2022-02-11 碧波荡漾恒河水 24909


The main problem is how much influence the US government has over the entirety of the US population. The amount of power that the US gov holds over people's lives has increased dramatically, and this has only accelerated with the government overreach during the covid pandemic. Naturally, when a government has more impact on people's lives overall, who is in charge will by extension have more impact on the average person before. This is why people get so divisive and rabid over politics; because who is in power affects them alot more now than it did a couple of decades ago. Really, the only solution I see to not have a political crises in the US is to give governments less power of people's daily lives, so that way they don't get as concerned about who is in power as they do now.


Unfortunately it’s really hard to take away a government’s power once it has it but I agree. The influence a big government has on ordinary people has lead to a multitude of problems

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I was literally having this discussion with my uncle the other day, im surprised other people see this

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

All the time. And people are just popping out kids like everything going to be great. Yeah we're fucked.


Yes. As a foreigner, the collapse of the US will happen because their model for Life is not sustainable. There's no balance between needs & wants. Too much is wasted, destroyed yet people are homeless & barely scraping by. People are too busy with talk Shows, Social media & other forms of degeneracy than actually something productive. Biggest negative is A No Respect Culture & Power over Power. My nation is also emulating the US too so we will also follow the US path downhill.


Of-course USA is the poster boy, a lot of countries are having the same problem & it is a social change.


Addendum Too less spent on Healthcare & Education and too much on Pointless Wars.


Yes. I was wondering if the US was headed toward a civil war during the Trump era.


It seems we’ve been inching towards a civil war since 2016


We're actually IN one right now. It's not fought with bullets etc but freedoms (like the right to vote) ARE being attacked by those that benefit from limiting certain segments


One politician said if we don't' change (voting laws) we'll never win another election.


Sorry I don't' have a lix and if in some sense I misquoted, I apologize.


But there ARE those who do think certain people should NOT vote because they don't have the right info to make an informed decision.


Which SOUNDS like if they don't see that my side is right, they should not be part of the decision making process


I predict in November there will be at least ONE state that will overturn a result - not because they have evidence but because they have the power to do it.


That will be the first real shot.


I honestly had to check my cognitive dissonance after the pandemic money printing escapade.. no way did I think we could further our collective debt footprint exponentially all the while each and every group feeling broke unseen and marginalized and blaming each other -perfect conditions for collapse especially when the elected leaders only participate in infighting and not any actual representation of the people.


LOL. That Ni is not letting you see the bigger picture. The USA has the world's leading currency. If you lose that, then your USA can collapse. You confound a drop in standard of living with collapse. Now, for all of you Rome conspiracy theorists, remember that it went from monarchy to republic to empire. There were at least three political systems before the Western Empire collapsed. And the Eastern Roman Empire (aka Byzantium) collapsed nearly 1,000 years later, in 1453. So the USA might go from democracy to dictatorship due to inequitable land distribution, but I think news of its imminent collapse are overrated.


40% of your currency has been printed since 2020. 40%!!! You are just in the beginning stages of your inflation. My fear is that you will drag a lot of other nations down with you and leave the world stage for China.

自2020年以来,你们印出了40%的货币。40% ! !你们仅仅处于通货膨胀的初级阶段。我担心的是,你们会把很多其他国家拖下水,并离开世界舞台,让位于中国。

The U.S. is already dead, I could see it falling apart into factions due to the major political divides here. China is growing rapidly but they are wasting a lot of money on making themselves look impressive (look up China’s empty skyscrapers and real estate problems). I think the U.S. will collapse, China will try to fill that void but will struggle in doing so. This will lead to a world with no clear superpower. It’ll be interesting to see how this impacts all of us


Universal basic income will be implemented within 20 years. Industries will change to allow people to live entirely on UBI. People will migrate to lower cost of living regions. China's growth will stall due to demographic collapse. Things in the US are not as bad as they seem in the media (surprise, surprise). Things will be better not worse in the near future.


Yes. My take is more economic red flags.


Average household debt is increasing. At its worse that it’s been since 2007.


Everyone in my state thinks they will be rich is they buy a house today which was costing 50% just 2-3 years ago. The same people who were laughing at me for buying my house 3 years ago at the cost are now buying worse houses for 50% more of what my house was at that time. It’s just insane.


FED printing did not seem to help with inflation as they expected. Quantitative easing once again proves to not really work.


Inflation is growing at a fast pace.


The FED is wanting to tapper buying bonds as aggressively as they were.


Supposedly there is a shortage in workers. Which is weird. How can every possible industry have a shortage in workers but the unemployment rate is down to 4%.


I think we’re are heading toward a disastrous economic season in the coming years.


The other day I discovered the house next to my parents was worth 120,000 dollars in 2005 and is now worth 700,000 dollars. I will be lucky enough to inherit my parents house so I will benefit from this but it is virtually guaranteeing a near feudalism level of wage slavery for the younger generations. The price of housing, college, healthcare cannot continue to raise like it has without society collapsing evenutally.


The way I see it even if you're well off its basically going to be like living in a nice area of Detroit. You aint gonna be living comfortably even if you're well off when a gigantic part of the population has no stake in society, no reliable income or future.


I personally don't see a collapse in the near future for the USA. We are an economic and militaristic powerhouse. I think the major issue with the way we view ourselves is due to the rise of social media ( we have always had some problems some of which were kind of big ). I think we will continue to grow but we will still broadcast the good bad and ugly and make small changes as we go.


It’s oddly exciting to be in such interesting times, yes it is chaos, but fascinating to watch.


A lot of Europe is not much better off, there is a lot of instability across the board. I don’t think we are anywhere near total collapse yet, but we are walking a line.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I think we are at a crossroads, but in some areas we have actually moved in a positive direction. And crossroads have occurred many times before, every major war in our history was a time of chaos, and there was a huge chance of failure.


As entertaining as it would be to watch the fall of the US, I think in many ways we are moving forward. Also outside of social media, many issues are not as extreme. Negative catastrophizing news keeps you hooked.


Many social issues are slowly evening out, but remember these things take generations to fully correct.


Our society is progressing at an unfathomable rate. Progress and change are happening, but it takes humans time to adapt, so expect a bit of lag on the human end. As sad as it is to say, certain behaviors and extremes with die-off somewhat when the generations they were most prent in. It’s our job to make the world a little bit better, move in the best direction, and make those small steps so that the generation that replaces us can do the same. As much as I’d like to watch it play out, many things are just a matter of time and small progressions.


My biggest concern in our economy and international relations, but if we get some good leadership in office, it can be fixed. But again, a complete fix will take generations, and can be easily undone. That's why being active in politics, especially local state-level politics is important, I don’t like it, but I don’t want to leave all these problems to my kids one day.


I’m also concerned about the inability to respect differences, across the whole spectrum of differences. Despite talking about equality and acceptance, we highlight differences to polarizing rising levels. My grandparents didn’t egg their neighbors house because they voted for a different president. Media polarisation is quite frightening. I love to debate, and I often take an opposite stance from my own to try and poke holes, see different sides of an argument, etc. In many circles, people will flat-out shun you for even considering a different opinion. They also take it as a personal attack, instead of an attack or exploration of their argument. It’s sad. I hope this also dies out with time. Looking at history, if enough people can move beyond it, the rest will follow. I feel like I was built for critical thinking, and currently we seem to be losing it, because we keep canceling anyone who questions. Questions are good, if you can’t attack your own argument, I don’t trust your position. You learn that in formal debate when you have to prep for both sides. Always be able to argue against yourself, and don’t be afraid to explore opposing views. In the least it will help you understand people and perhaps have more empathy for their positions, and why they took up those positions. You understand people, then you are in a position to change their lives as well. And if they don’t want help or change, let them be. They are not ready yet, and respecting that will preserve the opportunities for change in the future. Alienating them will only cause defensiveness, hurt and hate.


Also, remember we are not only a young country, but one of if not the only democratic-republic around, we are a trial of new government, and we don’t have as much history to guide us.


We are an experiment! And we get to not only watch it all happen, but actually effect the final outcome. I’m not hopeful, I’m watching and instigating healthy progress.


It's almost a too big to fail situation. We'll probably enter strife and come out better, but who knows the ups and downs during that time.


There is no where and no one who would take the US territory. It might splinter but even then it would stay as a government that isn't recognized.


They rode this cycle of capitalism to it's bitter end.. there is fewer places for investors to find growth so it becomes exploitative (rent). Debt is at it's peak and asset valuations are at their peak. They made 1 generation wealthy and it was supposed to trickle down.. instead they still hold the wealth but everyone else has to get squeezed to support them further.. an old generation doesn't spend their wealth like a new generation would.. so some industries and jobs are super profitable while others starve to their death. A total financial collapse is the only solution.. and it should have happened in '08.. but govs and central banks are hell-bent on staving it off for as long as they can.




Joe Biden already feels like a lame duck president in his fist year… He really doesn’t care if his opponents win in the midterms and the next Presidential election.


The most important question a person faces is not what the times will be like in their lives, but what their lives will be like in their times.


What I'm more worried about is the lack of patriotism in the future generations. If we are no longer working for our country, then we are working for our selves under the guise that we are working for our country. Something I'm sure we all could sense in most politicians these days.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Democracy failed. Time to learn Russian


From the outside looking in, it doesn't look promising. It seems to me if one tries to dig down into the root causes, it would be the corruption in US politics, as in politicians are greatly influenced by corporate money. It's hard to see how that can be undone without some radical action. Sometimes things get so fucked up the only way out it to break it and start again.


Welcome to the oligarchy.


Absolutely- I saw the red flags for quite some time (especially while Obama was president and the shift of both parties). I was hoping that it was just my mind seeing all of the bad and making it far worse than it actually was... then the pandemic hit and it verified my worst fears. I have since started learning other languages (Norwegian currently) to give myself an advantage if I need to leave the US and find refuge in another country. This is, of course, drastic and is only plan D, but I need all of the contingency plans I can muster because so many things can (and likely will) go wrong in the next 5 years or so.


Yes and myself and my business has been preparing for it for years


Im from Europe and have lost a lot of money shorting the American stock market. Every time I think it’s about to go belly up there is more taper and stimulus from your fed. Your economy is only a sharp rise in interest rates for the average person from a 1930s depression. Enjoy the roaring 20s while you can. Because there is a loooooong way down.


Read the book titled The Fourth Turning. We seem to be in a standard pattern. This phase of the pattern will include chaos, a falling apart, and then a rebirth of a new United States. So it's not the downfall of the U.S. (though it will feel like it) Instead it's a refactoring or a time of forced destruction of what isn't working, which motivates everyone to try something new for the next 4 standard cycles.


The fact that we put on 1 trillion dollar in cc debt during the pandemic.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

The US has been through a LOT worse, even in my lifetime.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Look at the 70s. The economy was way worse, divisions between people were worse (some actually cheered the National Guard killing 4 students at Kent State), a President was forced to resign, America pulled out of Vietnam & the govt we'd been supporting collapsed (much like Afghanistan), the embassy staff in Tehran was held hostage, the Weather Underground & similar groups did literally hundreds of bombings.


It really looked like the US was falling apart, then things got better.


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