2022-01-21 admin315 28188

What countries can compete with Chinese manufacturing?


Joshua Rubin
, V.P. Business Development at Javid LLC (2013-present)
There are by far many advantages to manufacturers to look at China to manufacture their products. China has a lot of natural resources that gives them the advantage to being a strong Country that has dominated the world’s industry.
However, there are countries that can go toe to toe with China in many areas. Mexico is one of those. The location it has on China beats anything China can offer. Being in the same time zone, having strong IP laws, having longer work weeks, lower labor, Javid signed more free trade agreements with other countries and now being named again number 1 trading partner with the US.
Mexico’s manufacturing sector is dominating and growing every day more and more. The technology, and skilled labor will beat China any day.
If you want to learn more and get Into greater detail. Reach out me.


Ashley Lu
, Chinese company verification
China is a leading name in outsourced manufacturing. While there are numerous reasons for the same, some factors that benefit everyone similarly in this process, regardless of the kind of industry include the following:
Cheap Labour
A low-cost workforce remains the foremost reason for outsourcing the manufacturing of a product. China, due to its large population has a vast supply of workers who can easily cater to sourced jobs for other countries.
Affordable Production
Due to the imbalance in demand and supply, the China markets run at highly competitive prices which in turn reduces the production costs of a company.
Better Quality
The Chinese factories and management are particular about the quality of goods they produce. Thus superior quality products can be manufactured at low costs.
Quick Service
Owing to the fact of being the largest population in the world, the country has an abundance of manpower that can be hired as and when needed. Therefore, accommodating last-minute requests is simpler for them because they have no qualms about the number of people they need to hire.
Since more often than not, the manufacturers here are producing for more than one client, it is easier for them to accept cancellation requests coming in at a later point as they can supply those goods elsewhere.


Jonri Purwak, Been to Bejing, Shanghai, Hanzhou, Suzhou, Shenzhen, Macau, and Hong Kong.
According to UN report, India has the largest number of youth population. This means that, with more population, India is able to provide cheaper labor cost than China. Infact, due to China’s economic growth, their labor wage has become more expensive that many foreign companies are relocating their companies from China to Vietnam. India also has many raw materials, which is suitable for manufacturing.
Top 10 countries with largest youth population, according to UN report


Franklin Chidera, Amateur web developer, Historian, Biologist.
In low end manufacturing a lot of countries can compete and will eventually be preferred as China becomes more developed.
Virtually developing Asian and African countries would eventually be the preferred place for low end manufacturing as costs increase in China. What happened with all developed economy will eventually happen with China. The manufacturing industry would die off why the service industry grows.
But I suspect that for China it would take a longer time than it did with a whole lot of other economies given the fact that they have managed to grow and at the same time keep cost some what low.


Monty Wu, lives in China (1993-present)
Actually, quite a lot.
Because China is transforming its economy and cheap labor, which is an essential factor to master manufacturing industries, is no longer common in China now.
You see more shoes and clothes of the same brand, that were used to be “made in China”, instead made in Vietnam and Thailand. China knew its reliance on manufacturing has to change so the government has spent more and more each year to support technology firms and start-ups. It is now boosting its technological innovation, trying to get more value added.


Charlie Tipton, B.A. from Baylor University (1986)
Originally Answered: What country can replace China in manufacturing?
I think the answer is that different areas of manufacturing will go to different countries. Assembling will be in a different location than making plastic cases. Chips might be somewhere completely different.
I saw a map this week showing which other Asian nations specialized in certain types of manufacturing. I just don’t remember where I saw it.
One nation I would like to see pick up much of the slack is Mexico.


Roberto Santocho, Working with manufacturers in China since the 1980s
Q: What countries can compete with Chinese manufacturing?
A: All countries with low labor rates can compete with China
China is popular for final assembly because the labor rates are extremely low and don't contribute much to the cost of the final product
China has a gigantic population so they can rotate new people in and out of the assembly plants without raising labor rates
The assembly lines on China were all invented by the West, they are simply the most modern interpretation of what Henry Ford invented in the United States in 1903
Assembly lines can be constructed in any country the technology is owned by the West
Modern Training for assembly line workers is a Western concept and can be taken and taught anywhere in the world
There are many countries with labor rates as low as China or lower
Any one of those countries can take over from China
Vietnam and India have already started taking over from China
Many other countries are already vying for the assembly business from the United States and other Western countries
Generally where the US goes, then several other Western countries will also go there so they can share facilities and lower costs

Q: 哪些国家可以与中国制造业竞争?
A: 所有劳动力价格低的国家都能与中国竞争。 中国在总装方面很受欢迎,是因为中国的劳动力价格极低,对最终产品的成本贡献不大。
一般而言,美国去哪里,其他西方国家也会去那里,这样他们就可以共享设施,降低成本。 =============

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Andy Durden
, Export Consultant Export Manager,Lives in London
Plenty of countries can compete and do compete with China.
Take the automotive industry. Germany and Japan compete with China and outperforms in terms of quality and design and plenty of German cars are sold in China
China: best-selling car models sales volume 2019 | Statista.
US made Boeing aircraft still dominate the Chinese aviation market and even within the mobile market Apple still take a respectable share.
However, it is true that China has developed industrial capabilities in every single sector and apart from heritage and luxury segment, China can outproduce pretty much any other nation.
But this does not mean that China provides better quality and overall better products. It’s often the opposite and many Chinese products are popular simply because, like for like, are much cheaper than products made elsewhere, thanks to much lower salaries and less environmental constrain.


中国:畅销车型销量2019 | Statista。

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


Ermen Kanan
, lives in Singapore (2000-present)
No single country or group of countries can compete with China as of now. But in the future, groups of countries can work together and take some of the business. A future ASEAN economic unx of some sort would be a good competitor as they have the population and basic knowledge to start or expand some industries. If they fix their problems, the smaller Central American countries could join Mexico in a economic group to provide manufacturing services. If India improves their infrastructure and governance, there is no reason why they cannot compete. The Indians worldwide have proven that they are world class in science and technology. A combined South Korea/Japan economic unx would be very formidable but too much historical baggage between the two.


Choi Julian, studied at Cornell University
If you are talking about Manufacturing as a whole, I don’t think any country can compete with China over the next century. It’s not only about labor cost. it’s about the sheer number of people, 1.3 billion that serve as the base. It’s about STEM educated labor force, eight times that of the US every year. It’s about infrastructure that facilitates trading and efficiency. Chinese believe in building roads first before getting rich. It’s about culture. China is a secular country and its people believe in science and Chinese leading party brainwash them to remain so. It’s about a civilization that has constantly competed at the top of the world for thousands of years economically, creatively, and philosophically. It doesn’t have moral baggages, is rich in guiding principles, and open to foreign ideas.
China is now the only country on earth that boasts complete supply chains in all 39 industrial categories and every single subcategory in it. To accomplish this, you have to have enough working population that are STEM educated, enough natural resources inherited from the land and sea, wise government because it’s really hard to govern and satisfy all those people who are smart but at the same time extremely diverse.
For these qualities, there is only one country left on earth who are positioned to challenge China manufacturing, it’s the US who have outsourced majority of its manufacturing to China and are now trying to get it back. But this process is unfortunately irreversible. The only way the US can still maintain its edge is to outperform China in the next industrial revolution, the 4th one. There are only two players in this competition really, China and the US. The rest of the world are sidelined. Whoever rise on top of the of the 4th industrial revolution gets the advantages in the economy, manufacturing, and technology of tomorrow. But I’ll bet my money on China simply because of its ability to translate technological and scientific breakthroughs into real applications through production.


Salome Dormage
Originally Answered: What country can replace China in manufacturing?
North korea, it may sound weird but they are the cheapest labour force in asia today!
Many in Arab Gulf countries hired many of them as skilled labor for low costs!
in dubai
North Korean style skyscrapers in Kuwait.
Im not sure if it ture but many established factories near the border of north korea with china to take advantage of low labor costs.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处


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