2022-02-11 IPmod 34849


Ragul Sundaram, lives in India
The answer is definitely not
Since country loke US has more independent corporate firms that can work on to develop techs and the government can easily work with those private firms the growth is at much faster rate.
But here in India government offices and authority are not at a sweet relationship with any private firms. So the growth will still be at lag


Shahid Ali, Teacher at Govt. of Assam (2010-present)
Not equal but can scale upto atleast 75 percent. In some fields the USA is more advantageous than India. They have a good control over marine engineering, navigation technology, war management, scientific research, construction engineering, medical sciences and so on.
While India is gradually progressing in all these fields.


S Murugesan, Retired bank employee at Banking
In terms of technology we are not lagging.
The US technologists are the origins from various countries, the origin of US are only the primitive red Indians . Indians also were instrumental in development of US technologies.
We were thriving with wealth and technology until 16th century which were robbed and looted by foreign invaders leaving us in poverty.
Still we are growing. We may take a decade or more when we will far exceed every other countries.


Bejoy Pramanick, lived in India
Why do you want to have US as a benchmark? US is our friend not a competetor.
I think we should think in terms of what impact we can make to improve the life in India by making it more beautiful in terms of public infrastructure.


As far as technology goes, programmers here are waking up , rejecting slave work, and challanging their technological limitations and handicap.
India will leap forward, and will be a giant in the next few years, but that's not really the need of the hour. We need love to replace hate and neglect and trust to replace mistrust from our society. That for me looks like a bigger challange in the coming times, for India and the world at large.


Shrikant Chitko
India will not reach America even in 3025 if the present trend continues.
Cone out of your day dreams as early as possible. In the U. S. the deserving people work and lead and others follow. No need to comment on our glorious tradition.


Manas Rath, Social Impact Enterprises, MIT grad, Reiki Master, Mumbai
It is worrisome to even see such a question, as it shows that we Indians are deluded and ignorant about our own country and world situations. The world has also pumped hot air into our backside, as some call Bangalore the Silicon Valley of the East blah blah.
Look at these lists and tell me what you see.
I have tried to triangulate data around intellectual property (patents filed), technology businesses and startups (esp in new-tech areas like AI, biotech, mobility etc), and academia (quality of technical universities).


The broad-based Global Innovation Index 2019 ranked India at 52 out of 129 countries. The rank is improving, but nowhere close to the US (#3), UK (#5), China (#14). https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_gii_2019.pdf
In 2018, US filed 55,981 international patents and China filed 53,340. India filed 2,013, amongst its highest ever. India posts highest growth in patent applications in 2018
Top 50 AI Companies in the world by Fortune: China has 3 companies, USA 41, Israel 3…India 0.

1. 2019年全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index)将印度排在129个国家中的第52名。印度的排名虽然在不断提高,但与美国(3)、英国(5)、中国(14)的差距太大了。https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_gii_2019.pdf

4. Old School Innovators—Fortune list of 100 Most Innovative Companies has Amazon and Facebook, but also Unilever, Starbucks, Visa and other such companies. India has 5 companies in the list—Hindustan Unilever, Bharti Airtel, Sun Pharma, L&T and Maruti Suzuki. Three of these have strong foreign heritage.
5. Fast Company’ 2018 Top 50 Innovative Companies had none from India, and even if you look at the top companies in sectors like Food, Transportation, Energy, Data Sciences, all priority areas for India, almost no companies show up. The World’s 50 Most Innovative Companies of 2018 | Fast Company

老派创新者财富榜100强最具创新能力的公司有亚马逊和Facebook,也有联合利华、星巴克、VISA等公司。印度共有5家公司上榜,分别是印度斯坦联合利华、Bharti Airtel、Sun Pharma、L&T和Maruti Suzuki,其中三个有很强的外国血统。
Fast Company 2018年的50强创新型公司中,没有一家来自印度,即使你看食品、交通、能源、数据科学等行业的顶尖公司,所有印度发展的好的领域,也几乎没有印度公司出现。

6. Lets move to education.
QS Top Universities does not report any Indian institute amongst Top 10 global engineering universities. China has Nanyang and Tsinghua, and National University of Singapore is in there—so 3 from Asia in Top 10. Top Engineering Schools in 2019
No Indian university was in Top 50 by http://InterestingEngineering.com. These Are the Top 50 Best Engineering Schools in The World
Finally, Careers360, an Indian publication, had IIT-Delhi at No 44 as the top-ranked engineering school. Top 100 Engineering Colleges in World 2017


In Sciences, which are the foundation for Engineering, we are even more dismal!!
Now I disagree with many of these rankings and their methodologies, but sure when India doesnt show up anywhere or on any list, the general thesis must be true—that India is largely irrelevant to the global technology scenario.
Actually that’s unfair to say. Our greatest contribution to global technology is to export very driven and reasonably well-educated people to places where they can use their talents to develop practical technology and build companies that affect the world. And that global companies (and investors) set up research labs in India because we have bright people but poor managers and ecosystem to nurture innovation and convert it into real products and businesses.


Yes, we are great supporters, as companies and universities from America, China, Britain, Korea, Germany, Japan and other countries rely on our manpower but unfortunately, most of the technology developed by these people belongs to and commercialized by those nations, not India.
We like to fool ourselves and have an inflated sense of pride—why? Simply because we have 1.4 billion people and a stable political / economic / social environment.
Our governments are not focused on strengthening education, improving healthcare, and providing measures that truly spur innovation and creativity.
Instead of investing in deep tech startups, our entire startup ecosystem is funded and owned by American and Chinese investors, and mostly chase useless consumer technology ideas like one more logistics and food delivery app business. Where is the real innovation and technology?


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

So, sir, to summarize—India is falling farther behind in the tech game, not inching forward. I feel we have already lost the tech battles of the next 30 years—artificial intelligence, virtual reality, mobility, biotech, communications—in all these areas, we will be big consumers and users, spending trillions to buy these from other countries, but not innovators or developers. That is the sad truth and anyone in the tech industry or academia will admit it—but not in public, because the jingoism must go on!!


Added on 28-Oct:
Had some discussions recently with VCs and entrepreneurs on a trip to NY/SF. New insight. They said that in the US, big companies and the Government pay top dollar or even unreasonable amounts to buy new technologies, thus creating a customer base for startups and innovators. In India, on the other hand, both Govt and large companies tend to be very conservative and stingy customers. Therefore innovators don't find a good market and have to compete in foreign markets which is naturally harder. This slows down the customer trials and feedback process, which in turn slows down innovation and product development, not to mention reduces investment in innovation as the route to market is harder.
This adds one more reason why India lags behind technologically. While US, China, Israel etc have active ecosystems, India doesn't, and isn't building one either, putting its tech sector at a further disadvantage.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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