2021-12-02 JOJOyu 31504

作为唐朝的大使,他率领唐朝附属国家的军队(吐蕃派了1200名士兵,后来又派了8000名士兵)进攻戒日王朝(Harsha Empire),并将印度北部夷为平地。戒日王朝皇帝因亵渎唐朝天皇而被王玄策逮捕,并被送往首都长安。

Gwydion Madawc Williams, Read a lot about this
Did anyone else do this?
Mostly they stuck to their own traditions. The Classical Romans learnt a lot from the Greeks, but mostly by bringing teachers to them.
The only foreign knowledge that interested any Chinese was Buddhist teaching. Some monks went as far as India, most notably Xuanzang, whose achievements were also mythologised as Journey to the West.
See also Traditional China Resisted Modernisation, about why they were unready to change.



Song Cheng (孙 辰), machine translation

In the first year of AD, the Chinese emperor ruled and feudal land area reached 6.09 million square kilometers. More than the total area of ​​all countries in Western Europe. Both the people and the king on this land are the courtiers of the Chinese emperor.
I want to say that it is too big, and the journey abroad is too far away. The ancient traffic was not developed, so the Chinese emperor did not form a tradition of far-reaching. Today, the area of ​​many well-known countries is still far less than a province in China. There are dozens of provinces in China.


In the first year of AD, China has used a mature writing system for more than 1,500 years. In 1500 years, Chinese characters were lonely. Chinese people with high school education or above can still read books from two thousand years ago. Until more than 2,000 years ago, the Chinese emperor still could not find out which country has a writing system. Including the most powerful enemy of China at that time, the Huns, they did not have words. These neighboring countries have no text, and how can there be more advanced culture and knowledge than China? Thus, the Chinese emperor did not form the practice of studying abroad. The irony is that many of China's neighbors have used Chinese culture in their entirety and used Chinese characters for thousands of years. Their unique text appeared very late, but now they claim that their civilization is older than China... but their historical books are all recorded by Chinese characters.


In the first year of AD, China’s population has exceeded 60 million. This is similar to today's British or French population. There is no doubt that, like today's China, it is the country with the largest population in the world. The surrounding countries usually have a population of several hundred thousand. The emperor of China is very busy. Instead of just enjoying authority and taxation, he faces the challenge of managing 60 million people in a stable and stable manner in an era of very low productivity. We must know that China’s governance model over the past 2000 years has been centralized, not aristocratic feudalism. The emperor is responsible to everyone of the 60 million nationals. They are too busy, otherwise the regime will perish. For more than two thousand years, China has gone through 25 major dynasties and hundreds of small regimes. They don't have time to study abroad, and they can't learn from foreigners how to govern a country of this size.


More than 2,000 years ago, the Chinese royal family formed a model that did not go abroad to study, and continued into the 20th century. In fact, until the last dynasty in China, in the late Qing Dynasty, Asia did not have a more advanced country than China. China is only being bullied by Western powers, not neighboring countries. When Japan learns from the West, realizes industrialization, and defeats China. China is already the penultimate emperor in office. He is only in his 20s, and he did not have any children until his death in his 30s. But his brother of the same family, named ZAIFENG, has been sent to Europe to study. The last emperor of China was a three-year-old child. He is the son of ZAIFENG. However, at this time, the emperor system has been unpopular in China.


China before the 10th century was actually very active in learning about external things. China was so huge before 2000, but still learns the horse domestication technology and steel refining technology in Central Asia at all costs. China’s complete closure is probably a matter of nearly three hundred years. Of course, when China reforms and opens again, although many people are unwilling to believe in China's achievements, you still see that China has not been China 100 years ago in the past 40 years.


Anderson Lin

The closest thing to this was that the members of the Aisin Gioro clan did study overseas during the last decades of Qing. The most famous example is Aisin Gioro Liangbi (良弼) who studied military in Japan for four years. But I suppose this is not what the question means by “ancient”.

Short of that I cannot recall any occasion where princes/princesses of a Chinese dynasty went to foreign countries to “learn and improve” themselves. Even in the rare cases where a Chinese empire was forced to send hostages to a powerful neighbor, it never used this as the pretext.


Andy Liu
You can’t really blame Chinese on this, during her 2000 years’s history after Qin dynasty, China tried several times to explore if there are any other civilizations that could be on par with their level of civilization.
They sailed to Japan, and realized they were far more primitive and weaker than China at the time , and didn’t even have their own written language. Beyond Japan is ocean that no one could cross at that time. Chinese believed the earth was flat surrounded by oceans while the four corners of earth were on the back of four giant turtles.So China felt no threats from the east at all, who would think that sailing for 10 years maybe you could find another continent?


To China’s north , there were only babarians and ice. Merchants from the north also tells China there were Nothing there to see or learn.
To China’s south, China tried their best to sail all the way down to Philippines and found nothing interesting and turned west to Eastern Africa 100 years before the whites did it. Unfortunately for china , General Zhenghe spent 7 times exploring the world and the most interesting thing he found was long neck deer(giraffes)

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

To China’s west, Chinese knew from very beginning there were giant countries like Persian empire and Indian empires. About 1500 years ago, China sent out Zhangqian tried to establish contact with Persian , he started out with 100 guys and spent 18 years in totaland came back with only 2 men left. Then later the famous Xuanzang spent about 20 years went to India after went through multiple Barbarians’ territory and desserts.both of them and many other explorers concluded there were endless deserts between Chinese and those “barbarians” far away. Since both Han and Tang dynasties were probably the strongest peirod of Chinese history, what they saw in India and maybe Iran were not really more advanced , if not worse,than their own civilizations.


From their exploration of the world limited by their technology at that time, So it was natural for China to conclude that no other civilizations could threaten their survival thus nothing to learn at all.
One more very important reason is that China reached a very high level of civilizations earlier than many other civilizations and the changes of life prior to 1840 were very little. Though their multiple attempts to explore their world and based on their own comprehensive records of history, they might conclude that the rest of the world were too primitive and could not develop to a level that China needed to learn and look up to.


Marco Polo wrote a damn imaginary and exaggerated book about how China was way more advanced than any Europeans could dream of, and unfortunately for China, no one told China what a more advanced civilizations is like until 1800s.
Countries sent students to BETTER countries to learn .Like Japan sent students to China during Tang Dynasty, and to the west in the 1700s, China sent students to US since 1979. For a country that unfortunately thought herself the greatest country out there, Chinese never felt the need to learn from others.

马可波罗写了一本虚构而夸张的书,讲述了中国如何比任何欧洲人想象的都要先进得多,不幸的是,对中国来说,直到 1800 年代,才有人告诉中国更先进的文明是什么样的。
国家总是把学生送到更好的国家去学习,就像日本在唐朝派学生到中国,在 1700 年代派学生到西方,中国从 1979 年开始派学生到美国一样。对于一个不幸地认为自己是最伟大的国家的国家,中国人从来没有觉得有必要向他人学习。

Qi Chen
On topic of the shape of earth, the ancient Chinese knows earth isn’t flat since 230BC. They have to build large scale dam and aqueducts, which require you to factor earth’s curvature into consideration.
However, they couldn’t confirm that earth is round because pacific ocean is hard to sail through and going the other direction is just takes too long.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Michael Chow
Your account of China’s foreign relations has significant inaccuracies. For eg. SE Asia (Philippines) and China had extensive trade of goods and ideas for over a millennium.
Marco Polo came to China as Europe was emerging from the dark ages. China’s naval tech at this time was centuries ahead of Europe. China was the global tech leader for centuries around this time.
You’ll want to watch: Peter Nolan on China's silk road strategy Keynote held on 7th April 2016 at the wiiw Spring Seminar in Vienna. Peter Nolan is Professor at Cambridge University.
The whole lecture is great. He addresses some of the issues I mentioned around 19:30 min.
I’m guessing you’re from HK?

你应该看看:彼得·诺兰(Peter Nolan)于2016年4月7日在维也纳WIW春季研讨会上就中国丝绸之路战略发表的主题演讲。彼得·诺兰是剑桥大学的教授。

Wasu Koysiripong
It is quite scary to think that we might be now in the same situation as China back then, i.e. all the planets within our reach have no civilization for us to learn from and someday we might be discovered by a much more advanced civilization from some planets far away.


Ethan Jia
Let me continue this imagination. When the aliens came, the United Nations tried to unify the global political, economic and military forces against the external enemies. However, there is a bunch of virtuous guys who believe that the damned humans are destroying the earth, that humans have original SINS and that humans need to be judged. So they brought in aliens to judge humans.


Gloucera Wingardium
and until the British and later the 8 powerful countries invaded China, China never even knew there were such thing as a more advanced country.


Vivian MS
…….tbh it seems like you’ve read some novels set in an ancient China setting. There are elements that involve some bits of history but after all they are just novels not serious history books.


ChewWei Yoo
Seriously,The recording of chinese history is the most complete in the world.It is never interrupted for 3,000 years. Some emperors might juggled the reacoding of coups,but mostly is creditable.

Because chinese trust in 敬天法古(Reverence to heaven And Learn from ancestors)

Just ask some historian,they would agree with it.




Andy Liu
Yes, but more like different rather than more advanced. And because xuanzang went through so many troubles to get there, it makes cultural exchange between China and India way too difficult. Thus, Chinese knew India was a powerful country beyond Tibet but never established any regular contact channels.
If China had some regular contacts with India , I believe the two countries would have had some bloodiest war throughout history.


Thusal Ttb
I don’t think there would have been war. The Indians thought they were the most civilised. The Chinese thought they were the most civilised. They two peoples would have fucked each other into genetic assimilation. Dont’t you think?


Hintivitim Ocim

王玄策 - 搜索结果 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

As the ambassador of Tang Empire, he led the troops of Tang’s subsidiary countries(Tubo gave 1200 soldiers, and later gave 8000 soldiers.) to attack Harsha Empire and made north of India into pieces. The Emperor of Harsha Empire was arrested by Wang Xuance due to his blasphemy to the Heaven Emperor of Tang Empire and sent to the Capital Chang’an.
His charge was to detain the passing ambassadors of the Tang Empire.

王玄策 - 搜索结果 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书(链接)
作为唐朝的大使,他率领唐朝附属国家的军队(吐蕃派了1200名士兵,后来又派了8000名士兵)进攻戒日王朝(Harsha Empire),并将印度北部夷为平地。戒日王朝皇帝因亵渎唐朝天皇而被王玄策逮捕,并被送往首都长安。

Chunxiao He


Hintivitim Ocim

[1] 《资治通鉴·卷第一百九十九·唐纪十五》:会尸罗逸多卒,国中大乱,其臣阿罗那顺自立,发胡兵攻玄策;玄策帅从者三十人与战,力不敌,悉为所擒,阿罗那顺尽掠诸国贡物。
[2] 《资治通鉴·卷第一百九十九·唐纪十五》:玄策脱身宵遁,抵吐蕃西境,以书征邻国兵,吐蕃遣精锐千二百人、泥婆国遣七千馀骑赴之。
[3] 《旧唐书》卷一百九十八 列传第一百四十八:先是遣右率府长史王玄策使天竺,其四天竺国王咸遣使朝贡。会中天竺王尸罗逸多死,国中大乱,其臣那伏帝阿罗那顺篡立,乃尽发胡兵以拒玄策。玄策从骑三十人与胡御战,不敌,矢尽,悉被擒。胡并掠诸国贡献之物。玄策乃挺身宵遁,走至吐蕃,发精锐一千二百人,并泥婆罗国七千余骑,以从玄策。玄策与副使蒋师仁率二国兵进至中天竺国城,连战三日,大破之,斩首三千余级,赴水溺死者且万人,阿罗那顺弃城而遁,师仁进擒获之。虏男女万二千人,牛马三万余头匹。于是天竺震惧,俘阿罗那顺以归。
[4] 《旧唐书》卷三 本纪第三:“(贞观二十二年)四月甲寅,碛外蕃人争牧马出界,上亲临断决,然后咸服。丁巳,右武候将军梁建方击松外蛮,下其部落七十二所。五月庚子,右卫率长史王玄策击帝那伏帝国,大破之,获其王阿罗那顺及王妃、子等,虏男女万二千人、牛马二万余以诣阙。
[5] 《新唐书》卷二百二十一上 列传第一百四十六上:遣右卫率府长史王玄策使其国,以蒋师仁为副;未至,尸罗逸多死,国人乱,其臣那伏帝阿罗那顺自立,发兵拒玄策。时从骑才数十,战不胜,皆没,遂剽诸国贡物。玄策挺身奔吐蕃西鄙,檄召邻国兵。吐蕃以兵千人来,泥婆罗以七千骑来,玄策部分进战茶镈和罗城,三日破之,斩首三千级,溺水死万人。阿罗那顺委国走,合散兵复阵,师仁禽之,俘斩千计。馀众奉王妻息阻乾陀卫江,师仁击之,大溃,获其妃、王子,虏男女万二千人,杂畜三万,降城邑五百八十所。东天竺王尸鸠摩送牛马三万馈军,及弓、刀、宝缨络。迦没路国献异物,并上地图,请老子象。玄策执阿罗那顺献阙下。
[6] 《资治通鉴·卷第一百九十九·唐纪十五》:会尸罗逸多卒,国中大乱,其臣阿罗那顺自立,发胡兵攻玄策;玄策帅从者三十人与战,力不敌,悉为所擒,阿罗那顺尽掠诸国贡物。玄策脱身宵遁,抵吐蕃西境,以书征邻国兵,吐蕃遣精锐千二百人、泥婆国遣七千馀骑赴之。玄策与其副蒋师仁帅二国之兵,进至中天竺所居茶馎和罗城,连战三日,大破之,斩首三千馀级,赴水溺死者且万人。阿罗那顺弃城走,更收馀众,还与师仁战;又破之,擒阿罗那顺。馀众奉其妃及王子,阻乾陀卫江,师仁进击之,众溃,获其妃及王子,虏男女万二千人。于是天竺响震,城邑聚落降者五百八十馀所,俘阿罗那顺以归。以玄策为朝散大夫。



Hintivitim Ocim
oh, the ccp member who lived in more than 1000 years ago.
Everything could be connected with ccp, your logic is exciting.
And here I just pointed out there were some wars between The Heaven Empire and India, are you too sensitive?




Hintivitim Ocim
Yes, This is indeed a surprise attack. So Wang was only finally promoted to a fifth rank official by the Son of the Heaven. And because of the confusion caused by Wang Xuanze, Tubo was no longer hindered by India, and became the main threat to the Heaven Empire. It can be said that the loss outweigh the gains.


Xane Feng
Which is probably why they were willing to lend Wang troops in the first place.




Praveen Kumar Singh
Indian civilization was far more developed than Chinese civilization, during that time.


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