2022-01-20 Kira_Yoshikage 11354

What should everyone experience in their lifetime?


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The complete silence in a heavy snowfall.


The weird brightness of a snow covered full moon night.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

When the top layer of snow is fresh and fluffy, and moonlight sparkles off the individual snowflakes like a wave of glitter. The sound of your footsteps crunching quietly beneath you. The quiet ambient swish of snowflakes falling onto the ground and the light pattering of them hitting your jacket. It's a very peaceful feeling when the weather is just right for it.


Seeing one of your parents get so excited about doing something with you that they're almost crying.


My dad and I have always gotten along, but we've also bickered a lot since I was a teenager. But last August, he and I took a road trip to New Mexico and went to these really old Native American ruins called Gila Cliffs (I highly recommend everyone go there at some point too. It's amazing!). He and I were walking up the trail, and then we rounded a corner and there they were: these 500 year old Native American ruins built into the cliffside. My dad looked over at me with a smirk on his face and a little water in his eyes and told me "I'm so glad I get to experience this with you." My dad doesn't express a lot of emotion usually, so that was really meaningful to me. I think everyone deserves to have an experience like that with one of their parents. It's so special.


Your story is very beautiful, it brought some tears to my eyes. I am realising that something so simple will probably never happen to me unfortunately.


Old growth forests. There is something humbling about seeing for yourself the life cycle of huge ancient trees and the incredible lush and vibrant ecosystems that exist around them as they grow, fall, decompose, and grow again over decades. A week walking across cradle mountain in Tasmania was life changing for me, as it has been for many others.


I went to Washington state in 2021 and went to Mt. Rainier and Olympic National Parks. Truly an amazing experience. Washington is the first place away from home that I truly felt at home. Gorgeous. Walking through the rainforest in Olympic was crazy. Everything was just bright green. Like the sun itself was bright green.


I can't wait to go back.


Helping someone in need.


This right here.


Recently, I went to the grocery store and there was a homeless person at the entrance who had asked for spare change to get some food from the couple in front of me.


I wasn't asked by the man because he was busy with the couple. But I didn't forget while I shopped. I picked up one of those fried chicken plates (8 pieces of chicken) and a bottle of water.


As I walked out, I handed the chicken and water to the man. His eyes lit up and he was clearly gleeful. He thanked me and gave me a hug.


As I pulled out of the parking lot, I looked in my rearview and saw him doing a little happy dance! He was so happy for that meal.


Now, I'm without a job or really any income so to spare $8 to help this guy out wasn't really in my budget. I have no regrets though. His little dance showed me that he truly was happy that he was able to eat that night.


I'll never forget it.


Northern lights

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes this !!! Not just little green ones, full on solar storm, fast moving, buzzing sound, colourful, northern lights ! I cried when I first saw them and I’m glad I live north enough to witness them !


They make a sound?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Yes it’s like a humming/buzzing noise!


Lol it's funny you say that, I hear it as well and so many people deny it. Even in the middle of nowhere, it's like a faint crackle almost.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And anywhere with above ground power lines, they start to make sounds like they're about to arc down on you lol


Scientists have actually been able to capture the sound. I heard it when I was aurora chasing and left the city into the middle of nowhere where there wasn’t as much light pollution and the air was still and silent. When the aurora came, you could hear it whooshing over you and crackle when the green would break into purples and pinks.


Making something with your own hands. Could be art, could be a fire, could be a carving or a tool or clay or a shelter in the woods. Creating something that came from you, and you alone is a rewarding experience and gives one a true sense of pride. Just using your own hands and some tools to make something out of nothing makes me feel grounded, connected, and away from my troubles for a bit.


I can relate to this but with cooking. Took some spare time to look up new recipes, watch some professional chefs cook. Taking what I been learning and applying it to new meals, and having them turn out great is an awesome feeling.


Being debt free.


*closes book* like that’s ever gonna happen


Honestly I have to think about this more often, throughout all the bullshit, anxiety and depression and high rent at least I'm not over my head in debt.


As someone who comes from a country with a lot of mountains and hills, I would highly recommend going trekking to places accessible only by foot. It's really nice to see the untouched,peaceful nature existing there, without humans to ruin it.


Yeah, people can really ruin stuff. There was this place I used to go where there was a ranger station on top of a mountain. You could climb up to it when it wasn't being used. There was a full 360 degree view of the forest. Absolutely breathtaking. Then one year, I took the long drive out there, and it was completely vandalized and shot up. All the windows broken, the furniture inside thrown out, graffiti and empty beer bottles all over. It made me sick to see. The next time I went up there, there was a locked gate with a guard at the bottom of the road leading up to it. Those jerks made it impossible for anybody to ever go up there again.


The feeling you get when you are completely eclipsed by a landscape, skyscape, or even a city sometimes.


The feeling of joy that comes with recognizing how small you are in the grand scheme of the world is priceless and I wish I could experience the wonder and awe that come along with it a million times over.


It's in Redwood and Sequoia forest, the entirety of Alaska, the desert sky in New Mexico at night; it's New York City when you step out of the subway for the first time.


Being in the middle of the ocean on a giant ship and knowing that it expands farther than you would ever hope to comprehend (beyond some measurements on Wikipedia).


You and the earth, alone together.


"If you've never stared off into the distance, then your life is a shame." - Adam Duritz


The night sky without light pollution. Nothing has ever made me feel so connected to life than gazing into that black ocean.


This is amazing. I’ve had nights where I just wanted to get away. I’d hop in my boat, head like 20 miles offshore and just Float around for a bit. It is amazing to look up at the night sky with absolutely no light pollution.


This... when I go to my rural hometown I sometimes spend the entire night staring at the sky, it is just so damn beautiful... sad that most people can't enjoy that :(


Another culture. It really opens your eyes and broadens your horizons to experience another culture. There's a lot to learn about the world.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Also the embarrassment and difficulty of speaking another language.


The hatred that people get over their accents is absurd. A good natured laugh over a funny-sounding word? Sure. Treating others as less than dirt for being more knowledgeable than you and knowing two or more languages? Stupid to say the least.


If someone is speaking broken English, I figure they know at least one language I don't.


My toddler must be hiding things from me

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Travelling outside the country of your birth




And here I don't mean romantic love, but just love. Be it from a pet, a brother, friend or even a partner.


Sonder would be another good addition.


Yeah I agree with this, I hear romantic love is great but honestly the love of a pet makes you feel so special. Especially with a cat when you get to watch them from hating all people to trusting you enough to doze off in your lap. It just makes you feel so loved


A full solar eclipse. It is one of the most unnatural things I have experienced and can understand why people for millenia have assigned supernatural attributes to it. I was watching it from beside a lake - the slow crescendo of crickets chirping as the sun turned purple and then suddenly turned into night gave me chills. Nothing has ever made me feel smaller and at the mercy of celestial bodies than that experience.


I remember feeling the air get much colder as the sun was blocked out and my brain was struggling to not say it was nighttime. It was surreal.


There was one I saw in the 90's. I didn't have a science class that year so I didn't have a field trip permission to go outside, but my orchestra teacher said screw it and sent us out.


I was surprised that it got cooler, like worse than just clouds.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Teachers who’d keep students in during a solar eclipse aren’t/shouldn’t be teachers. Really. It’s not like there’s many chances to see it again. Especially for low income students or people who won’t be able to travel (chase the eclipse so to say). it’s once in multi-life event.


My parents specifically called the school to ask if they will allow us to be outside to view it. They said “no”, so they just had us skip school that day.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Financial security. I do believe that though money can’t bring happiness, when you don’t have it, it can absolutely hinder it greatly.


Money isn't everything until you have none.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The phrase, “money can’t buy happiness.” Is meant to apply to people who have already reached financial security and then some. To those people, more money wont bring more happiness. They’ve already achieved what it can bring.


The phrase was never meant to be used as it is today where it’s told to a person living paycheck to paycheck, implying that they should find happiness within their struggle to keep afloat. No. Money for someone in that situation will certainly buy some happiness. Once they can sustain the income, then there are other paths to happiness as more money won’t bring more happiness and being able to pay your bills becomes normal and boring.


I read this on reddit and the person who wrote this was spot on. They said, "Money can't buy happiness but poverty can't buy anything."


Failure, and I don’t mean this in a bad way. But I feel like most, if not all the progress/growth I’ve made so far in life has been as a direct result of failure.


To be successful is the result of good choices. Good choices are the result of experience. Experience is the result of poor choices.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Edit: Of course you have to learn form your mistakes, if you keep doing the same, don't expect different results.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Also, I know this is overly simplistic, it is Reddit, not an Emerson's essay.


This is a good one. It's a lesson I'm struggling with teaching my son, who gets very upset when he isn't immediately good at something.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Virtually every success is the result of a ton of failure.


Seeing the stars far away from any ambient light. Where you can see the Milky Way and a steady stream of shooting stars. It’s awe inspiring, and changes your perspective about your place in the universe.


Eating out alone, going to a concert alone, just experiencing doing things by yourself. Especially while young, learning to be comfortable with yourself as your only company while enjoying beautiful things in life is so freeing.


This should have more up votes. I just got back back from vacation (solo) and while i was there a guy commented and said, “i admire your confidence to travel by yourself” i always think comments like that are interesting, what should we do, only travel or do things in pairs? I’ve been single (never married) most of my life, if i waited for someone to come along before I saw the world i might not see it at all so i 100% agree with you. I think being able to enjoy your own company is an amazing thing and something not everyone can do in all settings.


Can I ask you an honest question?

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

How do you do this? I don't mean "travel alone". I mean enjoy travelling alone. How do you do that?


I've done trips, events, concerts, etc. alone several times and I've never really had a good time. Like you said, there were shows/artists I really wanted to see and places I really wanted to go, and I wasn't gonna let being alone stop me, so I did them anyways. And while none of them were "bad" times, I can't really say I enjoyed myself - especially compared to doing such things with friends or a significant other.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think the issue might be that you don't actually like 'traveling' as much as you like the experience of sharing a moment with someone. I'm this way. Sure, I enjoy a good vacation, but I enjoy eating a meal with someone just the same whether it's in my backyard or in Rome.


There are some things that I actually like, and might even prefer, doing alone, such as fishing, biking, and exercising. But I would never go to a theme park alone, because it's not the rides that I remember most fondly; it's always the quality time that I spent with whoever I was there with.


So my suggestion is to find things that you actually like doing alone - Things that you would do even if you weren't on a tropical island. And my second suggestion is to try releasing your inhibitions and be more outgoing. I know that's not easy, but I know that many solo travelers are the type of people who come back from a week long trip having made 3 new life-long friends. They don't actually do anything alone. They get on the plane alone, and that's when they start making new friends.


Being the “dumb one”. For some people, they’re never really challenged academically/intellectually and I think that’s a shame. Being the dumbest person in a group of smart people means you have the opportunity to learn from them. It’s also very humbling (in a good way).


A lot of people don’t experience this until college, or in grad school, or in their professional environment… and then they’re totally wrecked by it. But it’s also such an important experience. Being a “big fish in a small pond” can be beneficial, but don’t avoid challenges either… I truly think you learn more being a small fish in a big pond.


I heard a quote once, “if you’re the smartest person in the room, find another room” and I completely agree with it.


As a software engineer I experience this a little too often. The imposter syndrome is real


My thought’s exactly. Went to a big engineering school and day one of orientation they were like “You’re not special here. Everyone here was top of the class in high school. Be prepared to be average.” And damn were they right.


Engineering school: where everyone in your class is smarter than you except the 3 people in your group project.


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