2022-02-12 tangerl 26955


Nick AI, MPH Masters in Public Health, University of New South Wales (1998)
By then, most likely, China's total GDP will be twice as large as that of the US., therefore the new world will be a different one, believably bright hope will continue to prevail.

尼克 · 艾,公共卫生硕士,新南威尔士大学(1998年)

Brian Compton, Historical warfare strategy buff, medi.
More powerful than they are now. Still prospering in trade with the USA and other nations. And, having some really neat battles on the moon using drones.

布莱恩 · 康普顿,中世纪历史战争策略迷

Nathan James
, Geopolitical pundit and blogger.
By mid-century, China should be the dominant world power. China will have a greater economy and a greater military than its predecessor, the United States.
However, China will be part of a multipolar, multilateral world order where China, America, and Russia will share the responsibility in maintaining global order.
China will be widely recognized for its peacefulness and benevolence. Its Belt and Road Initiative will have come to completion and many, many countries in Latin America, Africa, Middle East, Central Asia, and Southeast Asia will be enormously grateful for China’s infrastructure assistance.
In other words, China will have lots of friends.
China will have finally caught up to the West in terms of per capita GDP. China will be a fully developed nation, fit to join the G7 or G8 or G*.

内森 · 詹姆斯,地缘政治学专家、博客作者

Danny Auyeung
Answered Feb 2
What is good for China is good for the world.
What is good for America may be bad for the world!
In 30 years, most of the world will be integrated into a peaceful, benevolent, efficient, innovative, technologically advanced, fair, tolerant, equitable trading bloc where all member countries enjoy a high standard of living, and state of art infrastructure.
China will play a key role in this new world order. It will try to make a bigger pie for everyone. It will not rob, steal, blackmail, enslave, slander, murder the peoples of the world. It is not driven by extreme capitalism which glorifies money and power over humanity.
It adopts meritocracy so that only qualified people who have proven their abilities to run a large population may have a chance to lead the country. Its focus on long term planning steers it towards appropriate allocation of resources.
Most of the world will have access to clean water and adequate food supply. China has demonstrated that its political system delivers. It has looked after all its citizens. It has turned deserts into farmland. It leads in 5G, 6G and many other fields.
Athletes at the BJ Winter Olympics are dazed by the high tech conveniences they are being pampered with. The combination of AI, 5G, robotics, and no nonsense management gives them the First World experience.
If the West elects to isolate itself from China so that its citizens won't complain about how backward they are then the gap will just widen.
The truth will always come out!
Look forward to the 2050s!

真相总会水落石出的 !
期待21世纪50年代吧 !

Epstein Lance
, PhD Philosophy & Biochemistry, Thousand Oaks, CA (2025)
Answered Feb 5
30 years is around the year 2052. For simplicity’s sake let’s consider it as the year 2050 that will also be the 101st anniversary of the founding of the modern Chinese republic.
By the year 2050, as per the vision of Chinese government, China will be a model socialist country in all respects.
Some of the major things are:
By the year 2050 China will have been the largest economy for over two decades already but it’s economic output will be about 3–4 times that of the United States.
It will the most advanced country in terms of scientific and technological developments.
Also the most advanced country in terms of space research.
It will have one of the most prosperous population in the world enjoying a very high standard of living.
It will have the world’s best military force to protest Chinese population and interests from the hostile forces.
The BRI would have also become mostly successful and also thus helping many of the Global south countries who have seen nothing but exploitation and loot under the current Western model.
It will also be the leading Olympic nation by that time. Well it already is now.
The yuan will be a major global currency already.
So above are the few major things China as a country would have achieved by then.
Oh almost forgot, by 2050 there will probably be regular high-speed train services between mainland and the island of Taiwan and by when it has already become the 23rd province of China.

爱泼斯坦 · 兰斯,哲学与生物化学博士,加州千橡市(2025)

Wei Wangng, Finance Dealer.Studied at Edith Cowan University (ECU) Lives in Perth, Western Australia
I can’t see how a country with its most talented and wealthy rushing to migrant to other countries can be the worlds most powerful or at least most popular nation.
China looks powerful now because of its population base, anything times 1.4billion is easily the biggest in the world. It’s far from technologically superior and nothing, let me repeat: nothing from China is dominant in the world. It’s like an harmless blue whale, a giant only, not competitive at all.

Wei Wangng,金融经纪人,曾就读于埃迪斯科文大学,现居西澳大利亚珀斯

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Kanthaswamy Balasubramaniam
China already is a World Power today
Only the US is more powerful overall than China.
China is
# 1 in Global Supply Chain Distribution
#4 in Defence Manufacture
#2 in Space Technology
#2 in Global Trade ($)
#1 in Global Trade (Volume)
# 5 in Global Reserve Currency
#1 in Infrastructure Development
# 1 in Worldwide Communications & Railways
# 1 in Commercial Manufacture
On a Global Impact Factor, China scores 117.8 and US at 140.6 is the only Nation ahead of China. Only Japan scores 80+ after this as a Lone Country (Europe combined has 101.2)

坎塔斯瓦米 · 巴拉苏布拉马尼亚姆

Abdullah Ali Abbasi
, lives in Rawalpindi, Punjab, Pakistan (2021-present)
I see China as a Global Leader within the next 30-years.
China is growing enormously in almost every field that holds strategic, financial, and defense importance. The growth started soon after the country pronounced its independence and never stopped. The best and most dominant portion of their success is financial independence. The country successfully uplifted the poor and helped millions of people grow out of poverty and enjoy a substantially better life.
The production pace, quality, and processes of China are well known, and there isn't any city in the world where Chinese products are not available. So, we can say that China is a power hub of universal production and supplies. The dependency for exceptional quality, management, and production of the world also gives a strategic upper hand to the country. And this is the reason China is seen as a threat by some non-progressive counterparts.
When it comes to space, the growth of China in this sector is also beyond imagination. Additionally, the country has built an integrated infrastructure that allows it to enjoy self-sufficiency in space and an ancillary system of satellites and communications with unmatchable superiority in defense and surveillance in the region.
Strategically, the influence and collaboration of China are growing beyond the borders, and it is certainly a new world leader. It will take time to propagate this new position of China in the world, but friends abroad will make a difference.

阿卜杜拉 · 阿里 · 阿巴西,拉瓦尔品第,巴基斯坦旁遮普(2021年至今)

Peter Kaye
, worked in Taiwan, Japan, India, Saudi Arabia etc.
Exactly the same place it is now, it hasn’t moved in thousands of years, do you mean politically? No different, do you mean financially? ON TOP OF THE WORLD, do you mean militarily? Also on top of the world, do you mean, manufacturingly? Also on top of the world, also by then they will probably have finished most of their BRI projects, so a lot of smaller countries will be VERY GRATEFUL TO CHINA FOR THEIR HELP and development.

彼得 · 凯伊,曾在台湾、日本、印度、沙特阿拉伯等地工作

KokHin Lim
In 30 years China will be more than doubled US economic size in USD and 4 times real purchasing power parity or PPP.
Militarily China would have more, better and bigger military resources, than US and most of US vassal states such as Germany, Japan and South Korea would have moved on to become more independent.
US would have lost its global currency status and petro dollar is effectively over as most countries have moved on to alternative energy source in 30 years. 100% of countries including USA has China as it biggest trading partner.
China mean while has grown to be the world's biggest market by a long shot. As a market China is bigger than the combining all the 10 next biggest market together. So US upsetting and fighting China means hurting its lunch and dinner daily by 2052.
By 2052 China will dominate the Automous EV market, it will overtake US military hardware sales, it currency will be the most used in trade, it will have set up a full fledge moon base an have started mining precious metals in Mars.
Most technological standards and systems are Chinese set system. China & other socialist countries, US & its Anglophones, Europe and India are are 4 pillars of world power. US sole superpower status have long gone. Sanctions and military actions unilaterally has stopped for a generation and it is struggling to be a nation that can only win by meritocracy by 2052.

随着大多数国家在30年内转向替代能源,美国将失去其全球货币地位,石油美元实际上已经结束,包括美国在内的100% 的国家都把中国作为最大的贸易伙伴。

Charles Ang
The Americans are better to learn Chinese now not to fall further behind. Singaporeans will adapt to Chinese and move away from the current English.


Jesse Balaclava
No, Singaporeans will continue to use both.


Charles Ang
With all due respect, the founding father of Singapore, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, advised Singaporeans not to speak Singlish.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Jesse Balaclava
You mean Chinglish.


KokHin Lim
I am 100% certain whatever English we speak it is way, way, way better than your Chinese. Go learn “I wish to apologise sincerely to every Singaporean in the world, I am not much more than a regular bum"

去学学这句: "我希望向世界上每一个新加坡人真诚地道歉,我不过是一个普通的垃圾"

Jesse Balaclava
Hey KokHin Lim, I have a rule in life which is, “Never underestimate the other guy’s greed.” (from the movie Scarface) For all you know, I COULD BE CHINESE, whose English just happens to be very good (which implies that I also know Chinese language). Chinese + English = Chinglish. What’s wrong with that term? And you know who I learnt that from? From Singaporeans, laa.
And I will apologize to every Singaporean as soon as you apologize to every Canadian..

嘿,@kochin Lim,我的人生准则是: “永远不要低估别人的贪婪。”(来自电影《疤面煞星》)
就你所知,我可能是中国人,我的英语刚好非常好 (这意味着我也懂中文),中文 + 英语 = 中式英语,这个术语有什么问题吗?你知道我是跟谁学的吗?新加坡人。

KokHin Lim
Show what you wrote to you kids. It is shameful and pathetic, since when is it ok to use slur on another race?


Jesse Balaclava
“Maybe” I don’t have any kids. You should show what you wrote to your children. If you carefully read everything that I wrote, I did not slur anybody. Even if I said something against Singaporeans which I did not, Singaporean is a nationality, not a race, laa.


Wingo Wong
That’s too hard to predict. Assuming there is no war breaking out directly and indirectly with China, it should be somewhat like the following:
1)There will be more than one megacity like Jinjinji because amo the 1.4+ billion people, many of them will continue to flock to tier 1 cities like Beijing, making it a necessity to convert neighbouring tier 1 cities into a mega city for more effective transit and civil services. The next one could very well include Shenzhen and Guangzhou
2)The density of highway covering the country will be higher than the US
3)Expect to see towns and even city full of self driving vehicles as China is already beta testing self driving no rail light train in the city.
4)Renewable energy generation will spread to the citizen level where many of the private homes and buildings will have some green energy generation. In US, you can see a lot of the rooftops have a water tower for water pressure consistency, but in China, you can a lot of the buildings have solar thermal on the rooftops if you travel into the suburb of China nowadays.
5)Eco friendly and sponge cities starts to emerge in the current lower tier cities. Just look at the development of artificial wetland in Hainan, you can tell what it will like in 30 years.
6)With the speed of HSR deployment and Belt Road Initiative, we can expect even Xinjiang and Tibet will become quite urbanized.

1. 将会有不止一个像京津冀这样的特大城市(群),14亿以上人口中,许多人将继续涌向像北京这样的一线城市,使得将相邻的一线城市转化为特大城市以获得更有效的交通和民用服务成为一种必然,下一个很可能包括深圳和广州。
2. 覆盖全国的高速公路密度将高于美国
3. 预计将看到城镇甚至城市充满自动驾驶汽车,因为中国已经在城市测试自动驾驶无轨轻轨。
4. 可再生能源发电将推广到市民层面,许多私人住宅和建筑将使用绿色能源发电。
5. 目前三四线城市开始出现生态型和海绵型城市,看看海南人工湿地的发展,你就知道30年后它会是什么样子。
6. 随着高铁建设和“一带一路”倡议的推进,预计新疆和西藏也将进一步城市化。

Casey Reagan, Information Engineer at Strategy FooYou Agency
Well, actually I don’t know what China will be like after 30 years.
But, according to CPC’s plan:
In 2050, Chinese common people will have a life that the middle class of the United States have today.
Yes, China is in a period of the rapid development. But we are still far behind the western country. We still have a huge number of poor population. And China is still a developing country.
The good thing is, we are manage to improve it all.

凯西 · 里根 战忽局信息工程师

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Alex Ye, former Project Manager at Enactus (2015-2016)
China has the bigest market, no one could change the fact.and in the next 30 years,it will play a more and more important role because of Chinese people’s increasing purchasing power.
and the “One Belt and One Road”will boost global economic growth and improve the economic level of developing countries.
As for the military,in the next 30 years,China has ability to break the US blockade and finish “Asia-Pacific re-balance”.
China will have more words power in international affairs.China’s international influence will get further improvement.

Alex Ye,Enactus 前项目经理 (2015-2016)
而 "一带一路 "将推动全球经济增长,提高发展中国家的经济水平。
在军事方面,在未来30年,中国有能力打破美国的封锁,完成 "亚太再平衡"。

Jesuan Wu, lives in Panama City, Panama (2018-present)
Thanks for A2A.
The Chinese borders will be different. Politically the Taiwan issue will likely be solved one way or another; diplomatically China will have negotiated border deals with some of its neighbors, land and sea, making compromises along the way, with flash points risking armed conflict. New disputes will arise, maybe in the form of space sovereignty. If human history is of any indication, territorial change is often violent.
The Chinese identity will change. As the Chinese economy and internationalization grows, interracial marriages and immigration will grow. The Chinese sense of nation, something started in the late 19th century, will reverse back into the more traditional sense of cultural belonging, as more and more interracial Chinese, overseas Chinese, and immigrants with Chinese citizenship appear.
The western part of China will become more important. Chinese will rediscover its underdeveloped west, for natural, economical and political resources. Infrastructure development, domestic tourism, and the trend of secularization will help make the beautiful, immense and untapped western parts of China more accesible. Beginning with the current Belt and Road Initiative, and later overwhelmingly due to the rise of India, Central Asia will become much more important to China than today, and with it, Xinjiang and Tibet. Also, as future population growth puts more strain on fresh water supply, how China manages the water supply in Tibet will become a focus point for domestic and international opinion, especially for India and Southeast Asia, since Tibet is the birth place of their most important rivers.
Technologically, China will have become one of the most advanced countries in the world. Reforms to the education system and especially the separation of the politics and education in the universities will be necessary, but it’s totally perceivable that China returns to its rightful place as one of the most inventive civilizations in human history. Such a trend will be reinforced by the secular nature of China’s political system and the Chinese population, as scientific advancements will have a lot less restraints from conservative ideas. Today it’s AI and stem cells, in the future, I can see China spearhead the development of organ clones or biomecanics, even cyborgs, accelerated by technological competition with other nations on earth and in space exploration.
Culturally, China will make a come back. So far, culture output from China has not had nearly as much worldwide impact as that of Japan and Korea as they developed. This is partly due to the government’s suppresion and control on arts, entertainment, publication, and equivalenting Chinese culture with Traditional Chinese culture. The government will not be able to or want to suppress the popular expression for too long, as more expressive and open young Chinese become the new government body themselves.

Jesuan Wu,住在巴拿马的巴拿马城(2018-至今)

很赞 5