2022-02-09 yzy86 18148


Gyeom Brown
Imagine heyun telling his friends and family "i have a girlfriend all of a sudden. we met on the bus and started dating the night before" HAHAHAHA
GAAAH I wished they had 1 more 40 min episode explaining everything in depth. Like why they got in the loop, or heyun and shiqing explaining to zhang how they knew everything. or even becoming friends with lu di. or what happened when heyun was stuck in standby for so long? we need a little more wholesome content :')
also, is it just me or is it hilarious that they probably casted a handful of people and told them "we're going to film you guys smiling and eating watermelon"


Yeah exactly 1 more episode would have been lovely! I want them to be friends with Lu Di and play with cats together, or talk some more with officer Zhang because he was the only one who always gave them the benefit of the doubt and listened, also what about heyun and shiqing going on a cute date or something? There's so many possibilities. Of couse I'm absolutely satisfied with the ending, I'm glad each chara got their own happy conclusion to the story, it's the best possible last episode we could've asked for <3 Also u may say casting people just for the watermelon scene is funny, but that's when I started crying during the episode lmaoo


i was tearing up then thought of that to stop myself
also made me realize we know more about the side characters than our leads BRUH


yeah me too cried at watermelon sences it was good


just in case you didnt know, i heard that the actual novel, those two went to a hotel and had sex during one of the loop, because they think that it will reset again so they will only have the experience but not physically had sex, still virgins. It didn't include that in the series hahaha


People say in the novel, the dead daughter is who pulled Shi Qing into the loop. She hope since they had similar demeanor, she could be able to convince her parents from causing a crime.


ws cryingbc lu di was not in the loop but he believed them when they used code


we're gonna need a season 2 when they get married and (hopefully the oldies on the bus are still alive ofc) and everyone on the bus have a fun time together reuniting a terrifying experience. and then timeskip again when the 2 have a kid- also my wish is that heyun and li and lu di become bsfs because they low key would seem like it.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The driver's daughter causes the loop, and she wants Shi Qing to save her parents. The aunt saw her daughter before getting into the police car, which is a hint.


time travel and ghost story is generally not allowed. Maybe they are loosening the censorship as long as the story is not "dumb" and have some moral value to it


if we could guess the cause of the time loop even with this minimum content, then I think mengmen created it. And she used another college student similar to her


Lee Star
I didn't cry at all but this last episode got me crying like a baby this was well made


Q Wang
Spoiler: Shiqing will wear different clothes


What a painful thing for a girl to always wear the same clothes, and have no washroom to change it. : )


Moominah Umpat
the most satisfying ending ever. why ? because we do not only see the happy ending of the main leads but also the happy impact it does on the life of the Supporting Characters we saw throughout the previous episodes. so satisfying and wholesome that i can finally relax after watching this series.


fadi ya
No words . Just spectacular there isn't any single boring or unwanted scenes throughout the drama. The scxt and cast is awesome especially mengmengs parents and mainleads . this is so far bestest drama for me . I was so done by cliche plots and this drama made my days these days exciting. gonna miss everything of RESET


You stole my words :') I wish they do another show together or a new season of RESET.


something I want, but I think they shouldn’t do. The whole point of this story is that it revolves around one exact moment, and how through that one moment, there are many stories to tell; who someone is, where they came from, what they are doing at that moment…it displays an awe-striking amount of stories in just one scene. If they carry it on, it would lose that “one moment” magic; if they did it with something different and approached it differently, I think that would be better


That Elliot
I cried when things were tense, smiling at the cute and sweet moments, and held my breath when I feared the worst. This show was a journey and I loved it.


Aaron Cai
Someone argue the police Zhang eventually entered the Loop as well, indicating by
1. Able to pick up call much quicker then before and make immediate action after receive the call and remain incredibly calm like if he experienced before
2. Able to download the Photo of Wangmengmeng and send it over to Shiqing quickly to sooth the driver and his wife mentally
3.Only Li called the police but still let both Shiqing and Heyun come to the police station in the end, and not making too much further investigation and let them go easily.
4. This statement was also implied in the original literature

1. 能用比以前快得多的速度接听电话,并在接到这通电话后立即采取行动,还能保持高度的冷静,就像他以前经历过似的。
2. 为了从精神上抚慰司机和他的妻子,能够下载王萌萌的照片并迅速发给诗情。
4. 这个说法在原著中也给出过暗示

marlyn hmt
the most anticipated Kiss scene


this drama taught me how to behave in such a pandemic situation.And I can see a brave me inside


The best Chinese drama I have watched . The plot was amazing . I had started it when 9 ep were already released and watched all 9 in a row and that was thrilling and amazing experience.The story opens itself layer by layer with covering every person story who is on the bus. Even I had known that series will not end until it reach happy end ,but in between what would happen no one can predict.
But Is it the whole story ? Because I have read the descxtion of its starting ep ,there were two paragraphs & 2nd para story is not in the drama


The second part is kind of a spin-off - A delivery driver also entered the loop, and to exit the loop he must deliver a package to Xiao Heyun (and prevent other non-explosion-related disasters from happening).


It is indeed a masterpiece for Cdrama. Chinese industries should make more dramas like this instead of making dramas with cringey romance, all rounder ml, over enthusiastic fl, annoying 2nd fl and over caring 2nd male lead
This drama had the perfect cast, amazing story, mind blowing cinematography. I've loved a Cdrama this much after a really long time.


Joshua Staten
Moral of the story: Look both ways before crossing the street.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

And now im going back to ep 1 to rewatch the whole series!!!!! Thank you, YoYo, the cast and translators, and everyone who helped this series to become what it is today!!! I really loved watching this series and loved the fact that the international fans get to watch it along too. Hoping this series becomes a popular hit !!!


naomi royle
Thanks to the production crew. I know it took 60 days to shoot. Each day must have been wild. Thank you to the amazing actors. They really pulled off some incredible scenes. The ending was well done. How to tie all of that together? Thank you so much, Zhou Shen, your voice helped me through it. Today is a special day. Ok, everyone, the beginning of the rest of your life. Live it well. Be safe and happy in what you do. Pay attention. Thanks for all of us being together on this very special ride which I feel changed my life somehow. Thank you especially YOLO English Subs. Would not have been the same without you


Jesuferanmi Olorundare
10/10 This drama is amazing. Tight scxt, strong characters I just wish we got an explanation for the loop, and why they were chosen for it. Looking forward to more dramas like this. Thanks Yoyo for the subs


I think it's when the heroine said the incident is not yet resolved in last few episodes. The whole loop is on Mengmeng's incident, which is why when Mengmeng's case is finally solved, the loop occurs no more.
Also, the heroine mentioned before only Xiao tried to help her at the early episodes. I think the reason they were chosen, is because they're willing to help and actually went through all the hardship to uncover the mysteries.


The explanation might be hidden in ep 2 - Shiqing mentioned that “sometimes when someone dies tragically, their soul gets trapped at the place of their death and they experience their death over and over again”. Mengmeng might have been looping for five years before she dragged Shiqing into the loop, and when Shiqing freed herself and Xiao Heyun from the loop she freed Mengmeng’s soul too.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

They didn't have to explain it in the show because there is no way for them to prove. But my understnading is that the loop started since the first explosion on the bridge, and since ep2 said Mengmeng's soul might be trapped where she died, most likely Mengmeng didn't want her parents to die like that, so she uses the Shiqing to help her parents to avoid death.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

This drama proved that even thriller's having a touch of a love can have a huge impact on the story and can even make the whole drama even better.


I am so happy with this ending. a beautiful closure. when xiao heyun didn't wake up in this loop i got so terrified but thankfully it all worked out. everyone is safe and wang mengmeng's case finally got a conclusion. i am so grateful to all the people involved for making such an amazing drama


Zero Zoe
On her arm, the mother wears a black hair tie with a red cherry on it. This hair tie is the one that the daughter wore when she was killed. And, red cherry in Chinese is: hong ying tao, which is the mother’s name read backwards: tao ying hong. The plot in this series is impeccable!


Neeraja Prasad
This is one of the best Chinese drama that I have ever seen!!!! A heart racing thriller drama without any cringe or awkward scenes. I loved it!!


So right! It was a thriller without going over the top! A believable thriller. It made my heart race a bit even if I knew they survived fine. The second time watching was sweeter, and saw some things I missed first time around. Hearing that ringtone might get me going. Thanks a million to Sophie and Derrick for translations. Fantastic series. You have put that bar so high I doubt anyone will be able to match it. Wish they would try, though.


The ending made me so happy in the inside, Ludi getting a cat and Maguoqiang delivering watermelons to his son, medicine lady reuniting with family, and also seeing the bus driver's soul being lifted of its weight after knowing the truth and seeing the lecher arrested, and the progatonists getting together, yay for happy ending


A furless cat


And Jiao(the suitcase guy) got the "saving others reward" of 20000 rmb he wanted, So he can buy the scooter to become a delivery driver. So happy for him


And pay off that debt so his daughter can go to college. Great stories!


Kevin Liu
Many people here ask on how they got into the loop. It's caused by Mengmeng, the daughter. Her spirit that lingers around that decided the young couple can save her parents and all passengers by giving them chances to save them again and again until everyone is saved. Did you see the last scene that the daughter smiled and relieved when the parents is taken by the police? Also, the clue is there, but it is in the first few episode, so no one paid attention. Li shiqi said that she believed a dead person's spirit will stay around when the person died of sudden tragedy and only goes to heaven when finishes business in this world. That's why the final scene is they go to her resting place and laid Mengmeng's spirit to rest.

这里有很多人问说他们是怎么进入这个循环的。循环是他们的女儿萌萌引发的。 她的灵体在附近游荡,而且认定这对年轻男女有能力拯救她的父母和所有的乘客,方法就是给他们机会一次又一次地展开拯救行动,直到所有人都获救为止。你们有没有看到最后一幕,当父母被警察带走时,女儿笑了出来,并且得到了解脱?而且,也给观众留了线索,但是在一开始的几集中,所以没人注意到。 李诗情说过,她相信一个人在横死以后,TA的灵魂会在附近流连,只有把这个世界中的事务了结了才会去往天堂。这就是为什么最后一幕是他们去了她的长眠之所,让萌萌的灵魂安息。

很赞 8