2022-02-25 龟兔赛跑 7615

What are some signs that you were neglected emotionally as a child?


Gabryel J. Vallory, Semi-nocturnal carbon-based life form
Speaking for myself, I hardly expect anything from anyone. If anything, I learned to expect nothing mattered to anyone. I learned to do everything I can on my own, and it has been difficult for me to learn to ask for help when I needed it, since any help was unavailable at “home”, or denied. In fact, sometimes, I will still ask for advice but do nothing with the advice I am given, assuming I will find a way by myself, or that it doesn’t really matter in the end, because I am the first concerned.
I still tend to bottle up because there was no one I could open up to, and any time I could not contain an emotion would lead to being abused — I think emotional abuse has a neglectful aspect because emotional abusers neglect your well-being too.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

I had to learn to stop putting myself last, but still tend to do it. Growing up neglected, you will neglect yourself after being neglected by your parents.
Currently, I live with people I don’t really know (long story), and I am well aware that they all count on the one person who cannot stand their habit of not cleaning anything to do it in their place every single day so they won’t have to lift a finger, and I should not take it upon myself to do it, but I don’t expect them to be responsible given how they prove not to be regardless, and I don’t find it good enough a reason to leave the place uncleaned, so here we are.
There are other possible signs, but the most frustrating to me is that if you were emotionally neglected in childhood and thus grew up with a learned habit of being so laid-back that you almost don’t exist, some people will get used to that and even find it convenient. And if you ever dare breaking the habit and calling out the people whose work you systematically did in their place, they lose their composure or get angry and try hard to put you “back in your place”, or in other words, in your silence and your apparent submissiveness that was so convenient for them.

目前,我和我不太认识的人住在一起(说来话长),而且我很清楚,他们都指望出现一个人无法忍受每天不清理任何东西的习惯,这样他们就不用动一根手指了,我不应该去做, 但我不指望他们为此负责,因为事实证明他们并不在乎,而且我觉得没有足够的理由让这里不干净,所以我们就这样了。

Meskel Kuiper, worked at The Netherlands
If you are neglected as a child, When you become an adult and have relationships you need attention in every situation. Everything have to be about you. What ever you’re doing you expect to get compliments, if you don’t get it your world turn upside down.
You can’t stand being in the house alone you know there’s people in the house the same time you can’t stop asking for same one who came to talk to you.
always looking for same one to take too when you’re around people.
When your partner didn’t talk to you for few minutes, you get uncomfortable and feel sad. You don’t want eat or have a drink when the whole family is eating.
You want be in the canter of every conversation in the family dinner time. You want to talk about yourself, your work, what you use to do when you was young and you act like the whole dinner time is about you.


Edwin Szeto, PhD in Psychology. Mindfulness & Health/care
The first question to ask is “am I neglected as a child?”
When you think of a neglected child, you probably think of a child without food or left at home alone for long periods of time. But, neglect comes in many different forms. According to the Children’s Bureau of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, here are the basic types of neglect:
Physical neglect: Failing to care for a child’s basic needs like hygiene, clothing, nutrition, or shelter, or abandoning a child.
Medical neglect: Denying or delaying necessary or recommended medical treatment.
Inadequate supervision: Leaving a child who can’t care for themself home alone, not protecting a child from safety hazards, or leaving the child with inadequate caregivers.
Emotional neglect: Exposing a child to domestic violence or substance abuse, or not providing affection or emotional support.
Educational neglect: Failing to enroll a child in school, allowing a child to repeatedly skip school, or ignoring a child’s special education needs.

身体忽视: 不能照顾孩子的基本需求,如卫生、衣服、营养或住所,或遗弃孩子。
医疗忽视: 拒绝或拖延必要的或建议的医疗。
监护不足: 将不能自理的儿童独自留在家中,不保护儿童免受安全隐患,或将儿童留给不称职的照顾者。
情感忽视: 将儿童暴露于家庭暴力或药物滥用,或不提供感情或情感支持。
忽视教育: 不让孩子上学,允许孩子反复逃学,或忽视孩子的特殊教育需求。

Pamela Blackwell-Nwonye, Receptionist (2020-present)
No one would listen when I would try to tell them something. Then, when they found out I was telling the truth, I received no support, affirmation or apology.
One example was a second grade teacher I once had. She hated minorities of which I am. She also hated those who she deemed “white trash”. She would keep me after school for no reason and she knew I would get punished for it. The reason I was kept after school was her lie about me talking in class. No one would talk to me as I was the only African American student in the room! The other students took their clues from her. Before I got spanked for it, I was asked why I had to stay after school. I told my parents the teacher didn’t like me. “Oh! You’re just making that up!”
At the end of the year, my mother found out that this teacher pulled a girl’s hair and called her white trash. My parents finally realized I was emotionally abused by the teacher but I don’t think they saw their part in allowing it to happen to me, a 6–7 year old kid. I never got an apology. My dad is gone and my mother is 89. I still haven’t got that apology.
My mother had to deal with an alcoholic husband, a special needs daughter (my older sister), a whiny son (my brother) and a child after she turned 40. My mother has told me that I seemed to be her “normal” child and she thought I needed nothing. A few words of support would have been nice.

一个例子是我曾经遇到的一个二年级老师。她讨厌像我这样的少数民族。她也憎恨那些她认为是“白人垃圾”的人。放学后她会无缘无故地把我留下,她知道我会因此而受到惩罚。我放学后被留下的原因是她谎称我在课堂上讲话。因为我是房间里唯一的非裔美国学生,没有人愿意和我说话! 其他学生从她那里得到了线索。在我被家长打屁股之前,有人问我为什么放学后要留下来。我告诉父母老师不喜欢我,父母却认为我是瞎编的!

Amy Dolan, Pet Care/Dog Walking/Overnight Petsitting (2015-present)
Difficulty or an inability to feel one’s own feelings in the moment, and sometimes even for days/weeks after.
Difficulty or an inability to label one’s own feelings in the moment, and sometimes even for days/weeks after.
Stuffing feelings instead of feeling free to feel them or have them be accepted/acceptable.
People pleasing because you have learned to take care of other’s emotions instead of being free to have/feel your own.
Always feeling it is safer to avoid any unpleasant feelings.
Learning to keep secrets and not have feelings.


David Stewart
Hard to say as it varies depending on the individual and the circumstances. However, in the most general terms, we would consider issues of self-image distortions which include both a very strong ego and a very weak one. If you consider President Trump and his very bombastic personality one has to suspect that somewhere in the background is a little boy with a serious problem associated with an inferiority complex. We overcompensate to conceal our distress. Another example might be an over-emphasis with certain social factors such as dating, or sexual adventurism due to repressed urges or a very conservative household during the formative years. You might find a general lack of interest in academic or employment obxtives. You could also see interest in and the use of any self-medicating routines such as excessive use of tobacco, alcohol, or illegal drugs. In any case, these are the things I would look for.

很难说,因为这取决于个人和环境。然而,从最一般的角度来说,我们会考虑自我形象扭曲的问题,其中包括非常强的自我和非常弱的自我。 如果你考虑特朗普总统和他非常夸张的个性,你必须怀疑背景中的某个地方是一个与自卑情结相关的严重问题的小男孩。我们过度补偿以掩盖我们的痛苦。另一个例子可能是过度强调某些社会因素:比如约会或性冒险,由于压抑的欲望或成长在一个非常保守的家庭。你可能会发现他们对学术或就业目标普遍缺乏兴趣。你也可以看到任何自我治疗习惯的兴趣和使用,如过度使用烟草、酒精或非法药物。无论如何,这些都是我要寻找的东西。

David Ford, I have two children I love unconditionally (and also happen to be very proud of)
How does emotional neglect in childhood affect a persons' development and sense of self?
“Emotional neglect” can mean so many things. It could mean never being hugged. It could mean being raped and beaten regularly.
Environment (which includes people’s behavior and treatment of you) teaches you the behaviors you need in order to survive your environment. Neglect teaches you that you have to find a strategy to get what you need from a hostile environment. No one is going to give you what you need. In fact, they may actively prevent you from getting what you need, or even actively harm you.

“情感忽视”可能意味着很多事情。 这可能意味着永远不会被拥抱。 这可能意味着经常被强奸和殴打。
环境(包括人们的行为和对待你的方式)教会你在环境中生存所需的行为。 忽视告诉你,你必须找到一种策略,才能从一个敌对的环境中得到你需要的东西。 没有人会给你你需要的东西。 事实上,他们可能会主动阻止你得到你需要的东西,甚至主动伤害你。

Depending on what form the “neglect” takes, you learn different things. There are so many different possibilities that I can’t begin to describe them all. I guess what I can say is that neglect has consequences, and many of those consequences end up being behaviors that people will label as “mental illness” or “addiction” if they observe you doing what you learned to do to take care of yourself. The things that people call “mental illness” and “addiction” are actually self-soothing techniques we learn to help us deal with the pain of the neglect.
However, since the neglect is usually hidden, and people are too ashamed to expose it, most people think kids have “normal” upbringings that do not include neglect. Therefore, mental illness and addiction are seen to be aberrant behaviors instead of reasonable adaptations to situations of neglect.


People who have been neglected as children tend to feel like they don’t matter or are unworthy as human beings as they become adults. This feeling can last long into adulthood, or even until death at old age. Assertions that “everyone matters” and “all humans deserve love” are dismissed as irrelevant nonsense for people who have never experienced anything but neglect. People who have been neglected learn to see themselves as not mattering because the reality is that they didn’t matter. No one chose to personally care for them.
When you grow up experiencing neglect, you learn that you don’t matter, and you come to conceive of yourself as not mattering. Many people like this become seekers — looking constantly for ways to make themselves believe they matter. They turn to all kinds of spiritual pursuits and gurus in hopes of coming to feel like they matter. They may do all kinds of spiritual calisthenics to try to convince themselves that they matter. They become gung ho positivists and do all kinds of annoying things to try to make themselves believe in themselves. Maybe it can work, but it never did for me, so I don’t believe it.


So in the end, people who have been neglected emotionally will spend a good portion of their lives in emotional pain, and will constantly be seeking a way to believe they matter. They may or may not ever find a way to believe they matter. They may fake themselves into it, or they may genuinely come to feel a sense of worth, or they may never come to believe in themselves. In some cases, they end up killing themselves. Emotional neglect has a lot of different outcomes, and many people would consider most of these outcomes to be negative.
But I think as long as you’re alive, there’s still hope you can develop a sense that you matter. Maybe just for yourself. Maybe to others, as well. Maybe you’ll end up thinking mattering doesn’t matter. There are many potential solutions to this problem. And maybe everyone faces this problem to some degree or another. Having lived through it all my life and never having come to believe I matter, I can say it’s pretty painful, but I wouldn’t trade it for death. Not yet, anyway. Though I have come close to deciding that trade-off is a reasonable way to stop the pain, at points in my life.
Right now, I have hope that one day I will feel like I matter to someone who matters to me. I know I matter to my kids, and that is definitely important. But I also need to matter to someone enough that they would be willing to have my back, no matter what, and I doubt that will ever happen. Still, I live on in hopes it can happen. Nothing else I do matters as much as making that kind of connection with someone.

但我认为只要你还活着,你就有希望培养一种你很重要的感觉。也许只是为了你自己。也许对其他人也一样。也许你最终会认为重要并不重要。这个问题有许多潜在的解决方案。也许每个人都在某种程度上面临着这个问题。在经历了这一切之后,我从来没有相信我是重要的,我可以说这是相当痛苦的,但我不会用死亡来交换它。不管怎么说, 绝对不会。虽然在我生命中的某些时刻,我已经接近于决定这种取舍是一种停止痛苦的合理方式。

Winter Ryose, lived in Iceland
People pleasing
Saying “I'm sorry". A LOT.
Automatically assuming it's your fault
Either telling them too much or not at all
Anger (which is normal as it's meant to be used to replace a loss of boundaries)
Sadness (which is also normal as it's meant to be used to anchor us back into our bodies when our mind wanders too far)
Avoidance behaviors
Doesn't trust others
Takes forever to open up to someone
Issues with intimacy
Issues with relationships
Bitterness (be very careful with this one; as the depth of your love is also the depth of your hate, should the love and kindness be choked out of you by bitterness)
Survival mode was meant for that chapter not the rest of your life. It is not a life sentence and that opinion does not determine your destiny. Emotional neglect is not fun to have to try and heal but, my God, is it worth it. It took you time to accrue the emotional damage and it will also take time to heal. Find just one person whom you can trust and start to open up to them. I would say a best friend and probably not a lover (if you're single).
As a Buddhist, I constantly ask the question, “What Lesson is this Pain teaching me?” Its helped me heal faster.


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