reddit问答:普通美国人是如何负担生活开支的? (part 2)
2022-01-24 碧波荡漾恒河水 16578

I see min wage is so low and rent is so high. I really don’t understand. Anyone care to explain?


It's especially depressing when you think that means their savings is only about 1 months' rent in most of the country, not even including expenses like utilities, food, gas and car payment (cars are necessary in most areas of the country), phone/internet (also necessary in this day and age), health care/medicine, etc. So basically for half of Americans, we'd be homeless if we went a month without a job.


Really sad, but yeah terrifying is a good word , so much of the prison population is non violent and it's just that private prisons are yet another source of fat profits for the capitalists.


Also to add insult to injury there's over 5 million vacant homes in the US, granted a certain percentage of those aren't really in Liveable conditions, but many are.. but are justing sitting there appreciating as an asset .


I did hear that the US prisons are private so profit from imprisonment. Is this true? In Australia prisons are all government owned and are all about rehabilitation and release. We only have a handfulof lifers. We do everything we can to keep people out of prison. Sentencing is wild in the US compared to here. Though ours is pathetic for serious crime. We have a very good welfare system which helps prevent crime. Our population is alot smaller.


No no no, prison has nothing to do with rehabilitation here in the US. It's punishment for the inmate and profit for those outside the walls. Not all prisons are for-profit, but they're gaining in popularity.


Here's a website with information on private prisons in the US:


This is also worth a read if you are unfamiliar with the IS prison system; it's an article from The Innocence Project about how the US has cleverly hidden its slavery practices by using the prison system:


Prisons here are insane, especially the private ones. They accept as many prisoners as they can, even if they can’t comfortably accommodate said prisoners.


Also, sentencing is different in multiple states. We have murderers and rapist walking free/getting off with light sentences, meanwhile a guy almost got 100+ years in prison for having his truck brakes fail and causing a fatale accident.


Yup, for profit prisons are a thing here, and some political parties are pushing for more, declaring government owned prisons as a waste of tax payer money. Also when we abolished slavery, we left an exception for prisoners, if they get paid at all, it's typically under 50 cents an hour, and we bill them for everything. A lot of people end up going into debt for going into prison, unless family members can help them out, and even those family members will end up doing without and punished.


What's the point of working if the pay will never cover basic needs?


Because it's basically illegal not to. It's downright impossible, and in a lot of ways illegal, to be self-sufficient. If you don't have money, you can't survive, if you don't work you don't have money. Most of us are barely scraping by, and being told it's all our own fault. But what is the alternative? It's illegal to be homeless, but illegal to provide your own basic survival (living off the land, etc), so we have to do what we can to make money where we can. A lot of ways to make money is illegal, so jobs are pretty much our only option.


The good news is that we're so busy working and so tired when we're not that we barely care anymore and are just counting down the days till we die.


A lot of ways to make money is illegal, so jobs are pretty much our only option.
When I was a kid, the downtown area of my city was full of music in summer! You could stroll around looking in shop windows, follow your ears to a busker, listen for a bit and drop them a tip before wandering off and eventually hearing different music, follow ears to another busker. Downtown was awesome!

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Now downtown is like a sad pathetic deserted hellscape, with shitty loud tinned music blasting out of speakers directly over all the good busking corners.


Technically busking isn't outright banned. You just need a permit from city hall, a permit that doesn't exist and is therefore impossible to apply for or obtain.


So like a year ago, my stepson was helping with chores and came back in from taking out the trash with a smile on his face. I asked if he could go to the store across the street next and he said "Sure! I heard some beautiful music coming from that direction and wanted to go check it out anyway!"


He came back sad. It was a kid busking with his violin in the grocery store parking lot because his family had no income and he wanted to help support them.


Presumably the cops came around to tell him that shit's illegal here because there were no repeat performances.


dont forget that all those prisoners are slaves


and this isn't an exaggeration, it's literally in the 13th amendment:


Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.


Emphasis mine. The constitution literally permits slavery as a punishment for conviction of a crime.

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if you're in prison and don't go to work, the punishment varies,starting with losing access to the rec yard, no commissary, losing the ability to use the phone, whatever they determine is severe enough to get you to get up out of bed at 4am so they can stripsearch you daily.


I'm 38 and currently living in a old ass RV in my friend's driveway. Lost both of my jobs at the beginning of the pandemic.

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fucking rough. hope things get better for you.

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Thanks stranger. I wish the same for all of us.


We don’t… we end up with high credit card bills, we can’t fix our cars, we stay in relationships even if toxic, we sell ourselves, so many things … it’s not worth it… I’m starting to realize it’s better to live with parents if you can until you make good money, then just invest that into simple living. Move out of the country or buy a van and live in it


Roommates/ splitting living costs, help from parents with insurance and phone bills etc depending on age, but that stuffs only for the 'lucky' ones

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I'm a disabled veteran.


The burn pits took my lungs, not the Taliban or AQ.


I was National Guard and just joined to get out of Southern California's rent trap in the early 2000s.


Find some upward mobility away from hunger, and learn a valuable skill set.


I'm 100% Permanently and Totally disabled. Due to the benefits I've been able to buy a home and provide for my family. I don't know how I would otherwise.


I’m 70% through the VA and although I hate living with the disabilities i’m rated for, I am grateful for the check every month.


Same. I'm in my 30s and can't run or play with my kids like I wish I could. The social anxiety around crowds sucks too.


I'm trying to go back to school to finish my degree and PA program.


I currently work as a substitute teacher. It allows me to say I can work or can't each day. I couldn't live off of it, but that's why I feel it's important for me to do. I can afford to make so little and the kids need all the help they can get.


Thankfully the school I work for is kind and respectful and I never have to give an excuse for why I'm unavailable.


They simply ask if I can work, and if u say no, they tell me "thank you anyway, have a great day."


I can't imagine working for anyone who treats me less again.


Honestly. No fucking idea. At 18 I made $9 an hour now I make 32 and honestly it feels like I'm in the same fucking spot. Never ending debt. But hey actually at 9 an hour I had to steal to eat so. Everything is looking up?


Damn I felt bad at $7.75.


I would turn to crime before working for that pay.


Nothing personal, but the fuck is the point... A full days work, subtract taxes and cool you have $40...


Edit: please get out if you can


Edit2: ask your boss if they would be willing to stare at a wall for an hour, you'll give them $10. Oh you don't want to do that? It's not worth $10? Well funny thing You pay me less for more work than that....


There was an art installation that was just a box with a crank. Anyone could spin the crank, for any amount of time they wished.


It dispensed pennies at the rate of minimum wage. If you stood there and cranked it for an hour, it would have given you a full hour's wage.


People tended to crank it for a while for the novelty, but quickly stopped when they noticed how little they were earning.


Now we steal food to save up.


People living in tents, RV's and cars becoming pretty normal. They also live with family members. I have two teens, one is 19 who will be living at home until who knows when. I don't mind, he's a good kid.




We go into debt and then just die before we pay it off.


These Americans aren't living. They just exist for others to live. It's a sad reality.


It’s not just America, same story in Canada, we’re having homelessness issues. This is not sustainable, the only way out of this hell hole is a revolution and I mean the whole globe. But their solution is to have wage slaves, turn already worthless fiat currency into digital currency they’ll control and have us hooked up on the metaverse. The Matrix wasn’t a movie, it was their blueprint.


Edit: I’ve gotten a few push back when I said the globe, I would love to hear what country in the world that has it figured out? The problem is the middle class has been getting squeezed for decades, I’m a unx member making a living wage, that should be the starting point. MAKING A LIVING WAGE.


We can't. We have flatmates, we have to stay in toxic families or marriages/relationships longer than anyone should because the other alternative is homelessness - and it's a death sentence. We work ourselves to death, we spend hours trying to get to jobs where we are treated as dirt, and told we should be grateful. Then when our health breaks down, we're told it's our fault.


Sad reality is that the USA is not that far off of some of these movies you see. Where corporations rule, put up massive apartments and the people in them have no money or freedom, their lives controlled by the corporations. The rich have everything and do everything, there is no middle.


Land of the free right?? But changing anything is socialism and that would take away from your freedom to work 3 jobs and die without healthcare


You’re free to labor until you die, or die destitute from untreated health problems. You’re free to choose how you’re exploited.

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55-65 hour work weeks. Every week. And cross your fingers you don’t get sick.


This was literally my life. 60+ hours every single week and 7 days a week for a year and a half. My wife started travel nursing so I could get out of it.


I live at my folks at 38. Most of the people I know live with multiple people or are married living together possibly with more roommates. We’re literally like chickens in the coop. On the flip side of that coin you have young 20 something’s at my local university paying $3k a month for an apartment $40k a year on tuition and still living like kings and queens.


Until they get the bill at the end. I knew one girl who had the best of everything and spent so frivolously in college. I asked her about it one day thinking she had rich parents. Nope. She was taking out massive amounts of debt to afford it. I'm talking obscene. $40-$50k (this was 7 or 8 years ago) per year for a frilly bachelor's. Her reasoning was this was the best part of her life so she was going to live it up with the full understanding she would be miserable and in massive amounts of debt. I still wonder how she is doing now.


On anti anxiety meds I’m sure.


"So what I understand is you feel like a cog in a machine and that you're unable to escape and live freely? Don't worry, I'll write you this prescxtion for a pill that takes that feeling away. Hope your insurance covers it, otherwise it's $400/mo, and this appointment will be $300, and you'll have to come in for monthly checkups so we can see how you're doing on the meds"

“所以我的理解是,你觉得自己就像机器上的一个齿轮,无法逃脱,无法自由地生活? 别担心,我给你开个药,能消除那种感觉。希望你的保险能支付这些费用,否则就是每月400美元,而这个预约是300美元,你还得每月来做检查,这样我们才能知道你的药物治疗情况如何。”

Not well. I have been very fortunate to have older family who own property so I can rent from them skipping the outrageous rent prices and evil landlords. I’m honestly not sure how people without solutions like this are getting by. I already skip medical care a lot due to costs. It’s very sad



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And a broken approach to work passed from generation to generation. An excerpt from a quote of Alan Watts’ “what do you desire”;


”But it's absolutely stupid to spend your time doing things you don't like in order to go on doing things you don't like and to teach your children to follow in the same track. See what we're doing is we're bringing up children, educating them, to live the same sort of lives we're living in order that they may justify themselves and find satisfaction in life by bringing up their children to bring up their children to do the same thing. So it's all retch and no vomit, it never gets there.”


This resonates so heavily with me. I’m currently in a master’s program getting my teaching license and the only thing keeping me going is the prospect of a salaried job with health insurance, breaks for holidays, etc. Not that I don’t think I’ll be a good teacher, I’m sure I will be, but it’s not something I’m especially passionate about or excited to do for the rest of my young and middle adulthood. I think I’ll be comfortable enough financially thanks to this job, but deep down I know I’d be so much happier if I had the options of UBI and free healthcare. I’m just not a hard worker at heart, and I wish our situation here was more accommodating to that.


We literally drag ourselves to multiple jobs and run ourselves ragged just to barely make it.. we get sick a lot because of this, and given that we don’t have anything remotely good in the way of healthcare, a lot of treatable illnesses go untreated and eventually lead to us being even more in debt.

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Roommates, government assistance, don't pay their gas/electric bill some months, behind in rent


By choosing between one debt or the other. I don’t know how a lot of people get by here. I consider myself very fortunate. I finally bought a house a year ago and checked in with my old apartments to see how much rent has gone up. It’s $20 less than my mortgage. You’d say everyone should just buy a house and you’d be right but saving the money needed to get a house well that’s a whole different story


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