2022-03-01 tangerl 8690

原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Hector Quintanilla
Luigi wants to improve his skills; Mario wants to improve his knowledge.
Luigi works to improve his life; Mario works to improve other people's lives.
Luigi is focused on his needs; Mario is focused on others’ needs.
Luigi has one source of income; Mario has multiple income streams.
Luigi is focused on becoming more valuable; Mario is focused on delivering more value.
Luigi sells his time; Mario invests his time.
To answer your question, why will most people never become a millionaire?
Because of a wrong mindset.
Nobody cares about our awards; all people care is about what we can GIVE them.
Stop trying to be successful; start trying to be more valuable to others.
Stop trying to make money; the more value we give to the world, the more the world will pay us.
Money is attracted to delivered value, NOT fancy degrees on the wall.
Work hard to become a person of value; money will find you.
Share if you find this valuable!


Tinashe Mupfurutsa
Most people will not become millionaires.
Miserable reality but true…
without beating about the bush, most people do not have what it takes to become millionaires.
Here’s why:
1. You Are Afraid of Investing
It will be nearly impossible for the typical worker to become a millionaire without at least doing some investing. A few movie stars and pro athletes will break this rule, but from there they will have trouble making their money last if it is invested and grow over time.
2. You Are Not Saving Enough
Assuming you’ve overcome your irrational fear of the stock market and have crafted the perfect investment portfolio if you don’t save enough move along the way, you will never become a millionaire. After all, it is not what you make but what you keep.
3. You Ignore the Little Things
Five dollars here, twenty dollars there, all these little expenses can add up. Some are disguised as a convenience; others are just stupid. For example, have you ever picked up some magazines at the checkout line? Did you even think you could probably get a year’s subscxtion for the same price, or sometimes even less? Or you pay the exorbitant airline fees to check bags when you could get away with a carry-on. The list goes on and on. Moreover, so does the busting budget.

1. 害怕投资
2. 储蓄不够多
3. 忽略了一些小事

4. Lack of Patience
Most people simply do not have the patience to become millionaires.
Consider when you plant a seed in the ground, you probably don’t understand how the seed germinates a few days or weeks later. Neither does it help by checking the progress each day.
But a few weeks later when you check it, you’ll find that the buds have shot up and the plant is beginning to grow. A few more weeks and it becomes a big plant. All this takes some work, time, and a process.
This is where patience comes to play.
Seed is the raw material you put into the soil and work is the time and effort you invest. The process is what takes effect without your interference. It is beyond your control.
5. You Make Unhealthy Choices
Take the time and spend the money to ensure you are getting all of the necessary screening and physical exams that your health care professionals recommend. If you don’t have a primary physician, get one. Look to exercise (more) and increase the health value of the food you consume. I am aware that real food will cost more than junk food, but this is the one area I almost always advocate for people to spend more on
6. You Don’t Have A Spending Plan
First, take account of your major expenses that easily fit within your income. Secondly, your spending plan will pave the way for bigger splurge purchases – like a vacation or a new car, etc.

4. 缺乏耐心
5. 做出了不健康的选择
6. 没有一个消费计划

7. Inadequate Tax Planning
As we mentioned early, it's not what you make, but what you keep. Many people love to get big tax refunds, it’s like found money, right? No! The reality is, if you get a big tax refund, you have just given the government an interest-free loan. All this while you are suffering the consequences of paying sky-high credit card interest for the privilege.
8. ‘Shiny’ obxt Syndrome
Most people will not become millionaires because they suffer from the ‘shiny obxt syndrome. Like a small child chasing after shiny obxts, everyone suffers from the shiny obxt syndrome - a major distraction on the road to success.
Most people believe that to become a millionaire one needs to have that one lucky break like winning a lottery or stumbling upon a secret formula. In fact, most people believe that the millionaire trait is something you’re born with.
What a myth!
According to Forbes, 80% of the world’s richest people in 2017 were self-made meaning that only 20% inherited their wealth. In fact, 20% of that 80% are women.
9. You Chose the Wrong Career Path
For those who hate your job or career, it will show. This can result in slower career advancement over time. While it may be easier said than done, choosing the right career path that comes with the potential to earn enough to support your desired lifestyle and is something you actually enjoy is a major life quest for many. You many to balance taking a job you like (versus love) to get the money you need to bring more happiness is other parts of your life.

7. 税务规划不充分
8. "闪亮物体综合症"
大多数人不会成为百万富翁,因为他们患有 "闪亮物体综合症",就像小孩子追逐闪亮的物体一样,每个人都患有闪亮物体综合症——这是通往成功之路上的一大困扰。
9. 选择了错误的职业道路

10. You Chose The Wrong Spouse
There are many financial benefits to being married. Choosing the wrong spouse will make your quest to become a millionaire much more difficult. If one spouse is a spender and the other is a saver- the spender tends to win out. When considering a life partner, don’t forget to take into account how you each think about money.
11. You Lack Purpose In Life
Those who have a purpose or passion in life make it easier on themselves to get up every morning. Over the years, I’ve observed that many of my happiest and most successful financial planning clients actually love what they do. They move through life with an extra spring in their steps.

10. 选择了错误的配偶
11. 缺乏生活目标

Malwandla King
Because they are stingy.
Sorry but it’s just not as complicated as most think it is. People read about things like Warren Buffet’s frugal lifestyle (Mr. I-eat-cheap-cheeseburgers-and-drink-coke) and automatically think that’s what it takes to be really wealthy. The reality is that you need money to make money, especially if it’s a lot of money you’re after. You can easily exchange your time for a few hundred bucks, if you’re lucky you can even make a hundred thousand BUT truth remains that you will get to a point where you need to spend some money to multiply all that money you managed to make through exchanging your time. This is where the men are separated from the boys.This is why many working class people will never become millionaires (at least not while they are still healthy and don’t need a stick to walk while taking 5 pills every day for 3 different organs, hello retirement). They are stingy as fuck and think penny-pinching will help them get rich quicker. This a “I want to get something for nothing” mindset, life is not a fairy-tale. Pull the roses out your ass and smell the shit. If you want to be a millionaire you will have to spend some money along the way. A fancy term for this money you spend is called “investments”, these investments are not only made in the bank. You will need to pay for skills and resources. You will need to buy other people’s time.
You need to learn how to give away some of your money to get more back at a later time.
Full disclaimer: I am not saying eating cheeseburgers, sausages and drinking coca-colas everyday won’t make you a (fat) millionaire. I just know a lot of people who eat nice meals at Micky D’s on the regular but always seem to never have money to spend on starting their own business.

人们从书里面看到沃伦 · 巴菲特奉行节俭的生活方式 ( Mr. 吃便宜芝士汉堡喝碳酸饮料先生) ,并自动认为这就是成为真正的富人所需要的东西,现实是,你需要钱来赚钱,特别是如果你想赚很多钱的话。
这就是为什么许多工薪阶层永远不会成为百万富翁(至少在他们仍然健康,不需要拄棍子走路,同时每天吃5颗药治疗3种不同器官5种的时候不会,之后就是退休了),他们非常吝啬,认为精打细算可以帮助他们更快致富,这是一种 "我想不劳而获 "的心态,生活不是一个童话故事,菊花里拔出来的玫瑰花,闻一闻只能是屎味,如果你想成为一个百万富翁,你将不得不在这条路上花一些钱,你花的这些钱的一个花哨的术语,叫做 "投资",这些投资不仅仅是在银行进行的,你需要为技能和资源付费,你需要为购买其他人的时间付费。

Rafael Eliassen
Because they don’t have the courage to ask for it — they don’t even think it’s a possibility.
Because they want quick fixes, that course, that scheme, that shiny thing. — they want it tomorrow but wealth is built long-term.
Because they are lazy thinkers — they don’t find better ways to provide value in the marketplace.
Because they don’t improve themselves— no time for financial literacy, developing skills, shifting mindset, etc.
Because they never take action. — they will never start any business or try anything and just feel good reading such answers.
Because they don’t save money — you can’t make money work for you if you don’t have any.
Because they have bad beliefs about money — “money is evil” and “If you make millions, you take away from the poor”.
Because they are scarcely selfish— they don’t want to provide value instead just want to make a quick buck and run.
Because they don’t budget and live above their means — poor financial skills.
Remember, money is a mindset game, fix yours.


Greg Sullivan
Because their parents aren’t multi-millionaires.
Most people would agree we learn from our mistakes, only those from a upper middle class/wealthy background have the familial and social support to recover from such mistakes.
Certainly there are people from poor or migrant backgrounds who become wealthy, but many more remain poor or end up in prison.
Unusual stories are more interesting and everyone loves a “rags to riches” story, it’s more uplifting than the depressing reality.
Many people who claim to be “self made” millionaires de-emphasise the role familial and peer group support played in their success.
For more about this phenomenon, listen to the “Headwind, Tailwind” episode of the Freakonomics podcast.
The idea is that like when riding a bike, we are at every moment annoyed and irritated by a headwind, yet fail to notice a tailwind.
The millionaire who is clever and hardworking notices every day the tax she pays, the government regulations she must comply with, the dirty tactics of her competitors, the unreasonable demands of her customer, the theft from her employees, the damage done by her tenants.
While a clever, hardworking millionaire sweeps the front of her shop before her employees arrive, she probably doesn’t feel grateful for the excellent private education she received.
When she’s doing the books long after closing hours, she probably doesn’t think about how her exclusive university education left her with a circle of wealthy and influential friends.
When the tireless millionaire has to take the tough choice of firing an under-performing employee she has no room to remember the interest free loan her parents gave her to start her business.
Rich people are not more capable, smarter or braver, they simply have more opportunities to succeed and more ability to recover from failure.
Poor people are not lazy or stupid or timid, they are simply have fewer opportunities and less ability to recover from mistakes.

不同寻常的故事更有趣,也更受欢迎,每个人都喜欢 "衣锦还乡 "的故事,它比令人沮丧的现实更令人振奋。
许多声称自己 "白手起家 "的百万富翁的人,往往不会去强调家庭和同龄人的支持在他们的成功中所发挥的作用。
关于这一现象的更多信息,请去听听《魔鬼经济学》播客中的 "逆风、顺风 "一节。

Zelda Rudd
To become a millionaire, you need to own assets worth millions.
You don’t get to own assets worth millions by saving from your paycheck. You need income from investments.
Most people will never be able to save enough money, which they can invest. Even if you’re making a lot of money, you pay so much in taxes, student debt, rent, day-to-day living expenses, commuting that you never have enough to invest.
Some notable exceptions are people in the entertainment industry who make a lot of money from an early age. Or perhaps a handful of talented bankers and lawyers who earn well in their mid twenties already. Apart from being able to eventually become millionaires simply by means of their monthly paycheck, they earn so much that they can invest a lot and make even more millions.
Do you see where’s the problem? The overwhelmingly vast majority of people will never earn enough money to even be on the path to becoming millionaires. At the same time, a tiny small proportion of the population will earn so much money that they will become multi-millionaires and even billionaires. These are people who were born with special talents and skills. So, to answer the question, most people will never become millionaires because they were not born with talents worth millions.
If a life coach or a personal finance guru or something dares to tell you that you’re not going to be a millionaire because you don’t live and spend the right way… they are lying to you.


原创翻译:龙腾网 转载请注明出处

Micheal Contini
Not believing it’s possible for THEM.
Believing that they have to steal or take money away from others to get rich.
Reading self-help books and consuming motivational content instead of producing.
Won’t master in-demand skills.
Won’t study and master PERSUASION.
Thinking sales and marketing is sleazy.
Falling for scams…*cough* BTC *cough*
Being afraid of criticism.
Being afraid of failure.
Not becoming a master of communication.
Needy as hell.

陷入骗局... * 咳咳* 比特币 * 咳咳 *

Bharath Blaze
Because most of the people don’t take risk!
Have you ever seen anyone becoming rich just by working 9–5?
NO! because they don’t want to come out of there comfort zone and if they do so they have a fear that they might end up bankruptcy and loosing there job.
Most of the billionaires today are college drop-outs, they risked their career, they risked there job to develop most revolutionary products that we are using daily, example: Tesla, Quora, Facebook, Windows, Apple, Twitter and the list continues…
After we get a proper job no one want to learn new skills which will fetch more money this is also a main reason.
Indian parents don’t encourage STARTUP culture, they are killing future CEOs.
After graduation most of us end up in placing IT companies, initially people will join these companies to support there family financially which eventually kill their dreams of starting there own company.
The one who take risk and start their own company by beating all the odds are the one who become Millionaires, at least they are getting job satisfaction by the end of the day.


J Bireus
There’s sooooo many factors that involve in denying people that possibility. 1 is
Convenience along with resources
There’s a reason why people have a negative taste towards big brand companies. They have gigantic resources to sway those under their wing.
Imaging going against giants like Disney or Walmart. They possess big markets in terms of selling entertainment; for Disney, and necessities; for Walmart. Being massive giants of their respective name brand craft they have enough resources to sway the public a specific way because they control the numbers. Everything is a number game. It all boils down to Probability, Percentage and Conversions.
You will never convince everyone to do everything you want that will benefit you. Which is kind of the point of a sale. But you can convince some of them. That brings you money. So to increase that probability you market better than your competition. That brings your percentage chance to a conversion to a higher ratio.
So based on your geographic area along with what you’re marketing, your chances to selling, along with selling a lot of said sale will be increasingly difficult.
Sure I could speak about
Poor work structure
Not waking up at 4AM
Not taking Cold showers
Staying in your Comfort
Working 9–5
Etc etc… but the reality of a lot of situation, you’re going against giants who own the market that you’re trying make money in, thus making it difficult. So your best shot is to try and take control of the market or create your own market. That’s your best chance to become a millionaire, your market will spill into other markets. It’s always possible possible, just gets harder everyday with established businesses having a greater control over a specific narrative.


CJ Ressler
Time and circumstance. Time and circumstance change everything.
Many, many years ago, in the 1940s, or 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, you may have asked, “What stops the majority of people from earning $10,000.00 per year?” Yet today, the majority of people in first-world countries do earn more than $10,000.00 annually.
Today, most of those people actually earn over $1,000,000 during their lifetimes of consistent full-time work.
Even at $10.00 per hour wage, 40 hours per week ($400), 52 weeks per year ($20,800), for 40 years, equals $832,000. That person, in the USA, would be eligible for Medicare and Social Security after working those 40 years (ages 25–65). If the person lives to life expectancy, he or she will have received, in cash and benefits, over $1,000,000 from an hourly wage of $10.00.
Eventually, the majority of first-world people do earn a million dollars. But, they may still be poor.
I think that you are really asking why most people do not hold assets of over a million USD regardless of the amount of income they have received.
I think the answer is twofold: fear of the unknown or unfamiliar and an unwillingness to gain familiarity. It’s easier to do nothing and think that luck, or something else, makes the crucial difference.
People who eventually accrue assets over $1 million are less likely to fear the unfamiliar. It is not unusual for people who are continually poor, even if they have a high income, to automatically tell people with assets, even if they have a much lower income, that they are not interested in the same opportunities that the second group of people were offered and considered.

很多很多年前,在20世纪40年代,或50年代,60年代,70年代,你可能会问,"是什么阻止了大多数人每年赚取10000美元?" 然而,今天,第一世界国家的大多数人的年收入超过了10000美元。

An easy example is consideration of the benefits of life insurance. Chronically poor people, regardless of income, are much more likely to think that all life insurance in all situations is “a bad deal,” “risky,” or “not a good investment.” Wealthy people are much more likely to assess its benefits and costs, then act accordingly.
There are many more examples of this fearful naysayer mentality.
I did a little test this week with a $300 offer from a bank. I received a bank offer for a $300 bonus for opening a new checking account. It required automatic deposit of payroll checks (or Social Security and the like) totaling $3,000 in 90 days, depositors over the age of 18, and you could not accept the offer if you had a current account at the bank or had closed an account within the last 12 months. That’s it. $300. for $3,000. in automatic deposits over the first 90 days. No minimum balance. No need to hold the account open for 180 days. It was transferable, but only open to depositors in certain states.
I had already taken advantage of the same offer four months earlier, so I wanted to give this $300. offer to someone else in the eligible states. I started with someone who always needs money. Always. He even moans about it on Facebook. He declined. He met the bank’s criteria, I moved on to another chronically poor person. Declined for a similar reason. Next, an elderly poor person who has had money problems her entire life. Declined because, “I already have a bank.”

一个简单的例子是考虑人寿保险的好处。长期贫困的人,无论收入如何,都更有可能认为所有情况下的人寿保险都是 "不划算"、"有风险 "或 "不是好投资",而富人更有可能评估它的收益和成本,然后采取相应的行动。
我在四个月前享受了同样的优惠,所以我想把这个300美元的优惠送给符合条件的、本州的其他人,我从一个总缺钱的人开始——他在上非死不可上哀叹呻吟,但他拒绝了,他符合银行的标准,我又转到另一个长期贫困的人,他以类似的理由拒绝了,接下来,我又转向一个年老的穷人,她一生都为钱发愁,然后她也拒绝了,因为 "我已经有一个银行账户"。

Now, these people are related to me. The elderly person is closely related and I felt a certain responsibility to her. She had expressed regret at having said, “No,” to my financial advice in the past.
I explained to her that I already have a bank, too. This $300 offer, which I had previously accepted and therefore could not accept again, (or I would have) simply required me to have my direct deposit check go to the new bank account first. It was then externally transferred to my main bank account. It did not have to stay in the new bank’s account. It took 30 minutes of paperwork. 90 days later, I actually did receive the $300.00. The poor person didn’t “want to bother.”
I explained that a guaranteed $300 return, even after taxes, is a great return on $3,000. Nope, didn’t want to bother. Said she gets these offers all the time from various banks. I asked her to send them to me if they are transferable. I’ll use them.
This morning, I saw someone I know who is currently “poor” but does not have a “poor” mentality. She works a regular job and also earns money cleaning houses. She has an actual budget and financial plans for her future. I asked her if she’d like the bank’s offer. She asked about the criteria, determined that she met the requirements, and said, “Yes.” The magic word. Yes. I don’t think that she will always be poor. She will be at least $300 richer in the future.
And that, dear Kenneth, is why most people will never be millionaires. Because, for every one person who says, “Yes,’ at least three will not want to be bothered.
They want to be rich. But, they don’t want to be bothered. People who are not willing to be “bothered” will stay poor, even if they earn over $1,000,000 in their lifetime.

这些人都与我有关系,那位老人与我关系密切,我感到对她有某种责任,她对我的理财建议 "不 ",并对此表示遗憾。
我向她解释,我也已经有一家银行的账户了,这个300美元的提议,我之前已经接受了,因此不能再接受(否则我就会再接受),对方只是要求我把我的直接存款支票先转到新的银行账户,这笔存款不需要留在新银行的账户中,也是就花30分钟拿钱走个过场,90天后,我实实在在的收到了那300美元,而这个可怜的人却 "不愿意麻烦"拒绝了。
今天早上,我看到一个我认识的人,她目前是 "穷人",但没有 "穷人 "的心态,她有一份普通的工作,也有打扫房子的收入,她有现实的预算和对未来的财务计划,我问她是否愿意接受银行的提议,她问了一下标准,确定她符合要求,然后说,"好",“好”这个词是一个神奇的词汇,是的,我不认为她会一直是穷人,她在未来至少会有300美元的收入。
亲爱的肯尼斯,这就是为什么大多数人永远不会成为百万富翁,因为,每一个说 "好"的人中,至少有三个人不愿意麻烦。
不愿意 "麻烦 "的人会一直贫穷下去,即使他们在一生中赚取超过100万美元的收入。

很赞 0