2022-03-01 龟兔赛跑 7627

Is it possible to win an argument against an ignorant person?


Alexander Finnegan, I prune bushes with a chainsaw.

Alexander Finnegan, 我用电锯修剪灌木

I am always shocked at how quickly people make judgments and reach conclusions. It is kind of scary. For some things, experience makes the process of deciding a position a bit easier. However, we must always be open to new facts.
We are not obxtive creatures with no biases. Our backgrounds, our experiences, our class, and other factors do unconsciously shape the “lens” we use to perceive. This does not mean we cannot overcome these. We can, but it is hard work.
politics is the solution to this issue, because the economic system and the political system in which leaders work is bigger than any one individual. We may think there are “great men (or women)” who move history. This is false. We are material beings living in a material world. We interact with the world as it interacts with us. We are shapers and we are shaped. We are not disembodied souls. The modes of production shape the stages of history. Human nature is not fixed. There is room for growth, and for recession. It is organic.
It is hard to suspend our existing sense of belief. Cognitive dissonance feels bad. And it is very hard work to do more than regurgitate what the “authorities” and pundits tell us. We believe we have “choice” by picking Fox News vs MSNBC. This is like picking Coke vs Pepsi. We should look at independent media. We should focus more on what our opponents say than what we already know. You don’t learn by hunkering down in your own position.


Cognitive scientists tell us about how the human mind can leap to conclusions, incorrectly. Further, what is “common sense” is often untrue. Consider the case of the Monty Hall Problem.[1]
Human beings are not rational machines. We emote first and rationalize later. Of course, there are some exceptions. You might be different. Most people are driven by primitive and irrational subconscious forces, of which they are largely unaware.
Edward Bernays is the godfather of the propaganda and marketing industry. He used Freudian psychology and applied it to modern day marketing. The results were unbelievable. Turns out, the human mind is very easily persuaded to smoke, buy computers, or even go to war for oligarchs. He was hired by the U.S. government to convince Americans to fight in WWI. He succeeded.
Obama’s campaign for President won the “Marketing Campaign of the Year” award for the “Hope and Change” ad campaign.
I don’t have any illusions that I can convince anyone of anything. I can offer information, but that is all. That is all anyone can do. If someone is obsessed with Qanon conspiracies or whatever there is no reaching them, because they have an emotional connection with their beliefs which I cannot touch. They need to believe in Qanon conspiracies. I will listen to them. I will consider what they are saying. There is always a possibility they are right. Is it probable they are right? Probably not. Qanon “predictions” never seem to come true.
The meaning of their lives depends upon it. And we will fight like hell to maintain the narrative that gives us meaning.
Ultimately, our political beliefs are about our values. I can’t make you have compassion for another person. And you can’t make me disregard the well being of the sick and impoverished regarding universal healthcare to guarantee an inhuman notion of “freedom” from paying taxes. It isn’t going to happen. Ultimately, we will have conflict. The U.S. being ripped apart is this playing out on a larger scale. When there is no middle class, politics becomes more personal. It isn’t about whether we will increase taxes a few percentage points. Then we might discuss it over coffee. The stakes are far higher now. All of this is the result of an economic system which has been played out and is collapsing.


Dante Timberwolf, lives in Tulsa, OK (1900-present)
Absolutely yes. The only to win is to just walk away, there's a quote. “Its hard to win an argument with a smart person but impossible to win an argument with an idiot” and with my experience this is true.


Luis Cuellar, IT Specialist (2017-present)

Luis Cuellar, IT专家(2017 -现在)

If the man is ignorant because he is uneducated, yet he is willing to learn, completely possible… if the facts favor your argument. If the man is ignorant out of his own volition.. just walk away.


Author Rosey Lavender
Yes. It can be hard though because they always come back with more ignorance. No matter what kind of facts you have, no matter what you say to them, no matter how you point out to them how ignorant they sound, they will always come back with more ignorance. Kanye West is a PRIME example of that.

是的。这可能很难,因为他们总是带着更多的无知。无论你掌握了什么样的事实,无论你对他们说了什么,无论你如何向他们指出他们的话听起来多么无知,他们总是会以更多的无知回应。坎耶·维斯特(Kanye West)就是一个典型的例子。

Sam Colbert
The mistake is in wanting “to beat” him. You should want to inform him and exchange views but of course his ignorance, by definition is a barrier to understanding and compromise.


Justin Schwartz, PhD, Philosophy and Political,Science, Univ. of Michigan; MPhil, History and Philosophy of Science, Cambridge…

Justin Schwartz,密歇根大学哲学与政治科学博士;剑桥大学历史与科学哲学硕士

What do you mean, defeat someone in an argument? Do you mean, get them to concede that you are right? That's almost impossible in almost any circumstances. People who are not ignorant often have more resources to draw on to fail or refuse to concede. It's just not the way people think. I can count three times in my life when I was persuaded by an argument For something important and conceded the point, And I'm probably more open to argument and less likely to regard it as a personal attack than the average person.


Profile photo for Richard Francis White
“Don't try and teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time, and it annoys the pig.” - Mark Twain
Trying to defeat an ignorant man or woman in an argument is just like trying to teach a pig to sing.


Maulana Oraf
Not always. I've been corrected many times myself and I've always appreciated when someone corrects me.
But one group I found it near impossible to do ANY sort of same resoning with are right wing gutter snipe nationalists of ANY nation or culture. These inbred tampon chewing PMS guzzlers aren't there to debate with you. They just want to whine like they do in front of their slutty mom's
The more polite u r to them, the bigger the gutter third rated rabble rousing clemency writing low life wailin lil whores they become.
When u converse with them in the language I prescribed as in above, they suddenly become more respectful or learn to ignore u ??.
U can reason and talk to anyone other than a right wing


Floyd Baker
Always…. He just won’t know it.
But, on the other hand you may only think you know better then he, and so are simply believing he is ignorant.
The big thing to watch out for is if his ideas bother you. Because they go against what you believe…. But he makes sense. lol


Reggie Hammons
Being that ignorance means the lack of knowledge on a subject. Once the man has been taught and he accepts the truth about it? He is not anymore ignorant. I may love to eat fish but I'm totally ignorant on hand catfish mud fishing. I don't know how to do it and I don't want to learn how!


Emma Skinner, former Wood Carver (2006-2016)

Emma Skinner, 前木雕师(2006-2016)

I believe that When people enter into an argument there are never any winners.
When friendships become fraught because of differing opinions: both parties are letting an argument win and the friendship looses
In arguments that involve opinion - neither can be wrong - all parties have the same entitlement insofar as they MAY BE CORRECT - But then equally - they might not.
If you think this person is ignorant - haven't you won already in your own mind - what is left to prove?
The only ignorant people I've met are the ones who belittle others by thinking they're right and everybody else is stupid


Selina Paulino, MBA Business, State University of New York

Selina Paulino,纽约州立大学工商管理硕士

It is impossible to defeat ignorant people with facts: that’s why there are so many Trump supporters.


Zora Euphoria, Human in United States, life-lover.

Zora Euphoria, 美国人,热爱生活的人。

Yes and no.
You have to be prepared to educate someone ignorant on said subject. However, the more you argue the more you lower yourself like the individual you try to avoid being. If your opponent goes low in a conversation or logical debate. Sometimes you might have to give up and let it be because people learn when events/scenarios happen, not by listening to others.


Keven Cole
Its impossible to convince them both 1. That they are stupid 2. They are wrong . So the answer is in their mind yes you cannot defeat them because they believe they are the smartest person ever to exist.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Defeating someone is much harder than winning the argument. You can win the argument through logic checks if you have an audience. But, if it is just you and them, there never is really a winner if the other refuses to see logic. If I know my logic is sound, at some point, I just stop arguing and then I will repeat the same answer over and over until the other person gets frustrated and quits talking.


Peter Wilcox, former Police Detective Inspector, Businessman


AH, the famous quote! By…. let me think… sounds like Mark Twain..,
Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level, then beat you with experience… (Or something like that…)
I never bother to google this stuff;


E-Ita, Citizen of the World. Cat Maid.
Ignorance is often paired with arrogance. You can't defeat such a person in an argument or have an intelligent conversation with them because they're convinced that they're right at all times, ergo, you're always wrong, Don't waste your time on him.


Mr. Testtubehead, Physics Teacher (1990-present)

Mr. Testtubehead, 物理教师(1990年至今)

The word ignorant is kind of slippery and vague. I think you mean dogmatic perhaps with an adjective, a hostile dogmatic person who trades yelling for evidence in an argument
See the Monty Python sketch about purchasing an argument. It's a hilarious example of what most people think passes for a reasoned argument
The only thing I do it's funny as hell his treat the argument with the unreasonable person as a game of improv where you never say no and just run with it until their own logic has been woven around them into a sticky mess and watch them squirm
If they say something like the Jews are conspiring to bring America down. I'll agree with them and point out that the greatest mistake the United States ever made was to let all them Jewish scientists in from Germany to build the atomic bomb for the US and then I'll lament about how dangerous it is that the US has atomic weapons and won the war with them. If that doesn't get them I will continue when they're insistence that Jews have been nothing but a scourge for America and point out that that damn Dr Jonas Salk invented the vaccine to stop polio but he gave it away for free which is one of the worst things ever done to America because they got a commie vaccine.
I had a person tell me once in all honesty that it was a fact that there were no Jews in the world trade center when it went down. Now you have to realize I was baiting and anti-semite

请参阅Monty Python关于购买论证的草图。这是一个滑稽的例子,大多数人认为这是一个合理的论点。

Fred McGalliard, former Retired scientist at Boeing


I suggest discussion rather than argument. Seek truth and understanding and not victory. A cunningly may obscure the truth and is then like a cancer to your knowledge and wisdom.
You can leave these people on for hours but at some point some of them will start to become less supportive of The logical extension of the idiot argument.
If they tell me Noah's ark was literal I get all bummed out and get upset and I'll point out to them. That God let countless species go extinct because when the Lions got off the ark , doesn't that mean every time they had a meal it was an extinction level event? Then I start having them help me try to compute how many species we lost just from the Lions alone. The Noah's ark one I can go on for hours with them until they're at the point that they want to get away.
So I would treat these people as if you were an improv artist and just run with everything they say .


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

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