2022-02-16 碧波荡漾恒河水 20281

My family is vegetarian. Consumption of meat based food by others was treated with disgust. I initially believed their reasoning - that it was cruel to animals, that it was not right to cause harm to another living thing, etc. But then they were also uncomfortable with eating food at a restaurant that also had meat dishes on the menu. They disliked vegetarian food being cooked in utensils that had been used to prepare meat dishes. Egg doesn't even have any meat but was still considered a bad thing to eat.


As I grew up, I realized that vegetarianism for them, and society at large, was about maintaining an imagined purity that had been bestowed upon them by virtue of being born in an upper caste lineage. Since butchering, skinning and tanning of animals is considered the occupation of untouchablesoutcastes, for an upper caste person to partake in it means risking the ritual purity or caste based superiority. Disgust towards a meat based diet is actually disgust towards the section of our society (Dalits, Muslims) who consume it. Among Gujarat's upper castes, someone who eats non-vegetarian food is considered a baser person, someone who has not quite adopted human values and norms.


The vegetarian sort is fine with the exploitation of livestock for milk. They are okay with cows being pumped with steroids, with male calves being culled for being unproductive, old cows being let loose on the streets, with cattle starving to death in cow shelters. Even this pretense of humaneness is restricted to animals. Jainsupper caste Hindus who harp about the moral superiority of their food are the vote banks of a political party which has caused widespread massacres. Denying Muslims and Dalits permission to reside in their localities, forcibly stopping the sale of meat on JainHindu holy days, removing eggs from the mid day meals of school kids, banning the slaughter of cattle does not strike these people as violence being committed on their fellow humans. It is such people who constitute and support a party that overtly states its goal to be the subjugation of the 'other'. Protesting the loss of life in pogroms, mob lynching, caste based violence or fake encounters as a community never occurs to devout Jainsupper caste Hindus. Spilling the blood of people they consider inferior does not shake their faith.


This explains why upper caste HindusJains are so obsessed with vegetarianism, so much so as to label the normal food of the masses, that is contrary with their own practices, as non-vegetarian. It's merely a performance. Those who call the cow their mother, consume its dung and urine, or claim vegetarianism as superior have no great love for animals or ethical living. Vegetarianism is merely a vehicle to project and maintain superiority over the lower caste masses. It makes it easier to think of yourself as a good person while ill treating those who have no power to fight back.


I have been through the exact same train of thought as you, coming from a lacto-vegetarian Gujarati family.


It is not morally superior in any way, there's plenty of animal exploitation even in vegetarianism. Cows are literally kept pregnant as long as they can produce milk while each calf fuels the veal industry. At the end when they can't keep this up they're slaughtered. It's sickening and dystopian, the scale at which we exploit animals and how few people care about this.


I went vegan the day I found out about all this.


I have the same exact story though my family is vegetarian for caste-related reasons. Went vegan 3 years ago, and I finally feel like I’ve made an informed choice.

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i hope to turn vegan one day too , just let me figure out protein intake.

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i am vegetarian currently


although i respectfully disagree with ur point that vegetarian is not morally superior to non vegetarian diet as its not as harmfull as non veg diet.


Although being vegan is miles better.


You're a good person


Just ask why was Ram hunting a deer? To impress his wife or have a good meal in the middle of thick vegetation?


Probably both. They would have made clothes out of the skin and ate the meat.


The deer was asking for it in another dimension - "Bad"guru

那只鹿在另一个维度要求它- "坏"大师。

Bhakts will suffer a short circuit, if asked such questions


didnt they wear deer skin or something?


But Ram is the god of Hindus, not only upper caste vegetarian Hindus.


A person who has a superiority complex will find every possible argument to justify his/her superiority. This has nothing to do with being vegetarian.


And that's what OP literally said.

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Edit : It definitely has much to do with being vegetarian and hating those who aren't. Debate about being veg and non-veg is just an aspect of it. Same logics apply when it comes casteism and LGBTQ+. They hate them because they don't consider them equal. It's simple as that. (And if you are thinking that's exactly what you said, you are misunderstanding me again.)


No op was making a point about the morality of fake vegetarianism ideals. Really though the end result of reducing some animal and environmental burden, despite intent, is what makes it morally superior.

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If I understood correctly, OP is generalizing vegetarians in India as hypocrites.


Although I cannot agree with all the points in OP’s original post, I respect their opinions.


I would like to add the subtle hatred in form of ridicule that was directed at East Asians for eating bats and dogs.

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The post was very subjective. I am a Hindu, non-vegetarian by birth , but vegetarian by choice. I was once invited to a party by my Caucasian friend who asked me to confirm a week earlier so that he would know how big the cow would be to be slaughtered. I did not go . Having seen my grandpa who tendered his old cows until their death ( because they have given milk when young) while financially not so viable, I have seen his love for his animals. It always stays with me . That doesn’t mean he ate and drank cow urine or dung . These people here post very half knowledge or derogatory things about a practice that which they are not even aware . All they see is some dumb political statements about how cow urine is good and make passive aggressive statements about certain groups that have nothing to do with politicians . Also , Western people also don’t eat horse meat for similar reasons . They used them for farming.


It's a typical case of hasty generalization.


Yes you are right, but not every vegetarian is like that. Not all of them claim superiority over others like you said. Its the same as every other group of individuals.


I too am a vegetarian by choice. It was a rational decison according to my thinking and i still stick by it. The principle i live by - Cause other life as less harm as possible so as they don't hinder your own well being. Humans need animal based vitamin eg. Vitamin B12, which you cannot get from any other source - for which milk becomes an essential part of my diet. Traditionally cows were kept in every household and they were cared for in return of milk (yes i know the repeated imregnation of the animal is no way okay but the care given to the animal was very good, industrialisation destroyed that culture).


If a person uses medicine, or vitamin tablets, they cannot say that they hav not benefitted from the life of an animal. Whoever says otherwise is an hypocrite. But I will say that I wont kill an animal unless it becomes essential for my survival i.e. I will kill and eat if suppose im stranded on an island and there is no other choice but that BUT never for taste or as a sport -> this is what i think makes the majority of difference.


I have killed insects with no second thot at all... but when I really think about it it takes me into this phylosophical pit of "How do u judge what to kill or what not to kill" or "Death of which being deserves your remorse and sympathy"... i wont talk abt it but i hav thot deeply about these things and have made a sort of my own set of principles that I now live by.


Buddy you can get B12 from nutritional yeast, soy milk, or by taking a supplement. Some reports say mustard seeds have B12, though I’m not sure.


Better to go vegan, as the dairy industry directly sources the beef industry. It’s super cruel.


Thanks, its been a while since i upxed my info on this... I will surely read up and try to switch if there are good alternatives.


I completely agree with what you said. I was vegetarian before because my family was one. Now, I feel like hurting any animal for food when you have other nutritional alternatives is a bad thing, and I am vegetarian by choice currently. Milk is important part of my diet and I couldn't find anything which could replace it and is as cheap. Also, it is impractical to do so when you are still not financially independent. We do kill insects instinctively and drawing parallels between this and not eating meat because I care about animals pushes me into a confused kind of state; I do care about animals but I hate mosquitoes and cockroaches. I have no answer to this thought.

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You need to switch to veganism if you care that much about animals. You can't justify your consumption of milk just because of vitamin B12. People around the world have been having a fully vegan diet.


Either be a vegan or just don't. There is no middle ground. Anything inbetween should purely be for dietary reasons. Don't claim morality when you are chugging a glass of milk everyday, unless you know for sure that the milk is reared from a cow not subjected to any cruelty or exploitation.


Full disclaimer: I am not vegan.


Firstly, When did I claim a moral high ground? Please go and read my comment again.


secondly, it's not healthy to be vegan from a young age. If one enforces his/her vegan belief onto kids, they are basically hindering his growth.


A vegan also uses medicine right?... so they also benefit from animals albeit indirectly.


The cow thing I have explained in my comment. The constant impregnation is not good - yes, but if one can care for her and feed her like we used to earlier in exchange for milk, which can cover for our vitamin deficit veg diet, it is the lesser of the other evils i believe. I have seen how cows are treated in my village and i could certainly say they are treated better than most animals...even better than some dog and cats lovers.


I am kindly suggesting you to adopt veganism. That's all.


I understand your point about milk reared in villages. What difference would it make if you are not in your village and cannot guarantee that the milk you obtain is not reared just like how it is done in your village?


He wasn't talking about vegetarianism but how Hindu and Jains have made a religious virtue of it to convey their purity and superiority over others.


i proposed a different view of why a person can choose to be a vegetarian. He is roping everybody under his lense of scrutiny which is wrong. 70% indians eat meat... so one can easily choose to ignore the biggoted one's. No one is taking the banner of superiority and going on streets to claim veg hindus and jains are superiors.. OP is agitated because its something he is seeing on a daily basis at his home, if he can convince his parents to not be biggoted tht would solve more than half of his agitation. Roping in everybody is not the sensible thing to do.


No one is taking the banner of superiority and going on streets to claim veg hindus and jains are superiors
When talking about upper caste Hindus and Jain, they do claim and act to be superior.


Beef is the most resource intensive food, for sure there's a thousand other ways to contribute towards lowering emissions, not eating beef is one of them. Shift to seafood?

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It's never too late to go vegan.


it's used by some cruel people to project faux superiority, but that doesn't mean vegans, and vegetarians aren't doing the better thing. as people here themselves say, vegetarianism wasn't a Brahmin thing—it was first adopted by Sramana movements like Buddhism and Jainism, and only later did Brahmins adopt it to project false superiority. this is pointed out by Ambedkar himself.


in India, vegetarianism for Buddhists at least does have to do with ethics, they aren't using it to project false superiority. I don't think it would be right to discredit moral things just because they were used by others for wrong purposes.


If you are a vegetarian by religion and preaching it, you are just preaching your religion.


Well, quite a rant!

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Personally - my dad has refused to rent his family home to a Mahrashtrian Brahmin family who ate meat. Since my grandfather was a staunch vegetarian and did not want to see his first house have meat cooked inside ( his personal belief) .


But I agree - there should be no personal disgust if someone consumes meat. It is their choice to do so. I personally choose not to consume meat since I cannot stand the fact that a living being was killed for my meal. I once had chicken tikka by mistake ( in a restaurant) which served dual - and hence I do not go to non-vegetarian restaurants as much as I can . But usually I will have to go to one in a normal setting since most restaurants serve non-veg food, but I almost always remind them not to bungle up.


I am from Kerala and one usually does not find a vegetarian here - PS : We ain't Brahmins so just trying to bust an assumption in the comment.


One side of my family does consume meat since being from Kannur, meat is a staple for most families while the other side are almost always vegetarian. So whenever I visit the "meat-eating" side and they order non-vegetarian food, I usually tease em by saying that they just had 'Peter the Prawn' or 'Henry the Hen' just died.


Eating meat in India is also dependent on location since fish is a staple even among Brahmins in WB.

原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I personally do not see an obxtion to banning meat near temples since there is already an informal policy that meat shops shouldn't be within X meters of a temple. Similar policy with alcohol sale near Mosques and temples.


Cow is just another animal to me. Though I agree with the hypocrisy of letting cows in the street while killing dalits and muslims for having or not having beef. No cow life is greater than a human life. A person whose belief is to truly preserve the Cow - then they should rather spend their money and energy caring for old cows, cows in shelters and promote more humane ways of treating cows for their products. This should be done instead of starting a pseudo-science cow course and exams.


For Jains specifically, they have a core belief to harm no life, hence the comparison of meat and no meat is more complex.


While for hindus, the belief is not paramount as many other hindu texts mention beef/pork and other meat products.


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