2021-12-21 熊猫永不为奴 21439


Marcus Smart
Be careful! Don't take the hot soup above the baby, it's too dangerous! Maybe you can find a table and chairs to take it. It's awesome to see you guys so enjoy with life !


Keep spreading positivity. World needs more people like you. Lots of love from Pakistan


Julien Fabetta
I love your vlogs! Keep up the great work, you should show us more places in the city because it looks amazing!


For information only, Singapore and Korea are suffered badly from Covid19, especially recently when Omicron erupted. Actually, Hong Kong is not bad. There has been no local case in Hong Kong for over 4-5 months. The reported cases in Hong Kong are all related to imported cases, which have been intercepted during quarantine. Hong Kong implements strict quarantine process, similar to Mainland China.


Sylvester Fong
A happy and beautiful family.
China is a safe, friendly and beautiful country with superb infrastructures and lovely parks. Clearly the chinese people are living contented and harmonious lives as evidenced by your walk through the various parks and food courts.
Blessings from Malaysia.


Heqiu Yisheng
Now in Netherlands I almost forget how normal life is like after being in covid situation here for almost 2 years���


Samuel Watson
Jason, I believe you can use your mobile phone to autopay the metro fee by just single touch( Huawei Pay, Apple Pay, etc.)


Deep One
I think China should hire you as a fulltime promoter & virtual tourist guide in the true land of the free. You are already a pro, what with that sarcasm and humor sprinkled once a while on China haters & anti-China media. No one comes close. You have your own entertaining style. I like it for your wit, political acumen, truthfulness & a SENSE OF JUSTICE. U re so blessed! Lincoln is adorable & will grow up proud of his parents.


you are so smart to choose to live in China, pretty wife, cute Lincoln (such a handsome boy with goregeous bright eyes), wishing you and your family the best


Jessie Mertalla
Watching your videos really makes me want to visit China desperately ��� #bucket-list


Kevin Tewey
Thank you you just helped me realize how much I love and crave the opened and Wild Spaces in the USA literally because everything else here looks like garbage and full of angry people


HenryViii Fake
The CGI's still looking good, Jason.
Joking aside, what you mentioned about TFL hit too close to home - London's public transport is crazy expen$$$ive


kblene M
I am a Chinese, and I love China, I also enjoy your video, however, I don't think it is a good idea to compare different city or culture from China to other countries. Merry Christmas!


johnny ngo


Adrian A

I agree with you, I also like to live in China, I am Indonesian and my wife is Chinese from Gui Yang, we have apartment there, in Huaxi district called 万科大都会. I lived in Shanghai for 4 years but I prefer Guiyang since the weather is perfect, not hot summer and cold winter. I can't wait to go back to Guiyang.

hanyan Xu

谢谢你说好中国故事,将一個美好及伟大的国家向外展示。永远支持你,祝合家幸福,宝宝健康快乐, 茁壯成長!

Ivan Ly
Wow I didn't know Guiyang has metro. We were there back in 2015, it didn't have much to offer. Can't wait visiting China again:=))


Intestine is something eaten in the West as well. But called something else traditionally. Not as common as in the past. But the process of sausage making also use the empty intestines as a housing for the ground up meats.


Andrew Chow
Lincoln is so cute. You need to learn more Chinese in the future to communicate with him.��� China locked down locally when outbreaks in Dalian etc. Also, unfair to compare with NY, London, which are a century old systems. But, yes, China is doing better, but can do even better.


I love the food courts in China, my wife and I always go and eat in them.


I live in the US and I'm in the Healthcare field. I have a coworker that keep complaining why do we have to wear mask. Wearing mask will give us bad gums and teeth. I'm like wtf no wonder US is fuk with covid!


Paul Cheng
You have a really really lovely boy. So happy to see your family is living in a wonderful city and enjoy life.


Tony P


cheryl yau
Hi, Jason! Why are you having so so much freedom in China? I am jealous!


GK Tang
People always say, China is exercising autocracy, and the US is the sample of democray.
Recently some academies change to say, China in fact is implementing meritocracy - those who have competencies will sit on their posts; and the US? Plutocracy - no matter how they vow to improve the situations after they are elected, situations remain the same: homeless, jobless, poverty, etc. It's because the US leaders usually bow down before the billionaires.
How about the homeless, jobless, poor people? They cannot see.


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