2022-01-10 JOJOyu 27566


Rickvanman - Variety Channel
Really enjoyed that, interesting to see the Chinese bullet train, very sleek. Glad to hear it was a comfortable journey.


linoox lee
An important reminder for foreign tourists: According to the relevant regulations of the state, all railway stations must provide luggage storage services. When you take the train to a location, you can leave your luggage at the train station, then go out to play, and pick up your luggage after you return. I used this method when I went to Wuzhen from Shanghai. Depart from Shanghai by high-speed train, arrive at the train station, and store your luggage at the luggage storage at the train station. It is actually a row of cabinets. After you register, the administrator gives you the password for the cabinet. You put your luggage in the cupboard and went out to play. When you come back, open the cabinet with your password and you can take your luggage and go to other cities. The price of the stored luggage is about 5 yuan for the small cabinet and 10 yuan for the large cabinet.


plant flower
Some people got a little older, they do not like the seat toilet.


When people are rush in time they will buy ticket even the seats are fully booked


Northwest Southwest Trains
I thoroughly enjoyed this video. I’m glad to see your bullet train experience was better than the last one.


You are late. Language is necessary to avoid scrambles. There are so many people, there is no time for western nonsense.


Zimu Li
I just found your video and I like it very much. China is a very good tourist destination, where people are friendly, food is everywhere, the scenery is unlimited, the transportation is convenient, and most importantly, China is very safe. Welcome to my country, China


John Doe
Same price for standing is trying to avoid train too crowd.


thailand phil
nice one mate, i was surprised to hear a English announcement on the train.

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junior luis
haha, youtube recommendation randomly recommended this video and after I clicked it, I found one of my classmates in your video, what are the odds.


wilbur smith
Thanks to you both first time have seen one interesting, be safe and look forward to seeing more of your journey.


Tiger Leaping Gorge, Lijiang. That's where I proposed to my wife.

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Jian Wang
Nice! Thanks for your video introducing bulletin train in side China!


Kin FR L
westerners travel to asia should always respect the local culture and people


This line is a legacy railway until Dali. The top speed is only 140km/h. Dali to Kunming is 200 km/h.


Island Ceo
Name on ticket must the be the same on your passport or identity card!

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J Zeng
Chinese people can book tickets online with their ID cards, and they can enter the station with their ID cards, so most Chinese people do not need to wait in line. Foreigners can book tickets online with their passports, but they must go to the station's manual window to collect their tickets. Although China now has 35,000 kilometers of high-speed rail, it still cannot fully meet the travel needs of Chinese people. Therefore, many tickets are not seated, but the fare is not reduced.


Norris Hohn
I travel first class in one of these high-speed bullet trains from Shenyang to Beijing and that ride was very smooth.


Brian Rayment
You do know that you can book your ticket oline and have the tickets delivered to your hotel room


Frederic N
Fantastic, I think eventually bullet trains would be everywhere in China


Airport is snazzy same with train. Michelle! There's our beautiful lady. How are you? Steve, thank you for the tour. Can you bring your own snacks? Standing room only. Poor souls. Squat toilets?! Oh no. My shoes, hat and Hope to stand from that position gone down the gurgler.

火车站和机场一样时髦。米歇尔! 我们美丽的女士。你好吗?史蒂夫,谢谢你带我参观这趟旅程。你可以自带零食吗?只有站立的空间,可怜的家伙。蹲厕? ! 哦,不。我的鞋子、帽子和希望从那个位置站起来的愿望都消失了。

Kaisong Huang
welcome my hometown yunnan,i am born in zhaotong of yunnan province


Nehco Oahnait
11:45 yeah, right there... that attitude... omg... try taken Dutch trains once... some people have to stand for 1 to 2 hours if they take a long journey in the Netherlands, siting on the stairs right next to the entrance... or perhaps metro in any big cities...


For Chinese CITIZEN with ID card, they can use paperless service to the seat directly now. But for foreign citizen, you still need provide E-TICKET NO. to get your paper ticket before you borading.


Yan Chan
i'm really curious about there's NO one police going to take a VISA check from u just like what i experienced in Europe quiet weird


The high-speed train stations have their logic. You are just not very used to it. Consider the scale of operation, how many people do you think will go through those stations and travel in those trains on a daily base? The fact that you can smoothly go through the whole process IS based on the reality that the stations and train routes are highly organized, just not quite the way you expected. If you ask anybody who frequently travels in China, they will tell you how organized the train system is actually.


Squat toilets are modern toilets too! Please do not discriminate against squat toilets... It is actually good to your health


Anakin Fu
i hate when people play music without using earphone,


Rorschach Got Nice Mask
By the look of your train, that's not really the "bullet train". That's the old version of the high-speed train which goes up to 215km/h I think. I took that train quite often when I was in uni. back in 2012. Btw, the tickets for the so-called sec-class, whether they are with or without seats, are just tickets for the carriage. You book earlier, you get seats as extras, you book late, you get the basics. That's kinda a feature of socialism society, they secure everyone's basic requires first, then comes the desires of comfort from fewer ppl.


China Hamyku
Lijiang ancient city is a famous scenic spot in Southwest China,you can feel the charm of Chinese traditional culture there. Kunming is called "Spring City" in China. It has a good climate all year round.If you have time, you can go to Xishuangbanna, where the scenery and architecture are like Southeast Asia.


There are two types of high speed train in china, one is D type (max 250km/h), another is G type(max 350). And also train speed in east part (rich area)of china is about 50km/h faster than west (poor area) due to cost issue. If you take the train from beijing to Shanghai or to guangzhou, you will experience the 350km/h.


It’s not the cost issue. West you got mountains and tunnels so the speed cannot go top


rong wang
Of course, it is not easy for you to understand a country with 1.4 billion, because you are lucky Aussie.


There was a sitting toilet in ancient China, but it also brought bad problems. Squat toilets can often exercise the functions of the legs, which can prevent the degradation of knee and ankle joints.


Chiang Wang
Yes it’s absolutely a wise idea to bring a noise cancellation headphone with you when traveling by train in China, too noisy sometimes, especially when you’re surrounded by some kids. I take my “Bose QC35 II”.

是的,当你在中国坐火车旅行时,带一个消除噪音的耳机绝对是个明智的主意,有时太吵了,尤其是当你被一些孩子包围的时候。我就带着我的“Bose QC35 II”耳机。

Andy Minerd
This is DongChe, not GaoTie. GaoTie is the high speed train. DongChe is in between regular train and High speed train. I believe there is no regular train anymore in China. The difference is the local train stops at small towns, DongChe only stops at cities. Cell phone is the main entertainment platform, so there is no to point put entertainment system on a three hours train.


Jake Ma
In high seasons, many people hurry to their destinations, and the high-speed rail seats are not enough. Those passengers would prefer to buy no-seat fare with the same price as seat fare. If the no-seat fare is lower than the seat fare, it will cause the revenue lost in low seasons because everyone will buy the no-seat passengers to substitute empty seats by themselves. Yet high/low seasons are dynamic, so to avoid the confusion, the one price policy will be the best rule.


Cory Plum
The stand tickets have same price as second class tickets, not cheaper a bit. It's for those people who don't want to wait more time to take trains for seats later.


The people would queue up in front of the check-in gate... according to the scheduled train arrival (as indicated on the sign board above the exit gate)... No pushing or cut queuing is required.. but expect many people checking in..!


Li Fu
Chinese citizens and residents can save the e-tickets in their ID cards so they don’t have to get the paper tickets. If you are not one of them or you bought your ticket using other identifications such as a passport, then you must go to the counter and get a paper ticket. Another point is that the gate opens at most 15 minutes prior to the departure so you don’t have be there too early. Hope these tips help :)


Russian Severe Videos
If you don't like security queues then don't visit Moscow's suburban stations :)


Kan Ding
That's the good thing about the trains. They can load more ppl than the seats. You can always jump onto a full train with a standing ticket if you are really in a hurry. Therefore you can literally plan your trip hours ahead instead of weeks ahead. The price has to be the same otherwise everyone would get the cheaper standing tickiet... I'll do without a seat if it saves money


Nehco Oahnait
I did read articles about the problematic railway state management in Beijing Southern station... not sure if that applies to all other places. When I visited Beijing in 2013 that station looked so freaking awesome and in 2019 it just disappointed me with that excessive amount of souvenir stores... I wonder why they didn’t clean the roof in May... I could still see the sand (kind of) from the last sandstorm in spring. It honestly started to affect the natural lighting in the station at daytime...


China is a country with a strong infrastructure and a very safe country, so you can go out at two in the evening


Hengpeng Wu
If standing ticket is much cheaper people will just buy standing ticket .


Andy Chow
Which hole in the world you crawl out from my dear friend. Don't comment on other countries culture and how people in that particular country behave if you do not understand. Where is your manners when you start filming others without permission ?

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Renee Cheung
If the standing tickets are much cheaper, then I'm afraid a lot of people will take advantage of it by just buying standing tickets but taking whatever empty seats. In the worst scenario, the rail network operators will be bankrupt. Haha. Nice video, btw.


chris wilson
You are wrong, there is no stand ticket in bullet train.

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ben p
Yes .there is stand ticket in high speed train.the same price


@ben p are you sure? I never seen anyone standing in a high speed train!


ben p
It is definitely true that many G or D trains have stand tickets and I have purchased it same price as normal seat for a couple times..

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In fact, I don't understand why a seatless ticket costs the same as a seat ticket....


anthony chan
You see the differences between US WARS and China peaceful solutions. US bridges and roads are the same third world countries. Even airports are the worst in the world. OHara, Kennedy and LA airports are the worst in the world. To get there another nightmare. US, British are warmongers. They are falling behind China now. See for yourself.


Whistler Water
Steve and Michelle, ignore the nasty comments. You are just a nice couple experiencing the world and sharing your experiences. No need to be politically correct for the place you visit or the place you come from. Just enjoy travelling, filming and vblogging.


John Smith
China is not a SouthEastern Asian Country, you id!ot. I am sure France is a South European Country.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

These queues are horrible. I waited four hours the last time in Chengdu until we started shouting that our train was leaving. Please help us!


Steve Owens
Oh dear, I feel that pain :(


@Steve Owens the bad thing is that the queue is for people without Chinese ID, and you see one after another taking their Chinese ID. They should just use the machine


CH Jin
If your train was leaving. You can go to the front and they will understand and help. Just say sorry to everyone in the queue. Chinese are friendly.


CH Jin
@Alex If you're standing in a queue waiting to check in, don't worry, all passengers will get on the train. They will not stop checking tickets until everyone check in.


tickets are on the way. No more printing the physical tickets in some regions.


@Alex I don't quite get your point. You said you were queuing at the line for foreigners, so those "selfish travelers" were actually all foreigners?


@yvonnezyh no the people in the queue are mostly Chinese who don't want to use the machine for some reason, even if they can and we offered them help.


Jack Lee
I son't see any pushing. Stop inventing excuses and go back to Australia for good.


A Fun Guy Named Kawhi
You are from the UK right? How often your train are on time LOL. You get an attitude problem, don't come back to China.


Luk Chen
Im taiwanese and i miss so much my motherland


Michael Wu
Luca's shadowroom Taiwanese is Chinese, similar to that beijinger is chinese as well


Luca's shadowroom
@Michael Wu yeah, you can say that, but actually, you can reply to me in Chinese bro~


CH Jin
Security checks are necessary. A massacre occurred at Kunming Railway Station a few years ago.

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Anna Grudina
The policy of the ousted South Korean President Park Geun-hye was a confrontation with North Korea instead of social and economic development. The policy of Tsai Ing-wen is similar to that of Park Geun-hye. In this case the confrontation with mainland China. She gains popularity because of her confrontation with mainland China and not because she is competent. If she were a competent leader she would focus on the social and economic development of Taiwan as her major focus. Because she is not able to do this she uses confrontation with mainland China to gain popularity. She's just a selfish politician, especially as she knows Taiwan is facing its worst long term economic crisis ever. Taiwan has long been in a decline since early 2000 and there's no recovery in sight. If Tsai Ing-wen's party continues to win and there is no larger integration to China's economy, especially China Greater Bay Area (GBA), in 20 years Taiwan will fall behind Malaysia!

被赶下台的韩国总统朴槿惠的政策是与朝鲜对抗,而不是发展社会和经济。蔡英文的政策与朴槿惠类似,即在现在的情况下与中国大陆的对抗。她受欢迎不是因为她有能力,而是因为她与中国大陆对抗。如果她是一位称职的领导人,她将把台湾的社会和经济发展作为她的主要工作重点。由于她做不到这一点,所以她利用与中国大陆的对抗来获得人气。她只是个自私的政客,尤其是在她知道台湾正面临有史以来最严重的长期经济危机的情况下。台湾自2000年初以来一直处于衰退状态,目前还看不到复苏的迹象。如果蔡英文的政党继续获胜,与中国大陆(尤其是是中国大湾区)经济没有更大的整合, 20年后台湾将落后于马来西亚!

Never, never support Taiwan independence. If Taiwan become independence both Taiwan and the motherland wouldn't benefit. The one that benefits the more is United Snake of Evilmerica. Evilmericans they just can't wait any longer to see Chinese killing Chinese. If China and Taiwan start a war, the Evilmericans will sure to celebrate much bigger than they celebrate Christmas.


Jack Lee
Please get fellow Taiwanese united against your Tsai I-wen and his China hawks. Overseas Chinese Taiwan united with motherland for the sake of future generations of Chinese, not the political parties they belong to.


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