2021-12-27 木莲 14765

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Bill Phil
, Watched a bunch of space sci fi
Oh no, we’re winning big time. You see, the goal isn’t to actually stop terrorism. No, that’s not even the military’s job. You see, the whole War on Terror thing was a really clever way to create the perfect enemy. An enemy that doesn’t pose a major threat but is really easy to make it seem like a major threat. All you have to do is capitalize on a major terrorist attack that was completely preventable to scare the populace into supporting military action. But the thing is, military action costs money. And that money has to go somewhere.


Think about it. How much does a freaking Humvee cost? Hundreds of thousands of dollars. Guess what? The companies that build ’em make bank. And that’s just Humvees. Imagine tanks, APCs, jets, helicopters, ammunition for these vehicles, fuel for these vehicles, and so on. Some people are making some damn bank on this. The total cost exceeds a trillion USD. And that money went somewhere. Some people had to get rich, or rather richer, off of this. And you know what that trillion plus bought us? Pretty much nothing. Though I suspect that was expected from the beginning.


We didn’t go to the Middle East for their oil. We went there because we could get away with highly expensive but nonetheless low intensity warfare (compared to say, WWII) in an area that most people in the US don’t even care about, if they’re even aware it exists. The government could hand out over a trillion dollars, if not trillions of dollars, to the military contractors. We didn’t go there for oil. We went there for that sweet government cash. Or rather, we sent brave citizens and volunteers there to use expensive equipment that someone made money off of.
So, yeah. We won. We successfully distributed trillions of dollars to military contractors. Only at the cost of a few thousand American lives, lots of government debt, and so much more.
If you can’t tell - I’m quite livid about this whole thing.


Kip Cassino
, former Army Officer, Research Professional, Writer
Any soldier who has fought in one or more of the conflicts our nation has embroiled itself in since World War II must realize that we invariably choose the worst allies possible.
In Korea, the South Korean troops were — for the most part — poorly trained, poorly led, and without discernible morale.


In Vietnam, the South Vietnamese were led by men whose main strategy was to gain as much personal wealth as possible before getting out of their own country. Fraud, embezzlement, and theft were rampant among these venal, greedy men. Their lack of popular support made that war impossible for the south to win.
In Iraq, our State Department sacked the nation’s best leaders and replaced them with political sycophants who used their army as path to personal wealth.
In Afghanistan, we fight the Taliban — an institution created, supported, and nurtured by our erstwhile ally Pakistan, where they also find safe haven. Our allies despise us as they have all foreigners since Alexander the Great, and have been unable to cobble together an army to defend themselves despite more than a decade of intensive training and logistical support.
Every one of these conflicts has these elements in common:


None were wars declared by the U.S. Congress and the will of the American people.
None was entered into with a clear set of obxtives and an exit strategy.
All lasted far longer than they should have.
All put U.S. soldiers in harm’s way defending a civilian population which was at best indifferent and at worst openly belligerent.
Our military victories in all of these conflicts were compromised by their political environment.
Our nation’s fighters are the best in the world. We should be much, much more careful where we send them, and for what reasons.


Demian Rebollo von Düben
, So far, I’ve lived in five countries.
A big boy, tall and strong, undeniably a notorious character in school, becomes the school bully. Everyone at school knows they cannot outpower him. He has the strength, the tenacity, the means, the will, the focus and the determination to subjugate anyone he pleases and all students fear him. But they all know they can outsmart him. With time, he’s by himself or has only a very few henchmen that follow him out of fear, not out of conviction. He starts losing ground when he loses a public fight to a tiny Asian nerd who happens to know and excels in martial arts. He loses adepts, alienates his minions and almost all students lose fear. He still bullies one or two poor guys but his image as the powerful bully is just that. Some still avoid getting on his way but out of caution. He then finds the newcomer, a poor farm boy from Middle East. This new boy seems to be weak and fragile, but after some bullying sessions he decides to counterattack but not by confronting the bully, just by leaving a clever note here and there, putting shoe shine cream on the sandwich the bully stole from his lunch, etc. He makes the bully look really bad but the bully cannot find a way to find when this farm boy plants all his tricks on him. He doesn’t understand why he lost against the Asian guy, why he lost his henchmen and why he is being outsmarted by the Middle Eastern farm boy. Now more students know they too are able to defend themselves from the bully without direct confrontation.
You know, it is the very same movie, just change the actors and you’ll get your answer. I just gave some hints on which actors you need to call.


Michael Frank Gentile
, Manager (2019-present)
At best we'll end up with a stalemate, however the real fallout from the war on terror won't show up until a decade from now when all the orphans we made in the Middle East mature and decided they have a score to settle with America and/ or her commercial investments in the area.
We did ourselves no favors in the way we went about revenge for 9/11. We acted in anger against a country that had nothing to do with the attacks (Iraq) and we are still embroiled in another country which only had indirect involvement (Afghanistan).
But here is the most important things you can consider about our involvement in the Middle East…


The country which had the most involvement, got a free pass, bigger weapons deals from us, and plenty of other support (Saudi Arabia).
Another few odd things about Saudi Arabia is if you place their flag on a black background, the color of Muhammad’s war banners, you have Islamic State's flag.
Saudi Arabia and Islamic State practice the same ultra-conservative version of Islam.
The very same Ghawar oil fields that caused us to mobilize our entire military to protect with Operation Dessert Shield when Saddam Hussien came close, we didn't do a damn thing when Islamic State was within spitting distance.


In Syria, we ignored Islamic State and Al nusra completely and attacked Assad's forces instead. You may recall a group called Al-Qaeda they're the guys who allegedly blew up the WTC. Well, they are Al Nusra. We actually faught right along side the same terrorists whom we lost our Fifth Amendment Rights over in the Patriot Acts.
Saudi Arabia was the country who paid the Al-Qaeda/ Al Nusra terrorists, fifteen out the nineteen were Saudis, who flew the planes into the World Trade Towers.
Here is the CRITICAL THING to understand about our involvement…
So, if it hasn't occurred to you yet, all the above is both True and a Conspiracy. Check my facts. I dare you.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Robert Bray
, Invented the morphing auto-setting wing .
Is it possible that the American public are not following the real news. and that the news they hear is what they are given by a news media that is economically controlled. The Saudi Oil fields sabotage has been blamed on Iran by the USA. Iran denies this. USA government (Trump) blame Iran and impose sanctions and send troops immediately. Even Saudi Arabia are not convinced it was Iran that bombed their facilities. They are the ones with the evidence of bomb fragments. This is typical of all the wars in the Middle East. Remember the “weapons of mass destruction” that were NEVER FOUND.


Take a look at this damning evidence of the 9/11 false flag incident. * Public opinion is manipulated, through fear, by the artificial creation of enemies. The US government starts wars in order to promote the manufacture and sale of arms, funded by the FED in the interests of a sext handful of wealthy families. If you doubt this please read this factual report; ** Overseas people see it clearly from across the oceans because we see both sides of the news. RT and Al Jazeera have far more real evidence in their info on these false flag incidents. Here is a history of false flag incidents. ***


The American public cannot understand the hatred of the Muslim world, as they believe themselves to be the saviours of the Middle East, where it is entirely probable that they are the aggressors. It seems inconceivable to the honest man in the street that would never believe such criminality exists at the highest level. Money is a god and those that worship it can cause war, loss of life and massive cover up campaigns to perpetuate their wealth creation. This is the history of war.


Don’t just believe what you hear on CNN. Use your own intelligence and research this stuff yourself. Remember too that the internet is carefully controlled to bury the damning evidence to pages as far back as necessary, by sorting the articles to commentary created specifically to mislead. Misinformation is a clever game. The losers are the brave patriotic young men and women that die in the Middle East, and the tragic loss to the parents and families. The winners are those who manufacture arms, those who fund this manufacture and those who are the politicians who orchestrate the process.


The war in the Middle East is not intended to be won. It is intended for the benefit of monetary gain by a few. “Follow the money” and you will understand what the reasons for this war are. And if this war ceases to be profitable or if public opinion starts to shift, another war will be created. The wall with Mexico is another such public opinion false flag. The immigrant threat has been used by Trump to create fear and thereby gain support. USA have the best military surveillance systems ( they can spot a matchbox moving from space anywhere on earth) and the best rapid armed response on earth with helicopter assault trooos. The border with Mexico is in open dessert. Not a mouse could move over that border if this military capability was deployed. A wall is a joke. It’s another false flag.


I know this will not get votes and very few will take the trouble to watch the video lixs. This view is so shocking as to seem unpatriotic to the American public. That’s fine. Ask Greta Thunberg what she thinks of American philosophy regarding industrial influence on the climate .
America is becoming the enemy of the rest of the world. Just remember there are over 6 billion people on earth and only 250 million live in the USA. As Greta Thunberg said today at the UN Congress on Climate Change, “How dare you steal my childhood and my future…….” If you are over 50 ask yourself , Is this the future I want to create for my children ……

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Christian Desaix
, M.A. International Relations, Yale University
There is no way to “win” in the Middle East. Islamism and anti-western nationalism aren’t going away. The US can suppress local jihadi groups (ISIL has pretty much been crushed and its fighters slaughtered) but it’s just a game of whack-a-mole. Consider— what began as a simple punitive expedition into Iraq in 2003 to punish an insolent native despot morphed into nation-building, which led to chaos and the proliferation of jihadi groups. What the US would like to see (a secular, stable, liberal-democratic, peaceful region with assured oil flows and no refugeee crises) is never going to happen…and the US has notoriously been unable to conjure up any plans to make it happen. The US can’t “lose”, either— it can’t be driven out by local forces and can choose to stay as long as it wants. But it can’t get what it wants.


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