2021-12-01 admin315 13742

Why was toilet paper the first thing that people hoarded when the Coronavirus started to come to the United States? I kind of understand hoarding water, but why so much toilet paper?


Zahrah Murdock
, Amateur writer and poet
Originally Answered: Why was toilet paper the first thing that people hoarded when the Corona Virus started to come to the United States? I kind of understand hoarding water, but why so much toilet paper?
Really? I’m the other way around, the water to me makes zero sense. We haven’t lost power, the water companies aren’t shutting down, unless you live in Flint, what is with hoarding water!?
Toilet paper is actually useful and a relative necessity if you are going to be stuck in your house for an extended period of time. Why anyone needs so much is another question entirely - though that may be a mis-perception because of just how many people are buying it rather than them buying extreme amounts…


Vivek Tulja
, Former underpaid, overworked, underappreciated scientist.
Because in the USA these are not very popular:
This is a Toto toilet. Some people call it the Mercedes-Benz of toilets. It combines a potty with a bidet. If you use it, you don’t need toilet paper.
And it is Made in Japan, so it is as reliable as your good old Camry. You hang a role of toilet paper next to the potty just-in-case, but you may never have to use it again.
(I am not in any way associated with Toto the company. Just that on my numerous visits to Japan I had the pleasure and privilege of taking a dump in these amazing toilets. The upscale models also have other features such as playing your favorite music for noise concealment. I am sure they are doing lots of R&D on smell containment.)




Helene Høgsbro Thygesen
, Worked for health services in Denmark, UK, the Netherlands
Well, water would be totally absurd, unless you live in one of the few areas where tap water is not drinkable.
Toilet paper is something which you can stock for a long time. You don’t hamster (sorry, “to hoard” is apparently the English verb, learned something new today) milk and fresh soft fruits.
Toilet paper is needed by everyone. We just hamstered tinned sardines but most people don’t care.
Toilet paper takes a lot of shelf space in the shops so the shops don’t stock more than a day’s circulation or maybe two. People may also be hamstering soap but soap is a more compact item so shops stock maybe a couple of weeks’ worth of normal circulation, and can therefore cope with hamstering.
And then there’s the positive feed back loop. Once the rumor spreads that people are hamstering, they will hamster even more because everyone is afraid that other people will be hamstering so there’ll be nothing left.


This is because people are irrational during times of panic. Diarrhea is not a symptom of COVID-19, and yet people go crazy hoarding toilet paper and paper products.
The real reason behind this behavior is sheep mentality. When a person sees someone do something, and then someone else follows, the tendency is also to do the same even when there is no logical reason to do so. The whole hysteria about toilet paper started in Hong Kong and China during the SARS epidemic, which the US and many other Western countries did not experience. Hong Kong gets its toilet paper supply from China, and SARS impacted its production and supply chain. As a result, Hong Kongers started panicking and rushed out to buy massive amounts of toilet paper. This made things worse as the production and supply chain was not designed to handle such loads.
As SARS hit other countries, they looked at Hong Kong and followed the same behavior without understanding the reasons behind the actions. This is happening now in the US with COVID-19.
There is no reason to hoard toilet paper because the US owns the production and supply chain for toilet paper. Diarrhea is not a symptom of COVID-19, and we do not need more than the normal usage. Do not hoard!
The hysteria and panic buying of toilet paper are the real causes of the shortage.


Andrew Sutcliffe, A Pagan living in an old mill town in the North of England
it started in Australia because all of their toilet paper is imported, mostly from China so thats what caused the panic, yet the fucking ignorant gullible wankers saw it on social media and of course followed suit like the sad little sheep they are,even in the UK where we make all our own, in fact Blackburn has 3 factories that make it.
still it shows what happens when gullible dicks just follow social media.


Michael Jarosz, former Architect at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (1984-2009)
Why do people think they need so much of the stuff?
In my house, a 12 pack of TP lasts more than a month. I buy several packs on sale once or twice a year and usually have a spare 12-pack on hand. Do people think this virus is going to last for years? I haven’t bought ANY TP during the current crisis.
This is hysteria.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Daniil Timin, Ice skater, traveler, blogger
Like some people already mentioned, the first reason is because there were reports from the media that toilet paper was in shortage when it’s all started in Wuhan, China. It was on the list of the must-buy items in case of a quarantine.
Another reason I feel like is psychological. Toilet paper comes in bulk, in a very big package. When you buy it, it gives you a sense of security that you are prepared and you have enough.



William Reise, lived in The United States of America
Its all started in China and Hong Kong back in January when there were rumors that all toilet paper factories in China would be retrofitted to make face masks instead. Things went viral globally after that and people worldwide just start hoarding toilet paper everywhere because somebody else is doing it (I am sure without knowing the original reason). Just to show you how crazy people can be when there is panic.


Frederick Mikkelsen, former Producer (2000-2006)
I think the answer for why it’s very apparent that toilet paper is hoarded is because there are lots of different foods that can go into your digestive system, but there are only two ways it comes out. So, though you can replace Mexican food with Italian or canned beans and rice, there are many fewer things you can replace toilet paper with that are equivalent.
A personal wash cloth in a small bucket or large jar with very minimal bleach added, a few tablespoons, rinse it out carefully in the sink after you use it before putting it back in the jar. Wring it out before you use it. Hide the jar. Don’t talk about it. You’ll be fine.


Don Jang
It’s a little of a herd mentality.
Toilet Paper is something everyone uses as well as very storable and non perishable.
If you see someone trying to heard and buying it all up, in your mind, you have to start buying it to before someone has it all and you have none , even if you have no real use for it immediately.
It could have been any random that would last for a while.
Alcohol, Cigarettes, Coffee


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Rob Brown, Founder / Software Developer at Pianoply (2016-present)
Toilet paper can also be used in place of facial tissues. Also for covering your nose and mouth as a temporary facemask. If you have alcohol or bleach, you can use it to sanitize surfaces.
Of course, paper towels and tissues are sold out as well … so if people can’t buy paper towels they’ll buy extra toilet paper.


Frank Hollis, former Associate Lecturer With the Open University
It started in Australia, before they even had a large covid-19 problem. A rumour started that most Australian bog roll was actually made in China. The rumour was that production would stop because of covid-19, so people bought in emergency supplies.
Then social media in other countries showed empty shelves and the idiots across Europe decided that they had better get their toilet paper before it all ran out. Others saw the shelves nearly empty of the stuff and decided they had better buy some as well.


Paul Laidlaw
Toilet paper is a leading indicator of unexpectedly high volumes of increased shopping by the masses. When a pallet of ravioli comes into a store it hold what a thousand cans? so a hundred people can buy extra and the pallet empties out but all those people bought some. Of course not everyone likes ravioli so a thousand shoppers are buying soups, noodles, veggies etc etc. However with bulky toilet paper, a pallet comes in and it has fifty packs on it. So when people starting buying extra, suddenly the pallet empties quickly.
Grocery stores have limited space in the warehouse, and trucking is reliable. So they practice Continuous Replenishment, basically they have enough in the back to top up the shelves as the items sell. Toilet paper is big, bulky and not usually something that everyone suddenly needs at once. When evacuating for a hurricane for example, you are going somewhere which you assume will have those basic needs. Your family a hundred miles away have enough TP in the closet to handle the extra use. But they might not have the particular foods you like, or your kids like. So the stores have plenty of experience dealing with rushes on food. If you go to the store and they do not have the food you want, you can sext something else, so the out of stocks get spread out and apart from a few items (bread, milk etc) the shortages are just annoying.
Toilet paper though is big, bulky, not ever something you worry about running out. When people start thinking what do i need, someone posts online about toilet paper running out…and now social media starts mentioning TP as a rare resource. Suddenly everyone assumes they need to stock up, the shelves empty very quickly. Word spreads on social media how Walmart is out of TP etc, now the trending topic is “Where is the TP?!?!” people start panic buying it whenever they can, it is now the hot new rare item. So shortages are reported everywhere.
Truth is there is no shortage of toilet paper, it is there, it is in the warehouse, just not the one at the grocery store. It is being moved quickly to the stores to meet demand. Of course because it was rare and supplies were limited the supplies that reach the store are snatched up quickly so the shortages continue.
It will all calm down when the public see’s that it was a momentary hiccup in supply, the stores will be overstocked with TP shortly and then people will complain about something else that is in short supply.
What you want to do is get ahead of the curve. Figure out what will be in short supply before the masses do so you do not have to worry. I picked up a few boxes of facial tissue and cold and flu medicine today, which when you consider the problem is a flu you would assume they would be sold out by now, but there was plenty.
Now since i have mentioned the obvious thing people should be buying but are not, you can expect those items to start selling out very quickly when the number of infected grows and the story becomes about the reality of this disease and not the distraction that people have forgotten how to wipe their butts without using pulped paper.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Castro Isa
, studied Ancient Egypt & Culture at University of Exeter
It’s called Mass Hysteria.
People don’t realize on how it started and who started. Everyone does it because others are doing it. There is no straight logic why one should do.
it could be as simple as - one person has family of 10 and usually buys 10 packs everytime, but others who saw this purchase panicked and bought 10 for them thinking they should buy too. And slowly it expands.
Or it can have some complex psychological mass panic.
Worst part is, this panic spreads to other items like children diapers, sanitary pads, and medicines and many other things.
why do one want to buy 10 bottles of panadol unless preparing for doomsday?
It’s mass hysteria, which will slowly calm down once govt starts giving assurance makes sure supply chains are not impacted.
worst part of all this is, people don’t realize this is society and one being hygiene wont help, people around us should be hygiene too. And if we don’t have option for others to be hygiene, then there is no point in it. One is as vulnerable as others.



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