2021-11-21 Kira_Yoshikage 10274

As you get older, what's something that becomes increasingly annoying?


Being tired all the time.


This. So I work out to fix it. Now I’m tired and in pain. Fuck you body!


Another thing, after working out I dont get sore until 2 days after.


That happens because you don't work out everyday. Once you start, don't stop and after a while you will not feel any sore at all :)


How old are you? I only ask because this used to be true of me, but now that I'm 40, I hurt every day and the day after and I'm now in better shape than at any time in my 30s. I thought it would eventually go away, but even with good diet, at least a gallon of water a day and proper supplements, I hurt every day after my workouts.


I'm only 30, but I'm increasingly prioritizing my recovery -- and similarly, I feel way more in shape than I did in my 20s, but I am getting injured more often. It would seem that quality of recovery is the biggest part. If your body isn't fully recovered, your workouts could be moot or even damaging.


Diet could be a big thing to experiment with. The latest research suggests more carbs and excess calories on training days, less on off days (as in just maintenance). It's possible you're not getting enough protein. The typical suggestion appears to be .82g per lb of body weight or 2g per kg (doesn't work out exactly in the math). So for me I should aim between 140-150g of protein per day. I should say this is best for someone looking to increase strength and build muscle (so most people who train with weights).


well thank you, I'll have to check that out. I may not be a climber, but I'm attempting my second triathlon in less than a month, so the goals should be somewhat similar. It's been a bit of a pain to be that involved only because the working out, eating right, water consumption has been a lot to manage on top of 6 kids, so I have just been lazy on formalizing my diet to be exactly what I need. You've convinced me I probably need to just invest the time.


A little older than you, but recover continue to decline. And diet start playing bigger role in overall health as I get older. I simply can't push my body that hard (that long) even if I want to before I can't recover fast enough. I start taking more mindful of workout with mindset that I don't want to push to extreme today and risk being too tired to work out tomorrow. I try to line up the 1-2 rest days in a week with wear and tear throughout the week. I am less into weight building but more into mid/long distance (enduance) running. Low on carb (and try to get only "good carb" via fruits, nuts, unsweetened cereal, and etc.,), moderate protein (i live my occasional burger and steak).


I used to have an extremely fast metabolism, so I've actually appreciated the slow down. I had to workout constantly and eat a lot to gain weight or get stronger. Now I can just maintain with light weights and resistance bands, also easy cardio like you mentioned. I can also have a much better diet.


I'm predominately exercising for fitness and rock climbing, which the latter doesn't need a lot of muscle.


I am 29 , ofcourse if you are 40 years old your body will be slower with recovering. I was construction worker for over 10 years and my work was heavy , so i didn't need to work out, because my body was understress sometimes over 12 hours per day. Sometimes when i was vacation for over 3 weeks and after coming back to work i was feeling pain for the first week , but it's mostly because i didn't stop working even if there is pain. Usually the correct way to work out is when your body get tired and you feel pain in certain muscle group you need to start working this same muscle group after 48 hours. In that time the muscle recovers, so don't make workouts for them. Basically the pain comes, because your muscle fiber gets damaged while your putting them under stress.


I've never understood this. Working out has never given me energy. If anything I'm just more tired for the rest of the day and following days.


Sleep deficiencies, nutrient deficiencies, excessive stress (emotionally, mentally or physically), dehydration, being generally overwhelmed/overburdened, lack of sufficient time to self and some health issues (cfs, long covid, lupus) can definitely exhibit what you're experiencing.


Listening to our body, and respecting its boundaries, is just as important to our health as exercise. Continually running our bodies into the ground, without providing the fuel that it needs to continue the workload and repair itself is not healthy.


Yes, sometimes it's just a matter of acclimating ourselves to a new routine and additional physical exertion, both of which are stressors. But, if all of our attempts to incorporate healthy levels of exercise leave us more exhausted than before, then it's time to talk to our doc about it.


And, since a lot of us don't have the option to seek medical attention, it's even more important to pay heed to what our body is communicating.


The fact is, that most of us don't get sufficient sleep, don't drink enough water, eat more simple carbs (which have very little nutritional value and are found in large quantities in processed foods) than we should, are way over-stressed, are overworked, lack sufficient time and are severely deficient in the nutrients we need. This is not meant, at all, to point the blame solely at us, but quite the opposite. We're not really taught how our bodies work. And our society tends to value these healthy habits as being both extravagant and something to be ashamed of when we can't afford (due to lack of money or time or accessibility) to incorporate them all - it's incredibly conflicting.


So, if you want to pursue exercise (which our bodies usually benefit from!), and find yourself more exhausted for doing so, then maybe your body is trying to tell you that it has more immediate needs than exercise. Paying attention to, and tracking, our sleep hygiene, nutrient consumption and water intake can help us understand why our bodies aren't seeming to benefit from exercise.


And really, if the point of exercise is to be healthy, then it makes sense to account for all the things that feed into our health.


Aww, thanks! I'm happy that others find value in my rambling, lol!


I'm just trying to be healthier and trying to make sense of all the intertwined factors that complicate the whole concept of what health really is. I feel like we tend to think that "being healthy" is just some simple task and then feel discouraged when it becomes difficult (or even, beyond feasible for some people).


People lying for no reason


This drives me crazy! My husband and I work for a guy who never stops lying. He says he was a super secret marine or some shit who was there when Osama bin laden was killed. He knows Putin, played chess with him. Used to hunt down Japanese Mafia. Had a hit on him from Al Qaeda because he was such a good sniper. Dude literally just repeats movie plots. If you've been somewhere, he's been there killing monkeys with a samurai sword or some shit.


We've known him 5 years and I knew he was a liar the very first conversation we had with him. I don't remember exactly what he said but it had something to do with serving in the military and it was completely wrong. My dad was a major in the Air Force. We lived on air force bases my entire childhood, i know when he's bullshitting about serving. It's annoying but I've realized from his ex wife that it's likely a result of horrific abuse during childhood. We don't say anything, he's a nice guy and if that's what he needs to do to pretend he isn't a victim or whatever, I guess we can put up with it..


I love people like this. It’s horrible that the story telling is a coping mechanism for many, don’t get me wrong, but nothing is more fun than when they just keep getting deeper into the story when they realize you’re interested enough to hear what they have to say. My chemistry teacher was like this in high school, he’d lie about quite literally everything, but it was fun having the whole class ask him questions about his claims and having him somehow save himself through the most insane mental gymnastics. It’s like a game of “how’s he going to get out of this one?” And against all odds, he does it! He finds a way to make two opposing realities somehow make sense in one coherently incoherent story. Easily the most enjoyable class I took in high school. Didn’t learn any chemistry, but the deductive reasoning skills and logic I’ve learned in that class? Priceless.

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Lack of awareness - everywhere. People looking at their phone while driving, not really listening to the person they’re talking to, blocking the grocery aisle with their cart, leaving messes for someone else to clean up, taking good friends or family for granted, contradicting themselves with cognitive dissonance, screwing everyone behind them when the left turn is green, etc. You’re not the only person trying to live your life today

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It has becoming more and more of a problem. Take up the whole aisle with their cart and them. Or people on speaker phone or FaceTime calls in public and look all offended when you ask to pass by and blatantly say on call how rude it is to want to to get by them. Blaring crappy music on their crappy phone speakers. Driving is horrible no one pays attention to anything.




I only notice my tinnitus WHEN SOMEBODY BRINGS IT UP, ASSHOLE.


I'm sure you're joking, but holy shit it must be nice to have it go away sometimes.


I learned late into college that most people DON’T hear constant ringing in their ears. Turns out, despite no detrimental exposure early in life, I’m an unusual case of lifelong tinnitus.


Ironically, I also have better than average hearing!

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Bad manners. Why is it so hard to just be nice?

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My inability to fall asleep


It never ends till you're so exhausted you need to sleep an entire day.

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And stay asleep. 1-4 am is the dark teatime of the soul.


Oh, yesh. Falling asleep? Usually easy-peasy, except when in bed. Couch? 8.30pm and I am strzggling to eep my eyes open. The moment I am in bed? Wide awake.


Once I sleep it's a coin toss how long. My alarm complains already, since it only had to work like twice in three months - except when I had a monday off >:(


Traffic. Just time wasted blowing away resources.

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Working from home doesn't just have to be because of the pandemic. With more high speed internet, more & more workers should be out of the massive waste thar is driving a tonne and a half of metal 2+ hours a day!


Working non-stop. When do adults get summer break? It’s been 16 years.


time. There's either too much or too little


The years go fast and the days go so slow...


Remembering super obvious shit. I just spent a few solid minutes trying to recall my cousin's name. And it wasnt until I remembered that we called her Babble-On as a kid, because she never shut up, that I remembered her name, Avalon. I then realized she's 25 now and freaked out because I swear she was 15 like a year ago.


I can spend half a day trying to remember the word “cousin”, then spend the other half trying to remember which cousin I was going to reference in the first place.

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Dude… I will think of something I want to research on the web and by the time I open my fucking iPad it’s gone and I’m just trying to crank the damn thought back in my head and it is JUST GONE. Like wtf??!


Discovering new aches and pains when you get up in the morning.


Or when you're standing up. When I was young, I used to silently laugh at the old man noises my father made when he stood up from the couch. Listening to him, you'd think that standing up from the couch was so hard when it was obviously easy!


Of course, now that I'm in my mid-40's, I'm making those sounds. When I stand up, it sounds like someone is strangling a wookie. Nobody warns you that gravity seems to increase as you age.


Waking up


Yup. Would be nice to not have to do that any more!


I don't mind waking up. It's what comes after I can't stand.


Give me a lifetime of waking up naturally with no alarm, the room is the perfect temperature, sunlight streams in the window but not in my eyes, birds are chirping, and I have nothing to do. Mmm

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The length of time it takes to recover from an injury.

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Sprained ankle? 3 years...


Or...you know, ever. That may just be the way it is now. It certainly is for my back.


If there any youths reading this thread and you come across this comment. Take care of your back, trust me. Waking up locked up and trying to decide if you go ahead and shit the bed or deal with the blinding pain required to make it to the bathroom is a situation I'd prefer you not find yourselves in.


How does one take care of their back?


Don't neglect your abs core. I'm not saying you need a six-pack but do some ab exercises from time to time.

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I used to wake up in so much pain and couldn't move my spine for a good 20 minutes. Started doing planks every day and some other pilates exercises and within a month the pain was gone.


(I am not a doctor but in my own personal experience and exercises have helped a lot with my posture and general mobility)


Definitely agree,


Doing stretches and lower back/buttocks/abs muscle strengthening workouts also does wonder. Having a nice bed also helps and not sleeping on a futon/couch lol.


Get a good chair, or at least a decent one. Never tolerate any that are uncomfortable. If, like many people, you spends hours each day in a chair, be sure to invest in a good one with support.


You really, really don't want to find out what back pain feels like.


Cleaning. I have no clue why I can't get my act together and keep shit clean. I am tired of stepping on crumbs and picking up clothes, not to mention random toys everywhere....

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Witnessing Road Rage. It's not worth it; let it go!

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Guy in front of me got out of his car at a traffic light and walks up to the car in front of him and starts screaming at the woman... aggressive gestures and arm movements too. Through the windshields I see her husband point a handgun at the guy. He immediately returned to his car, but WTF man. You came that close to dying over some little traffic indiscretion. This was not an accident, there was no damage to either car, nobody died. Can people just chill?


Squidward is also relatable as an adult


You either die a SpongeBob or live to see yourself become a Squidward


True, but I have also met some Patricks. Don't be a Patrick.


Being a Patrick is ok, being near a Patrick is difficult


I felt bad for Squidward even when I was a kid though! Half the time he was just trying to take a bath or something and then Spongebob just barges in on him to show him his new jellyfish net or some other not-important crap. And it’s no wonder Squidward’s terrible at clarinet because he never gets to practice! Every time he tries he gets interrupted by whatever Spongebob and Patrick are doing.


Actually having to do work to stay alive


Yes dude, Sunday Scaries fucks me up lol. Like my sunday is fuckin dope until like 7pm when it’s time to decompress and get ready for monday :/


Younger me. She made some really dumb choices and disregarded things she should have paid attention to, like career advice, her health, life insurance, financial planning. I never saw anyone around me, of any age, paying attention to these things, so I thought they were just fussy adult bullshit. Turns out I was wrong.


My family. I've started to dread holidays and birthdays that I used to look forward to.


I don't even hate my family, I like them. I just don't wanna see em.

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People who refuse to put in the most basic entry to work things out for themselves before asking for help.


If you genuinely need help, that's fine, but if the first Google result would have sorted your shit out, and you're sitting at your computer, why the hell are you bothering me?


…becoming older.


After 25, you kind of stop celebrating getting older. It’s like a runaway train.


When I was in my mid 30's, a coworker the same age as me dropped dead during a meeting (aneurysm). His daughter and mine were in the same preschool class.


His death made me realize getting older isn't so bad. It's another year I got to experience life, be with my daughter, indulge in the things I enjoy, etc. While I don't make a big deal out of my birthdays, I don't dread them either.


Getting older is fine. It's the aging that's an unfortunate side effect.


Just wait, in 20 years you will be celebrating because you made it one more year.

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When I was in my early twenties there was this much older lady in my office who was (what I thought) way too enthusiastic about her birthday every year. I was pretty much born jaded, and stopped giving a shit about my birthday after 21.


Eventually she explained that she was a cancer survivor, so she started celebrating her birthdays every year because she wasn't supposed to have many more before she went into remission.


Recently found my diary from 10 years ago talking about how I dreaded turning 22 and 23, since I was getting "so old." Now that I'm in my 30s I certainly wouldn't mind being 22 again.


People who can’t go a day without bashing people on the internet


I use Facebook just to keep in touch with a few people and for a couple of groups that I find useful for information.


It saddens me to see how people will pointlessly make hurtful comments on people's videos or photos. A dude commented on a beginner guitar players video the other day just to tell him he is terrible and that he should give up.


What drives someone to do shit like that?


My ear. I have hearing loss in my right ear. It doesn't register the higher octaves. Not being able to hear as well would be bad enough, but my brain decides to be helpful and fill in the missing sounds with ringing. Loud ringing. Loud ringing that you can't escape from or block out because it's literally in your head.


I'll use white noise to mask it and my hearing aid helps somewhat, but it can be extremely annoying. I'll even get headaches that are then made worse because the ringing is bothering me. The ringing that my brain is making up will make my head hurt more.

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I hate tinnitus!


As people get older, a lot of them have invested a lot of time and effort into their lifestyle, so they find it offensive when other people don't live up to the same ideals as they do, and they can get very judgmental about things that are most definitely not their business. For example, someone who values their career above all else might look down on someone who is middle aged working a service-type job, because they view that person as being lazy or unmotivated, rather than taking under consideration that the person simply doesn't put as much value into their job or the pursuit of more money. So I guess the short answer is that some people, even ones you've known forever, become increasingly judgmental.


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