道这种梯子在小房子里是一种趋势,但我永远不会去用。

udy Lloyd
Obviously Australia - the voice always rises at the end of a sentence, so it sounds like a whole series of questions, but it isn't. So annoying is this way of speaking that I can never bear to keep watching!
I don't know why Aussies speak that way

明显是澳大利亚人 - 声音总是在句子末尾升高,所以听起来像是普遍问题,但事实并非如此。这种说话方式太烦人了,我不忍一直看下去! 我不知道为什么澳大利亚人这样说话

Brittany Leondike
I love how the spaces flow from one into another. In most tiny homes the placement always feels compact or overlaying. In this someone could be in the kitchen, dining room, living room, home office without being in each other’s space


Cyril Disobedience
It`s a very impressive design. But if you have such an abundance of expensive land why not indulge more and scale up? Would it really harm the environment that much more? If tiny homes are the future lets hope they`re not too close together. I`d worry about the mental health of the inhabitants.


Horny Sloth
Cool as it may be, it sticks out like a sore thumb in the middle of the field. I think the design would fit better in a forest area. Also i d have chosen white for the walls to make it seem a bit more spacious but that s just me


Vicki Wood
It’s a brilliant design, with excellent, clever storage. But choosing a floodplain location is just plain crazy! It’s completely out of touch with climate change, and extreme weather events. What company is going to insure it?


They say the home office was an important aspect and then they show this 5:16
I don't understand, why do architects seem to constantly neglect the office? If you're working at home, you'll spend the majority of your time at a computer or desk. It's by far the single most important aspect of the house and I'd build everything around it, not have it be an afterthought...

他们说家庭办公室是一个重要的方面,然后他们在 5:16展示了这个 我不明白,为什么建筑师似乎总是忽视办公室?如果您在家工作,您将大部分时间花在电脑或办公桌前。到目前为止,这是房子最重要的一个方面,我会围绕它建造一切,而不是事后才考虑......

Gladys Smith
I just love this “tiny” home. I could see myself living there, has everything that you need except for the claustrophobic feeling. The colors and materials are fabulous, love everything. If you guys get tired of living there I will be glad to take it out of your hands.


Nice house with a great design, just got a few questions, mainly about the expandable roof which is very inspiring but I can't help but be worried about a few points :
- Is the insulation ok with that mechanism and the way the walls are 'put back' ? is there any air flows ?
- Is there risks of failure with the mechanism ? Usually, the more a mechanism is complex, the higher the risks of failure. So how does it fare against extremely low and/or high temperatures ? as dilatation is often an issue when talking about mechanisms.
- Finally, what about the furnitures in that second floor, how does it work with those shelves and closet ? Cause with those, it looks like the roof is something you would expand once and just always leave it like that...
- Can you go upstairs even when the roof isn't expanded if needed to ?

漂亮的房子,设计很棒,只是有几个问题,主要是关于可扩展的屋顶,这非常鼓舞人心,但我不禁担心几点: - 使用该机制和墙壁“收回”的方式保温是否正常?有空气流动吗? - 该设计方式是否存在失败的风险?通常,机制越复杂,失败的风险就越高。那么它如何抵抗极低和/或高温?因为在谈论机制时,膨胀通常是一个问题。 - 最后,那二楼的家具怎样处理的,那些架子和壁橱是如何工作的?因为有了这些,看起来屋顶是你可以扩展一次的东西,然后总是保持原样...... - 如果需要,即使屋顶没有扩展,您也可以上楼吗?

ImGlad imYellow
I love watching the videos on this channel. But I really wish we could know how much each project costs. Each individual area of the house also. I don’t know why they don’t give that information.


Sopan Muller
One of the most elegant, aesthetically designed tiny homes, and in terms of efficiency and use of space superb! the retractable staircase and the height that can be expanded makes it the best design that I have seen in a long long time...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Christopher Potvin
This is, by far, the most amazing 'tiny' home that I've ever seen and it screams everything that I would want and need for me. I am simply speechless at how this home is and how it is calling to me. Any chance we can get lixs to these guys? Do they sell their designs?


Mohammed Khan
This is something of a dream house of mine. The way this space is utilized is fantastic. I think I would've done the whole office space a bit differently though. It's important to have a proper chair to support your body for extended periods, especially in this day and age of digital workflow. Personally I would make the dining table a workspace and put a table in that empty living room space as a place to eat since most people who live alone or as a couple take their food to their couch anyways. Other than that, this is something I would want in my life.


Liam O'Rourke
This is literally larger than most people’s apartments. It weird to think that all these houses do is just make everything vertical and then all of a sudden people think it’s small. It’s quite big and quite beautiful.


px l
Can tell that the designer is not one who cares to cook or do their own laundry. Big spacious kitchen space with very little storage and tiny bar fridge…. Washer is located in odd corner…. I would have placed washer in kitchen where laundry can then be placed outside courtyard for drying if needed… practicality very lacking

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kateriina Frolova


I keep coming back to this video over and over again.. This is the most inspiring tiny home that gives tiny house a whole new meaning! I hope these guys are available to work on future projects, come the time I decide to build my own home. I would wholeheartedly trust them with every design aspec


Ellen Zapanta


That's it. I have been collecting Tiny Homes/Container Homes etc.. (lixs) and saved in my file. I have 100s. After seeing this house, I have decided to stop here on. I hope to have one like this in the near future. Please provide if there is a manufacturer available to produce one... Thank you !

就是这样。我一直在收集微型房屋/集装箱房屋等。(链接)并保存在我的文件中。我有 100 个。看到这所房子后,我决定停在这里。我希望在不久的将来有一个这样的。请告诉是否有制造商可以生产...谢谢!

How does the dog get upstairs?
That’s what I’d be concerned about with those gapped spaced stairs. You’d probably have to physically carry her upstairs, which will get old for you after while, and decrease her independence and ability to roam and use the doggie toilet freely.
It’s one reason why I haven’t purchased a loft bed in my small space: the ladder isn’t dog friendly.

狗是怎么上楼的? 这就是我担心那些有间隙的楼梯。你可能不得不亲自把它抱上楼,这会降低她的独立性和自由漫游和使用小狗厕所的能力。 这是我没有在我的小空间购买阁楼床的一个原因:梯子不适合狗。

Donna Reiche
OH MY GOD!! This house is my dream. It’s totally full of storage, style, quirkiness and the most pleasing aesthetic I have EVER seen. There is no need to look any further for my perfect home.
This is gorgeous!! How can I get one and what is the price?
This home is green, bold, soothing, inspiring, magical, mesmerizing and THE answer to my tiny home search. Literally, I’ve never seen such a perfect gigantic feeling tiny house

我的天啊!!这房子是我的梦想。它充满了存储空间、风格、古怪和我见过的最令人愉悦的美学。没有必要再寻找我完美的家了。 这太棒了!!我怎样才能得到一个,价格是多少? 这个家是绿色的、大胆的、舒缓的、鼓舞人心的、神奇的、令人着迷的,是我寻找小房子的答案。从字面上看,我从未见过如此完美的巨大感觉的小房子

很赞 2