2021-12-27 Kira_Yoshikage 11699

What's something you shouldn't give to a homeless person?


We used to check in on this homeless man occasionally to make sure he was doing okay. One year we were chatting and he says "hey, i have to give you something". I was excited, thinking maybe he's super artsy and made us something cool to remember him by.


He opens his trench coat and reveals a giant frozen uncooked slab of pork. "Someone gave me this fucking slab of meat. What the fuck does he think I'm going to do with this? I'm sick of carrying this around"


I would have taken it, cooked it up and returned it as a Pork and veggie roast.


Homeless dude realistically should’ve stolen a shopping cart… made a fire and used it as a grill of sorts. Gotta chop the pork up. Go get Macdonald’s bbq sauce. Find a non windy area. The metal grate on the shopping cart is key Tho. Perfect for a grill


Yeah but then there's the risk of someone seeing and reporting him while he's cooking it because it's technically vandalism, arson, etc and whatever other crimes they can slap him with just because he's homeless and the system is fucked.


Pork is also difficult enough to cook properly in a proper kitchen, doing it on a jerry-rigged grill could result in food poisoning too. Which if you're homeless and don't have access to clean water, food, medicine, toilets or facilities to clean yourself up (from vomiting/diarrhoea), food poisoning is a very bad situation.


Yeah but if they charge him and he goes to jail, he’s got a home then so technically it’s better for him


Canned food without pop tops or a can opener to go with it

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Whatever they don’t want. I was gonna buy a homeless dude a nice back pack once but he didn’t want it because chances he will get robbed for it or stolen.


Same. I bought one regular in my neighbourhood a sleeping mat, sleeping bag, and a tarp. He sold them but he explained that if he hadn’t he would have likely been robbed. They are often targeted.


Don't just drop off food in to go containers near someone's tent. If you're bringing food, talk to them give it to them. Stacking up perishable food they can't manage or really throw away is only bringing mice to their living situation


Really glad I read this comment because I’ve done exactly this more than once. Lesson learned, thank you.


This should be the top answer.


So many people want to be kind and don't know how, and if you're the homeless person receiving "aid" it's a bad look to "umm actually" someone who's just trying to be helpful. More often than not, folks will appreciate the food and be able to find a good home for it even if they don't need it themselves. The problem comes from leaving stuff by where they sleep. Sometimes there are reasons you can't go back to camp for a couple of days, so the stray pests learn that food happens here sometimes and also there's soft, warm cozies around. Imagine coming home and finding rats partying in a cornucopia of spoiled groceries in your living room. No good at all.


A frozen turkey.


(Had a friend who used to send plated meals to the homeless people near her house, occasionally. One day one of them came to her door with a frozen turkey. Someone had driven to the homeless area and handed this woman a frozen turkey. When the woman delivered it she said, "I figured you have an oven, maybe you can use it. What did they think I was going to do with it??? I've got a shopping cart, not an oven.")


As a kid, who was poor but fortunately not homeless, we used to get a bunch of donated turkeys every Thanksgiving. Freezer would be wall to wall turkeys and we would be eating turkey for dinner for what seemed like months. Thank God we are least had a freezer or no doubt much of it would have been wasted.


People always donate turkeys on Thanksgiving, but ignore the rest of the year I guess. But eating turkey for a couple of months is a lot better than eating nothing.


I am thankful for anyone who donated something I ate as a kid, as I don't know where I would be now otherwise... Dead I guess.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Our grocury store used to donate turkeys every year for our christmas drive (about 200 families) but they would run into the issue of people not being able to store or cook them, or just not practical to give a turkey to a family of 1-3 people, so now they give $25 store specific, hand written gift cards for people to get whatever they need


I hate turkey and used to get a coupon for a free turkey where I worked. Luckily the store would let me get a chicken instead. I would buy a hen about the same size as the coupon stated.


It's funny, when my dad worked and we were just kinda poor we would always eat chicken on Thanksgiving because we couldn't afford a turkey and the chicken was cheaper. It was only after we became dirt poor and relying more on food banks did we start having turkey

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Ask them what they want. We had a homeless man, who walked around in a garbage bag, explain people kept giving him clothes and three times he had been attacked for them.


If you’re not sure what they need, ask.


Instead of cash, I asked a man what he wanted from the gas station and he asked for laundry detergent. We always think about food and shelter, which are fundamental. But hygiene is such a larger category of luxury that we take for granted.


Laundry detergent actually sells for a decent price outside of stores. Liquid and pod laundry detergents are some of the most stolen products and typically end up being sold through the black market.


mind explaining why?


because it’s expensive and everyone uses it. If you steal a $20 jug of detergent probably won’t have any trouble getting $10 for it


Laundry detergent is essentially black market cash. It's available everywhere, can be poured out in specific amounts, and has real use. It also has no serial number so it's impossible to track.


so one could call it money laundering?


Its just something everyone needs but most don't want to pay high prices for. Its untraceable and security/police don't care for a $20 product. So thieves steal them, sell them, and do what they want with the money.


Tbh this is gonna sound weird, but homemade food. It’s better to give already packaged, ready made food so that there isn’t any doubt that the food has been tampered with.


Especially the ladies. My female cousin lives on the street on-and-off and has for years. I don't even want to talk about how many times someone tried to drug her with food that was either homemade or in a takeout container before she just stopped taking food from strangers. Though honestly I'm not sure it's better because now she has regular stories of people getting incredibly aggressive and threatening when she refuses to take unsealed food


I know “drinks getting spiked in a club” is a very real thing but I never even thought this is something the homeless also have to deal with, holy fucking shit.


About 12 years ago, a cafe in my hometown laced food with laxatives and handed it out to the homeless population. They then set up a camera outside the one public toilet in the area. I’m so glad that I left that place.


Why would a cafe do that?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Probably either because the employees are just fucking dicks or to somehow maybe get the homeless people to leave the specific spot.


There was a time in my area that people were poisoning homeless via homemade sandwiches.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Someone in my local subreddit reported some asshat was giving out sandwiches with feces in them.


Food that needs to be cooked


Also, food that requires a hard bite - many are in need of dental care.


this! i offered a man a nature valley granola bar once, cause that was all i had, but he turned me down because he couldn't eat it. :(


Offered an apple once. He grinned and handed it back to me. He had only 3 teeth.


This apple scenario also happened to me, so after I would buy a bunch of bananas and give them out along my walk home through east Vancouver. I'd also leave them like little smiles on parking meters, because potassium is sure to spark joy.


We were in Atlanta on a long layover at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. A homeless guy came up and said he hadn't eaten in so long, his colostomy bag was empty... he lifted up his shirt and showed us. We weren't carrying cash, but my wife had a couple of bananas in her purse, which he was quite thankful for.


In the same vein, donate can openers to food banks if you can. And spices.


Donate cash to food banks if you can. They can buy food at wholesale prices which means more food to donate to the community.


They can also spend it on what they need. If a local bakery just donated a bunch of bread they need to get rid of, it wouldn't really be beneficial to donate bread, for example. But the money may buy someone milk instead

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

My dad runs a food bank. Some are cutting off food donations simply because quite a few people unload expired/opened food they do not want


It's referred to as SWEDOW in relief organizations. Shit we don't want. When the tsunami hit Haiti, they couldn't get ships with food and water into their ports because they had ships full of used clothing there that no one would take. It got dumped on their beaches and stayed there for years. Things like old tattered blankets and used tea bags were sent. Someone has to ship, unload, sort, catalog, and dispose of or distribute that crap. Give money instead. Relief workers can buy things wholesale from local vendors for a fragment of the price. People get things they can actually use and it helps rebuild the local economy.


Honestly, food in general can be a problem. Not a lot of people have ways to store/carry/keep anything, and if too many people are giving food, they aren't going to be hungry enough to eat it.


Yes, if you give cash, someone might spend it in ways you don't approve of. But if you give food when a person isn't hungry and can't store it, you're not actually helping anyway.


Source: Was homeless. The only things I wanted were cash and socks.


Mostly related, but I work at a homeless shelter and you would not believe some of the shit that comes through donations. Lingerie, beat up clothing and shoes, outdated appliances... If you want to donate, you can always call ahead and see if the shelter is looking for particular items. Seasonal clothing, hygiene items (NOT half used shampoo bottles) and new socks and underwear are always good ideas.


That reminds me of my time when I worked at a homeless center for mentally ill homeless and I was tasked with sorting out a box of dvd’s that were donated. 75% of the box was porn.


im pretty sure most ppl who 'donate' stuff just have some junk that they don't want to throw away as its perfectly usable, but they have no use or space for.


i think the 'will this actually help whoever im donating to' is secondary to 'not wasting an item' , and in their eyes they are saints for letting another person have their garbage.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

One man’s trash is another man’s wacking material.


I've always thought that donations to shelters (or Goodwill) are just the average person's solution to an inability to part with an obxt by putting it in the trash. I believe my wife has hoarding tendencies; she once saved a broken Keurig coffee maker with the idea that someone would purchase it from Goodwill and proceed to fix it. Talk about a lack of compassion or understanding... giving people broken things that they must repair?!?


I live next to a charity shop with a dumpster outside and there are constantly homeless people digging through it to find anything worth having. I feel like there must be a better system - somewhere people can just heap stuff and anyone can help themselves.


My grandma once watched a homeless woman's bag of stuff break and the woman started crying. My grandma had one of those sturdy reusable grocery bags, she asked the women if she'd like the bag. Grandma gave her the bag and the women acted like she'd been given a million bucks. Sometimes it's the things we'd never expect that mean the world to the homeless.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I have a similar story. I was coming home from work, and a local homeless guy was begging at the train station I got off at. It was winter, and he was in a tee and shorts, one hand holding out his change cup, the other he was just bawling into. I myself was broke as hell (had a roof over my head and a job, but was just getting by). I also knew this bloke happened to be deaf and mute as I’d read his sign a few times before.


I jogged home, went up to the attic where I knew I had a brand new sleeping bag I didn’t need (can’t remember why), went back to the station and kinda knelt in front of him to get his attention. I don’t speak sign language, just awkwardly held the sleeping bag out in front of me and gestured for him to take it. Dude looked at me, down at the bag, back at me, and just wrapped me in a massive bear hug. Cost me nothing, but meant so much to him.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Apples, try softer foods.


You know, I usually take an apple with me to work as an easy snack. On my commute, I usually pass several houseless folks. Typically, I offer them my apple since I usually don’t carry cash/change on me. I was surprised how many of them have refused because they physically don’t think they can bite into an apple without f*cking up their teeth/mouth. Really flabbergasted me at first, thinking a nice nutritious fruit would be a treat. Now I bring oranges and they are thrilled.


Laxatives. This homeless guy that used to live in a nearby bridge was given food that secretly had some sort of laxative in it. Needless to say, he became a lot more wary of free food afterwards. I don’t think they ever found out who the POS that did it was.


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