世界末日 - 第一次世界大战
2022-01-26 遐怪 12700
Hitler and Montgomery – could these two WWII leaders have been forged by their experiences on the battlefields of WWI? As WWI knuckles down in deadly trench warfare, Herman Goering and Charles de Gaulle are marked by their own wartime experiences.
Walter Model and George Patton – as one experiences the bitter humiliation of defeat first hand, the other basks in victory.


Seeing the soldiers at the hospital who had traumatic brain injuries was so heartbreaking. They had no clue what any of these injuries were and treated them so badly. Tragedy on top of tragedy.


Jessica Farmer
Two and a half hours of my life well spent. Best documentary I've ever seen


The World Is Yours
This is a phenomenal documentary….! Another one of my favorites during this World War I period Is called “They shall not grow old”. You get to see the contrast from black & white to color footage during the documentary… simply unbelievable what footage was able to be captured during such barbaric battles…!


when we
What an impacting documentary. Thank you and RIP to all those soldiers


G Dog
My Grandpa was full blooded German, but born in the USA. He was an expert marksman growing up with hunting on the farm. He enrolled in WW1, but wasn't allowed to carry a rifle thinking he wouldn't be willing to kill his kinfolk. So he drove truck instead. I often wonder if this saved his life... thus allowing me to exist.


Joanna Hampton
The amount of work put into this documentary is incredible


Michael Clair
I have watched numerous documentaries about the First World War and can confidently state that this was one of the best that I have seen. Bravo to all involved!


S. Buick
One of the best productions. Well done. Great sextion of video and insights in the stories within the larger narrative of the onset of the war in Europe and how it evolved into a global conflict. Great video. Thank you.


The Christmas truce was and still is one of my very favorite moments of all human history.
People who were killing each other and who were supposed to hate each other, coming together to drink and sing together instead ❤️


Caustic Console
That was excellently done! The only thing that was a bit difficult to follow at times were the seemingly random time jumps to late WW2, but aside from that this was a very professionally done, well edited, researched, and narrated documentary. Thank you!


although this is stated to be a WW1 documentary, it also spends a great deal of its time tracking the generation of war leaders for the next World War. A great documentary!


Derek Stocker
How after the first World War, the decision to start it all over again just 21 years later was insane, perhaps any future wars should not be entertained by the general population but just by the aggressors who want war and many of whom seem to hide out in offices miles from the action and usually survive unscathed, and let them have a duel to see who wins and NOT involve innocent others.


I remember in school we studied ww1 for an entire year, spending weeks on individual battles. Yet this documentary was able to teach far more than a year of school. Incredible documentary


Cody Pritchard
Agreed, great documentary. Amazing footage of the war. Crazy that they took photos of the dead as a way to catalog. It shows how little we knew of what was to come.


2:30 hours well spent.
This was really an eye opener for our generation who were only taught about the dates and duration of the world war.
Lets hope there will be no WW 3.


This is a pretty amazing documentary. It's important to delve into the human elements of wars in a variety of ways. The Great War was such a unique and cruel one.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Hoosier Ed
Thank God we'll never fight a war like that again.


Joel West
Great documentary! The 1914 Christmas truce was done well, almost had me in tears.


Mikey J.
Excellent WWI documentary. I've seen several documentaries on this war and I don't remember any of them being this well done. History is so dark and this is such a fascinating time period in the western world.


Joseph Wolosz
A very well done documentary of a tragic war. It also features some of the men who served in that war. They seemed to have glossed over the cause of the war which saw the last of the European Empires. But the narrative of the war itself was well done.


Sophie MacMullen
This documentary of the battle of Pellielu was really well done. The movie "The Pacific" was really well done as well, but it dint capture the real horrors the Marines and the Japanese army had endured. Bringing these old soldiers on to tell theyre stories of what they saw and experienced brought the human factor to life in this documentary. Thank you for sharing, your stories opened my eyes to a nearly forgotten battle.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

The Baroness
It’s amazing to still see that enemies can be brought together by something so simple as a day, no matter how many times I’ve seen it and then to go back from a truths and some sort of kinship become enemies again.
I can’t imagine how both sides must’ve felt, I can only think that those feelings had to have been one of sorrow knowing that those they broke bread with now again had to fight because everyone had to their orders and they were having to fulfill that duty bestowed upon them.
If there was ever a meaning behind it, it was and still is that weapons and hatred can be set aside and anyone with enough will, courage, and heart can be friends of a sort and forget everything even if it’s just for a short time but if they can do this the question is why can’t we do the same thing now?


joshua jespersen
Great documentary! I love the mix of coloured WW1 film with added sound and the reenactments, it makes it feel more personal than silent black and white film. The videos of how the untouched battlefields look today a little more than 100 years later really tells the tale of how man can seam to destroy the world but nature will survive but not without scars. Again this is a great and informative documentary of the great war.


Darcy L
Watching documentaries like this really hurts my soul and affects me deeply. I have extremely sensitive feelings of empathy towards these men who lost their lives for what they thought was a just cause only to turn out to be a complete waste. 33:48, the painter (I'm sorry I can't make out his name) who wrote to his wife about the despair he felt that he might not see his two boys again and was killed shortly after really hurts me. Knowing that there are millions of similar stories like that is just mind boggling. War is evil and serves no purpose! When will humanity learn??! We will destroy ourselves and be lost to history like every other civilization that has ever existed because we are doomed to repeat past mistakes. Greed, racism, arrogance and ignorance are our downfall. Please God if you are out there, help us to change and learn to live in peace and harmony with each other and to work towards a better future.


Camila Valentina
Excellent documentary. From the colored footage, the acted scenes, the CGI, the narration and the wisdom of the historians interviewed. I liked specially the interactive maps that showed the lines and movements of the fronts, because not being european, I’ve always had a hard time comprehending the dimension of it. Thank you very much and marvelous job! From Argentina.


I absolutely loved what the narrator said at about the 46:30 mark. "A quiet revolt of humanity." Wouldn't it be great if soldiers climbed out of their fox holes, walked toward the enemy, and the enemy walked forward to embracing one another and refusing to fight? Thinking for themselves and not simply following orders in spite of their superiors. Aw, it's okay to dream sometimes.


Lora *-*
I wish I could watch such documentaries without closing my eyes on a few things. Unfortunately, this was the reality, and so many innocent people died. Some died in fear, some died with pride. It was such a difficult time.


andy wagoner
This is very good. Excellent documentary.. I often wonder what my Great Grandfathers experience was as a soldier in the 32nd Infantry Brigade and their campaign in France.


Fair and Balanced
Excellent documentary! Its so sad that a lasting peace and a European cooperation wasn't achieved after this war, so that WW2 could have been avoided. Peace should have been brokered already efter one year. There was absolutely nothing worth fighting for in this war.


Karl III
The more you research WW1 and WW2 the more you realize what people was behind them.


Stephen Wise
This documentary uses footage iv'e not seen before (such as the German amputees with replacement limbs), it has helped me to join a lot of dots and it shows the scale of the carnage when pride is dented, a time before mass communication. Glad I watched it. Thanks h+c


Joey's third chin
I’m much more fascinated in WWI history compared to WWII and I honestly learned so much more from this documentary than I did in high school or college. Thank you for this.


Gooner 72
Great film, thanks for uploading!!
German forces overstretching themselves? It surprises me that they didn't learn from this mistake in World War two.


Billy Bergendahl
The last American veteran of the first World War passed away in 2011 at the age of 110. His name was Frank Buckles. He lived in Charles Town, West Virginia.


Kelvin Meadows
Excellent documentary. We lost 4 relatives on the western front. One survived gallipoli only to fall on the first day of the Somme, his brother close by a few weeks later.


29:38 - Strategic significance of Tannenberg was that it arguably prevented the defeat of the Central Powers right there and then, and in combination with later victories against the Russians helped cause the communist revolution and knock them out of the war, of course. While German eventually lost WW1, the world might have ended up quite different had it happened quickly.


Garrick Dean Lucasan
Garrick Dean Lucasan


that last bit about walter model sent chills down my spine. not because he commited suicide, but because of the revelations that lead to it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Peter Gibson
"Shell Shock" was physical damage to the brain caused by the supersonic shock wave of a nearby explosion.
It shattered the circuits in the brain.
Like being punched in the head by a heavyweight boxer for a year.


The video is excellent, especially the film documenting the battles and misery of that awful time. No documentary on the subject is complete unless it discusses the reason for the war. It does acknowledge that the assassination of Ferdinand was no big deal at first. So, if not him, then who?
Three of Britain’s wealthiest and most influential men
formed “The Society of the Elect,” dedicated to the “extension of British rule throughout the world” and “the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an Integral Part of the British Empire.” The three were William T. Stead, the founder of tabloid journalism, Reginald Brett, reputed to be the power behind the English throne, and Cecil Rhodes. The latter openly divulged his plan to gradually “absorb the wealth of the world,” according to the April 9, 1902 edition of the New York Times. Along with Nathan Rothschild (finance), King Edward VII, and Foreign
Secretary Sir Edward Grey (Military), the group began to work. Peter Hof’s book, “The Two Edwards,” documents how the group gained control of the British government and instigated the first world war.
The roundtable group’s stated purpose was to promote peace in the world. In reality, the society sought to make a unx of English-speaking countries into world rulers. The primary instrument of their scheme was war:
first, the Boer war, second, WW I.

英国三位最富有和最有影响力的人组成了“选民协会”,致力于“将英国的统治扩展到全世界”和“最终恢复美利坚合众国作为大英帝国不可分割的一部分”。这三位分别是小报新闻业的创始人威廉·T·斯特德(William T. Stead)、被誉为英国王权幕后掌门人的雷金纳德·布雷特(Reginald Brett)以及塞西尔·罗兹(Cecil Rhodes)。据1902年4月9日的《纽约时报》报道,后者公开透露了他逐渐“吸收世界财富”的计划。连同内森·罗斯柴尔德(金融业),爱德华七世国王和外事秘书爱德华·格雷爵士(军事),小组开始工作。彼得·霍夫(Peter Hof)的著作《两个爱德华》记录了该组织如何控制英国政府,并煽动了第一次世界大战。

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