2021-12-14 yzy86 24003


A bit controversial, but I think the boiled potato will take a real hit. A lot of older people don't even consider it to be dinner without boiled potatoes, but my generation, at least in my experience, never makes it on their own as it's considered boring and flavourless.


Gives flashbacks to the crusade against the potatoe led by some nutritionists, like Fedon Lindberg, some years ago. In the start of the -2000s carbs was seen as the devil itself by certain nutritionists in norway.Guess that was one the "shifts" in the attitude against the potatoe.


Where I’m from, the head of the local potato growers association went 60 days only eating 20 potatoes a day… just to show they aren’t the evil nutrition bomb so many think they are.
He lost a fair amount of weight and many of his key vitals (e.g., cholesterol) dramatically improved.


In Ireland in the 1800s, a farm worker would eat up to 6kg of potatoes per day because they were the most calorific crop per area…
In modern Ireland, I think boiled potatoes have been replaced by pasta, rice, chips or other processed potato formats.


Also the peasants used to grow a thumbnail long on one hand purely just to peel and eat boiled potatoes.
I would say I cook "boiled potatoes" all the time, but in the microwave. The end result is fairly similar.
In the North, Roosters (whilst they are still good) don't seem to be as ubiquitous as they seem to be in some supermarkets down South.


I've learned something about counting calories and that's that potatoes are low in calories and more filling than rice.
So I don't really bother with "evil potato" propaganda any more


Rice and pasta are much worse than potatoes (double the amount of carbs). So you are better off eating potatoes instead.


Per 100 grams:
Potatoes: 80 cal, 17g carbs
Rice: 124 cal, 28g carbs
Pasta: 150 cal, 23g carbs


Stopping eating rice and pasta will have a much larger impact (they have about the double the amount of carbs.). My guess is that many of those people that stopped eating potatoes are now eating more rice and pasta.. so they would have been much better off sticking with potatoes.


Eh, i think thats discussion misses the point.
I think young people arent cutting boiled potatoes because of carbs, but because its bland, its one of the most tasteless ways to cook potatoes, and boiled potatoes only really fit in with the classical European combination of meat main dish + some arbitrary side dish, which is becoming kind of unpopular these days.
If you look at overall potato consumption its probably pretty stable. Boiled potatoes are just going the way of pretty much any boiled vegetables.


Forget boiling. Bake them.


Yeah i only eat when visiting my parents. Still like them, just don't want to peel them


I'd say in Poland "poverty food" isn't eaten as much anymore, e.g. bread with lard, bread with sour cream, milk soups (even milk with bread just soaked in it), pasta with lardons etc.


You just made me realize I haven't eaten milk soup in at least 20 years, if not more.


In my home town there was a club that sold bread with lard and purple onions. It was extremely popular, surprisingly


Schmalzbrot is a staple food in most wine regions in Austria and you can get it at all the traditional wineries!



It's filling, fatty, and salty. Just what you want before you maybe drink a few more beers than you'd planned.


My grandpa ate that thing for breakfast every day until he died. He refused anything else, especially when he was old. Just seeing him eat it reeked of poverty, but that's how he liked it. In my particular area of Serbia we call it "droba". I actually thought only my grandpa ate that thing.


Schmalzstulle is still going strong here. Especially on a fresh, warm bread ...


I hate it. Thank you


In (Southern) China about 50-70 years ago they had lard with rice...

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Not necesarily a direct answer to your question (but in some way). Whale was massive as food in norway in the 70ies into the 80ies. But then died out along with a massive campaign against norway and its fishing of whales. Hardly see anyone eating whale anymore (might be a thing in some coastal areas in the north) , while back then it was on "every" dinner plate around the country. Remarkably much of the whale fished by norwegians fishers are being sold to Japan. It's also quite "silent" about the whale.. Media generally tells how popular the norwegian salmon are in japan, but not a word about whale. This article (in norwegian) tells that only about 5% of the population eat whale regularly. The article is 10 years old, so the percentage might be even lower now.


When I was in Bergen I had the impression that it was a little more common than that, but I was merely a tourist having a looksee around. They were grilling it up out in the open for the tourists, and selling giant cuts of it at the open air fish market.


In my experience whale is extremely local today. It might be normal in coastal places with a strong tradition for fishing, and almost unheard of just outside of those places. I used to live on an island just off the coast where it was as normal as any other meat, whereas a few hundred meters across the sea on the mainland it was impossible to find in the stores.
Also, you're not supposed to eat it more than a few times a month because of mercury or something. Which might affect how often people eat it, at least it does for me.


Funnily enough. I've never met anyone in Japan who eats whale. And I have only seen whale bacon once in a fish shop.


In France, we have a saying that goes "tout est bon dans le cochon" which means "everything is good in the pork". However, as time pass, we eat more and more specific pork's bits and leave the rest. My grandma used to cook pork toungue, my great aunt used to cook pork's brain and liver, and it wasn't rare to see pork's head in the boucherie up to a few years ago, but younger generations tends to prefer ham, chest, grounded shoulder and the intestines (sausage, saucisson...)
Same with Andouille and Andouillette that are seen as bad because of their smell.

(法)在法国,我们有一句谚语,叫做“tout est bon dans le cochon”,意思是“猪浑身都是宝”。然而,随着时间推移,猪的特定部分我们吃得越来越多,而剩下的部分却不吃了。我的祖母曾经烹制过猪舌头,我大姨也烹制过猪脑和猪肝,直到几年前,在餐馆里看到猪头也不是什么稀罕事,但年轻世代往往更喜欢火腿、胸肉、猪肩肉糜和肠子(香肠、干腌腊肠(索西松)...)

My father looooves pork brain and guts. Just the smell of the latter makes me want to puke, and I'm not a big fan of pork in general, anyways.


It's pretty much the same with all kinds of animals here. My dad told me stories of my grandpa eating a sheeps head and stuff like that.


Even my parent's generation didn't like that stuff anymore. But my generation (and I'll include myself into it) aren't that fond of simply cooked organs anymore. My parents really like fried liver and I really hate it. My friends are similar. I like Liver sausage though, as it is a nice spreadable sausage you can put on bread.


Oh yes, Kalvsylta (nearly identical with spam) is one of them and Pölsa (the Viking age origin of Haggis). I don't touch either of them. And then you have those dishes people like, but it just takes to long to cook them for the modern human, like Horseradish meat stew etc. But if lunch restaurants have them on the menu, it's what people order.


Things like innards, tongue and blood sausage.
Despite being mostly vegetarian, I do like those.


My mum has just turned 51, and she says her colleagues never bother with making certain vegetables, like beets or turnips, or even savoy cabbage and red cabbage, bc it's "too much work". While I get that, as a permanently exhausted person, but even I make those occasionally.


Stuff like, pigfeet in soup etc. Maybe it's still in broth from the store, but since there is less farming being done by people them selves, it's no longer a thing imo.


Tongue, tripes, veal's head, pork feet, that sort of things.
Edit: I love these things, but I would never order pork feet in a restaurant, because when I do, I'll make a mess.


Dog and cat meat as well.
Edit : it's already basically dead


Pork feet are the best


Colombian here to say that tongue, tripe and pork feet are all delicious.

(回)我是哥伦比亚人,我想说舌头、牛肚和猪脚全都很美味 。

I never heard that dog was eaten in Switzerland but have heard cat was, or maybe even still is... I once ordered rabbit at an isolated farm restaurant, the taste was different than other rabbit I've eaten. They may have served me cat instead.


There was a Soviet joke about ordering rabbit in a restaurant - "And how fresh is it, really?" "Well, it was meowing just yesterday!"


This is why we traditionally serve rabbit with the head

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

About the same as everywhere, organs and such. Also (and that's more like 85+ kind of thing) some meats like horse or dog meat already died off.


The horse butcher in my grandparents village shut down some years ago, no one wanted to take over.
But it's hard to find suitable horses today. Horses for consumption cannot have been treated with certain medication and most recreational/sports horses get those stuff. Making them unfit for consumption.
I like horse meat, I get it on every thanksgiving.


I think racehorses ending up in the human food chain is very common. A scandal erupts about it once every few years and nothing changes.


Oh we still have jokes about the horse meat lasagna.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I heard once that there are horse farms in Australia, that export about their entire production to Belgium.
While not incredibly popular over here, I'm not expecting it to disappear soon.


The thing is that chine [horse meat] is very good meat, lower in fat then beef and high in protein and vitamin A.


In the UK there's a lot of economy foodstuffs harking back to the days of wartime rationing that are definitely consumed far less these days. Spam and corned beef are classic tinned products designed to make meat go further and last longer which we don't really need anymore because you can buy fresh meat easily and cheaply.


As others have said offal is also far less popular these days. Used to be common to see dishes like liver and onions or steak and kidney pudding on pub menus but they're pretty rare nowadays.



also things like finny haddock and tripe are things that my 80 odd year old grandma loves because “they remind her of the war”


A lot,in Sicily.
Many of the dishes with internal organs.Spleen sandwich for example,or grilled intestines.Some young people still eat these.but fewer and fewer.
Snails,which is a traditional dish in Palermo.
Tripe too.
Even some kinds of seafood...the younger generations tend to eat very bland,'safe' foods,with lots of sweet flavours,and things they don't have to chew much ;-) So even something like octopus becomes less common.


It’s a shame really since snails are very a sustainable food source and not eating internal organs is very wasteful, also tastes delicious.


I've seen many people from my grandparents generation eat bread dunked in tea, but virtually nobody around my age does it.


Tea: Regular black tea, usually with a spoonful of sugar added
Bread: White bread
I try it from time to time, especially when I'm too tired to do anything else. But it's dying.


This is controversial, but unfortunately kocsonya is dying out. It's often said to be disguisting and unapetizing, but it's great!


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