2022-01-07 tangerl 9289

Ashish Ranjan
My roommate and I, both got placed from campus sextion. Fair enough, isn't it?
After joining the company, within 2 weeks he was thrown out of the company (Syntel) for no reason. They said it was because of his weak communication skill. He became jobless and had a huge amount of loan. Not fair, right?
He tried very hard, but he had his own ego, so he didn't want to join a company which was ready to pay only pennies. Tried for GATE, cleared, but his rank was not enough to get him into a good college. 2 years wasted. Not fair, right?
Ask any jobless youngster, how difficult life is for him, due to family pressure. A fully-grown man, when asks for money for his living expenses from family, certainly torment for self respect as well as ego. Not fair, right?
Where his college-friends were earning, going on-sites, some of them owned flat, four wheeler and all basic luxury. And he was living in the PG, away from home. And he was watching silently, cursing his luck. Life was not fair in any way for him.
3 years passed, he gave a thought for his own start-up. But in 1 year, that start-up failed. Now, he has no job, no money and a life where society started asking questions like, kya kar rahe ho aajkal (what are you doing these days). And a silence from him used to say everything from what he was going through. Is life really fair?
After all these struggles, one thing never happened: he never surrendered. He kept on trying. The Loan amount became huge from big, but he didn't stop. And finally it (hard work) paid off.
Finally, he got a job of an IT officer in State Bank of India. Quite impressive job where, Company provided him a 3 BHK flat in Mumbai, whereas there was a time when he spent 4 years in dormitory. Now, he was provided every luxury which we couldn't earn after 5 years of job. In one year, his life changed from darker to brighter side, from bottom to top.
A question he kept on asking: is life really fair? No, life is not fair for those who surrender. Keep trying until this world justifies your hard work.
The Rest is your wish. Keep cribbing about your shitty life, while sitting whole day on sofa and watching others' life and their success.

他的大学同学们都在赚钱、工作,有些人拥有公寓、汽车和基本的奢侈品,而他住在 PG ,远离家乡,他默默地看着,咒骂着自己的运气太差,生活对他来说一点也不公平。
最后,他在印度国家银行找到了一份 IT 主管的工作,这是一份令人印象深刻的工作,公司在孟买给他提供了一套三居室的公寓,而有一段时间他在宿舍住了4年,现在,他获得了我们工作5年后都无法获得的一切奢侈品,在一年的时间里,他的生活从黑暗变得光明,从底层到顶层。

Quincy Larson
Life is not fair. And the most defining fact of your life - where you're born - is completely out of your control.
This is how the world would look if countries were proportioned based on their infant mortality rate instead of their land mass.
If you were born in the United States - where my daughter was fortunate enough to be born - you have an almost 100% likelihood of surviving your first year of life.
If you are born in Afghanistan, there's a 15% chance you won't even make it to your first birthday.
For the 140,000 babies that die every year in Afghanistan, the world is a very unfair place.
The truth is, life isn't fair for sure.The world we live in is destined to be an imperfect one.


Akshay Kamthan
My friend mom died of cancer at age 34, he was just 11 years old then. Soon his father also left, he was 17 years old then.
He was brave, never cried in front of me although I knew he was sad.
He has a small brother so after school he started working at a call centre to earn a living, he also joined a course in a govt. College where teachers hardly come just because he wanted to earn a degree and that was the cheapest option available. I told him many times I could help him but never once he took my help.
He wanted to be a doctor but he could not afford to become one.
Now look at me.
I am blessed to have my parents, I get hot home cooked from my mother everyday. I get to buy new clothes through my father's salary. I have two sisters but I don't have to be burdened with responsibility because my mom and dad are there to take care of them till I establish my career. I am an engineer now, my dad paid my college fees which was in lakhs. They call me daily to know about my health. I ignore their call sometimes because I am "too busy" playing games or roaming around with friends.
I wanted to become a pilot, an actor, an artist and what not. And yes I can afford to become any of that still.
You think life is fair?
The only thing this life teaches us that we should cherish everyone who care about us and never ever ignore them. Life is really hard for some people only we don't realize it.


Aini Zia
Life is brutally unfair.
I had a very close friend in my highschool. I will not reveal her name but she was the best human I have ever seen. She was ambitious, energetic, fun loving and studious.
But let me tell you why I am mentioning her here, in this question. She was an orphan. First her father met with an accident when she was just 7 years old. Post that her mother died because she was not able to come out of the shock she got after her husband's death. There was only one brother left, who was her family. They spent their childhood together with their grandfather who took all the expenses of their education and living. Her brother grew up and went to other city for job and she was left alone. Her brother lost interest in her, he didn't even meet her for years, didn't send a single penny although she was her only family. He denied all her responsibility. She used to cry a lot. Then another shocking incident took place. Her grandfather, who took all her expences, died. She didn't get food, nothing. One of her father's sister kept her in her house after the request of other relatives. She used to beat her, curse her, force her to do all her daily chores. All she got was a day old dry chapati to eat. One day her uncle came and promised her that he will arrange school fees for her.
She got admission in my school. She became my friend. She told her heart breaking stories to me and wept. I consoled her but I was not able to do anything for her. I felt how luxurious life I am living, then also I am complaining 24×7 about everything. She brought dry bread to school which sometimes had fungus over it. I used to get furious when I saw that. Then I somehow arranged to bring two tiffins, one for me and one for her. I introduced her to my mother. She often visited my house. My mother used to give her some money for her expenses.
Sometimes she saved a few pennies and bought gifts for me. I scolded her for doing so but really her love for me was out of this world.
We are still friends but there is no contact because she went out for further studies. Here is an image of a gift she once gave me, a Maybelline baby lips lip balm.
I still keep it as a memory and an evidence of our beautiful friendship.


Tashi Doji
“Life is valuable things on earth without it nothing can be done”. Sometime life take us in darker way and some time it take us in brighter way but whatever it all depends on individual decision. Yes, life is fair when we are fair to ourselves and life is unfair when we cheat ourselves. Some time I personally believe to the wordings “god help those who help themselves”.
Life is fair because those people who is dedicated, committed to their plan are reaching their goals and those who remain lost remain constant. Life pays only to those who deserve it. There is nothing to feel depress thinking that life is unfair as it all up to you weather you want fair life or not.
Different people have different perception about life, some says life gives justice according to past generation deeds means karma. Some says is all depends on the law of country and some strongly belief life depends on our presents deeds means the hard work and dedication we have towards our plan. The above mention are all verifiable and we have to accept the fact.
I want to conclude saying that life depends on your deeds and your frx of mind so always believe in god, be dedicated and be focus then only life will be fair to you.

是的,当我们对自己公平时,生活是公平的; 当我们欺骗自己时,生活是不公平的,很多时候我个人都相信“自助者天助”的说法。

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Dylan Woon
This was me presenting in my university in Malaysia, several years ago.
In some sense, I am privileged.
I had access to the Internet, formal education and do not have to worry about basic shelter, water and food.
In some sense, I am underprivileged.
I am not born rich, I am not as good-looking as the Hollywood stars and definitely not coming from a royal background.
Is life fair?
No, and that’s the reality.
So, what can we do?
If we are unprivileged, we work extra hard and extra smart.
If we are privileged in some way, we lift people up.
As I am writing this, I am certainly aware that the lives of the extremely-underprivileged can be tough. I’ve seen them with my very own eyes.
However, instead of mentally resisting unfairness, it’s more constructive to play our parts and make our world a better place, together.
After all, everyone starts from somewhere.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Hkon Hapnes Strand
Life, as a naturally occuring phenomenon, is neither fair nor unfair. Over time, living organisms that are better at competing for natural resources and preying upon others are statistically more likely to survive. There is nothing fair or unfair about this. It’s just what happens when there is a biosphere with individual entities that are dependent on energy to endure.
The human species has proven to be exceptionally successful in the competition of life. So successful, in fact, that the vast majority of us will have all the resources we need by default. This has given us time to reflect and invent the concept of fairness. We have tried to create an internal system where each and every one of us will be given equal opportunities to survive and endure.
Have we succeeded in creating a perfect system that’s fair for all? Of course not. But it’s getting better and better. By pretty much all indicators, our society is constantly improving in the ways we want it to improve. Life is fairer than it’s ever been.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Awdhesh Singh
Life is what it is.
It is the definition of the word “Fair” that is the problem.
Please remember that life is a creation of Nature (or God), while the word fair itself is a human invention.
Nature follows the law of the survival of the fittest
Fairness means treating people equally without favoritism or discrimination.
Thus fairness goes against the basic law of nature. It, however, sells well in this world because most people feel that they are treated unfairly.
Can you treat people equally when they are not equal.
How can you treat Gandhi and Hitler equally when their actions were different?
How can you treat man and woman equally when their biology is different?
How can you treat good and bad people equally when their deeds are different?
How can an organization treat an intelligent and a stupid employee equally when their abilities are different?
The greatest hypocrisy of human being is that they won’t even notice when they receive a privilege. However, when someone else receive any privilege, they cry foul and say that they are being treated unfairly.
Since a society has to reward people with excellence so that more and more people give their best, the allegation of unfairness is bound to be labeled by those who are left out in the race.
Since you can’t win every race of life, you are bound to feel that the life is unfair to you most of the time.

问题在于 "公平 "这个词的定义。

Aitijya Sarkar
I recently spent three hours with a man who makes a total of six thousand rupees each month.
A family that's poor and lives in a broken down building with a tin-thatched roof, he has less than you do, today.
He'd been inviting me to drink for months now and I finally said yes.
By the end of the night, I was glad I did.
Because the man — the man was such a beautiful human being.
That's what astounded me. It just didn't make sense.
His life was a tale worthy of a book, so many losses, a tale from the forgotten underbelly of Kolkata — a place where the rich never visit and the poor thrive in.
Three months ago, he saved a young boy from certain death to be hit by a car in the process.
As he lay there surrounded by a pool of blood, no one came to pick him up.
Not even the little boy who he'd tried to save.
They left him, and when he regained consciousness his wallet and phone were stolen.
He'd be in the hospital for months after and his family would then incur an incredible amount of debt.
He had a father who'd never been kind to his wife, or his two sons, yet this man somehow found the strength to tell me, “You never get to choose your parents.”
A heart that has been trampled on for years and years past.
A friend who was murdered.
A girlfriend who left him when it was time to marry.
A brother who worked two jobs to feed the family and pay off his father's sins.
A mother, not so young anymore, beaten and broken by this cruel world.
And him.


By the end of that night, I'd very little to say.
I sat in front of him with a bottle of rum and coke and we shared silence once he concluded how his life has been so far.
On most days, I can sing poems and talk so wonderfully about hope, and faith, and kindness but that night — that night my voice failed me.
His eyes — I wish I could describe what they told me.
I think that's when I realized.
Why he'd asked to speak to me, spend time with me, and drink with me.
He just needed company. He needed to be heard. He needed someone to hear his woeful tale of sorrow.
He needed — someone.
I said, “Do you think life is unfair, Dada?”
I asked him — because everyone knows him to be this kind and gentle human being who always helps everyone.
I wanted to know what drove him.
I wanted to know how could you still be kind when the world has been nothing but cruel to you.
To learn. To understand. To share it with the people I meet who tell me that the world is cruel and unfair.
That's when he says, “Bhai, if I tell you, you won't mind will you?”
I say, “Of course not.”
He says, “Only the rich have time to think about whether life is fair. The poor — people like us — for us life is just what we do.”
This blew my mind, so I ask, “What do you mean?”
He says, “If people like us sit down to think whether life is fair — we wouldn't be able to feed ourselves. Because there's no other way. We just do because we have to.”

他需要—— 一个人。
这让我大吃一惊,于是我问:" 什么意思?"

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