2022-01-08 Kira_Yoshikage 12725

What is a survival myth that is completely wrong and could get you killed?


Rationing water is generally a terrible choice - drink what you have until it’s gone. Use that time with good hydration levels to take stock of your situation and make good choices.


Decision making and physical ability drop off very quickly when you are dehydrated. The first decisions you make after realizing you are in a survival situation are critical and pay long dividends.


Most survival situations are resolved within 72 hours and many hikers are found dead in the desert with full water bottles.


Perhaps not really a myth, but something people may think is true after watching people get rescued from the water on TV. "get them breathing and send them on their merry way"


If you rescue someone from a near drowning, they still need to go to the hospital, even though they are safely on land now.


The lungs are coated with a slippery mucous like substance called a surfactant. It's kind of a lubricant and it keeps them from collapsing and sticking to themselves. If they ingested a lot of water into the lungs, chances are they have washed away the surfactant. Their lungs could collapse at any moment and their ability to uptake oxygen is reduced. Get the survivor on oxygen.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

source: rescue trained scuba diver here.


I saw a heartbreaking story about this on a documentary, where a kid had survived a potential drowning. Everyone thought he was fine and he was functioning normally, so went home with his family. Later that day his lungs collapsed and he dropped dead.


That bears can’t run down hills. They can. They’ll get you too.


I was actually going to try and find this fact and what do you know, it’s at the top!


Bears are no joke, they run, climb and swim like a damn CrossFit junkie jacked up on meth.


Another thing is they don’t gas out quickly, I’ve seen videos of bears running full speed than swimming across a river and running full speed again to catch prey.




The best defense against a bear is a .22 cal pistol. I was walking with my buddy one time, and a big mean bear came out of the woods.I pulled out the .22, shot my buddy in the knee, and walked off at a brisk pace. That bear never even bothered with me.


Drowning people do not cry for help or make gestures to try and get someone’s attention.


What they are doing is trying to stay afloat and trying to catch their breath; never count on a cry for help!


It usually looks like someone is trying to climb an invisible ladder with their hand barely above the water, and unless you're a world champ water polo player, do not approach without a floatation device. They are desperate and you will become their floatation device, which can result in both of you drowning.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This is true of trauma/injuries too. People who are seriously hurt aren't usually the ones screaming and flapping around. They'll more likely be in shock or losing consciousness. If you are on scene at a large accident like a traffic collision or something and it's safe to help, look out for the quiet people


If you go into a lake when in a car dont wait until the car fills with water, just open the window and get out ASAP. If you wait, you could be 200 feet down or flipped over on the bottom. The power will still work for a short time. It only takes a few seconds.


Zigzag to escape an alligator.


Alligators can turn, but can/will only run in short bursts. Just run as fast as you can.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Fun fact: alligators only run for short durations because the way they wiggle when they run compresses their lungs so they can’t breathe while running.


That you can easily disarm someone holding you at gun point


"You won't need that we won't be gone long."

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Carry basic survival tools whenever you go out hiking, hunting, camping, etc.


Things like a magnesium with flint and steel fire starter, a life straw or water purification tablets don't weigh much or take up much space and can be a lifesaver.


Many get lost on short trips or get injured leaving them stuck in the wilderness. It doesn't take a massive forest or jungle to get lost.


In my personal hunting pack I always carry a survival knife, firestarter, and lifestraw. These three items may not guarantee survival, but they improve my odds.


Do not wander off to look for help. STAY PUT! Stay by your car, or wherever you realise that you are lost. The more you move, the harder it gets for rescue to find you. Make yourself visible, but do not try to find the way back yourself. You already don't know where you are, you don't know where you're going!


I don't know if this is considered as a survival myth but engaging street fights is never a good option. If there is is an altercation that may lead to a street fight, just stay calm and run away from the situation. No one wins real street fight someone will either end up in a hospital or in a funeral that's just the truth.


Punching the biggest guy in prison on your first day


Real talk, from an actual former criminal, your best bet in jail/prison is to just be normal and blend in. It isn't as extreme as media makes it out to be.


If you're nice and chill do they leave you alone?


I think it probably depends on the prison & the people in it. My dad was nice to the guards and mostly kept his head down and he was pretty much left alone, and any small disputes were pretty quickly & peacefully resolved. They taught him how to make dream catchers and he just made a bunch of those to pass the time. He told me he’d give them to the guards & they’d sometimes give him candy bars or whatever. I still have the little pink one he made for me.


Used to work in a prison, I can comment on this.


Whenever you see those prison TV shows about the new people getting harassed and tested as soon as they come to the cell block for the first time That's really not what happens most of the time in real life and those dudes are just doing it for the camera knowing that if they do something big, it'll make it onto a TV show.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

It also really depends on what kind of facility you're in. If you're in low security prison and most of those dudes are going home someday, they arent going to want to fuck up their chances of going home on time by doing something stupid like getting into a fight with you.


If you're also in a high security prison, most of those dudes aren't going to want to fuck with you anyway, because ironically, the highest security inmates were the most well-behaved ones that I ever interacted with. It took me awhile to come to this conclusion, but I believe the reason is because most of those dudes have accepted their fates and know that if they act up in prison, it's just going to make their lives harder and they know they ain't going nowhere. We had a small residential building in one of the facilities I worked at that came with the most privileges and you had to meet a very strict set of post incarceration behavioral criteria in order to be housed there. It was full of people with the worst crimes you can imagine. Infantcide, incestual rape, murder, dismemberment, torture, animal abuse.


The medium facilities are what's really going to get you though. Lots of wannabe tough guys in there who are doing their first long stint and have a chip on their shoulder with something to prove. Although still highly unlikely to be messed with, the medium security facilities do offer the highest chances of it.


All in all, the way prison is portrayed in both reality and scxted TV shows and movies is laughable to anyone who's ever been on the inside, either side of the bars. The vast majority of people in those facilities are just people trying to live their lives the best they can under their current circumstances and won't go out of their way to cause trouble. Not to say it won't happen but the best thing to do if you start to get fucked with is to fight back. Stand up for yourself if somebody steals your stuff or cuts in line in the chow hall. Once people know that you'll put up a fight if you try to push them around, they'll leave you alone.


What you need to do is start working out now, so when you get imprisoned, you're the biggest guy in prison. Then you punch yourself, and everybody will keep away from the big crazy guy.


Landing in water from high up is going to kill you. 10 meters, 15, maaaaaybe 20, you might you'll probably be fine if you land properly. Get much higher than that is getting into broken bones and death territory.


Not really advice, but it was a funny thing my brother said. "If you ever fall from an airplane and you have the choice between concrete and water, choose concrete. At least that way your freshly crippled body won't have to try and swim afterwards."


Building a raft to sail to civilization if you ever find yourself marooned on a deserted island. Stay on the island and be found alive vs never found or found dehydrated and dead of exposure.


Also walking to safety if you get lost and your car breaks down. Stay with the vehicle. They always find the vehicle. It’s inhabitants… not so much.


If you're that fucked... burn a tire a bit away from the car. Thick black smoke will be visible for a long ways.


Small plane pilot here, I can see smoke from really far, and it always grabs attention and merits a diversion.


I’ve dispatched fire trucks more often than I thought I’d do to deal with fires.


I fly low enough to tell if it’s a controlled fire or not.


Black smoke is visible right away, and will have every pilot in the area flying to you and reporting it.


Thank fuck because every movie or TV show has basically shown that every pilot is blind as shit and never reports anything. It's actually great to know that it's observed and reported.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yep. If you need to signal a plane for help, wave both arms back and forth; that's the signal for "I'm in trouble and I need help."


Blackhawk helo pilot. Smoke in the air coming from the ground for pilots is comparable to a pulled over car in the ditch with its hazards on. Everyone slows down and is like oooo what happened. Same concept from the air.


Unless you are in immediate danger like a wildfire or a flooding stay put. Wandering around uses up a lot of energy and has an increased risk of getting yourself injured or more lost. To me it was always weird why people abandon their cars. Cars are shelter and much easier to spot by rescue teams.


Also, if you end up somewhere because you washed up after a boat sank or you were in a plane crash, there's a decent chance people know that you're missing and know vaguely where you are (unless you have Tom Hanks levels of bad luck). Moving away from there will get you less likely to be found

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I've heard stories of rescuers finding empty cars when sometimes gone missing, then either finding the person (or their body) days or weeks later, because it's really easy to spot a car in a desert, or at least easier than a person.


Don’t drink water from cactus, it’s not potable and likely to trigger vomiting/diarrhea and you will get more dehydrated.


Yes, I believe there’s this one very specific species where the water is safe to drink, but in general cactus water is a big no no


Some of the few species you can drink water from is the beaver tail cactus and a the fish hook barrel cactus


If you get stabbed by something, DO NOT try to remove the obxt. You will make it worse and potentially bleed to death, depending on where you were stabbed, if you try and pull it out. Leave it be and get help.


“Follow flying birds to find water.” They could be flying anywhere.


Like away from the water they were just at.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yeah, even if all birds did was fly to and from sources of water, 50% of the time this strategy still wouldn't work


Most people probably are aware of this, but if you're legit suffering from diarrhea, you need to be doing more than just drinking water because you're also losing a lot of salts/electrolytes and not replenishing those can really fuck you up.


You can make a pretty basic Pedialyte/Gatorade at home from adding 6 teaspoons of sugar and a half teaspoon of salt per liter of water. It won't taste super great, but you can throw in other flavorings to mask it like lemon juice or similar.


I did peace corps in a tropical region and most of the volunteers came to dread the inevitable parasite/gi infection episodes not just because of being incredibly sick but also because of having to drink liters and liters of ORS, which is peace corps' preferred pedialyte knock off haha.


Most pharmacies stock electrolyte powder, it’s worth having a few sachets available for when you need it. Tastes bloody awful but will make you feel a lot better.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Those electrolyte sachets are surprisingly expensive in some countries, like $10-15 for a small packet ...

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

A packet of powdered-soup / soup powder does exactly the same job, and is usually 50c or $1. Bonus: it usually tastes better.


Everyone focuses on food and water but completely underestimates how quickly exposure will kill you dead. In some cases, you wont last 24 hours.


Bonus addition to this: every guide i have ever read says to make fire first. Making fire is fucking hard sometimes. There are many environments where you flat cannot guarantee a good fire (deserts, because of lack of fuel and anything especially wet).


If you get halfway through the night and realize you cant make fire, you are going to have problems.


So make shelter. You can ALWAYS guarantee a shelter and insulated sleeping spot. Make sure your bedding is at least 4 inches thick when you lay on it. I guarantee youll underestimate just how bad the ground sucks the heat out of you.


Make your shelter as small, thick and weatherproof as possible.


Went for a survival camp in the forest with scouts once, the first shelter I made was really tall (about 4 feet) and I didn’t put much insulation in it and was freezing, the next shelter I made was between two fallen logs and stuffed as much moss as I could in all the cracks, had about 4 inches of moss and pine needles on the ground and on the roof, I actually got too hot during the night, but I’d rather wake up in a pool of sweat than freeze my nuts off.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Don't tie a rope around your waist and expect it to save you from a fall. Sure, it might prevent you from hitting the ground, but you can still damage your internal organs and break your back doing this. Safety harnesses go around your hips and legs, not your waist.


Mythbuster tested the myth about ships dragging people down with them. They rated this myth as false. But they were wrong.


Large ships are incredibly dangerous when they are sinking, they can drag you down with them or they can roll on top of you. You should always swim away from them.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Also modern boats are full of fuel oil, lubricating grease, hydraulic oil, diesel, and a wide variety of other fluids which both float on water and are flammable. It's quite difficult to clear your face, eyes, and hair if you surface through a heavy slick of this crap. Additionally it's dangerous and difficult to swim through a floating debris field, especially if you're now blind.


Bottom line, if you have to bail without a lifeboat, do it on the windward side of the boat because the wind will help push the oil slick and debris away from you.


They teach this in the navy


Alcohol does not warm you up. You feel warm since its dilating your blood vessels in your face and extremities but that causes you to lose more heat to the environment and therefore will make you die of hypothermia quicker if anything.


You die quicker. But it prevents frostbite. So It depends on expected length of cold exposure


If lost in a hot desert, do NOT ration out your water. Drink when you are thirsty and stay hydrated with what you have, even if it only lasts a couple hours - just to keep your mind/body working. Lost hikers have been found dead with plenty of water by their sides because they tried to ration it, became dehydrated without realizing it and eventually died.


And no, I still don't know if drinking your pee is a survival alternative.


is this a myth?


if you're wandering in the wilderness, wondering if the plants and water are safe to eat and drink, watch what the animals do. they will show you the safe plants and water.


spoiler: this is not true. many animals are evolved to consume things that are poisonous to us, or nutritionally valueless.


case in point: vultures


I don’t know if this is a tip necessary but humans can easily go a week if not 2 without any food. No water is another story so that’s more important if you ever find yourself in that situation.


Reminds me of the survival rule of 3.


You can generally survive:


3 minutes of non breathable air.


3 days without drinkable water.


3 weeks without food.


Edit: 3 hours of exposure to extreme hot/cold. Thanks to other commenters for this one.


Edit to say that these aren’t hard timers. More of a guide that if you fix that problem within that time frx you can survive/recover without, hopefully, permanent damage to your body.


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