2022-01-15 wuhaowsh 12066


Dennis Manning
Here’s how one can raise themselves out of poverty, and you can thank the Brookings Institute (a left-leaning think tank) and the Heritage Foundation (a right-leaning one). Their results were the same.
This works regardless of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identification, wealth status, etc. It requires steps.
Get employed and maintain employment.
Wait until you are past 21 and married to have kids.
That’s it! The poorest pockets are those who don’t follow those steps.


Dave Norris
True but the simplification ignores the fact that for members of most of the groups you listed find step one to be very difficult.


Dane Parker
That’s not true. Jobs are everywhere and all you have to do to keep them is show up on time and do the job you agreed to when you were hired.
At first, it’s probably not the job you would choose if you had a choice, but that’s irrelevant. You have to get over that and do it anyway. If you do that, you can improve yourself and make progress toward the job you prefer.


Greg Lambert
You’re pretty racist on you Dave? Race is in fact meaningless in this discussion unless you’re so weak-willed that you always want to blame others for your misfortune


Miguel A. Gonzalez
Race is irrelevant when applying for a job, in facr, in some places, not being white gives people a leg up due to affirmative action policies. The same can be said or most handicapped people. There are always going to be exceptions.
Not everyone gets to be an astronaut when they grow up. As a bright-eyed kid, you once harbored dreams of a future in space. But face it, the only moon you’ll ever step foot on will belong to passed-out, drunken, former bright-eyed aspiring astronaut losers who are, unfortunately for you.


Dave Norris
That’s a very nice world you live in.


Miguel A. Gonzalez
What's that supposed to mean? I'm just stating facts. Not everyone gets their ideal job. You can look for what you can find, and have some kind of income, or you can sit at home with no income”holding out for a management position”. It all comes down to choices. People can choose to better themselves, instill on their children the importance of an education, or they can blame others for their choices.


Dave Norris
I think that it’s wonderful that you live in a world where discrimination doesn’t exist, everybody competes on a fair field. That is truly wonderful congratulations. I live in Texas where we call people named Gonzales wetbacks and illegals, even if the family has lived here for 250 years. I like your world better.


Steve Zajac
Dave, I have as many Mexican family in the U.S. as in Mexico. And every single one of them has been able to become a homeowner with a stable job and at least one college degree. Don’t use discrimination as an excuse. It dishonors you and your ancestors no matter where you are from. And the thousands of successful men and women of every race and language who have succeeded and are succeeding in the U.S. show what a lame excuse it is.


Dave Norris
Good for them. Congratulations.


I have lived in Texas since school bussing was started. Discrimination in the work place does not exist here to any meaningful or substantive degree. That died a slow death in the 1970’s.
If you want a contract doing work for a government agency or bidding for a government contract, you had best be a minority or work for a minority owned company.
We have this weird thing here where leftists claim that they are surrounded by racists, but they only hang out with other leftists. Conservatives think racism is dead, but mostly hang with other conservatives or people who don’t discuss politics.
If you ask a Texan for a modern manifestation of discrimination, all they can point to as an actual event involves government policies like college admission preference and affirmative action. Apparently, the way to fix discrimination in the past is to discriminate the other direction today.
The simple fact is that to even be falsely accused of being racist in Texas today is a serious problem. Nobody engages in discrimination in the work place because even a hint of racial animosity by a white person causes social ostracism and can cost your job without even a shred of evidence.


Steve Zajac
Nobody gets their ideal job. You got to start at the bottom and work yourselves up. You got to take advantage of the free education you get even in republican states, build up your skills make yourself valuable and attractive to an employer. Lot’s of people make it. There are some exceptions of course, such as the chronically debilitated. But the people who can’t make it in the U.S. do not fail for lack of opportunity.


Matt Bricker
Yes, it is. I hope you will join us in it!


Dave Norris
Odd as it probably seems to you, I prefer reality.


Craig Wedel
Hasn’t it become apparent that your reality is only your reality No one else here has witnessed your reality. Maybe you should take another look.


Dane Parker
None of my comments mention or allude to race.
My last comment stands - excluding non-typical situations, my comments are well founded.


John Boudrea
But you pulled the race card first.

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Erica Martell
The most successful cultures are those that prioritize the education of their children. When that's Asians it becomes a problem because you can no longer claim minority bias or racism. This is why we should discuss everything on the basis of culture and achievement and nothing on the basis of race. There are plenty of people from every culture that prioritize the education of their children and that should be the gold standard instead of a cultural secret.


Brian Sniatkowski
The single most successful immigrant group in the US, in terms of education and financial success are immigrants from Nigeria. They're actually more successful than Asians as a group. Why aren't they held back by this rampant racism?


Adrian Baldwin
I understand your point but we should not downplay or disregard the racist policies that have contributed to perpetuated poverty.


David Lloyd-Jones
I understand your point - BUT race based policies should be down played.
Up and down are relative
Racial issues are not to be ignored - but is counter productive if the are up played
We need to eliminate - not create race based policies
Dennis just explained and you agreed that race is not the primary causal factor.
So why is it up played as such
So ask why is race/ racism being promoted as such?
Far left full socialist political agenda anyone?
Identification and unification of the oppressed possibly?
So IF YOU really care about black people then dont let their identity be used by the political puppet masters
In another 20 years - it will be seen as yet one more form of racism - seemingly in the name of anti racism
So let me repeat
ANYTHING centered on race and especially anything that see race as critical - is social dynamite
Social problems are to be solved by social soloutions - not by government intervention and political ideologies


Erica Martell
As someone who has raised two biracial boys and has watched this first hand for about 35 years I'll tell you I never observed any barriers beyond lack of focus on education. I also experienced failing at turning one of my sons into a barely competent violinist after 7 years of thrice weekly violin lessons because that was nothing compared to what Russian and Asian parents demand of their children.


Erica Martell
I hired an Asian girl as a violin tutor for my son once and I asked her what her parents did to turn her into a violinist. She said “They locked me in my room on the weekends.” I asked how she felt about that. She said “Well it gave me good finger control. “ I realized that achieving excellence in raising children was like a cultural secret. Not only did I have no experience with that level of expectation but I wouldn't have had the discipline myself to impose it on my children. Raising children who can achieve is NO JOKE.

有一次,我雇了一个亚洲女孩给我儿子当小提琴家教,我问她,她的父母是怎么把她培养成小提琴家的。她说:“他们周末把我锁在房间里。” 我问她对此感觉如何。她说:“这让我的手指控制的很好。“我意识到,在抚养孩子方面取得卓越成就就像一个文化秘密。我不仅没有那种程度的期望的经验,而且我自己也没有能力把它强加给我的孩子。培养一个有成就的孩子可不是闹着玩的。

Shawn Stewart
You must live in a big city, with segregated “slums”. Where I come from, everybody has an equal opportunity to the same education. It's quite sad, all this talk about systemic racism, as it's coming from places where there's high percentages of minority groups living in poverty, in, basically, segregated communities, who are not getting the educational opportunities that are afforded their white counterparts.


Thor Stambaugh
Gee, if that were true then how did anyone rise out of poverty in those situations? Obviously they have some great secret


Kevin Jones
And what policy do you imagine forces African American kids to drop out?


Thomas Elliott
when I started college I stayed at home, continued to run with my non college friends, didn't study enough, and did horrible, until I moved to the dorms where everyone needed to study.


Kevin Jones
My apologies, I meant more along the lines of an official school or government policy, not the unofficial actions of others. Not trying to diminish what you went through, without the racial aspects I saw similar disdain for academic pursuits in favor of sports. To a lesser degree, of course


Deonte Walker
Anybody who pushes the model minority MYTH is either uninformed or in denial. Education is important, but to pretend everything is all cuz “them black people don't care about education so its their own fault they're struggling" is as dumb as every single issue being blamed for racism.

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Steve Zajac
I’ve worked in an inner city Chicago school and one of the wealthiest Chicago suburbs. Asians, latins, blacks, no Native Americans that I could discern, but plenty Native Americans when I worked in Arizona. Persons who came from families who valued education succeeded. I generally haven’t observed Anyone who failed academically because of discrimination. The only kid I saw who didn’t know how to read was promoted due to misguided policies meant to fight discrimination. If he had been held to the same standard as the other kids, he wouldn’t have had it as easy, but he also would have a real chance to succeed in life.

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Alex Robert
If one race is significantly above the other races in number of absentee days and has significantly lower test scores than the other races, then yes people can claim that. And yes, there are circumstances that arent just they dont care about education like the children needing to work.
And yes, there can be external factors that keep people down but that does not mean we should ignore the internal factors.


Alex Robert
I never said that external factors didnt help cause it.
Just because black people were put into a shit situation doesn't mean they cant escape from it. But its crazy how you act like they cant escape from it, you are infantilizing them.


Deonte Walker
Except the “internal" factors are a direct result of the external factors. It always amazes me that folks just think that these issues randomly came about as the result of “black people just choosing to have these issues.”
And yes, it is a myth. It's called the model minority MYTH for a reason. It requires one to ignore the huge differences I circumstances that lead such populations to the to where they are today. It must PRETEND that the circumstances of such populations have been the same when they have not. To ignore how the past shapes the present. It's why folks ignore the economic backgrounds of these successful Asian and African immigrants cuz it only shows that black Americans who are already well established here in terms of heritage/lineage are NOT on a fair playing field.


Victor DeCostanza
You can’t change the past, you can only change the future. If you don’t like your circumstances, change your circumstances. You can’t change other people, you can only change yourself. Be the master of your own destiny.


Deonte Walker
That's all fine and dandy, but that's not how society works bud. Man, I honestly wonder what you folks would say to black people all that time ago. “Don't care about what they say. Nevermind the fact you were a slave and weren't taught to read or write or anything.You're in charge if your own destiny, so change it.”


Alex Robert
“Don't care about what they say. Nevermind the fact you were a slave and weren't taught to read or write or anything.You're in charge if your own destiny, so change it.”
As no living American black was a slave, that statement is useless.
And yes, you can tell someone “Here is a roadmap to help improve your life.” while also giving them the resources that can help them.
If someone was given $1 million and told how to invest it to make money, and they go blow it gambling.

是的,你可以告诉别人“这是一个可以帮助你改善生活的路标。” 同时也给予他们可以帮助他们的资源。

Victor DeCostanza
Plenty of them were able to change their futures.


Deonte Walker
YOU are the one that juxtaposed internal and external factors, not me.
I never argued nor implied that it is impossible black people cannot overcome. Overcoming is literally part of black culture. Frankly, black people should get hella more praise for being where they are despite all the bs they've put up with and continue to be put up with.
What I'm arguing against is this stupid notion that black people are only holding themselves back, that the past doesn't shape the present, that there aren't still issues, that there shouldn't be a collective effort to address the issues and that it should all be on black people to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps.” Erica said all that in her comment. Very clearly, as matter of fact. And Erica is indeed using the model minority MYTH. That was also very clear. “Black culture" is the issue. Cultures like “Asian culture" are good cuz they value education.
Idk why you're trying to act like you're acknowledging and agree with the point I was making while actively arguing against it. I'm not saying nor implying thay cuz these issues are heavily shaped by past and present racism that black people should just sit there and do nothing. Of course you continue to work hard.


David Cotton
No matter how hard it may seem, and no matter the sacrifices that need to be made, working is always the answer to self improvement.
If you say I can’t afford to take classes to improve myself. Then you’ve effectively said, I like the apartment I have, I like the types of food I eat, and I like all the other things I spend my money on, instead of spending it on things that make me better.
For example, for an entire year I spent less than $25 a month on food. I had cheerios for breakfast, and peanut butter and jelly for lunch and dinner. The cheapest jellies are strawberry and grape. Don’t like grape jelly, so I always got the strawberry. And once in a while, I would splurge and get orange marmalade. And I always got those in bulk. The bread I got, was always the cheapest.
Also, I rented a tiny little room in a house.


Elim Garek
Getting out of poverty in the United States is relatively straightforward.
Get off of government welfare because that restricts your options of improving your life.
Get an education. You don’t need a college education to do well in United States. Skills as simple as being a truck driver or an HVAC tech can earn you an extraordinarily good living.
Lastly you need to be willing to work hard and make sacrifices initially in order to improve your future life.


Stephen Godek
As for getting out of poverty, the primary need is to recognize the local conditions that are contributing to a persons economic and financial situation and working hard to adjust them. This is made difficult by policies of both government in the economy and society that stand as obstacles to rising from poverty. That is true anywhere.


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